
Chapter 606

“But it’s a big deal if you think about it.”

After a while. The brother who lay down in the bed slowly raised his upper body and said.

“Great day?”

“Huh. Suddenly the law of expedition comes up. Do you know what I mean? ”

The Law of Exploration.

Of course I know. For example, suppose you are exploring the forests, and as you walk in, you will see a monster that is stronger than the beginning. Of course, it is difficult to say that the law is 100%correct, but experience shows that boss monsters are almost always the last ones. So, it’s a very wrong statement. . No, wait.

“Actually, I’m a bit worried when you look at your exploits. If there are so many monsters in this area, how strong monsters will come out in the next area … ”

The moment I heard that, I felt a sense of awakening. I have forgotten the most important thing.

I know what monsters are popping up in three areas. And he must lead the north-west alliance in my near-term days and go into three regions.

The reality is that suddenly, your brother has to walk into his limbs.

Sure! I told him I was coming! ”

I could not overcome the anxiety of getting watery, I raised my voice unintentionally. At least, if you had known about three or four days ago, there would have been time to think.


But I do not know if I know my heart. My brother was just terrible. Rather, he laughs comfortably and slowly creeps up his body.

“Do not get upset. It is not my will that I did not report the alliance. ”

What Sure!

“Northwest alliance … . No. To be precise, it is the northern will. ”

“Will of the North?”

I was frowned with. So you did not forget it, did you forget? What?

Suddenly, one family ran through the brain as soon as I thought about the reason. I thought I could not, but I could not prevent the power from entering my eyes.

“Anyway, by the way … . Why not? Su Hyun? I want to hear your story now. ”

My brother, who stopped right in front of me, still smiled and gently grabbed my shoulders. I opened my mouth slowly and carefully.

“Do you think our Northwest Expedition will be able to reach the next area?”

* It was around the time when the night was deepened gradually after the evening time when brother returned.

It was late at night, and after forcibly returning my imprisoned brother to go to sleep, I stepped out of the tent and stopped at a quiet place.

All sides are painted in black, and only the stars that rise in the night sky are sprinkling with the gentle starlight on the ground. Sometimes cool night breeze blows and flirts with my body, but I do not think it is too cold.

One of the reasons why I have to go to sleep. I did not sleep.

I want to resolve this anxiety that is deep inside my heart, but that is not what I want.

I used to think this very long ago.

The future changes.
But it does not change.

The mid-trivial process, the stem, could change, but the stem meant to return to the source in some way.

Since arriving in the car twice, I’ve changed a lot of things that should have happened by now.

I have used the user who should have died, and I have killed the users who should have lived. I have broken down the coalition altogether. Later, it preempted and deprived the ruins that other users would discover. Originally, it set up a clan called Mercenary, which should not appear, and had a significant impact on the North Continent.

If I think of each of them as a single stem, I have overtaken the myriad processes.

As a result, the future began to return to what I wanted.

If I have to say only one thing that has done the best thing I’ve done so far, I can speak without hesitation.

It means that the northern continent did not go through the Spring and Autumn War era and went straight to the next flow. This was really more of a hit than when I took Belpegor unexpectedly at the ruin lab.

At the first turn, the northern continent is about to compete with each other for the time being. Originally, it was a situation where, rather than the steel mountains, it had to be consumed for a couple of years until the demons appeared and joined forces with the road.

However, the survival of Lee Hyo-eul resulted in the launching of a central management organization, fortunately, the era of the spring and autumn did not come. Rather, we have been able to reserve the maximum possible power to start the steel mountain range at a much earlier point than planned. . I was thinking.

It was not.
That was not it.

I listened to my brother’s story. Obviously the future is ahead, but that is not the end. As a result of widening the stem excessively, side effects started to burst out in unknown birds.

In the form of ‘conflict’.

I do not know, but there are a lot of users who do not see Eastern now.
In particular, it is no exaggeration to say that the northern part is almost entirely devastated by the eastern part.

Of course, it is not that the conflict between the East and the North is due to me.

However, my influence on the northern part is the biggest. Later, he murdered a user who would lead the northern part of the country. …Anyway.

He was like that. The northern part did not want to inform the alliance intentionally. What that means is clear.

If you think carefully, the answer comes out. When I first heard the news, I felt like I was just wondering, and Han Soo-young, who realized the subtle feelings, quickly cleared the situation.

Then, what was the reaction of the East, when the eastern part of the nervous war with the northern part came into contact with this story?

There is a big difference between what you give in advance and what you do not.

Now, the northern part says, ‘Ye are free to do whatsoever ye are, and shall we observe this?’ This was the sound.

The northern part succeeded in making the North-South alliance into a single unit by attracting the West, and if it did not know who the aim was, the video. The eastern part can not feel good either.

The important thing is that there is a new conflict between the regions at this point. It was just something to think about. The deeper the deeper the conflict, the more likely it would be to reproduce the relationship between the regions of the time of the golden lion.

I do not think it is tilted.

Because no matter how I try to change the future, I will not change myself. How many times have you not experienced it so far?

It was a problem even if the steel mountain range was well done. The flow of the Spring and Autumn period, which has not happened in the North Continent, is showing signs of a fresh start in the new stage of Atlanta.

So what am I going to do now?

That was the moment.

“Ohh. Who is this? ”

As I gazed at the night sky, I was suddenly confused and suddenly I heard a rough voice. It was unfamiliar to hear it at first glance, but it was a familiar voice when I thought carefully.

“Our Southern Expedition legend Mercenary Road is here? What is it? Hahaha

The man who was approaching the window with his window on his shoulder at an angle, was also a star. I stared at Cho Chan-ho, who walked in a fairly stable posture, not one step at a time.

