
Chapter 631

Someone might. I am worried about only one order. Or is it that difficult?

But if you become a party, you will not say that at all.

Even though she is now a human, Vivian is a woman who once devoted her life to this ability. Even so, you still can not summon all the Legion troops.

Even if the details are kept for a while, it can not be taken lightly at least to summon one of the upper armies from the position of Vivian.

Because of that

“────. ────. ────. ─ ─ ─ ─ “.

Vivian is now playing the spell with a more serious face than ever before. I sweat all over my body like rain, and my eyelashes stretching out of my tightly closed eyes tremble. Even my whole body was shaking. It is quite different from when you summon another legion.

Then, at some point, a big magic circle came to mind behind Vivian’s back. It was a magazine that looked twice as big as any other time.

The magic jean, which depicted all kinds of metaphysical patterns, soon began to turn to the right side of Pingre. At the same time Ordo of order lost light for a moment, and the road light appeared. The phenomenon that happens when the horsepower is charged.

It was said that Vivian ‘s spell was almost near the end. The speed at which the magic spins return is much faster.

Within a few days, Vivian picked up something in his arms. It looks like a heart.

The light shattered his face, but soon Vivian, who had a grim look, threw his heart into the magic jeans. Curiously, the heart disintegrated as if it had been touched by a blender as soon as it hit the spell.


Finally, Vivian shouted at Ordu in order.

But nothing changed. There was still only a war sound in the grasslands.


I cried once more, but the result is the same. At least this time, you should feel some kind of reaction. But just magic is turning round and round, and no magic flow is caught.

Vivian bites his licking lips.

“Come, come, come, come! Come, come! Come, come! Come on! You son of a bitch! ”

But the voice of Vivian crying out for a long time was slowly wailing.

There are three factors that are necessary to summon a Legion. Exact recall, enough horsepower, and your own will. The rest depends on Masu’s will. When Masu responds to the magic spell in response to summoning, the first contract is made.

In fact, Vivian does not know which part is wrong. It was a half gambling feeling. However, if you fail here, you can draw the limits to legions that can summon themselves. So Vivian could never give up.

Ordo, who was looking up at the sky, suddenly descends and heads to the bottom of the grassland.

“come! Nevi Ross! You are the immortal king who oversees the Sixth Corps, who oversees the corpses and commandments! ”

And Vivian shouts his throat.

“I have not yet allowed you to fall!”

It was the moment when the window was slightly different from usual.

Kee Ii Iying!

Unpleasant noise leaked from magic jeans suddenly.

– Hihi hihihihihhi … .

Suddenly there is an eerie laugh out of nowhere. Vivian’s eyes were greatly blown. Finally, the immortal king, who oversees the six corps, responded to the summons.

“Uh, where? Where is it? ”

Vivian quickly turned his head and looked at the magazine. However, the magic gin that turns around like no other. It was then.


Suddenly, the darkness overshadowed the whole area, and Vivian closed his eyes to death.

And after a while, my eyes are on the road.

– Kuuuuu … .
– Gigi … .

Three different types of crying began to be heard in the grasslands.

After a long time, a change takes place on the battlefield where a battle is taking place.

The dead giant raises, the dead user wakes up, and the dead weirdo wings. Only one awakens without exception and raises a fascinating aura. The number is overwhelmingly huge.

Kenichi Momoyama

Vivian muttered in a hollow voice.

It was.

The 6th Corps, Neviros, who dominates the body and command.

Whether you’re a giant, a user, or a whimper. Obviously they were once dead, but given the power of Neviros, they were revived and once again returned to battle.

It is also different from the past, given a special ability.

That ability is nothing but summoning wings.

Horizontal development

On the back of a giant without a thorn on the main island of Jusum Island, a large, winged tear ripped the flesh out.

* At the moment when Hwajeong was signaled, dozens of detonating swords floated in the air and rushed to Kushantor at once.

The wave, which was released late at a time, tore into the air and cracked down like a sword. The magic power around is rocking like crazy. The ability of the two powers to blow out the darkness of the grassland for a moment, but it was enough to brighten the field of vision.

Soon, the deteriorating swords of Kushan Thor, who are retreating in haste, catch up quickly and bombard the upper body.

It’s fun!

A hot sound that is accompanied by a binge. Whenever one foot is stuck, the upper body of Kushantor shakes without cause, and the body is pushed backward. But in the midst of it, the giant was still standing.

Kushantor’s heart was shaken by the waves that followed him.



Then the scream of the storm burst out. The body of Kushantor who seemed to be barely stomping wobbles for a moment. I wanted to get down on my body, but the giant tended to go over the upper body trying to get over it.


Kushantor, who stumbled back and forth, eventually bent one knee. But the bent knee did not touch the floor. Somehow, my knees were folded about half as if I could not kneel.

