
Chapter 637

“I’m sick of steel mountains. So let’s go. ”

The day after I arrived at the giants’ home. My brother called me as soon as he got up in the morning and pulled out the horses. I stared at him trying to make a face that I did not understand as much as I could.

“…Why are you staring at me like that? ”

“No, I suddenly say something. Do you want to go out now? ”

Then his brother laughed and slowly shook his head.

“Not that. I did not even build a fort in the first place. ”


“Does not it end soon anyway? You did it. If you can only reach the ground of the giants, the steel mountain range is almost done. ”


I certainly said so. Now you can escape the steel mountains for the next three days, and Atlanta is four days away. It was said that Atlanta could be reached here by about seven days.

“I know what you mean … . How…

I understood your words. But literally ‘How?’Was a problem. I know I have told you. Even if you know it, other users do not realize that the Steel Mountain Range will end soon. However, we can not operate the reconnaissance squad until three days.

“do not worry. I already have a way of thinking. ”

But he laughed and said with a confident voice. I had a head for a while, but I was able to realize one fact when I saw my brother touching his shoulder.

‘I see you do not have a clap?’

I always wanted to be quiet as the guy who was always rattling and looking after me.

“So you want to use the squirt?”

“Use. I just had a couple of days to get some air. ”

‘You’ve already sent it.’

Anyway, one of them is really good. But even if you follow your thoughts, there is still a problem. East, South and North have once completed the attack, now it was time for the East to go out again. However, if you look at the Kangraksani that you’ve been doing before, the eastern part will be … . No, wait.

‘Now the steel mountains are over, are not they?’

I could see what he was thinking.

“brother. surely… ”

“Fuhu. You just keep watching. I’ll take care of the rest. ”

My brother said in a meaningful voice that I read my expression. After that, I felt as if I should believe in myself. Strictly speaking, I belong to the Southern Fellowship, and I am not willing to interfere in this matter. And I told you so, so I thought I’d better get out of here.

“Well, okay.”

“Yes. Aka, Suh Hyun-ah. ”

Now that I’m about to turn to the thought that there is no more story to tell, my brother has called me as if he had forgotten.


“Oh, it’s not the other way.

What is it? Did you contact Han So Young?

‘Did you?’

I have pondered, but I have not had any memories since I left the southern fort.

No I’m not. I do not. ”

Really? It’s strange … ”

“……?””I contacted you two times yesterday. So I asked the Shadow Queen to tell her, did not you hear? ”

I contacted him twice and he interrupted me in the middle … . It smells like something.

“Find out once.”

Finally, I finally got out of my brother ‘s tent. I wanted to go to a concert, but at first it was a place to go.

My brother or a hundred people could recover soon, but Ansol was not in the mood yet. It was my responsibility to do that, so I was going to the hospital twice a day to see the recovery trend.

It was not that hard to find a casualty station as I had already walked in a few times. But as soon as I was about to go inside, I had to stop. There was a passenger who came before me.

When I peeked inside, I saw Ansol lying dead in the cot and two men and women shining in anxious colors on both sides. It was Im Hanna and Ahn Hyun. Ahn Hyun sees his ankle with an unbelieving eyeball, bowing his head slightly. …It does not seem to be a mood to enter without knowing why.


He does I am breathing my sigh. ”

just… I’m sick. ”

“…It will be fine. Do not worry too much. Huh?”

Lim hanah asked, but Ahn hurried her head.

“I still can not believe it. It’s like you’re still in a coma … ”


“I think it will happen soon … ”

“…I will. I’m sure I will. Sally will be looking at you. ”

Ahn Hyun stared at Ansol for a long time without seeing the middle. But eventually he nodded his head and slowly raised his body. As soon as I saw Ahn Hyun go out to the other side without power, I stepped inside.

“I’m here?”

Im Hanna barely tilted and touched the bed. It seems to have known from the time when it came. I moved to the place where I was standing on the other side of Limhana.

“Just come in. It’s okay. ”

“I do not think the atmosphere is a little bit. Anyhow, what about Ansol? ”

So Imhanna looked at me and smiled a gentle smile. Does that mean there are no roads yet?

Let’s check with the third eye.

“Do you have a dream? My face looks very comfortable. ”

Imhanna was stroking Ansol ‘s head for four quarters with a gentle face reminiscent of her mother.

‘So then, Shin Jae-ryong and Im Hanna have been helping the casualty management station all the time.’

I suddenly thought I would appreciate it. There have been a lot of things I have not been able to care about recently, and the clan members were taking care of it. In general, it is said that they listen to not only the casualty station but also the border missions.

In fact, the clan members seemed to take it for granted. No, I said I would do it myself. As a result, the current users think that ‘Why did they come?’It’s not like that.Respectively. The reason why I was able to find out why the users in the Northwest are greeting me so much that I am burdened only by myself.