Why did the show appear suddenly? This is the outskirts where users do not come and go, except for the boundary purpose. I do not think the northern expedition will be standing on the border.

“Legend? As soon as I see it, it’s bullshit. ”

“That’s why. Everyone praised the saliva to dry. You’ve been doing a great job this time. ”

Continuing to say the upcoming issue with a voiceless voice.

But I do not feel any inspiration. In fact, at first, I had a great expectation for the user, Chan Ho. At least I thought it would be a level that I could work with.

However, after the last user academy. It was no longer my concern.

“Even if it does, what does that have to do with you? Do not worry about your forehead. ”

“Huh. It’s still a twisted vain. Do not look so bad anyway. Since I’m on the alert. It’s a patrol mission. ”

However, the voice that followed gave me an indication that my guess was that it was completely out of line.

“patrol? Why are you? ”

Ah… When they arrived at the Fortress of the East, they did. Let’s solve the area boundaries where you camp. ”

Yes. it is.

“So when I got here, I spoke beforehand. We will take care of our boundary, like this. Well, do not worry, it does not have bad intentions. Good thing is good, is not it? ”

Even though we asked for ourselves at the time, the eastern state told the north that … . I do not think he has a good idea.

Anyway, I was on the lookout. This is quite surprising.

“…Are not you the general commander? ”

“Total Commander is horn. It is a place where I would not be taking anybody, but it is just a nice sight. ”

The KOKAI spit out and shook his head. Although it was a strange and unfocused horse, it was said that it also knew the dish. Now the situation of the northern expedition and the circumstances of his own situation.

So why does Chon Chan say that he will take over the position of general commander?

“I’m curious. Why did I take on this commander? ”

I asked him if he had read my thoughts. And before I opened my mouth, I immediately spoke.

“Simple. I just wanted to fight. ”

I had no choice but to doubt my ears.

“I just wanted to fight?”

“right. At least, if you are the commander-in-chief, will not you be disturbed when you fight? It is a place where you can fight with confidence without having to listen to anyone’s orders. ”


“If I could survive this position, I would be stronger. It’s … “The more they fight, the stronger they become. In fact, it is not quite the wrong word, but I thought there might be something wrong with it. But I just wanted to fight it?

It was then.

I think it is impossible to understand.

The moment the pause stopped, it suddenly looked at me and pulled up the pick of the pick.

Suddenly I feel bad.

When I think about it, Chan Chan laughed from the first time he saw me in the tent. Did you fight your hair?

Hey! I have one more question. ”

“Umm . . .

“You, why do you look at me from the beginning to break it?”

“…….”He kept silent for a moment.

But silence did not last long.

“…I was glad. ”

“Are you happy?”

What does this mean?

Really? I have confirmed that the man I was aiming for is stronger than before, but I can not help but be glad. The goal of catching up easily is meaningless. ”


Really? It is you, you. ”

“……?”The coffeehouse points to me and stresses it. I had to feel for a moment but feel embarrassed. What does this guy suddenly say now?

But he did not care at all. Slowly he lowered the window and broke his head to the left and right. I heard a rhyme, a rhythmic bone.

“Since I defeated you last time, I really … . No, stop it. I do not like to see the past of the castle. ”

“…….””But let me just say one thing. I also have not been there since the incident. …Yes, I am different. Because at least now one can feel certain. ”


“I did not know when I believed in muscle strength in the past. But now I can feel it. ”


“I am still weaker than you. …That much. ”


Suddenly, the image of the previous issue was rubbed over the head. I did not feel like I was crying to come back again.

But now it is not. He admitted defeat at that time and admitted that he was still weak.

Suddenly I felt a slight curiosity.

He did not open his mouth anymore. He just stared at me and put down a window on his shoulder in a very serious attitude. Then point to the end of the window and catch the basic posture.

I opened my mouth.

“What are you doing now?”

“Do you ask, or do you really ask without knowing?”

Chan responded immediately.

I know. That is not the attitude to fight. Soon…

“I’m weaker than I am. You know? ”

“right. I know for sure. You are different from other users. If you look only at yourself, no matter how good you think, you do not have the confidence that you can win. It was not that strong when I first saw it. ”

“Well, you know I’m going to go to the trouble?”

Really? Maybe you’ll be wondering. I keep pushing you like this. …But my position is different. ”

Different … .

“I do not really know. I know it’s not clear yet … . But every time I look at you, something inside me boils like crazy. In fact, it’s good to win or lose. ”

“…….””Even if you go again … . Again, no. Even if you realize you are stronger than then … ! ”

“…….””Even if you fall into hell like then, now … . Now I have confidence to go up again! ”


I opened my mouth quietly.

I have not pulled a sword yet, and I do not plan to pull it. “Not yet.”

“So, do you want to fight me now?”

No. I am not fighting you now. ”

He shook his head. And he took the window stronger and showed it.

“I’m going to challenge you.”

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Actually, Cho Chan-ho likes Kim Soo-hyun. I do not know myself, but I can not forget Kim Soo-hyun.

Back in the user academy occasion, Kim Soo-hyun and Kyong-ho fought each other.
Maybe from that time? The beginning of love for Kim Su –

Kim Soo-hyun hit the cheek on the cheon’s head for the first time. Worse! I can hear it.
That was the feeling I felt at that time.
‘Ah. You are the first to hit my cheek. ”
This is the first time I have a favorable opinion on the issue.

I’ve been beaten up by Kim Soo-hyun ever since.
That’s where it’s open to SM.
Kim Soo-hyun was so stunned that he reacted without even knowing that he was going to beat him.

And the following unattended play.
Do not go to Kim Soo-hyun, I turn my back on the pleasures of pleasure.
Eventually, from there … . …How did you feel?

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