
Chapter 601

So, Ahn Hyun moved to the injured station, and Gok performance moved to the south chief station.

However, the first person to find Kim Soo-hyun was, ironically, Han So-young, who set off the latest.

The reason was simple. If Hyeon and Hyun played Kim Sue-hyeon, she would have gone to the wrong place.

At first I went to the north station, then to the casualty station in the middle, to the western outskirts of the road.

It did not take 20 minutes to find Kim Soo-hyun, who was sitting on the fence.

“Mercenary Road … ! ”

I thought that I had searched for it faster than I thought, and in the half of thinking that I won, I called Kim Soo-hyun in a slightly above-mentioned tone.

However, there is no reaction. Han Sook – young did not hide his wishes and would have reacted before approaching if it were the same as before. Kim Soo – hyun is still sitting on the fence and still does not move.

So I’m bowing my head … .
Is he sleeping for a while?

Han So – young, who thought so, killed the footsteps and cut down the distance.

However, when approaching the side of Kim Soo-hyun, Han So-young’s Ami climbed up sharply. Suddenly, a deep bloody smell came through my nose. Within moments of checking a significant amount of blood stains on the floor, Han Soo-young’s eyes were flooded.

“Mercenary Road? Mercenary Road! ”

And he called the urgent voice and grabbed his shoulder.


Slowly, Kim Soo-hyun’s body leaned.

In the arms of.

* Something very soft and soft touches your face softly. I woke up slowly and I was able to see the sky floating in the middle and the clouds floating freely. And even the face of someone who takes the sunshine and sheds the white light gently.

It was a glimpse of a dream or birthday, but at least I can see who is looking down on the sky and looking down at me. Now, with this tickle and glittery black hair that tickles my balls … . It is certainly Han So-young.

Why is Han So Young here? Even at dawn I went around alone … .
Oh, is it a dream? Is it a dream?
right. It would be a dream.
Or Han So – young ‘s woven and can not show up. I do not think you’ll be busy these days.
like that. It’s a dream.

After a few moments of hardship, I was able to conclude that this is now a dream. What happened to this phenomenon. Dissatisfaction? No, it’s not … .

Ah. Lucid Dream, louder or louder?

Anyway, it is good. Even if it is a dream, this dream is always welcome. I have been dreaming of healing this time, but it seems to die very much. Suddenly I feel better.

There was no word in the dream Han So – young. Like an angel from heaven … .
Hum… I hate angels.
So like a fairy … .
I hate fairies.

Anyway, I just look down quietly with my mouth wide open. As I kept my eye on it for a while, I felt that the courage was rising suddenly in the middle of the night. I think that if this situation is a dream now, do something like this … . No, it is not!after. Anyway, it would be all right to say anything.

For example, after reunion, I could not do it.

Clan Road. You know what?
I missed you.
I really, really missed it.
Now I’ll protect you.

Oh, he said.

It is a bit awkward to call Han So-young after a long time, but I finally said it. Horses that are quite shameful come out of the game today. Is it a dream too? Hahaha

Then I see my head is quite comfortable. I feel like I’m cutting something warm and soft.

The feeling of being told from the neck was so warm, I turned back halfway with my eyes closed. This time, the nose is somewhere buried in the texture, and a very fragrant body is buried. In addition, the top of the paddle slowly, very slowly to the texture to pat.

Ah… This is heaven.

Thanks. Clan Road.

No. all right

It was then. Suddenly I heard the sound of the voice I stopped working. And the following stillness makes me unstable. I was in a state of grief.

“There is no thank you … . I feel sorry for you while I’m feeling good, but can I get your head back? Or give it back in the opposite direction. ”

What is it? What are you talking about?

“And if you bury your nose … . It’s a sensitive place … ”

At that moment, I felt a spirited feeling.

I open my eyes and raise my gaze, and I see Han Sang-young’s face looking down on me with a grim face. …awhile.

“…I think I’m still sleeping less. ”

Come on, Abber.

I have no idea. I was just trying to raise my body in a reflexive manner, but the move was simply suppressed by putting my hand on my forehead with Han So – young. Are you talking about staying still?

“───. ───. ───. Purification. ”

Soon after Han Soo Young memorized the order, the refreshing feeling of freshness from the inside suddenly soared. Refine the whole body around every corner. I felt like I was slowly releasing the power I had in the mood to dissolve the thirst I had accumulated.

After a while, Han Sang-young, who finished the order, stare at me in a sloppy manner.

“Are you okay now?”

“Yes, yes. Fine. It’s all right. ”

“That’s fortunate.”

“He, yes. Good luck. ”

What am I saying now? I do not know. No, before that, is it okay to keep your thighs like this?

How dare you, I swallowed the head of your head, but I still did not get upset. I realized now that this is not a dream anymore, but I felt like a dream anyway.

It ‘s so crazy, it’ s cozy enough to get stuck. It is good enough to die like this.

This state of affairs, some time has passed. When Han Soo-young crossed between the burden of gazing close and the feeling of being moved from the whole body.

Han Sawyung licked his lips.

“You sat on the fence until half an hour ago. I received the sudden collapse. ”

“How do you know?”

“I found it, but … . I even heard the moonery clan members say. Especially, the shadow queen gave us some interesting words. ”

“Is he playing?”


“…….”“…Why did you do that? ”


Suddenly, the voice of Han So – young sank. I kept my mouth shut.