Of course, thank you very much. If you did not get it right then the guy who lived in a bunk bed would not have been an angel.

“Suh Hyun-ah.”

As soon as I was so pensive, I heard Umhanna’s voice.

Yes. it is.

“It looks beautiful to sleep with our brush, is not it? It’s like an angel. ”

Imhanna was looking at her face because she was so beautiful that she was breathing colorfully.Actually, as Hanhna ​​bended her upper body, she was touched first with a big chest down, but decided to go over.

I stared at Ansol as well. When I sleep well, Anshall seems to be correct. A comfortable face with no worries, a versatile lips, and a nostalgic nose … .


I rubbed my eyes reflexively. However, Ansol, who looked at her again, was definitely nervous. I woke up a little, then I fell. It’s like smell.

It was then.


Ansol, who had spilled so much weakness, suddenly started to act. I lay straight in the direction of looking at the ceiling and slowly turned my head toward me. As if it were a laser detector. Then, I moved the head of the curry, and put my right thigh in the width and nose. Then, “Uh huh.” I shed a subtle moan.

‘What, what? When I checked it, I was in a coma?

“Cow, sole? Sola! Did you get sick? ”

Although Imhanna shouted in a hurry voice, Ansol did not react at all.

But the moment I pushed a step back.

“Hiding … ”

Ansol immediately frowned upon Ami. However, until the thighs on the road nose give a quick impression.

“…Is he in a coma? ”

I asked her how she was feeling, but she did not answer. I was just complaining in a bitter smile. ‘It’s a really strange child.’

* After organizing the giants’ land, the construction of a full-scale fortress began. At the same time, a short break was found in the North-South expedition. Because the construction of the fort is the responsibility of the residents, the users have nothing to do.

But my brother did not have a break. The commander was the busiest person after the attack.

He did not take the time and contacted me that the attack was over. Then it is natural that the East should go out in order.

However, as expected, the East did not move the expedition. ‘Is not it too short?’ Or ‘I’m in doubt about the march.’And so on, almost tackled close to the tackle. It seems that the planting of the Northwest Expeditionary Unexpectedly has been disrupted by the unexpected success of the attack. Perhaps, the user who participated in this attack felt that the attitude of the East crossed the road. When I heard that, I was seriously considering whether I would just destroy the East.

But he did not. The anger of countless users. I waited silently for a little cry, and two days later, I suddenly added additional announcements and contacts based on my return.

‘As a result of checking with Qinglong, we have confirmed that there is a point where the steel mountain range ends at a distance of four days.’
‘If the Eastern opinion is so, we will go on for a few more days.’

That’s it.

The announcement of the fact type was also a ridiculous remark. Crossing the Steel Ranges or discovering a new continent will be 100%accomplished, and the achievement is directly linked to the reward. So all the expeditions should be given the same equality, it was meant to be solitary alone.

But nobody blamed his brother. It is because all of you knew about what your brother intended to say.

So, as soon as this is the case, the Eastern Expedition will ‘go’.I had to change my position. I can not give up my achievement because I set up a bad self – esteem.

Did you say that if you stay still in the old saying, go to the middle? For about three days, the workshop of Ozhakshin ended with the success of his brother. The eastern part reveals their sincerity and at the same time, it has become a laughing place. If I had stayed like the South, I would have gone in the middle.

After all, the East first departed and joined the South, and then the Southeast came together.

Of course, there was no problem here. No, could it be the problem of the entire East and West South?

Although it is good to be given the achievement, it is a reality that it is necessary to leave at least the minimum number of the protection personnel when we build fortress.

However, in the situation that is ahead of such a success, which user would like to remain? It was inevitably a dilemma in the end … .

‘I do not care.’

As it is, at least ‘remains.’I did not have to worry about it. Mercenary was already out of the southern fortress, and because of the nature of Han So – young, it was not necessary to return to this issue. It belongs to the Northwest Expedition Units, so it is not worth mentioning in the first place.

In the midst of such a struggle, we could only wait with ease.

‘By the way, I feel like I forgot something important … . ‘

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Oh readers, I’m really crazy. Great day.

It seems that my mother read the contents of 634 times.

If that’s what happened, you wrote it down to the province at that time. I should have turned off Word and ended the Ultrabook when I wrote it, but I left it alone. Then I switched to sleep state, and I thought I had finished it. I have not had it since.

I told you that I need your mother today and I will let you know in a few hours. That word was on. I thought the real heart was falling. You said you did not see the word, but you said you minimized it, and then why did you let me know in a few hours? There’s a flame and a god … . Oh, I’m nervous. ㅜ. ㅠ.

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