
Chapter 644

The plan of Astor was simple.

In one word, Lee Ji (ity 夷夷). It means to defeat the barbarians with barbarians and to use other forces to control other forces.

That is to say, just before the arrival of the people of the North Continent into Atlanta, the Forbidden Terror forced the human world (exactly Atlanta.).I would send them to fight against each other.

From the standpoint of the devil, if you succeed, you will gain tremendous benefits.

Of course, even if it is a hell-hole, it can not escape the laws that act on the world. As soon as it is summoned to the human world, a large part of the force is limited. But when you think about the hell of hell, it was a problem that you did not have to worry about at all. No matter how limited it might be, it would have been overflowing to kill the weaker users.

The really important question here is, “How do you bring the hell of the airspace?” . For the success of the plan, two conditions must be premised.

One is to prepare the ‘Dimension Movement’ to send out the hell air. The other is to complete the Gene and activate it, then pulling the whole hell hole. The first condition is not very impossible. It is impossible to deny that it is a very troublesome task to prepare a dimensional movement, but it is enough to construct it once and for all.

However, it was not 100%confident that even the greatest demon who dominated the peak of the magic would be able to draw the hell of the air into its full power.

Eventually, for the success of the plan, Astorot declared himself a bait. Mephistopheles (one of the demons 14 monarchs in the last invasion of Hell, has the nickname ‘Mad Flame’).’Hell of the hell has got a great deal of interest in fire.’ Is based on information.

This, of course, does not guarantee that the hell space will move as expected, but … .

Still, I was over the hell section and I was looking at myself.

No, actually, Astarte was feeling a bit strange. When I went down to the old super heat hell, I had to fight a lot of obstacles with the bandits by blocking every section. However, nowadays, I can not even see the sighs.

The fact is that the Hellboy who already knows all the things told me to wait, but it was a matter of course for us to know about it.

Anyway, the work was open and the plan started. The demons had already occupied the envy of hell. At this time, Bell Zebb, who is familiar with the law of the state, will be making up the top-level dimension. I have followed Baal and Asmodus, and it was understandable that Astorot was confident. I was convinced that if this power was enough, I would be able to sustain myself even if I did not win the hell of the air.

Astor, who had been running for such a long time, slowly slowed down as the tower began to appear from afar. Currently, the section across which Astor has crossed is the ‘Great Hell Hell’, the fifth section of the 8th Hell. This next section is the sixth episode of ‘Super Hell’, which was also the period when former Astor was defeated by the Hellfire.

Astor, who frowned upon the memory of the time, stood 20 meters away from the tower and opened his eyes in a circle. I also stopped to walk reflexively. The gaze of Astart, looking forward, was suddenly embarrassed.

Below the towering tower, there was a woman sitting on the body spilling a soft red light. The two legs were firmly attached and tilted at an angle, and both hands were put together nicely on the left knee. The eyes, which look a bit hollow, are heading for Mt. It reminded me of a woman waiting for her lover.

After a while. The woman slowly began to look slowly and slowly. At that moment, Astrott felt like breathlessness. There was a transparent texture that was not visible, but the two pupils who had fallen into the darkness had such a gentle light that they could not express themselves in words.

So Astorot felt the mental stamina for a moment.

“You still have a little behavior.”

I heard the voice of the hell of the air, and I could barely get up.

“I’m slack … . And? ”

Really? I have waited for a few days but I have not come, and in the end, this body has to come up directly. This is not a slow match. ”

As the astronaut stammered, the hell of the air rises from the tower to the graceful state. The voice was still, but the horse was intent on mocking the opponent. He twisted his mouth.

“I feel good. You are so close to me. …Is my strength so coveted? ”

“It’s good enough for bullshit too.”

Though Astrodt nodded, he was dismissed as a bullshit.

“Certainly, I put a lot of attention on the last time. But I do not care anymore about the power of the defeated bitch. ”

Then he gestured lightly as if he did not want to deal with anymore.

“I do not want to mix these words with you. Please guide me. It would be better to go with you than to go out alone. ”


The eyes of Astorot have narrowed down. Then he smiles as if he is laughing at hell.

“What do you wonder? Did not you think I would not know your trivial plans? Is that also here? ”

“Well, then.”

“But do not worry. Because I am so bored, I have a willingness to go to some degree. At least you will complete your role. ”


Astor, who realized the truth of the hell of the air, spilled boiling.

I already know all the plans. But I will guide you well. Because I am so bored.

Who would have imagined that a great demon reigning at the apex of demons and Asmets would be treated like this. As the tsunami shattered, the body of Astorot shivered. But Moora could not open her mouth. Therefore sign

“Or will you just die here?”

The presence of asking in front of you is enough to deserve it. It is the same as the fire that is called the ancient fire. In the pure destructive power, it is the fire of the ending that the fire is going to enter the fire, and the existence of the ‘coward of hell’.

The plans that have been touched have been shattered. In the end, there was only one way to choose in this situation. Astarte banged his lower lip. And he chewed up the humiliation and turned slowly.

