
Chapter 629

It is still.

No, it is not calm.

Shouting, pounding, clattering, screaming, and so on. The surrounding area is clearly distant from the expression that it is still calm.

If so, it is quiet. I just felt like that.

I took a glance and gazed forward.

The muscles that make up the body in over 4 meters of height. Eagle Eagle A big hammer with flaming eyes and right hand. In addition, if you are faced with a frenzied but sacred aura that boils up from the whole body, anyone will know.

Now that giant is not just that.

Rather, it is beyond our imagination that we have the power of DemiGod.

okay . . . A newly awakened Kushantor showed up. The king of the giant was replacing us about 20 meters apart.

If you have monsters that can only assault you unconditionally, and monsters who are able to observe the situation and make exploratory moves, the latter is, of course, a more demanding monster. Because at least the reason was alive.

I instinctively raised my vigilance, but I did not feel strange.

Is it because of the death of a family member? Kushantor was constantly shedding tears while looking at us. But that eye is not facing me. I was heading for someone else.

Also, above all, the feeling of shedding tears like that is the feeling of seeing me after I lost my car once?

It was then.

“I’m sure it will be coming soon.”

The rumor turned the Sura Mahchang one big time and grabbed it firmly with both hands.

“Do not even think about exploring. We must go to power unconditionally from the beginning. ”

“I know that much.”

When I want to talk to you, I will reply to you by taking a position to raise the window to the top.

Then Kushantor also lifted 묠nir slowly and bent his knees. The concentration of the aura that is boiling up in the whole body becomes much thicker. It felt as if it were just like an active volcano, just like an explosion, and the air was getting taut. The unconscious dry saliva goes over.

“Kushan … ”

Suddenly I hear a voice mumbling to my own.

thud… .

Kushantor took a slow step, as if responding to it.

And that moment.

Kuah ahang!

Suddenly, Kushantor ran as he slipped on the ground. A dash of dreaded speed that turns a 20-meter gap into nothing at once!

I wonder if the eyes of Song Chan are going to be blown away.


Suramacho and 묠nir clashed. The air in the atmosphere, boiling as if it would burst at once, eventually exploded.

“Cry … ! ”

Standing firmly on the ground, the foot of Songje paved the grassland. I simply stopped the strike, but the ground is soaked and it is hard to stop it.

In the first clash, Kushan Tor had a definite advantage. At that moment, I wonder if the eyes of Kushan Thor, who was a little ducked, are flashing, and 묠nir goes up to the sky as it is. Then the freed shots staggered slightly, distorting his face.

But liberation was only a moment. Without the time to observe the posture, Kushantor almost went crazy and began to strike down the 묠 nir so that it can be seen to emit.

Kwang, Kwang, Kwang, Kwang!

묠 nir roars. Whenever it is hit once, the aftermath of the collision spreads out all over the place, and the air shakes and the dust rises. Now, only 5 pairs have been used, and the ground is hovering like an earthquake.

Kushantor, like a stormy storm, hit the attack without any gaps. In the meantime, Chong Chan had only barely taken one out, but literally barely stopped. The color was obviously thickening.

I stroked my trembling hands.

The instincts told me that I should help, but the reason is still saying. Kushantor’s left arm was the proof. After the first clash, I kept trying to move my foot, but every time I change my position, I turn my body slightly or waved my left hand. It was clear evidence that I was aware of and alerted.


At that moment, it was not able to survive anymore, and it was thrown out greatly. I grabbed the hilt tightly. It was not a time to take a chance.

I immediately sprang from the ground. Sooner Kushantor looks back at me. But what I was expecting anyway. With the acceleration of the speed of running without any hesitation, Kushantor, who turned his body completely, pushed him in front.

As soon as I entered the area, 묠nir, which had been turned aside by the side, crumbled in time to catch me when I came in. It is accompanied by an attack, and the hair blows on the wind. A visible attack without any skill.

But, therefore, I can not be nervous. It is a simple attack, but there is no leap, and the destructive power that I have is not at a level that I can deal with.

No, you do not have to.

I thought I used it right away. While the eyes of Kushantor were sold on my afterimage, I was going to go back to the side and strike my side.

But the moment I got back to the right, I had to wait a while.

Because I could see the hand holding the fist coming in like it was waiting for me.


Is it because it is an unexpected attack? The fist was as if it was a slow magic. It seemed like it was approaching slowly. But the body does not move at will.

I do not know if the reaction rate is fast or if the top of the mold is caught. But obviously, the pot-lid hand is aiming for my crown. It was just before my punches hit my head.

“No!” – Damage!

My brother and the voice of the loud voice came together.


