
Chapter 624

Steel mountains, giants.


“…Please listen to the stories of humans only once. ”

When the giant, sitting in the forehead, asks his eyes, Kushan leaned over his head. Then there was a small fuss among the ten or more giants who were on the left and right sides of the fort.

No, is not it a little fuss? With the exception of Kushan, everyone was over seven or eight meters in height, so his voice was also lukewarm.

“Little master, what are you talking about ?! Are we talking about being in touch with humans now? ”

“No, I thought this was the first time! So I told you to shatter human beings and bring them back! ”

A giggle in the middle of the giants leads to a small master standing alone in the center. Kushan said, looking like he knew it, he looked at each other alternately.

“I’m back here now. By my own will. I did not wear any hurt while living with humans. Do not you see this? ”

“The little master still does not know about the people of Iran!”

“Yes, I do not know. But at this time, living with humans at least I know one thing. The humans waiting in the meadow now have no intention of fighting us. No, I do not want to fight! But is it hard to hear a story once? ”

-Talk. Heo The story of humans. It is nothing but useless. ”

As if a giant did not seem to be a god, he sniffed at Kushan. The giants who do not know the seriousness of the situation and believe only in their own strength. I tried to persuade him again.


The giant who sat at the serpent was shouting enormously. It was a bigger giant than any other giant standing around. So then, JI Woong mixed with remarkable voices echo of shovels were sinking a fuss at the time.

Soon after giant shrug left and right in the middle of the kusyan eye fixed.

“Only … ”

“…….””I just came back to talk about this.”

“Not just … ! ”

“And then we try to only talking about this I ran. Little master. ”

“…….”In front of the giant, a lively gaze, Kushan closed his mouth without even knowing it. I could feel a strange aura that I could not dare to stand up to my uttered voice, but I was disappointed that I was somewhat disappointed.


At that time, the giant, whose mouth was round, stepped forward and smiled freely. The body was huge, but there were many wrinkles and wrinkles in various places, and the faces of the giants were different from those of the surrounding giants. Perhaps he was the eldest of the giants here.

“It seems that the heat of the brothers is so overheated. Maybe everyone is dissatisfied with the behavior of a small owner. ”

“…….””But how about stopping at this point? I understand those feelings, but it seems to me that it is not right at all if I just squeeze like this. ”

“…….”The old giant went to mediation with a calm tone. Then the surrounding giants seemed to rush in the moment, and one and two of them quieted the momentum. Of course, the staring eyes still did not come out.

Within “쯧.” A giant of a tangled guru stared at Kushan.

“…Are you waiting for us in the meadow? ”

However, Kushan did not open his mouth. I just nodded my head slowly. “after… ”

Then the giant stared at the forehead as if the goal was hurting. He lowered his smashed eye and motioned toward the entrance.

“Everybody go out.”

What about?

“Call all the brothers and wait. I will finish the talk with the little owner and let him go. ”

“…I know. ”

All the other giants began to pace with the convoy of Kushantor. As a matter of fact, ‘to call and wait.’Was the official declaration of how to treat the people who came to Gangseok’s giant. Preparation for war. It was the evidence that Kushan’s face was covered with a dark energy.

A little time has passed.

Giant stalwarts and kushan remained in the seats where the giants standing around stood.


Suddenly, the giant of the gang stood up, but called softly Kushan. It was not a stiff voice like before, but it was a warm jungle tone. Just as parents call their children.

“Why are you doing this all of a sudden? Tell me. ”

“…The Cucar Loan. ”

The Kushan called the giant of Sangseok the Kuchar’s loan. Of course, it was not the time when blood came to each other. However, Kushan is a giant who has been teaching since the time he was a child, and also the one who took the role of father since Kushantor was exiled. As such, Kushar was the most believer of the clan.

