
Chapter 591

The battle is over.

Bae Hyung-sik died of high silver and magic with Helena’s magic, and Ji Hyun-ho collapsed with irreparable wound. Of course, users were making sacrifices at the expense of others, but they won the game anyway.

Took, Took. Suddenly, the ground powder off the ceiling ran down a ball of tear marks. However, the current nervousness of Ahn Hyun was concentrated all over.

Still stuck with a window, Ahn stared quietly open his mouth.

“Tell me. What do you mean, an explosive device? ”

“Callok, callok!”

When he was able to twist the window as hard as he could, Joo Hyun scored a cough.

Tuk, tuk.

The ground powders continued to fall off. One of the flowing flakes struck the eye of the accidental accidentally. Jo Hyun-ho reflexively frowzed his eyes and laughed at a low laugh. It was a strange sound that I did not know whether I smiled or not.

“Hmm … . Callock, explosive device? Hmm … ”

Ahn Hyun’s eyes narrowed. Immediately he lifts his foot and tramples his chest roughly.


“끅! Weye eX … ! ”

The rib is broken. As Ju – Hyun screams, a large amount of blood rises from his mouth.

“Say it. Where is it? ”

“Crab! If you say … . Will you save me … ? ”

I beg your pardon. But he shook his head just as if it were not worth thinking about.

No I’m not. If you tell me, at least I’ll let you go without pain. ”

“Hi … . You’re dying anyway? So you’re going to say it? ”

At first glance, Ahn Hyun screamed at her voice. And I lifted the window up high without hesitation. Although it is short, Kim Suhyeon once conducted some education to prepare for such cases.

‘Do not be dragged around while you’re being dragged around.’

According to the teachings I received at that time, he was really going to shatter the head of Zhu Hyun.

“awhile. I changed my mind. ”

Did he read the heart of Ahn Hyun’s eyes? Joo Hyun exclaimed for a moment.

“I’ll tell you if you die anyway. Look at the ceiling. ”

The window I was about to move was pausing. Joo Hyun-ho smiled and laughed, grasping his hand, pointing to the ceiling. Hyun did not slow down the boundary and raised the glance. Then, I saw the ceiling with cracks, and fluttered.


At that moment, one hard, hard, clump fell suddenly. The puck, the clump of the fallen, was stuck in the face of the county precisely. As soon as Ahn Hyun quickly cleared the piece of soil, the bloody guy was exposed and gave a smile of chuckle. The reddened eyes staring at Ahn Hyun-soo as if a swollen blood strike.

Agreed. This makes it clear … ”

For the first time, Cho ‘s voice changed. It was a little mixed tone.

Ahn opened his mouth.

“What happened? Did you already activate the device? ”

“Oh you? You say you won. congratulations.”

“Do not quit the pun.”

“The puns are horns. It is said that Padder is dead. You stupid child. So now this pit is going to collapse. ”


Hyun hurts his head. It is the first name I listen to. However, it was instinctively found that it was a huge monster that appeared in the plaza.

As Ahn Hyun slowly moved his arm, the creepy light from the end of the window permeated into the hands of the Lord.

“So, is this not the explosion device now? The parade is a phenomenon that happens when a person dies? ”

“Yes, this asshole. You’ve seen enough of the bumps on the ceiling. Do you know what that is? ”

“…….””It is a stem, a stem. In other words, the fader was originally a tree. But the stalks that held up the pits were missing, and they lost their power. So will this pit collapse ~? I will not collapse ~? ”

“…TreePlant stem

“What? I will die soon, but you too will die. It was all crushed! Hihihihi! ”

Ahn Hyun’s head turned quickly. As Kim Sa – hyun once said, Ahn is not stupid. Rather, it belongs to the clever side.


Only about three seconds had passed before Ahn could understand completely. And then the first thought was that I had no time to do this now.

“I’m Jarryong!”

Really? heard. One poem is in a hurry, so let’s get out of here. ”

Even if I leave it like this anyway, I will die. The window and foot of Ahn Hyun think so. Then he turned his back only after he had touched his mouth and both hands.


