
Chapter 619

The time when the northern expedition began to attack the third area was a time of five days.

Initially, it was a strategy that began in anxiety and anxiety. However, since Kim Yu-hyun envisioned the “scarecrow effect” that put the giant at the forefront, the pursuit of the northern expedition continued to cruise. It was only a few times that weird wandering through the sky was occasionally found, and the march of the fifth day was not much different from yesterday.

So, is there a strategy to promote the current giant as a scarecrow? Are there any monsters that are afraid of the giants who have settled in these three areas and have not been able to make it? Dress

It can not be said that it is not very influential. But it’s hard to see it as 100%.

It is now necessary to think in relation to the area that is passing now that the present northern expedition is capable of marching freely.

Kim Soo-hyun was like that. I will arrive at the point of capture within 6 days, as early as 8 days at the latest. The difference between the two is that they have been considering the time delayed by encountering the monster during the march.

The northern expedition stayed in the same area for two days on the first day, but then went on steadily to the south without interruption. If you do not calculate it simply, you can reach the target point within 2 or 3 days.

The important point is that the point of capture here is the ‘land of the giants’. In other words, it is said that the area that is passing now is not only the scarecrow giant, but the influence of all the giants in the third area.

This is the decisive reason for the smooth march. It is not a weird that can fly to the sky, but which monster will go around the area where the influence of the giants is strong.

Thinking so, the closer the northern expedition was to the point of attack, the more crucial it might have been.


Well, here it is.

Even so, it would be very troublesome to hope that this luck will continue to the end.

Users also know.

As long as they have entered the steel mountains, they have confirmed the emergence of monsters, and they have confirmed that they are intelligent beings.

Someday, no sooner or later you have to hit a monster. Or you can even face this moment. The giants, the strongest battle races that dominate the third area.

So users do not get nervous. Obviously, it is good to feel good about the cruise of the march, but it can not be done. This is because I know that this smoothness that I enjoy now can end in just one second. Just so, just thanking you for the present situation and preparing you for the occasion when your fortune is over. “stop! Stop command! You are going to finish the march here! ”

“All to prepare for camping! And…

So, five days have passed.

At dawn, late afternoon.

(Oh wait, wait!)

What a moment. let’s hurry. Are you ready?

(Actually, I’m still ready …)

(No, what do you need to prepare?) The voice coming out through the crystal ball from the center of the camp comes to be stretched. Perhaps the user who does not know the situation will wiggle what is happening now. There was a man and a giant arguing over the place where the voice heard.

If you look at that kind of thing, you seem to have become quite familiar with it, but it is not funny how you fight. The giant is bowing his head, saying that he does not want to leave the pillars tightly, and the guy was giving him strength to hold on to his arm tightly, trying to drag the giant over him. Well, the giant will be dragged.

But what the hell was that? Why is the giant who must be tied to the pillar when the march is over? And what does preparation mean?


In the end, Kim Yonghyun sigh deeply whether he had given up dragging. Then Kushan, who was holding the pillars tightly, swayed and looked at him and blinked his eyes. Kim Yoo-hyun stared at Kushan’s clear-eyed puppies, which were not visible.

(…Is that because you told me that?

(…….)There is no answer. But silence is positive.

The reason why the two species (?) Are doing right now is because of asking immediately. Kushan was supposed to listen to Kim Yoo-hyun’s favor on condition of telling the father’s news the other day. And Kim Yoo Hyun ordered ‘nothing to do with the users’.

Kim Yoo-hyun predicted that Kushan would accept his request without hesitation. Because the giant is a race that enjoys battle. Of course, you can not identify a light Dalian as a battle, but at least you can see it is included in the category.

However, Kushan was disappointed with Kim Yoo-hyun’s request.

(Dude, I told you. No matter how light Dalian … . To me … .)

Kushan was pouring down the well.

The reason for this is that it has to do with the curse that the gods had brought to the giants very long ago.

‘I will give you madness.’
‘You will be faithful to your heart.’

When you first discover Kushan, you’ll understand it. At that time, Kushan was not as clear-eyed or naive as it is now. Instead, he showed a red light, a dripping blood, and a brutal murder.

(Can you adjust it to some extent?

(Well, not everyone is like that. Those who have lived for a long time are able to adjust themselves. . Oh, I still do not have enough.

(It is not a battle to fight at all, is it a light Dalian? There are no users in Dalian who will have hostility against you, so you will not lose your temper.)

It ‘s not as easy as it sounds. Even if the other side does not express hostility, there are some cases where it reacts.

I hear a voice saying that I do not understand. However, Kim Yu-hyun persuaded perseveringly.

(Do not worry though, even if you lose your mind, we can overcome it enough. The people waiting now, are they quite strong?

(…It does not seem to be very strong.

(What, what?)

(I think it is very weak ….)

Kushan looked at Kim Yu-hyun with a glance.

In fact, considering the proportion of ‘magic’ among the user information, it was not unreasonable to think that in Kushan’s position. The giants are unimportant in physical terms, but they are not inherently blessed by magical powers. The flowing blood has a very strong magic resistance ability, but I do not feel anything about magic as a reverse payoff.

