
Chapter 60

Chapter 60 Mage and Alchemist(Rare) =========================================================================

The tail, which was wagging and looking for a gap, soon curved and stretched forward. Going straight from the bottom to the top, it seemed to be aiming for Yoo-jung’s upper body and neck, which was aimed at immediate death. As I was rushing forward, I was surprised to see the next oil well move.


Yoo-jung, who shed a strange shout, soon leaned down and kicked the ground and went inside, sliding almost to the point of contacting the ground. The tail, which penetrated through the throat, cut through the air in vain. At the same time, when the oil well turned to the ground with one hand, the path bent into a half-moon model, and the direction of the race changed accordingly and quickly returned to the back of Renga.

Renga, who was captured by the tail, hung out with a blank face and turned to a hot face. However, it was already after the dagger of the well cut through Renga’s throat relentlessly. After checking the Renga, which was crumbling down by holding her neck reflexively, the well ran straight toward me.

I saw Yoojung smiling with a blank face for a moment. Ahn Hyun seemed quite surprised when he was about to run along with me and shouted out loud.

Until now, Yoo-jung had not been able to fully utilize her strengths. Of course, I acknowledge the possibility of a well being’s agility and mana’s However, their combat styles are quite different. Ahn Hyun, who put strength, durability, and stamina at the forefront, was able to do more than average even if he was faithful to the basics and went to the orthodoxy.

However, a well that puts agility and mana at the forefront should have a kind of sense play that uses anomalies in combat. Moreover, Richie held two short daggers, so it was difficult to see much light in a normal battle, even if it was a rough battle.

In the meantime, I have been putting Anhyeon above Yoo-jung when comparing pure combat capabilities. But now it seemed necessary to revise the idea. Neat and simple movement. But the most efficient movement. It’s only once, but the scene that Yoo-jung showed me just now gave me such a deep impression. Maybe if I could show you the same movement in every battle….


I can hear the angry voices of the Lenga. I nodded slightly as I saw Yoo-jung coming into the formation and getting back into position. Maybe she read my expression, but Yoojung’s face was also burning with a smile around her mouth. This battle seemed to have a good atmosphere. I felt satisfied for the first time since I entered the pitch black forest.

It was then.


At least several of the Rengas who were at the distance emitted a thoracic voice and then jumped into the air together. It was not just a jump, but a big jump that jumped 3 meters, so all the children looked stunned for a moment.

Me, Ahn Hyun, and Lee Yoo-jung all killed Renga, but the most impressive user was Lee Yoo-jung. They were all aiming for oil wells, as they were very angry about killing their own people.

It was the first time I saw Renga jump as much as I did. But for now, it was necessary to protect the well as much as they knew what they were aiming for. It was a long way off to prevent damage due to the well’s physical ability, as the Leaf Attack from the air adds terrifying destructive power.

However, our party, which was in a state of momentum, did not stay still again this time. As if she couldn’t lose to her sister and brother, this time, Sol took a step forward with a cane. In the meantime, he quickly memorized the spell and held out his cane as if he had been waiting for it.


Soon after, when the clear voice of the sol exploded, the bodies of the Rengas who were coming down from the air hardened, and soon fell to the ground without strength. After taking care of one by one, I and my children looked at Sol with a proud face. Depending on the user’s capability, any order can be increased to two or three people, not one person designated, and this is the first time Sol succeeded. Of course, even if the order was weaker than the one-man designation, it was enough to tie up the movements of the Renghas in the air.

Sol, who was looking at Renga with a sharp look that didn’t match her innocent face, immediately warmed up her face to see if she felt our eyes. From the beginning, seven of the Lenga were disposed of and started. It was an unexpected achievement in the surprise attack.

But there were still ten left. Everyone seemed so pissed off that their eyes had turned red. Everyone was coming toward us, raising their fingernails and losing their lives. I stepped back to the aisle where we entered to secure the retreat and set the sword to the top.


The Lenga cried at us and some leapt up. But this time I wasn’t really worried. It’s a little different from the original Renaissance, but it seemed like everyone in our group was on a roll. As if to keep the momentum going, Ahn Hyun and Yoo Jung were taking a bold stance that was different from usual.

My toenails and my sword touched my head, which was a sign of resumption of combat. Mixing the offensives in person, we could clearly see the difference from the regular Renaissance. Fast movements and tactical skills to attack children together. If it’s a bit dangerous, pretend to take it out and then come back in with my colleagues.

At first, I started with an advantage and relaxed a bit, but soon I came to my senses and started adjusting the battlefield again. Perhaps the children who fought their first battle at the entrance of the pitch-black forest would have collapsed in no time. However, I could see that he was able to overwhelm them little by little beyond coordinating the battlefield through my proper arc and enduring Ahn Hyun’s spear-shaking.

Yoo-jeong was also actively wielding a dagger, not a counter for a gap in defense. There were a few minor injuries, but each one was steadily reducing its lenga. It was the moment when the two-handed dagger, which exerts great power, shone before the war.

And it was when Ansol’s voice rang the vacant lot again.


“Go! This is it’s it! Ansol! Nice!

The place where Sol’s cane was headed was the Renga that Yoojung was dealing with. Yoo-jung, who had been shooting her dagger like crazy, soon ran even more with a scream of joy as the dagger was easily embedded in the Renaissance. Watching Yoo-jung spray daggers like a pinwheel, I and An-hyun tried to rush to the remaining Ren-ga in front.