There is no place in the surrounding area that has been in conflict with Kushantor. It looks like it was hit by an earthquake or carpet bombing.

But Kushantor ‘s body is even worse. The first group of deteriorating swords penetrated through the body of the giant, leaving a wound, and it is still suffering from the constant damage that comes with the eagle eagle. The chest that was directly hit by the wave was in a state of unsightly distortion. The blood that flows out of the stomach begins to soak the upper body.

Nevertheless, Kushantor still did not fall. Even though his face was distorted in pain, he still bends one knee, still holding his feet and still burning his forehead.

‘Do you even hold this attack?’

I sneaked into my heart and slowly calmed my breath. I felt the circuit was unstable because I used the horsepower for a moment, but the tattoo of the ancient mermaid stamped on the heart stabilizes the flow.

So now, rather than act tactfully, in order to prepare for the third round, you have to collect your horsepower by breathing.

In the meantime, Kushan Tordo has made a distant move with us in an agile move that does not suit the big name.

It was when the second round was over.


One leg that had been bent over suddenly stood upright. And Kushantor swung his hand over the sky. Suddenly, the two eyes gazing at me glare more than ever.

The Courrell, the Courrell!
Part Tsutsu Tsutsu Tsutsu!

At that time, sudden eardrums and discharge sounds suddenly ringing. When I looked up at the source of the sound, I saw a lightning flash of blueish color that revolves around 묠nir. Sippery sparks are scattered all over the place as if they are dancing in the air.

And suddenly, the change started.

묠 Niir changes. 묠 Niir is changing. Just a big hammer, 묠nir is slowly changing shape, raising a mad light.

Should I use it?

The color changes to bluish, the whole body twists in zigzag, gradually grows in size and thickness. In the past, it looks like a huge lightning bolt.

Yes, lightning. Kushantor was holding a lightning bolt in his hand.

No, it does not matter.

Wave support support support support support job!

One lightning, 묠nir was just bursting with enormous aura. Tearing up the flowing air, shaking the surrounding space, and releasing the momentum to swallow everything.

Just as the storm came down, a terrible wind turned like a top, and even the ground turned upside down.

Kurrurrer ruin!
Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo!

The sky is divided and the earth rises. The pillar of light descends.

At the same time, the whole body of Kushantor, who received the pillar, began to scatter the brilliant light.

Dazzlingly bright colors.

Just looking at the light, I felt pressure on the whole body.

Sacred aura spreading all around.

I did not even think to move dare to face the energy.

I pulled the hair away from my eyes, I stared at the eyes that I was going to rewind, and I stared at the front.

Suddenly Kushan Tor’s waist becomes straight. I pinched my broken heart, which was slightly squat. The chest and shoulders draw a straight line.

The king of the giants, whose heads are so inundated, looks roaring in the sky.

“Ego Sum Dominus Gigantum, Kuschani Thorrrrr!”

Then, like a declaration, a thunderous cry comes out of the prairie and shakes across the prairie.

And that moment.

– Ohhhhh, Domine Deus Noster! Kuschani Thorrrrr!
– Ohhhhh, Domine Deus Noster! Kuschani Thorrrrr!
– Ohhhhh, Domine Deus Noster! Kuschani Thorrrrr!
– Ohhhhh, Domine Deus Noster! Kuschani Thorrrrr!

I was able to face the real DemiGod.

The voices ringing in my ears were not echoed.

I do not know what you mean, but I felt instinctive.

It was a shout of the giants who heard the roar of Kushantor, no delight. The giants cried out at the cry of the king that we are the strongest, not to accept the defeat.

As if the song of victory is spreading far away, it fills the battlefield of the grassland.

Do not fall!

As he responded to the cheers, 묠nir began to emit a whirlwind moment.

After a while, Kushantor finally leaned back to his right arm.

And also,


Along with a cry like a shout of Kushantor, lightning broke the air.

The thrown Nunir sprays a bluish light, splashes lightning that tears everything up, and descends as if it stuck straight down.

At some point, the lightning that came in aiming at me showed a sudden orbit change. And, not me, I pass over the head for a long time, leaving behind a long afterglow.

Almost at the same time, Kushantor sprints to the sky as hard as possible.

I even think that the action is all right. ‘So he’s not your goal.’

Suddenly, the words of the lanterns ran past the brains.

At that moment, I did not even know that Kushantor followed me up into the air. I get the impression that the end is approaching without knowing why.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Today’s midnight update was successful. I feel really good. : D The part of the giants is now ending.

Let ‘s see.

Oh, man, man, man, man, man.Each word is an arbitrary compressed word for spoiler protection. Afterwards.)

It is likely to end within two or three times. The battles between giants and users are not going to consume a few times like a fight with Kushantor. 🙂

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