“Hey, you have not heard anything yet?”

Although pronounced heavily, Ahn could clearly understand. Ahn had a bad feeling. Then the explosive device … .

“Finally, one more thing … . I have never said that there is no explosive device? ”

It was a vague voice.

Did he feel something? Ahn Hyun ‘s eyes grew bigger.

“And there are also within the scope? Hihihihihihihihi! ”

Then, a madman laughed and laughed at him. The choice of Ahn Hyun there was that he reflexively swung forward without looking back at Joo Hyun-ho.

No win

It was a fleeting moment.
As the tattoo engraved on his body got hotter, a huge explosion erupted all over his body.

Around the sudden Ahn Hyun, a tremendous banging sounded like a blast and knocked on the Honjin River. As well as the enormous shock waves, red dirt bubbles mixed with flesh swept through the king’s oysters. Unhyeon was pushed by the force and was unable to fly all the way to one side.

* At first glance, it was the appearance of the peder standing still like before.

Woong Woong!

Then, a deep sword in the body, a sword without a sword, and a sorrowful sword from a sword of a deadly soul.

– It’s over, so just stay.

It was not exactly what I did as I said. But I did not feel any more reaction from Pader, and the change had already begun.

Some of the tentacles that had lost power and came out of the room gradually came down and floated on the ground.

At the same time, the body of the paddler began to twist inappropriately. Like a super strong vacuum cleaner, it is worn out from the spot where the sword is stuck, and sucked intensively.

Woong Woong Woong Woong Woong!

I knew intuitively. What is happening right now is a phenomenon that is sucked into chaos that I read earlier.

It did not take a long time for the digger to absorb the chaos. Starting from the body to the branches and root tentacles.

I sucked everything in the black chime of the extinct. As soon as the space returned to the road, the blurred blur gradually dimmed.

I could not stop admiring the series of phenomena. I can not deny that the madder was dead, but it is a terrifying force. …Anyway.

Now it is really over.
By destroying the paddler, is the end of the pit attack?

It was a long battle.

Sooner or later I looked around slowly and I was able to see the users staring blankly at me.

After a while, there was a small fuss.

“I won! I won! ”

“Wow ah! It’s finally over! ”

One user cheers and shakes his arms, and one user sits down. Everyone is delighted. Even Han So-young was able to breathe lightly with a slightly unfurled face.


“…….”At first glance, the moment I checked out Ansol’s face among the users, I suddenly felt like the whole body was sinking.

Why is An-Sol doing it alone? Why are you feeling so insecure, that you’re going to be crying right now?

That was the moment.


Suddenly something suddenly falls off.

Ugh Ugh what? Is it over? ”

A group of users appeared at the door leading to the side of the square. Users who have counted twenty or fewer people have been rushing too quickly and gasping for breath.

Cheers for a moment. In the square again quiet quietness fell.

Something crashes.
Users who suddenly appeared.

I had a head in my head. I thought that I wanted to have fewer users in the square than I thought … . Have you been exploring somewhere? What happened while I was concentrating on the fight with Padder?

“This is not the time for this! We have to get out of here fast! ”

At that time, Jung Tae ran urgently and broke the static.

“The pit, the pit is falling!”

And in the ensuing cry, I had to feel the head being struck with a hammer.

I quickly followed the memory of the car one time.

In the first car, the pit collapsed. The exact cause was not revealed. However, the reason users predicament was the strategy of breaking down the ceiling in battle with Pader at the time, and the main cause of magic that was fired from every direction.

I was also accepting it as a fact. It is because the ground structure claimed by Lightrod was tilted and there was a part that fell to some extent.

But this time, there was nothing like that. There were very few users who came in, and the magic that would put the burden on the floor was restrained as much as possible.

By the way, why? I did not see any evidence of the crumbling of the pit.

“Everyone quiet!”

At that moment, a sharp cry of Han Soo-young rang his ears.

