
Chapter 571

The arrows flew out of the wind and hit the target.

At that moment when the arrowhead softly throat the neck, it calmed down quietly down the quiet hill. A moment of silence collapsed and everyone around stopped the action.

However, the static did not last very long.

“Who are you?”

“What the hell is this!”

The woman with the arrow grabbed her neck and fell. A rough scream and a castle came and went. The gaze of the left eye naturally ascends and gazes at us standing on the hill. The faces of some of the most wondering faces and some of them have already been showing signs of despair.

If she was a colleague or a colleague, she would.

“Mercenary Load! What is this! ”

One of the men pulled the sword badly and went on an angry moment. The nearby users are aiming at us with one or two weapons.

The situation in the near future. Once I thought I had to calm down, I slowly shook my head. And as soon as I was about to open my mouth, someone rushed forward and pointed a sword down. Suddenly I saw someone, Jin Su Hyun.

“Dude! Let’s try it now! “…Nightmare.

“What, what? Are you sure you are crazy ?! ”

Jin Soo-hyun screamed at the sword and whispered the whale. The man was shrieking and screaming. It was a double voice of abhorrence.

The performance quickly ran forward.

“This is an ungrateful thing that I do not even know … . 꽥! ”

Then, after once more pricing the head of Jin – hyun, who was about to shout like a force, he dragged and disappeared in front of me. While I was relieved, I looked at the dynamics of the woman who fell on the floor.

The woman was rolling her eyes around her while she was being treated with a painful face.

I opened my mouth quietly.

“Sun Yoo Luck. One more step. This time, not the throat but the head. ”

Yes, sir, I

Killic, Ping!

Following the sound of loading, a single arrow flies without hesitation.

But this time, the woman was not staying still. He pulled the priest who cured himself and made a shield, then immediately raised his body and bent his limbs.

The arrow struck the priest’s earlobe and stuck it on the floor. The woman sprang up as if she were going to flee to the pit.


But at that moment, another arrow was shot, and the woman was right. The body of the woman whose head is struck is shaking and falling down without interruption. …No. I wanted to do it, but I was staggering and I barely shut up.

“…Are you happy? ”

“Well, is that okay?”

There was a distrust of the users’ astonished little faces. That’s good. I do not know if it is close to the level of Nana Chan-ho. The user, who seems to be a priest, has hit an arrow full of magical powers on his head and neck, and the fact that he moves like that is huge.

“Crew! On to the key! ”

Now you are revealing the color. As the woman vomits the bizarre bizarreness and struggles at random, the users hesitate. Then there was a gap in the middle of the naturally, and it was the length to the pit. The woman also began to run desperately, crying out loud, not wanting to miss it. I kicked my tongue inside.

“Clan Road.”

Killik, the sound of the crossbow loaded, and asked in a slightly urgent tone. The woman was in a different situation to the pit.

I calmly caught the sword in the distance. And as soon as the woman was about to run into the pit, I pulled a sword without delay.

It was then.

The waist of the woman who was about to enter the moon suddenly folded in half and rose. Then, someone popped out of the pit. I stopped what I was throwing reflexively.

Suddenly, what happened, and I want to see who it is again. I could hear the tongue kicking.

After a long time, I could see why Koh played the tongue. Someone who climbed out of the pit and stumbled across was a runaway princess.

Hye-rim walked around the woman on her shoulder. A cold eye, such as ice, meets me. Hye-lim, who had lightly rolled his foot, jumped like a spring and settled on top in an instant. And the light blue hair came to me to pick me up.

“Suddenly, why is the atmosphere so bad? Why is he trying to kill himself again? ”


“Did anything happen? Kim Soo-hyun

“…….”I asked with a voice that Yin-hyun Yi had spoken. I wanted to ask you what you were doing under the pit, but I first pointed to the woman on the shoulder.

No. Is it a woman now? The monster suddenly tore open his mouth toward the head of the hyeolim.

“……?”Did he feel his life? Yeon-rim turned his head quickly.

“Eh. It’s a monster. ”

And when I saw the open mouth, I lifted my left hand without hesitation and swept the head of the monster.

After a while, five monstrous angles were drawn on the face of the monster, and the pieces were still divided into pieces. Hye – rim threw a faceless body down and touched his hands. The drop of blood on the finger is scattered in the air.

“So, what happened? Suddenly a monster? ”

Anyway. Is it still ignorant to fight? ”

The answer came to me, not me. He continued to shake his hand and turned his gaze. I watched the performance, and the cold puppies had obvious flesh.

I knew it. I want to endure it for a while and suddenly it bursts again.

Hye – rim stopped laughing and laughed.


“Do not worry because you are talking to yourself.”

“I have not been able to see them for a while now, and is it tickling?”

Yoink! Look at what you say. It is a fool. ”

“So gracefully summon the executioner’s great sword? Just say it. I’ll pick you up a lot. ”

“Do not you miss the time you were panting in the shadow of the abyss? You enjoy that, do not you? ”

He said, gently touching one hand and shouting “Pooh.” I laughed.

Thousands of jokes, no fleshy horses are coming.

But now my two emotional battles are not important, I quietly pointed to the performance. He meant no more to let his mouth open. Though his lips were out of sight, he did not open his mouth anymore.

I turned my attention to Yeon Lim again.

“It is not time to fight now. The monster came in. ”

“First of all … . All right. Anyway, I know that. But why is he here? ”

“It’s a spy.”


Hye – rim opened her head. I also had a headache. Is he so stupid?

