
Chapter 573

The aisle was still dark. Although Vivian revealed the light spell, it was not enough for the orthodox magic to drive the darkness in the cave, not the majors.

Suddenly I missed her. If you are a master of magical magic, you are a great help in battle. Although it is possible to recognize things in the dark by raising awareness, it is a matter of a different level from that of illuminating the vision at all.

Anyway, how about 50 minutes?

A considerable amount of time has passed since I entered the central entrance. I had never seen monsters while marching in the lead. I did not feel a little strange. The feeling that I have walked so far is not more than just an empty passage, nor was it any less.

It is actually quite tedious to continue marching with nothing happening in this way. The kids were starting to relax a little bit, but ten minutes ago I was just talking in a small voice.

Seemingly, I looked backward at times, but I did not look back again when I pointed my head at the point of leaving it alone.

“Look, Clan Road. I just got a curious question. ”

In the midst of such a tedious march, Helena sneaked up and talked. The eyes are curious and glittering, with a strange smile on their faces. After asking me to give a lead to Seunyuun for a moment, I delayed the pace slightly.

“I’m curious.”

“Not different … . Are not the humans now going to cross this area of ​​the steel mountains? ”


“Then why are you trying to overcome this steel mountain? Even at the cost of death. Humans have already settled on a continent, and there will be nothing short of living. ”

“It’s a new continent that goes beyond the steel mountains.”

“Do you have to find and have that new continent? Can not you be satisfied with what you are given now? ”

Hmm. Is not there a point of view different from the viewpoint of the dragon rather than the person?

Helena’s voice, initially mischievous, was getting lower as she continued. It ‘s like talking to the wise. Sasha, too, looks up at her and pushes her ears. I held my neck for a while and then opened my mouth quietly.

“Satisfaction is a different matter. First, how much do you know about users? ”

“I’ve heard a little, I know a little bit.”

Agreed. Once Hall Plane is a power dominated world. Users have an obligation to be strong even for survival. But the way it gets stronger is very limited in size. ”

“Is there a way of self-training?”

“There is a limit to being able to become stronger as the user information comes in. It is determined by the potential of oneself. So we have to find another way. You can go around outside, deal with monsters, discover ancient ruins, get explorer weapons or class gold coins, and so on. …But in the end it is also a limitation. The resources and achievements that sleep on a continent are never infinite. If you continue digging and digging, someday you will disappear. And now the North Continent is in such a state of saturation, users continue to come in. ”

“arc. So you’re pioneering a new continent for new users? ”

“Of course, there are aspects to raise new users, but that is not the ultimate goal. Though it is ridiculous, we are referring to the new continent as the land of milk and honey. As long as it is not yet pioneered, I think there is a valuable resource and salvation that has not yet been reached in the new continent. There is such a continent. I also enjoy my privilege because I took part in the expedition with my life. It will probably be open to other users after I fill my stomach. ”

“You are pioneering a new continent for the sake of progress, but you are guaranteed to give priority to those who have suffered.”

I nodded slowly.

“Still, I do not understand it yet. I do not know if I have a different point of view from myself, but I do not think that is the only reason for them to be secondary. Why, so why should we cross this steel mountain? If there is a new continent, is there an area that has not been pioneered to the north? Why do not you organize such a large expedition? ”

Helena continued to ask questions without being exhausted. At that moment, I had to feel my chest fade. Suddenly the surroundings seem to be calm and everyone is concentrating on this story. I felt the need to be careful of words.

“There is no certainty. And I should not stay. ”


“There was a time when Barbara was unexplored eight or nine years ago. Now I went through the central forest like the Steel Mountain to Barbara, and then I found other cities and set up a home called the North Continent. In the course of its attack … . Exactly, in the ancient library at Barbara, I found a record of a new continent called Atlanta. On the other hand, there was no mention of the untapped region in the north. ”

Indeed That’s what certainty means. Then you should not be quiet … ”

“The continent of Atlanta will someday become saturated. Then we will have to find a new continent. The fact is that another new continental record is in Atlanta and there is no problem, and the problem is that there is not a single northern continent in this world called the Hall Plane. ”

“Is not one?”

“If we survive the steel mountains of the North Continent, a new continent of Atlanta is coming out? The other continents are the same. If the continent wakes up in the barren wilderness, Florence, the continent rises to the frosty canyon, iris, and the southern continent rises to the oak castle, a new continent comes out called Ragnarok. Then think about it. So if each continent continues to push in the opposite direction of the current location, what would happen in the past? ”

“…They hit each other. ”

It was the right answer. I have to compete for the last continent called Terra, but I can not even say that.

Fortunately, Helena did not ask if she solved her curiosity enough, and nodded slowly.

“Thank you for those kind words. Thanks to the feeling of being alone. “…Feeling all alone?

