
Chapter 603

Late night. Huddle, Huddle!

The sky, which was full of cloudy clouds in the morning, began to scatter rain only after the evening. Humidity was at its peak due to the fullness of the water vapor in the daytime, but when the rain began to rain, the unpleasantness index, which had soared as much as possible, was slowly sinking.

Rain was the first to take a picture of the land, but as time went by, the rain poured out more and more, and the whole world was wetting.

And at the center of the North Continent Outpost, with its huge forests in front, there was a large tentacle tent that was unusually large, unlike the others around.

Suddenly the raindrops fell on a triangular roof, and the light from the tent was blurred. Because of that, it was only a very short time passed, but the sight inside the tent shone on the surface of the water droplet. White light … . One table … . Two boys … .


At one point, the white light from the quartz on the table gave off a faint noise, and it quickly disappeared.

“Communication is lost.”

A cracking voice. It was Lee Hyo-ru, the woman who said that in an extremely office tone and grabs a crystal ball.

“Anyway, you should have heard it. Though it took me a while to think … . The southern expedition has just finished building the fortress and has begun construction of the fortress. ”

Hoook, Hoook … .

The forehead of Lee Hyo-ri, who was speaking, was frowned upon. It was not because of the rough and unpleasant breathing from the other side. After entering the tent, since the man in front of me arrived at this outpost, his attitude had been irreverent all the time.

It was not rude or anything, but I do not see any response at all. Lee Hyo-eul, who had an in-depth discussion with Cho Sung-ho and Han So-young through the past, felt a sense of awkwardness to some extent.

Hoook, Hoook … .

However, Lee Hyo – eul did not directly express his complaints. Although she was not a small lady, she can at least distinguish between her opponent and her opponent.

From such a point of view, it was the user who should not touch the man who kept the silence with his arms folded on the opposite side.

“…….”The hair that is entwined like a whisper of rain pouring out at random, and the rugged muscles that seem to burst as if you touch it. When I saw my eyes, my eyes seemed to see a cursed beast aiming for a chance.

Above all, the ominous energy flowing from the back to the back of the window, as you know from the window, was the biggest culprit in forming a subtle tension between each other.

If Kim Suhyeon tries to touch you and you do not see good things, this guy does not know what to do if you touch him.

“So now we have to start the third expedition to the North Continent … . When are you planning to march on? Total Commander, no user? ”

Lee Hyo – ha, who thought so, was about to make a break.


Suddenly, the inside of the company, the No. The moment I met without thinking, I felt that my body was rigid. I could hardly take my eyes off the fierce eyes of wild beasts.

Soon, the mouth of the dish was opened slightly, and the animal seemed to cry lowly.


“…You can speak Korean

“Right, let’s go.”

“Company, user … ”

However, even before the end of Lee Hyo – hoo, Chan – ja raised his body. When a dweller reaching almost two meters raised his body, a shadow of darkness appeared on Lee Hyo – eul ‘s face.

He looked down on him with his flashing eyes. That was all.

After a while, the castle, which had turned its back on its back without any hesitation, walked out of the tent with the loudness. Lee Hyo – eul ‘s eyes, which were just staring at blank eyes, grew bigger.

“Now, wait! User Pavilion! It’s late today and it’s raining outside! Famous?

However, Lee Hyo-eul, who had been following Cha Chan-ho in a hurry, raised his body late, and was forced to wander the moment he left the tent. Suddenly, I paused and stopped at the moment of incomparable sharpness coming in from everywhere.

When did it come to you?

Outside the central tent, there were more than 5,000 people in alignment. Tracking trace While keeping falling, it keeps its place and keeps silence. Such a view was beyond the solemnity of the self, and even the grandeur that seemed to be unintelligible.

By the way, what happened to this?

This time, the total number of expedition personnel in the North Continent is estimated to be only about 15,000. Therefore, the average number of combatants for each expedition should be between 3,000 and 4,000.