I stared at the crowd of light bursting like an explosion. As I stood up, I saw Kushantor, with his fist grabbing and grinning, pulling back with a grimace.


I thought so and I stepped out of my foot.

– He, just step back!


I heard a late cry of the moment, but my feet were able to hit the giant’s breasts. However, Kushantor seemed to have not been hit by the stars, and he still stared at me with his flashing eyes.

– I told you to avoid it! You stupid bastard!

Good luck!

Suddenly, the shouting continued, and the sound of the wind ripped through. Reflectively, as I leaned my head backward, something shook my nose. The moment I realized that it was 묠Noir, I had to feel the blood rising upside down.

– damage, damage, damage, damage! Please avoid! Do you know what this guy is? No, in the first place he was aiming at you!


I walked back and forth at the same time. But Kushan Tor did not give up even though I saw him step back. As soon as he does not give a little gap, he swings in.


I could barely avoid the hand by turning the tumbling in the first order. But the next thing I had to face was a kick to kick me in the air.

– Lee Hyung Whan!

At the same time, I tried to land on the ground using Lee Hyeong Hwan.

I barely put my feet on the ground, . No, did you stop?

Kushan Thor rising from the air stopped kicking. Then, this time, it does not have time to react, and it sticks down as it is. I rolled the ground as it is.


I was able to avoid the direct hit, but I could not avoid the aftermath. The moment the feet bombed the ground, the ground splashed, and a huge shock wave bursting from the source hurt me. Literally, it was a destruction event with pure physical power.

His body and course shake like crazy, and white noise makes his eardrum sound stronger, disturbing his head. It feels like standing in the middle of an earthquake-stricken area. I tried to raise my body somehow, but eventually I could not catch the center and sat down.

When I finally set my mind up. “… … ”

The only thing that came into view was the 묠nir, which was raised high enough to pierce the sky. I could instinctively intuition. That’s impossible to avoid.

It was when 묠nir was moved.

Land, pick!

The arrows of three or more feet flying somewhere like the light beamed the face of Kushantor exactly. Because it was an unfair strife, Kushantor frowned and fell back half a step of the half.

Though he could not dig a foot, he bounced, but it is enough power to make the giant’s king go away. When I saw him glancing up immediately, I saw a yin yu luck pointing at the crossbow with his knees down there.

As soon as I step back from the gap, Kushantor looks at me as if I’m going.

That was the moment.

Whip Whip

Suddenly, dozens of shadows sprang up at the periphery of Sreckushantor, and he gently wrapped his body in a circle. At the same time as pulling in all directions, the performance of the Kohans Tor glowing from the back of his neck rose suddenly. Close your neck tightly with your legs and quickly pierce your dagger in your right hand.

However, Kushantor shook his head lightly, avoiding the attack, but he twisted his body firmly to break the shadows. A tremendous power.

Then he played his tongue once, he looked at me and laughed his eyes, and hid himself in the darkness.

Kushantor turned around as soon as he was relieved of his anxiety. However, I have already secured a certain distance, as well as playing high school.

After a while, the giant’s face seemed a bit stupid.

I shrugged off the blood on my nose and stared at Kushantor, still staring at me. I gathered my thoughts carefully while I was feeling my rough breath.

One round was completed in an instant. Nevertheless, I have already had three crises. Of course, I was able to pass it on to the proper arc that time. .

‘It’s not really a joke.’

I thought it was the same class as Mabolo, but it was a complete miscalculation. Certainly the fake half-body and the real half-body had the power to move the bin. I will do almost every event with pure strength, and the magic resistance that I am proud of is no use at all this time.

In addition, my physical ability such as muscle strength, durability, physical strength, and agility, as well as pure combat ability, which refers to quickness and situation judgment, is leading me. In the second round, I met a close-knacker who was ahead of me for the first time.

No. It is rare to find such an enemy in the first or second car. If you can say it with confidence, it will be hell … . Oh, if he was about that year, he would be lightly steamed, would not he? …Anyway.

I did not mind in the first round, but it does not matter. I am still alive, and at least I have been able to feel at least how to deal with it.

I was able to get enough treatment, and at the same time I was seen riding like a raging bull across the lake.

Kushantor is still looking at me.

I breathed a loud breath and grabbed a sword in my left hand. Then I pushed the horsepower to the hardest.

“The bird breaks out of the egg. The egg is the world. The one who is born must destroy a world. ”
“The seal of Caligo Abraxas has been released. Change begins. ”

Kia Aaaaaaaaa!

The barking cry sounded the beginning of the second round.

I slowly moved my foot, feeling the darkness I could feel in my right hand.

It is the beginning of counterattack.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Vivian Oh I’m sorry. I have not been able to make your legions stand out. ㅜ. ㅠ.

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