Before long, Helena returned to her original position with a somewhat lonely face. Suddenly, many thoughts struck my head.

Why did Helena suddenly ask this question?
What does it mean to feel addicted?
And what is the meaning of the loneliness that was shown at the end?

“Clan Road!”

However, without being able to think deeply, I was urgently called by me. When I reached the top by folding my thoughts, I stopped at the step and stood tall, pointing forward. I sent a stop signal immediately and watched carefully the direction of the signal.

Could it have fallen on the story too much. I could forget the tired feeling for a while, but there was a cloudy light leaking in front of me. There is still some distance left, but now you have almost reached the end of the passage, you see a new entrance. And in it, something is facing us right in front of us.

It was not one. They seemed like a user in some ways, but they also looked like scarecrows. Raising your head to the maximum does not seem obvious at this distance.


It was then. Suddenly there was a ringing of something, and one of the things that stood upright collapsed without a moment. At that moment, the power came to the eyes. I felt quietly gathering clan members within a short time, and I quietly sworded the sword. …At least I could see, certainly. As soon as one collapses, the black shadow somewhere rushes past the entrance quickly.

Soo-hyun Shall I send you a shadow? ”

“You can enter the line by mist.”

Koji and Sasha said at the same time. But I slowly shook my head. I have just raised my magic power to the maximum, but I have not felt anything. if so… .

No way.

“I will go right in.”

After giving instructions, I passed the passage by moving my step without delay. So I walked about 5 minutes in a quick pace, and I was able to reach the cozy corner beyond the entrance.

It was the torch that hung on the wall. The area was about two – thirds bigger than the joint, and there were a total of nine oysters pierced into the side we entered. It was the sound of all the channels leading to one space.

But that was not the point. The moment I looked around and looked around, I could see that Seunyuun was next to me. I heard a breath.

Soo-hyun What happen?”

I asked the performer. However, soon after confirming the center, he paused for a while and turned his head around and started running across the street.

It was not a scarecrow standing upright in the center. Exactly, it was a body of eight spheres shaped like a scarecrow.

At the end of the eight wooden sticks on the bottom of the dirt, each of the users was stuck in their chest. Beneath the abdomen was a torn, torn, organs, organs, or even scratched. The only thing that’s perfect is the head and the two arms hanging around.

I approached the body of the man in the front and looked closely. The man was quite painful at the time of his death, his whole face was distorted, but his mouth was torn to the ear and fixed. Still, there is a bizarre shape that does not know whether the blood is flowing or laughing.

“It’s Joe who came in second from right.”

Suddenly, one of the kneeling knees turned over the collapsed body and said. If it’s the second one on the right … . It contained a woman who had fallen into the bone when she first entered the pit. A woman who blamed the way she welcomed jokes to Jung Tae-tae.

A couple were killed. What I just said and guessed is what really happened.

awhile. Then I see the body of the woman, the body of the man.

“Clan Road. jamsimanyo Look here. ”

Nam removed the stick with his head and pointed to the floor. It was the place where the corpse collapsed. I bent my waist down a bit and was able to identify the bloody blood drawn on the floor. It was the same handwriting I had seen when I first came down to the pit.

“Be ridiculous. Where do you complain about complaints? ”
“So I was a bit nervous this time. Why not? Is not that so poor? Heih! Heih!
P.S. Ah. I’ll be grateful to the other three. ”

“These bastards!”

Ahn ‘s angry voice rang around the joint. I glanced at Ahn Hyun and turned his gaze to his shoulders. The performer was looking at me with a slightly puzzled face when he had finished his search.

Soo-hyun Weird. No trace is found. ”

Turbuck … . Turbuck … .

“There must be a clear or outgoing … . Soo-hyun

“He said. “Shh.”


“…….”I heard the performance now. After I signaled to be quiet, I looked back at the den.

The sound of someone walking without power. The sound is coming from the right side of our cave, based on the direction we are looking at now.

Trudge … . Trudge … .

It is not a normal pace. It seems to walk slowly and without force, but it sometimes comes to the point of pulling the foot off. And…

“…Blood smells vibrate. ”

Sasha shrugged her nose and said her nose.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Ah. I am really sick of solving the comprehensive income tax today. I just went out to the PC room a little over lunch because I knew it was neat to print the receipt and go to the bank. The house printer is out of order. But what the hell is the problem? The password was still strangely stuck on a problem with a security keyboard crash. ㅠ. I wrestled for an hour and finally came home. And it was solved in electronic payment within 30 minutes. I was afraid that the local tax payment was complicated, but I did it as soon as I asked. -_- a I would like to ask the reader’s questions about the contents of the middle of this year personally. I would like to draw a map, but I do not have a picture skill. I saw it once, but it was not more than just a circle and a collection of squares, and not less. I was so embarrassed that I could not see the picture, and I gave it as much as I could, including the rest of it.

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