As a result, the northern expedition, which now takes place in Korea, is now in a state of over 5,000 battle users. What happened in the meantime?

Soon after the show crossed the center, users were automatically split left and right and began to turn around one by one.


Hyohyo could not help but to look at such users without drying.

The 10th day of the eastern expedition’s first attack.
The 14th day of the second expedition to the southern expedition.

Finally, after 24 days of launching the first attack, the northern expedition announced a signal to start the third attack.

* Fuwoong!

A gigantic big sword swung with a sharp wind.


The tip of the sword clears Lee Hee-won’s neck neatly. Within minutes, a burst of blood spewed like a fountain and the separated face flew into the air. It’s like a face that has just passed away. Ahn Hyun, who is looking at the air, gets tired of being white.

“Execution is over.”

Yeon Lim, who executed the direct execution, allegorically yaws and reports.

“I will end the trial with this.”

And Han Soo – young slowly made up his body. Starting with that, Shin Young-Ryong and Helena also started to look at each other’s eyes. To the one with Ahn Hyun.

“Why why… ? ”

Everyone looked at herself and I felt that I was wondering.


“Ahn Hyun.”

After a familiar clap, a low voice flowed.

“Why did you make such a choice?”

Soon, he turned around and lost words. Kim Soo-hyun, who had just arrived, was looking at him.

No. Not only Kim Soo-hyun, but all the users were looking at Ahn Hyun.

“He, I mean … ”

Hyun stammed without embarrassment. However, Kim did not wait for the users to say.

“This world is not the modern you live in. It’s the hall plane. But why? ”

“How old are you? Are you just a fresh chick now? You can not pee shit in three years? Can not you grasp the atmosphere? ”

“I was just hungry and pretending to be good. A fugitive. ”

“What?” Give me one more chance? I mean, did the party that was betrayed say that? I do not have any such bullshit! ”

As if waiting for the trial to end, he began to pour out blame for one and two.

no That’s not it!

He shouted inwardly, but he did not know why. Only the users who blame themselves with the embarrassed face can only look alternately.

In the end, the moment I turned my gaze toward Kim Soo-hyun, I could not stand it.

“!”Kim Soo-hyun, who had just put his face close together, was staring at himself from the front.

But even before I can hold my chest. “Do you want to enter the pit again?”

As Kim Soo-hyun’s voice swooped, Ahn shook his ears.

That was the moment.


Ahn shook his eyes and gave up his upper body with a groaning moan. And as soon as the ceiling of the tent enters the field of vision, the frozen snow slowly sinks.

“…It’s a dream. ”

Ahn Hyun muttered with a calm voice.

It was definitely a dream come true. But it was so vivid for my dreams, and since the contents of the trials were not true, I can not help feeling Ahn Hyun. Because it seemed that the inner uneasiness that it had always seemed as it is.

In fact, the trial itself was already over two weeks ago, but the feelings I felt at that time were still deep in the mind of Ahn Hyun.

The archer woman was executed on the spot.
The trial ended.
okay . . . It’s all over with it.

Ahn Hyun finally barely closed his eyes. However, he was turned around for a while and eventually left the tent without overcoming the complicated mind.

Let’s get out of the way. A cool breeze blows. Now that the sun began to set, it was still dawn, but it will soon be morning.

Looking back at the fort that is still under construction in the midst of the dawn breeze for a while, I felt I was feeling better at some point, but not completely. I can not see the circulating users except for the border, which is still early morning.

Ahn came to a suitable place and stopped. Then I lifted the window up and grabbed the posture. I was thinking of starting my training as part of my desperate mood. At least I can not think of anything while moving the window.

During the training of Ahn Hyun-ja, time continued.

The morning sun, slowly rising, now stretches the warm sunshine to the fort that slowly forms, and one or two of those who have settled out of the tent have begun their activities.

The user prepared a meal or morning training, such as Ahn Hyun, and residents gathered together to discuss how to build a fortress today.

By the time the stench smells like the whole fortress.