Han So – young ‘s words, which came within a short time, had been reciting my actions since the end of the attack. Going around the navigation bar, not eating properly, and so on. Even to the point that it is hard to mumble like shedding on Ahn Hyun. What the hell did he tell you?

“When I asked why I did not, the shadow queen said to me. I’m not the ones who get dried up. ”

A word is stuck in the chest like a dagger. Especially, the unfamiliar tone of voice unaware of his voice reminded him that he failed in self-management. I was so embarrassed that I was caught by someone who was not anyone else, and my face was getting hot.

After a while, Han Soo – young stopped for a while and shed a light sigh and looked up at the sky. In the midst of this, it seemed that the hair that passed through the wind was beautiful. It looks like a serious form.

“The place called Clan Road is the place where the clan members have been treated. Especially if you are focused on Mercenary Road like the Mercenary Clan. ”

“It’s a little bit different from the Isantelourous Clan, but I do not want to criticize the structure of the Mantonerian Clan. Because whenever it is clear, the clan road will come out and it will come when it should be. ”

Han Soo-young is as beautiful as his voice is singing.

“Yes or now. Mercenary Road has proved that it is capable and qualified. That’s why I have a mansion clan now. ”

“I am also. Thanks to the performance of Mansoneri Road, I was able to successfully end the attack that I thought was difficult. …However, even if it is so. ”

Then suddenly, the gaze that looked at the sky comes down the road and looks at me.

“With the same clan load, I do not think I will be able to admit the mansion load that I am doing so arbitrarily.”

At the end of that, Han So – young ‘s song, no story was concluded.

“…….”And I closed my eyes.

I heard the sound of the S – rank called Clan Road, but it was still far away.

But it does not feel bad. It is the person whom I am deeply enthusiastic person who is not the person whom it is. Rather, I think I learned a few times, and a smile comes out.

“Did you feel bad?”

No. just…


so that.

“And I’m sorry … ”

I could shake my head and apologize sincerely.

Suddenly the stillness was found. I am smiling. And I do not see my eyes closed, but somehow I heard that Han Sang-young is smiling.

After a while, the texture of touching the top of the pillar was conveyed. It seemed like a kind of permission to be a little more like this, I relaxed the strength of the whole body. And…

No. Thank you for that. ”

Soon, he slowly entrusted himself slowly to his feet.

* next day.

A beautiful and calm morning that did not see a cloud brightened.

But the tent I used was not quiet at all. At the same time, news that the fortification site was finally confirmed, and Shin Young – Ryong and Helen, who were at the injured station, came back to work this morning.

I immediately called all of the clan members including the two, and the loud noises rang in the ears of two or three people.

Of course, it was not just that.

“My sister, No Klan Road, is a gift from me!”

As soon as I tried to quiet the clan members and begin to speak, I suddenly came to Butan kites of Estan Tilow. Then he said, “It is a funny gift,” and a bottle of purple liquid.

“Teuk-Teo amo potion.”
(Description: An ancient alchemist, Iscart, is one of the giants she created after she suffered from an affliction and suffered from a plague. Although many countless years have passed and mistakes in the management process have been compared to the old ‘Elixir.’ , But the effect as a treatment still remains. The user who takes it immediately becomes clearer and revitalizes the whole body, and then gradually regains his health.)

The moment I read the message in the air, I could not but flinch. The workshop of Iscart was one of the relics that I introduced to her two years ago. Maybe it’s the result you got from it, why do not you … .

“Hey, user Park, Dan.”

“Yeah. Please eat. ”

“Yes, yes? That’s not it. This precious achievement … ”

“It’s okay. Because we did not want to come back until we saw Clan Road drinking Mansion Navy Road? I need to get an empty bottle for proof. ”

Do not get bogged down. I wanted to say, but I could not do it because I was looking at the smile of Mr.

“Come on. You must meet soon? ”

“…….”Huh, really. In the end, I could not overcome Park ‘s eyes, and I had to empty the pot.

Since then, Park has taken an empty bottle and said, “Thank you.” I bowed my navel and said good – bye.

And right before the tent, “This is my real George. Ho ho hoho. “Until I sneak up to myself.

What is it? What is that sound?

“Ho Ho… . Will you come out like this? ”

I heard sounds from somewhere, but I stared at the cranes with my breath.

“Well, I guess it’s all gathered … ? ”

It was then. I do not know why, but I was touched by a gigantic performance that was swollen with balls.

No, women are making me look like they do not like it very much, and the guys look at me with strange eyes. …These people.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== I would like to finish the next circuit trial and go into the third area.

The steel mountains are divided into four regions. However, if you really think of it as an ‘official strategy’, it is safe to say that the three regions are ending. In fact, the four areas are pretty much the front yard of Atlanta, and there’s a good reason for it to be labeled ‘Fourth District.’ Of course, I plan to expose this in the next opportunity. 🙂 Anyway, the official approach ends in three areas, and the four areas are understood as one big ‘battle’ concept.

So what monsters do you see in the three regions?

In fact, I already gave you a hint. Once in the war against the continent, and once in the dream of Ansol. Perhaps those who remember, “Oh, that’s it!”I do not know if he will cry out for Eureka. Hahaha

By the way, today I updated it at 00:17. Okay, very good. I feel more and more pace!

character. I want you to find my face more quickly.I am a good man.

To Him / To Him / To Him / To Him / To Him / To Him / To Him / To Him / To Him / To Him / To Him / To Him / To Him

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