“I just came up with my father ‘s words. The Cucar Loan. Now our clan is about to change. ”

“Again, again. Are you taking your father’s words again? He left you and left. I have not yet made a mourning ceremony, but I have left you with a great responsibility to manage your new territory. ”

“I’m not leaving! I was worried about the future of the clan and went out on my own! ”

“worry? That was the opposite of all of us. ”

“My father was not wrong! So I went out on the contrary! ”

“I did not say it was wrong!”

For the first time, the voice of the couturier rose. Kushan shook his body. Then the quacker quickly dismissed his firm expression and sigh deeply.

“…But it’s different. It was so different even though it was different. There is a clear difference between what is wrong and what is not. Why do not you understand this? ”

“…I do not understand. ”

“The more you do, the more influence you have on not only us but also on other brothers. Your words are so dangerous. Especially if your opponent is human! ”

“How do you know? And how long should we live like this? We are living in a closed space without any exchanges, except for us. ”

“There is a reason for that.”

“That’s why.”

“Kushan … ”

“Tell me please. If you do not tell me, I will protect the humans in front of everyone again this time. ”

As the tone of Kushan changed to be challenging, the cuchar called the central giant in a more sophisticated tone. But Kushan did not step back this time. Rather, he shakes his eyes and shakes his hands.


This is the third sigh. A long sigh, Kuchar shook his head.

“That behavior is not right. It just hurts you. And now you are too young. I have not paid a ceremony yet. It will be natural to know later. ”

“But this opportunity does not come again.”

“You are the last remaining Kushan clan. We only want one thing for you. Grow a little more and sit at the ceremony and sit in the king ‘s seat. And lead us. At that time I will hand you 묠nir directly to you. …Why do you want to do this?

“Even if that time comes, there will be no different from now. No, I would be the same. My assertion and the clan ‘s assertion, and I will eventually leave. As my father did. ”

At that moment, a deep penetration burst out of the mouth of the cuchar. As the leader of one clan has left, the incident that the former Kushantor left the clan was not a disaster. The giant who opposed it most strongly was the couchard. In other words, Kushan’s words were like a bombing declaration to recreate the incident.


A couchar clasps his arms and closes his eyes to see if he is deeply committed. Kushan stared at the stalwart as he continued to clench his trembling hands.

When it ‘s been so long. “…May

The quaker, who was mumbling, made himself slowly. Kushan’s eyes turned swiftly. I just doubted my ears.

“Courgette loan?”

“If so, I will listen to the story once.”

“Really? Really? ”

Really? If only the story is forever. ”

Then suddenly the color of Kushan suddenly turned. Then he lifted his right hand and extended his little finger.

“Promise me!”


As Kuchar wondered, Kushan scratched his head with a smile.

“Oh, that means promise … . Put your little finger on it and put your thumb on it … ”

“…Is it human custom? ”

Kushan nodded carefully. Kuchar burst into laughter.

“Nothing bad. …But! If you promise me, promise me. ”

Four you speak Korean well

When Kushan laughed, Kuchar looked at it with a solemn light.

Really? First of all, you should be out of this story. Wait here. And I will not say that I will leave the clan again. ”

Kushan’s eyes were stingy.

“Joe, that’s great. I will wait here quietly and I will not tell you to leave again. ”

May Let’s try it once. ”

As soon as Kushar came to his feet, he extended his right hand like Kushan. Put your little finger and put your thumb on it. So the promise between the two giants was fulfilled.


“Guy, is that good?”

The moment Kuchar laughed along the smiley Kushan, “Ah.” I screamed a feeble resilience. As if there was something I could not forgive.

“Kushan. Come to think of it… ”

After a while, the kuchar was blurred and looked around with a winking eye and said with a low voice.

“Be careful ha char.”

In a sudden speech, Kushan stared at his head. Hachar was the oldest of the clan. It was also a giant who gently wrapped up Kushan.

“Why suddenly he … ”

“This is strange behavior these days. I do not have eyes. ”

“…And? But,

“It may be that you are also looking for your favor for some kind of purpose. Think about it. Hachar was the brother who hated the most humans. ”

Then I saw a strange light on the face of Kushan. Kushan, who identified Kushan’s complexion, laughed with a voice and soon put his hands on Kushan’s shoulders.