It was no exception to Kim Yu-hyun.

I feel pretty ignored. Do not look funny.)

I do not mean to ignore it.

(What sound! I admit that your strength is strong, but this world is not strong. It would be better not to watch it.

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The giants opened their mouths as if they were good, but they still have not left the pillars. I do not think I’ll really go anytime soon. After all, Kim decided to change the method.

(Is this really something? Our promise, no negotiation. If you do this, I would not tell you first.

Hum… But you said you do not have to listen.

(Would you like to do this? Hmm… . And then I think there was some other news about Kushantor … .)

(What, what?) Kushan responded immediately. Kim Yu-hyun smiled as if he knew it.

(I’ll tell you when I go to bed.)

(Chi, I’m dead!)

(Yes, I am fatal. But you are also dead.

profit This is different!) Kushan made a loud voice to say nothing. But Kim Yu-hyun was shrugging his head as if he were going to do it. The ball of Kushan became obsolete.

But there was no word in the word of the father, but Kushan soon took his hands off and turned. There is a lot of complaints in each act. Kim Yoo-hyun, who watched such a Kushan, suddenly burst into laughter.


Why are you laughing?

(Just, now this situation suddenly felt funny. What are we doing now? Hahaha

I’m not even funny.

Kim Yoo-hyun stopped laughing slowly as Kushan was still grumbling with a loud voice. And I was scratching my head with a sorry face.

Sorry. By the way, if I see you, who comes to mind.

You can speak Korean

okay . . . When I think about it, it looks just like you … . The act of doing.

(……?) The voice suddenly sinks. Then the displeased Kushan made his eyes round.

It was then.

Kim Yoo-hyun, who is looking at Kushan, has just passed a faint light. Just like someone remembers and misses.

For a moment, silence flowed.

(…Who is that?) Kushan, who could not wait, asked carefully. Then suddenly.One Kim Hyun-hyun shook his head and shook his head. And after a while, he showed a soft smile towards the curious Kushan.

(I’ll let you know if this goes.)

* Outside the campsite, there were about 30 users gathered in the vacant lot. Some of the Hamil clan members and other clan leaders are commander class users. Today, Kim Yoo-hyun was invited to Dalian hosted ‘Sample Analysis’ as a justification.

However, despite the analysis of the sample that has been waiting for a while, the level of the commanding class users was not so bright. It is rather shaded in color. In addition, there is a little uneasy face to nudge each other. Is there anything?


It was a bit of a mess on the empty spot, but soon after Kim Yoo Hyun and Kushan came in, the turmoil immediately faded away. Of course, some users were surprised to see the giant unbound, but did not respond greatly. Kim Yoo-hyun’s promise is only a word, but there have been some actions that Kushan has been showing for a long time. I just do not see it.

Soon Kim Yoo Hyun and Kushan arrived.

The process was fast as we had already talked about it. Kushan is standing in the middle of the open space and a good man walked across the street. As the first Dalian to play with Kushan, he was a sturdy man with a lot more than 190 gyms, though less than a giant. Other users just watch. (Well, not a battle. It is only Dalian to each other. Please be aware of this point.)

Just before entering Dalian in earnest, a brief explanation of Kim Yu-hyun followed.

Suddenly, the young man who turned around Kim Yu-hyun for a while moved a gulp. After a short while, I take a deep breath and look back at Dorokushan. At that moment, the attitude of the man changed and the attitude of the man changed at the same time as the man window pulled out at the back.

Clear right. Well, I think it’s a good idea … . I’ll kill you. Huh! ”

(Omnes Rectus. Etiam Eget Est Satis Fortis … . Kkajit Ego Lenis. Heuheu!) Kim Yu-hyun still activated the crystal ball. Crystal ball translates forcibly all words that are heard. It was said that it was obvious that the words of the man had just been heard by the giant. It was the evidence that Kushan’s eyes narrowed.

(The opponent is said to be the youngest among the giant clan. Do not overdo it.

Even up to Kim Yoo Hyun.

Whoops. So you do not like your opponent? Should not you bring me the best soldiers to deal with me? Hahaha

(Do not be too vigilant anyway.)

The man smiled again with a loud voice, smirking once again.

Every time I hear Kushan’s nerves scraping every single translation. As a prideful race that has ruled the Third Area of ​​the Steel Mountain for thousands of years, it will lie if it does not feel arrogant.

I almost forgot a moment, but Kushan slowly calmed down. At least with respect to ‘battle’, the giant does not speak with his mouth. It is the tribe called the giant that shows in action once in ten times.


And after a while. (start.)

Starting from the words of Kim Yoo Hyun, the curtain of Yeon-hee (戱 戱)

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== I was hoping for a little bit more, then I thought it would be too late. Haha

Well, this is a story.

Readers. What do you think of the giant? Of course, the full-fledged appearance will start next time, but how did readers see the giant named Kushan? I’m curious about this.

Kim Soo-hyun said this before. Whether it is nature or battle, the giants are those who want to be co-workers if possible.

I wonder if you think so. 🙂

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