Wrong. You are a better man than you see. ”

In the voice of a still mocking youngster, Astorot bred Baudrill.

‘Dogs in the same year. Let’s leave and see … ! ‘


It was the first section of the 8th row of the Hell, which was occupied by demons.

Those who conquered the hell were not the only great demons. We have also brought down the 14 Demons of the monarchs and brought the Asmodians from the lowest to the highest. If all goes together, it would be right to look at almost one corps.

They were busy all the time. Under the direction of Bell Zebb, who was responsible for the composition of the Dimension Movement, he was preparing for the next round.

Then suddenly there was a big change in the back-up hell. Suddenly there was a lumpy and rounded hole in the sky around the tower, where the two boys fell off. One was a handsome young man with horns on his forehead, and the other was a pale woman who shed a reddish light from his whole body.

Everyone in the hell of hell turned to the sky and fell down. And I gazed at the woman with a look that seemed to have been dismayed.

However, the woman looked around and sneezed into Kim ‘s face.

“Fuyu … . All those guys who do not look so good … . Is the preparation yet anyway? ”

At least I could not hear the words before, but I could hear clearly. The woman, the hell of the hell, told me exactly what Bell Jebb stands at the center of the circle.

“Kel … ? ”

And Bell Zebb did not understand the situation that he faced very briefly. Yes. I would understand if I had come in to the living room. He came in as if he had been drinking in the neighborhood and asked if he was ready. And the astrot who came in together, without saying anything, just shivering with a flapping face.

“…쯧. ”

The hell the airplane touched the reaction of the surroundings and touched his head with a sigh. Then, on his way to the top of the house, he sits down on his chin with one hand and gazes at the evil demons.

“Then, when you are finished, ask. But I do not want you to wait too long. ”

It’s like talking about the bottom of things. The demons began to slowly begin to feel one by one. By this time, I was going to feel anger beyond what I was without.

Astart knowing that his plan was broken, he closed his pride in front of the hell. It prayed because of the plan, but most of all, we have experienced some of the truth of the old hell air. However, if only the words are in their position, they can not endure like the Astartus because of the nature of the prideful demon. Especially if you are a big demon who thinks he is the best in ‘destruction’.

After a while. “Hindrance. Move.

A girl with a teddy bear with a teddy bear in one hand walks up to the fishing pier. She was a girl with a very impressive impression on a short, short, platinum-haired hair, but the blue-eyed puppy is light-hearted. Just as if you were tearing the other person apart.

‘King of the East.’, ‘Cruel Destroyer.’

Baal will come.

It was interesting to see that Baal, the stranger of the hellish airspace, walked and walked.

Soon after Baal stopped his pace with some distance from the tower, the lips of the hell were opened.

“Huh, you’re a cute child.”

That was the moment.

A moment when the hell air was a word.


The two eyes of the short answer Baal suddenly tore, and the red light glowed.

Then, a whirlwind of vast Maggie swirling in the middle of the river suddenly overruns the tower where the hell airman sits.

Quark Quark Quark!

In one room, the tower is smashed and smokes.

“My, my jeans … . Kel … ”

Bell Jebb heard a mumbling sound, but Baal stared at the front with a brightly glowing eye.

Apparently Baal did not understand at first. However, as long as he has decided that he is enemy, Baal will act without any hesitation.

Of course, the plan was recognizing. However, if the hell air defense does not prevent this kind of attack, it thinks that it can not do not do plan, and it is a drowned attack.

Is it Baal?

It was then.

“Hmm, the power of destruction like me … . okay . . . I will not bother about this. ”

In the midst of the flare of smoke, the serene beauty flows out in the clear.

It was when Baal thought of it and smiled a pale smile.

“Oh, it is praise.”


Through the thick smoke … . No, the moment Baul’s eyes turned into a reddish-tinged hand that exploded and burned, this time he was once again enlarged in a different sense.

A hand that is clearly reddish than ever before comes up every moment. It was quite fast, but it was still catching on.

Nevertheless, Baal could not react completely.

I did not know why Baal was sudden. I just observe the incoming hand, I do not think the body will move. Exactly, I could not see any moves to counter the attack.

Did Baal just feel strangely feeling that his opponent’s will is burning his will to respond?

Finally, the stretched out hand grabs the neck of Baal standing still. I have a hard body and go up to the air.

And also,


At the same time as breaking something, Baal’s little head twisted bizarrely.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== The power of the hell of the air … . I think you might think that.

I do not know if there is anyone who remembers what Uliel warned about Kim Soo-hyun in the past. Then Uliel said.

The physical strength 90 is the first awakening, 100 is the second awakening, and 101 is the third awakening. And when it becomes 102, it gets out of the setting which the angel gave and regains original strength. It’s enough to edit the world. I mean, it’s enough to warn an angel of danger.

At least in the hell of hell in the hell, Kim Soo – hyun ‘s 1, 2, 3 awakening all the wake up and a physical strength of 102 can not guarantee the victory. More than that.

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