“It does not have to be too serious. It is just a word of caution. Do not you have any worries? ”

“Chuck, the border?”

Really? Anyway, do not worry too much. As long as I and my brothers are there, nothing wrong with you will happen. ”

“…….”In spite of all this, Kushan stared at the couch. Because I was thinking suddenly, I suddenly felt sorry. As far as I can tell, Kuchar is a true father, not only to save himself, but also to always give proper advice and help.

‘But I … . ‘

At that time, Kushan slowly dropped his hands on the shoulder.

“Then I’ll let you go. Did not forget the promise before? ”

“No, of course. I’ll wait right here. It’s a promise. ”

Kushan felt the feeling that one of the chest was stabbing cook while saying promise. But Kuchar, looking at Kushan warmly, said, “Well, I’ll go.”Finally, I moved to the place where the clan waits.

Kushan, who was looking at the increasingly distant Kuchar’s back, immediately dropped his head after confirming that the Kuchar had completely disappeared. The gaze was facing his shadow.

Kushan opened his mouth.

“there… ”


At that moment, suddenly someone suddenly appeared. It was Hachar, one of the giants standing around Kuchar. As Kushan turns his gaze at him, Haachar walks in smile with a smile.

“Ha char?”

“This is surprising, is not it?”

“……?””I thought the grass was dying from the big crowd. You look brighter than you think. ”

Kushan did not know what to do in the sudden emergence of Hachar. I wonder if I should have heard it before.

“I’m glad to see you’re okay.”

Fortunately, Haachar, who came close to me, showed a kindly laugh.

“Ahaha … . Thank you. Somehow the story is well solved. ”

“Ohora. Is that really true? Then it is also very fortunate. ”

“Good luck?”

What is it? A small owner. Why are you looking at me like that? ”

“But Hachar … ”


Hachar laughed laughing as if he had noticed the cause of the reaction.

“I do not know how a little owner will think … ”

Then he reduced the distance further and whispered in a quiet voice.

“I do not object to the idea of ​​a small owner.”

Kushan again doubted his ears.

However, Haachar’s words continued without any hesitation.

“Of course I do not fully agree. But, as a small owner, I just thought it would not be bad to hear the story once. Hecker. ”

“is that so… . I’m glad too. ”

When Kushan barely accepted it. Hachar stepped back and looked at Kushan with a smiley face.

“Hmm… . I do not know how this will end, but … ”

“…….””After that, will not you come to play once? I want to tell you something about this case, and I want to show it again. ”


Kushan said. However, Hachar, who has not spoken anymore, turned around and walked away with no hesitation.

‘It may be that you are looking for a favor for some kind of purpose.’
‘Think about it. Hachar was the brother who hated the most humans. ”

Kushar’s words were Kushan’s instinctive vigil after hearing, though he would have loved to skip it. So it was not a pleasure or a pleasure to have met a member of the same family.

Kushan looked tilted smoothly until Hachar disappeared, and then bowed his head until it completely disappeared. The gaze turned toward the shadow again.

After confirming that there was really no one around this time, Kushan looked at his shadow, squatting smackily. Then, with the index finger, I pressed the middle part of the shadow and opened my mouth quietly.

“there… . It’s all gone now … ”

And at that moment, something came up in the shadow. It was the head of a human being who stroked the top of the head. Within a few minutes of browsing, the user really did not see anybody and was completely out of the shadows. And once I had a look at Kushan, I pulled out a round thing out of my arms. It was a communication crystal ball.

Soon the man in the shadows seemed to look good and he hit the crystal ball and put his hand on it gently. As soon as the user pours the magic power, the telescopic corrector starts to emit light in the evening. Kushan swallowed his saliva and stared at it.

And after a while. Wow!

In the middle of the crystal ball, a landscape of a meadow appeared.

It was a place where people and giants met.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== The next time I go.

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