After he started practicing, he never stopped again, and then he stopped the window with his spear. Finally, morning training is over.

Though he gasped harshly, Ahn Hyun walked into the proper shade and sat down and sat down. And it was time to wipe the forehead with his hand to wipe the sweat that was spilled.

“Water lord, I saw it well. You’ve grown dramatically. ”

At the same time she heard a gentle voice, she had to feel cold touch on her neck. It was Ahn Hyun who jumped out for a moment, but the moment I looked back, “Uh.” I myself spit out an unexpected resilience.

When I was watching, I saw tea smear with a bright smile leaning slightly on my knees and holding a water bottle filled with water droplets.

“So, Shaolin is your sister?”

“drink. I would go horses. ”

Hyun bowed his head and slowly accepted the water bottle. I could not feel the coldness of the ice in the hands and the cold feeling in my hands.

Finally, he was so thirsty that he had drunk water, and Cha Shaolin calmly picked the floor and put his ass on his shoulder.

And after a while, Ahn Hyun-kyak, who had just discharged more than half of the bottle at once, made an impression that he would live with his elasticity.

“After, good.”

“After the training, I feel really good.”

“Right, right. …By the way, when did you see Shaolin’s sister? ”

“From the middle. I came out a little early to see if I could practice, but when I saw my sister ‘s training, I lost sight of it. If not an example, have you become one with the window? ”

It became one with the window. This is an expression that is expressed in an elaborate way of saying that the new unification was achieved, and it was a word that spearmen used mainly.

I’ve always been instructed by Cha Sho’erim, but as a clan member, Ahn did not hesitate and nodded his head. I shone the color that the car Shaolin is uncommon.

“Sure you are.” I thought that the frequency of the training has become very frequent for some reason nowadays. You’ll probably want to keep the window and move until you get used to it first. Of course, it is a good phenomenon. Congratulations.

“Oh, what? It ‘s just that the head is complicated and moving. Hehe.

Ahn hurts his head with a smile. Cha Shaolim opened his mouth with his head slightly raised on his knees.

“The head is complicated … . Is it because of the work two weeks ago? ”

Ahn’s smile stopped.

in What I can not say no. But it does not really matter. It’s already gone. It’s done. ”

And I scratch my head with a slightly troubled face.

Cha Shaolin opened his mouth.

“Is your brother regretting? The decision at that time? ”

“Umm . . . No. That’s not it. Rather, if you are convinced of the punishment, you are very regret now, right? ”

When asked whether he regretted, Ahn Hyun cut off and replied. I was struck by the eyes of Cha Shaolim.

Frankly… I was a lot worried at the time. I just had to nod my head just to get back to work. ”

“indeed. It was also the right thing to do. Oh, of course it’s a personal idea. ”

“I hated that.”

“…You can speak Korean

This time, Cha Shaolin had a conversation.

And Ahn slowly turned his gaze and stared at Cha Shaolim in front.

“Because I did not want to change.”

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Ahn Hyun’s true heart!
The chief judge of the chief judge!
Awesome thunder!
Newspaper Kim Soo-hyun!

All of this in the next … ! (Fuck!) Huh, huh.

Comment made an explosion yesterday.First of all, I would like to express my sincere apology to those who have not been able to get angry or to work because of Ahn Hyun yesterday. I’ll give it to you for a while. Of course, Ahn Hyun is my son.

By Eugin: No! We might say that our prefecture is not killed! Why are you killing our baby?
Reader: Die!
Reader: Hit it!
Eugene: GG.

Is a joke.

In fact, in the case of Lee Hee-won, the execution is correct. Because I literally thought of my own survival and ran away. It’s a very sensitive issue on the hall plane.

However, even when almost everyone wants to do Yes, I shouted No to Hyeon Hyeon because I had to keep it and keep it. In other words, it is the last marginal route. Of course, this section will be mentioned only in the beginning of the next section.

The Northern Expedition arrives next time. Until I get into the right phase, I will quit it twice and go fast. 🙂

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