“Evolution of monsters. And try to recall the disappearance a while ago. ”


Then, Yelim, who made the elasticity, suddenly frowned.

Wait a minute So you say there might be more? ”

“…Hmm …

That too. Exactly, it is not unlikely.

I thought of Sasha.

Sasha looked at her face for a while and slowly shook her head. I wonder if there is more, or do not know.

The news that the monster was hiding spread throughout the camp in an instant. It not only revealed the fact that the incident was not deserted some time ago, but also gave a great shock to the southern expedition.

The monster comes in and pretends to be a fellow and seeks to take the opportunity to attract Joshi Tamtam? It was not to lightly. It was so much that we would have come to each other’s distrust of each other.

Han Soo-young, who received the news, finally decided to delay the entrance of the pit one more day. It is an inevitable choice. No matter how long the march takes, it is less important than the southern expedition itself. Soon soon, Han visited me and asked me how I found a spy, and I replied by lending Sasha.

In the end Sasha had to sniff all day long. I do not know why, but Sasha, who came back as exhausted, turned blindfold, promising not to smell again. …What the hell did you smell like that all night?


After confirming that there were no monsters hiding anymore, the next day, the elite group started pit right into the hole.

In fact, the way down the first pit is quite coarse.

First, we will select 20 people who will go down the pit in the first place. Twenty selected people land on the ground to secure safety and then make contact and signal to the ground.

This is good.

The problem was the way to go.

Give each user two pieces of wood and fix it on the body. Then we wrap the cloth on the wood and the body to make a parachute … . It is said.

It’s a parachute, just like a horse, but it looks like a parasol with two rods, looking at the wood and cloth that was paid out later. In a nutshell, it was a good device to die if a weak user descended.

Eventually I thought of a better way, I could recall the process of rescuing Ahn Hyun from the old sleeping mountains.

Then. So when I found an empty spot where Ahn Hyun was mixed, the soul of the woman who accompanied us helped us land safely down by using levitation magic.

I immediately went to Helena and asked if she could use a similar spell, and Helena showed me her pride that she was pleased with me.

Only after such a series of processes could the Southern Expedition try to capture a proper pit.

The sun was floating in the middle.

At the bottom of the hill was 102 people to enter this time, and Han So Young and Helena. All the rest stood at the top of the hill and we watched as we descended.

We were almost ready to go. All but 19 of them are looking down, except me. Nobody opens their mouths. I just wait quietly in front of the pit for her instructions. It is said that those who have picked out among the elite users to do so, but will be forced to be nervous. In the worst case, the monsters are walking on my feet in a crawling space.

Get started

Soon Han-soo’s instructions dropped. Helena looked straight at me. Helena nodded quietly as she gently nodded her head, reaching out for us.


Helena’s hand was wrapped in a soft light. At that moment, the floor sounded spirited and spewed out the pure white light, and at the same time, I felt that my body was floating in the air.

I was not the only one. Gokseong, Namdaeun, Baekdong, Bibian, Seonyuun and so on. All 20 people, including myself, have come up to the sky at once.

Soon it began to slowly descend into the pit. It was only at this point that the real ending of the two regions began.

The sunny world soon began to be pushed up into the darkness of the pit.

The last thing I watched before the darkness of the vision was clear was Han So – young, staring at me and avoiding his gaze.

The descent began with the feeling that I did not understand.

The descent speed was moderate. How about a bit faster than an elevator? It was about 2 or 3 meters per second.

According to the records of the first car, the height of this pit is between 500 and 600 meters. If so, it is calculated to some extent.

About two and a half minutes later, I looked up and looked down. In the world of black monochrome, the earth began to appear slowly and dull. I do not feel any other strange feeling.

I quickly turned my gaze and found myself. At last, I was ready to gradually activate my ability.

“Never mind.”

“Yeah. brother.”

As if I did not say it, the one nodded straight away. Then he gently overlapped his hands and opened his mouth with a serene voice.

“Aegis system.”

Then the previous time, we saw the square shield of the square, and it covered us.

3minutes The ground began to look more certain. I immediately pulled out the sword and exclaimed.

“All I … ”

But I soon realized I did not have to shout. I was already getting ready to go out with my own weapons.

When exactly 3 minutes and 15 seconds passed, I finally felt something touching my feet.

And that was the moment.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== “Off The Record.”
(The three men are still shouting at him with a white band on his head.)
MARVOLO DE ALITE WATER: Naw the fireball! Nuff!
Simone: No! NFU Kim Soo-hyun! Nuff!
Nergal: Just do it! Nuff!
(A giant shadow then approaches the three men.)
Giant Shadows: Uh Uh Uh Uh … .
(Marco de Ailight, stopping the protest for a while.)
Marco de Alecite: Huh? Uh huh! What is this monster ?!
Huge shadows: (cries in a moody voice) Uh, uh, uh, uh … .
(At first I was surprised, but when I heard the whine, all three men had a straw bar.)
Marco de Aleite: Do you have … .
(Giant shadows, gently lift the front part of the tentacle. With a sagging appearance.)
Marco de Aleite: …Yes. Do not cry. I will not ask you anything else. You. I do not know what to do.
(Nergal intervenes like a fuss.)
Nergal: Or you can not even shout and burst or die?
(Simon also interrupts.)
Simon: Or was it a miserable death due to a torn limb?
(Silence flows.)
(After a while, a huge shadow, I get the horse out for the first time.)
Giant Shadows: Shoot … .

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