
Chapter 642

Deep night, dark sky.

I do not hear the popularity because it is late time. Perhaps now everyone is going to sleep in a tent or sleeping bag.

‘Then I saw the border, how long have you been?’

I do not know exactly, but it is almost time to finish roughly. Given that the border shifts usually come about 10 minutes early, there is a high probability that they will come to shift soon.

And when you come, you’ll be amazed at me. Why am I standing alone? Where are the other users?As a rule, at least two people are to be bounded, except when there is a lot of room.)

Of course, I also had a reason and boundaries just a few hours ago, but I just returned it because I was drowsy. I would just give it a whim if it was fair enough, because it was a hindrance to thinking deeply.

It was a decision that I wanted to be alone enough for me as I was not always on the border anymore and I was always active in the detection of horsepower.

“Hmm… . I think I can get away before noon today … ”

The night sky comes into my eyes naturally when I lie down on my back and mingle with my own private words. The full moon rising in the sky sprinkles a brilliant light, and the dozens of stars that surround it glitters the starlight as it competes.

As I gazed at the sky of the night with a bit of a feeling of blankness, the words I had heard before rubbed past my mind.

So, it is so … . ‘

Seo Ho-young’s approach to Han So- If you think rationally, it is not a story to just laugh. In fact, the situation is almost ahead of the completion of the battle, the behavior of the recent Shogun is certainly not common. I can see why you act like that.

‘Starting from a new continent, it’s going to double your influence.’

It is inevitable for the main stage to move from Barbara to Atlanta in the future. As such, the structure of power to be achieved in Atlanta can be classified as preemptive, and depending on how preemptive it is, it depends on how quickly you can stabilize it.

From that point of view, it is true that the eastern and southern regions are in a more favorable position than the north-western regions, which have lost considerable power this time.

Of course, he will not dream of becoming the second golden lion. It ‘s a dream that’ s never really endless, and it ‘s not that stupid enough to have seen it until now. It is also impossible that the South is alive and well.

However, I can not deny that he had exposed the teeth he had hidden. If you’ve been to the East losers in the Northern Continent, it’s clear that Atlanta is more than that.

Above all, from the fact that he approached Han So Young, he approached the idea of ​​bifurcating the South and the new continent. Instead of touching the South, I would like to offer the West and the North as sacrifices.

I am glad that I am unhappy, and that Chohwa is not likely to want the worst of civil war. .

‘There is a question of whether there is an emotional goal between each expedition.’

I do not think that users have changed.

No. Rather, it would be right to say that you have now revealed a real figure, exactly that ambition. As long as I have found a new continent, it is true that any user wants to develop more than now by taking advantage of the present time. I also do not get out of there.

The problem, however, is that the way to make progress is considerably lethal and unsavory. When I think about it quietly, it seems that there is no bad memories and no good memories about the user named.

The … .

It was then.

I heard the sound of stepping on the bushes behind me suddenly in the midst of my thoughts about Cho Shoho. Reflectively focusing on detection, I was able to feel two things slowly coming closer.

“So this is my prediction … . Maybe Suhyeon likes the female … ”

“…“Are you sure?” Is this really your brother? ”

As I turned my gaze, I saw a lady with a bursting volume and a woman with a deep blue robe walking down the street talking about Doran Doran. High Performance and Kim Han –

I think it is time for a shift shift, and I decided to put my mind on this. It is not a good habit to think too much.

First of all, it is a top priority to get completely out of the steel mountains and fall into Atlanta.

When I think about it, I raise my body, and Kim Han – seong is showing a sense of disturbance from the performance of playing with his hands and laughing.

‘But what are they talking about?’

* The sun rose and the morning brightened.

From the time of the meal, there was a thrilling atmosphere in the entire expedition. According to his brother’s announcement, today was the day when he could escape the steel mountains. Thanks to him, my brother came to visit me at the time of meals, but I was relieved to laugh and not to worry.

After the meal was over, the march started naturally similar to the hard-line.

I mean, I suppose that the expectation of the users worked.

Has not it been a smooth march since the first time I left the fort without a single obstacle?

If you are a little bit noticeable here, you might have felt a few changes compared to before. It always turns out that the darker shrubbery turns into a bright light. And that the forest, which was lush enough to be invisible, was gradually being thrown. It is a sign that each of these landscapes has really reached the end of the steel range.

‘If it is this speed, it will arrive before noon?’

When I looked around, I felt that it was new. From here on, I will definitely remember the road, but if I go straight ahead, I will not be afraid to lose my way.

I really started to get out of the steel mountains, and my steps started slowly.

I have already experienced this once and I wonder what other users feel like.

In fact, if you march continuously for three days, you will feel somewhat dull.

But the sense of liberty that it is finally over, the sense of accomplishment that we did, and the expectation of a new continent. The clan members jerked off with a whiff of their face without a boring feeling.

Especially, from the point already known, the prediction part about the new continent is fun to hear, so I can march happily forgetting to be free.

How much time has passed.

I kept going straight. At a certain moment, I stopped breathing for a moment, confirming the plains of the vast horizon where the ends of the mountain road were not visible.

Soon after I hurried down, I felt the moment I felt like stepping on a flat ground on the soles of my feet. Then, slowly looking around, I saw a clear field where a cool wind blows, rather than a craggy forest.

“…….”I did not know what to think, but I took a step that I did not know.

An endless landscape of grass. It is just a part of the mountain just outside the mountains, but every time you step out, the grass growing up in size shines brightly with the sun rising in the middle.

The land that has not been touched by human beings for hundreds of years has just appeared shy like a new color city.

It was a beautiful scenery that was difficult to use as a substitute.



At the end, I was thinking the same thing as myself, someone is resilient. I could set the spirit to that sound, and I grasped my fist.

‘Sure, I’m off.’

Today is exactly the fourth day after leaving the fortress of Northwest.

Approximately 50 days have passed since the beginning of the first regional attack.

A steel mountain range plan was announced, perhaps 90 days or so.

okay . . . So, almost three months after the long road … .


“Never-ending achievement!”

“The users of the North Continent have succeeded in plowing through the rugged steel mountains and through the new continent, a barren land!”

“The name of the new continent is Atlanta. It is the continent where the history of the days when the various kingdoms were competing with each other, and the golden age of the supreme golden age, is asleep, and the living room of the Kingdom of Victoria. The achievement of discovering this continent is a worthy achievement in history. ”

“Everyone who participated in the expedition will be given 100.000 Gold Points!”

We were able to escape the steel mountains.

At last Atlanta is approaching.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Sul 1.

Abeken Yu ~. Yoo Woo – ho won ~. Crude oil ~. Chu Chu Chu Chu! Chu Chu Chu Chu!
Abeken Yu ~. Yurowan ~. No dew ~. Chu Chu Chu Chu! Chu Chu Chu Chu!
Fururururururu ~!
I’m out of the steel mountains! Hooray, Hooray, Hooray, Hooray!

Sul 2.

My brother traveled to Switzerland with my girlfriend. I danced with a bruise. My desk in my room is better.

So last night, he laughed and went into the room holding the Ultra Book. However, I had no choice but to close the road visit after seeing the room. At the same time, he was forced to take a deep look at his intentions. The room was so dirty. Did you know I used to use the room, and you purposely defiled it?

I cleaned up the room thinking I could not. I cleaned the desk neatly. And I sent a katok.

The next day, at 3 o’clock in the morning.

‘I came to the desk to get rid of it.’
‘What’s good?’
‘As planned. ha


I’ll be distracted before I get back. haha

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