“I’ll sort things out once. User maintenance. What do you mean, the pit is falling down? ”

Jyotte pointed to the floor instead of the answer. On the ground, a large piece of clay, which was the cause of the noise, was shattered. I could barely get up.

okay . . . If it has happened already, it is the first thing to do. And experience does not mean that the pit will collapse at once, so if you concentrate on escaping from power now, you can get out enough. And above all … .

Have you got a solution, or not, in case you collapse?

I watched a hundred people who were worried about the war, but I quickly moved toward Anshol who was still trembling.

By the way… jamsimanyo How many users are invisible? ”

“We do not know that well. I can not communicate at any moment … ”

Four Do not you know? What does that mean? ”

“Yes. At first, a total of 28 people departed, and in the middle of it, seven people were divided into four groups. So

“Then you should have just browsed, not just coming. Did not you know Helena was needed for a quick escape? ”

“I felt that escaping would be possible if I linked with the outside users. And it was also inevitable that the user was not in contact with Shin, Jae – Ryong, Joe. The road is quite complicated, and we just searched for … . Damn it! Total Commander! The situation is urgent now! So, where it is supposed to be the outer part, the collapse is taking place very seriously! If so, are we to see that all die? ”

I heard the story of Han So-young and Yoo Tae-tae exchanging quickly while passing users. I was able to hear a lot of ghosts, but I did not care. This is because it is the first thing to prevent collapse.

“Ansol. Do not you? ”

Sooner or later, I called Ansol immediately.

“Uh … . Uh … ”

However, Ansol did not reply, but rather looked at avoiding glances. …What the hell are you doing?

I looked at him and he went up to the bottom of my chest, but I pushed him in the direction of the patience. And he whispered in his ear without delay.

“Ansol. miracle… . Is it? ”

“…….””Why did not you say it all of a sudden? It’s something.

“…….”“…Ansol! ”

“Uh, no.” …What?

The moment I heard Ansol’s reply, I had to feel a sense of blankness.

“Stand, wait time … ”

Miracle is … .


Without knowing, I grabbed Ansol’s shoulder.


Anol grew painful in her mouth. However, I am desperately turning my face and avoiding my gaze.

“Poetry, I hate it! No. Here, here … ! ”

And up to rebellion.

I do not want to say it in a begging tone. There is no need to say that the subject is miraculous. When I saw such an ansol, I could be sure.

I do not know why, but Ansol is lying.

I mean, you can use miracles and you are not going to use them.

I breathed slowly and tried to settle down.

When the dragon sleeps in the mountains, or when you save Marg. I have always had quite a bit of a nagging corner, but it was always a matter of time when it was important.

I was also the one who made the ansol luck stats of 102 points.
As such, I must trust Ansol.

I thought so slowly I bent my knees slowly. Then, one of the remaining hands was used to forcibly turn the ansol’s head. It is so painless and radiant, and a tearful stream of tears flows down through the eyes of Ansol who inevitably sees me.

I opened my mouth quietly.


That was the moment.

“The ability of the user’s anosol to detect the activation of the special ability, the sex prediction (Rank: F Minus).”

It was a very short moment, but Anzol’s eyes gleamed with a gleam of brilliance.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Once in early June. Once in mid-June. I have already canceled it twice in the month of June.

First of all, I am really sorry. _ (__) _ I will not do it. I will not do it. I always give a heart to the word, but it does not seem to be kept.
It will also be an excuse that your body is sick. Self-management is wrong.
Still, I will try to show a little more sincere in the update time as well as the rest of the future.
Please do not think it’s too loud, I hope you’ll look good.

And… I’ve been thinking about it, but I think it’s been too late recently.
Some readers may have accepted you, but I’m sure there will be somebody who has frowned.
Above all, the fact that there is very little work related to the comments gives me a deep understanding.

So, in the future, I will be able to write a gentle testimony like other writers.
I will not be a harsh, feral eugene, but a noble and gentle young man. 🙂

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