I wasn’t even using a little horsepower to deal with the Lenga. When he swung his sword at the man who rushed with his sharp claws at him, he felt like he was being cut neatly like a head cut, not broken. The power of a sword expert seemed to be overflowing with charm.

Every action on the sword is positively supplemented. The benefits of this power were truly remarkable. In addition, the new inspection day, which made it to the EX rank, was equally supportive. Even if he wields roughly now, he exerts a terrifying power, and I wondered how much power he would exert if he gets a sincere blow later on.

As he pushed his sword with a fierce sound of green onion, the group of Lenga fell down like autumn leaves. Whether he felt our superiority or whether the spear was going out his way for the first time in a while, Anhyun was dancing with a god. Soon after, Hyun, who completely broke through the center, stood face to face with me and began to enter with a bang on the back of Renga’s head.


Once again, I heard Sol’s voice. This time it was a light spell, not a bondage. Soon after, a white sphere appeared in front of the eyes of the remaining Renghas and burst with flashing light. It copied the tactics used by the wizard in the battle against the vagrants. And this time Sol’s order was very valid.

He came out of the snow-blinded Renga for a moment and beat them to his heart’s content in the form of a triangle surrounded by the prefectures and oil wells. Once again, there were only two lengas left around after dealing with them in an instant. The drooping ears seemed to have already sensed their death.

Regardless of him, Hyun’s eyes sparkled and opened his mouth immediately.

“Dibs on my left.”

“Then right is mine.”



After a while we had time to deal with all the rentals in the vacant lot and repair them. There were many minor wounds on the bodies of the strings and wells, but their faces were brighter than ever when they drank potion and were treated by the brush. The Lenga’s abnormal abilities passed my mind, but now I’ve decided to shut up. It was because I thought it was not bad to get on the high horse once rather than to get scolded unconditionally.

To be honest, it was hard to say that the children did well in this battle. He did not “well” to show his ideals beyond his limitations, but to make good use of his original skills. However, as I slowly gained experience, I could learn the harmony between my own combat methods and caravans, so I felt proud for the first time after I left the city.

“I would have caught more than you.”

“You’re a spear and you’re a long way. That’s how easy it is to attack. Considering that, I did better.”

“It’s a mental victory, really.”

“It’s true. Should I ask you?”

These days, they seem to fight whenever they have time. But when I saw the eyes of both of them looking at me with sparkling eyes, I had nothing to say. To be honest, the overall score was still high. He’s been stable a lot. But Yoo-jung also felt a bit cold about pinching her because she seemed to have found her way this time.


When I showed signs of careful consideration with a firm complexion, the children also looked nervous. Perhaps he was quite looking forward to who he would pick. No. It’s embarrassing to bring it up if you show your concentrated face like that. Eventually, I decided to change the subject secretly.

“You both did a good job. Anyway, I’ll recover first….”

“But who’s more. I could have done a good job. What?”

I felt embarrassed when I saw the oil well that persisted. For now, I turned my eyes to a brush that was only sucking my fingers.

“Ha ha. What do you think, Sol?”

“Well, I’m just focused on memorizing spells.”

However, I was shocked when I saw Sol, who was avoiding my eyes by turning his head secretly. Sol, who noticed in advance, pulled out his foot when he tried to pass it on under the guise of salvation. Let’s look at her with our hurt eyes in case she’s like this, and Sol rolled her feet in a helpless face.

“Well, I can tell from your answer. It’s me. I did better.”


“You can’t answer because you’re so sorry to expect it. Tsk tsk.”

“What? This is so….”

When is he going to grow up? I sighed deeply as I saw Hyun and Yoo-jung arguing again. It was time to go back to the original atmosphere after a while of talking.

============================ Review of the work ============================

…I was revising it, but I didn’t know and pressed the registration button. Oh, my. Let’s say it was uploaded on January 28th. I thought it was a masterpiece.k.Phew… 휴. 그러면 Then I’ll see you on January 29th. I’ll upload the review and re-reply as a correction soon.

리 Ripple 『

1. Ro Yu-jin: Hi, Yu-jin. It’s because & is in the subhead. So don’t do that next time, okay?

2. Human life: Well. I felt some confusion about my identity while I was re-replicating myself. Sobbing

3. Ready: Lenga! Renga!

4. Bbooing Bbooinga: Bbooing?

5. GradeRown: Oh, TS. I’m in a rush, too. Whoo hoo hoo. (?

6. Eindje: Yoojung is also currently a rising stock. I’m thinking about two things: my own initial setup and the one that came up later. Hahaha. The popularity vote for characters will decide where Yoojung is headed. 🙂

7. Blamy: Thank you! Please enjoy this episode, too!

8. Ramude: That’s right. The kids get hit.

9. Gürichheis: It’s become a habit. Hahaha, I don’t think I should copy and paste.….)

10. Bennett: I’ll do my best! Please enjoy this episode!

I always read all the comments over and over again. I hope you don’t feel too sad about not being in the re-reply. If you have any questions, write me a note and I’ll answer them! And recommendations…☞☜)

Then I’ll leave you alone for today.

I hope you can always read the article comfortably.

Preferences, recommendations, comments, criticisms, questions are always welcome.

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