
Chapter 656

“Moving Dimension … ! But what about short? ”

Helena burst out with a light resilience and her knees bowed. Then, after sweeping a few times with a handful of red soil, sweeping the floor, the dark red mark on the palm of the hand was revealed. The marks were too bright to be seen as a trace of the red soil, and on the other hand, there was an intense viscosity.

Kenichi Momoyama Blood

Helena quietly whispered, as if she suddenly realized something. The eyes that are shining in golden color are returned to normal and the eyes are tapered to the utmost.

yeokshi There was not a dimension moving. It certainly exists here. ”

It was. Literally, the Wasteland was depicted in a dimension by Helena. A simple summon, drawn by someone’s blood. However, it is not conspicuous because it is piled up in the wastelands with a color similar to blood.

Helena was still looking at her everywhere with her eyes, slowly raising her body.

‘It’s a plan that someone has played for quite a long time.’

After acquiring the information through the ‘eye of the heart overlooking the sky’, Helena’s accidental circuit began to go back tight. I do not know until the detailed plan, but at least I noticed that someone had intentionally summoned the hell of the hell. There is no such thing as a summons with interference.

In fact, Helena’s idea was almost correct. Satan was infected with the seeds of the devil, and he was able to see it as the crystallization of this arrangement.

There are two effects that Satan interfered with.

The first is to fix the coordinates of the unstable, regular dimensional movement to the human world. The second is that there is a measure to restore some degree of strength in case the hell-hole is greatly weakened by the restriction of the law of causality. All of the users in the range were melted down and absorbed into the hell, which was the result of such interference.

That is, the big demons are throwing the hell out of the air by playing the official jeans, and they have done this in a truly awesome timing, which precisely predicts and captures users’ Only Jinsong (Satoshi) Satan was possible equilibrium.

So, now that the hell air is being summoned and fighting in the middle of nowhere, it is safe to say that the plan has worked to some extent.

However, there is also a jade in the jade, so the plan did not have very few scratches in the plan.

There was just one flaw.

That is, there is one user, or one entity, that sees the middle-sized expedition of the North Continent expedition.

Of course, there is no data on the human movement in the human world at present, and even if it remains, no user has the ability to execute it. It was not unreasonable that Satan overlooked the fact.

But what if there is a non-user in the North Continent expedition?

Furthermore, if the entity has a rich knowledge of the dimensional movement and has knowledge to apply it to?

Then the story is different. No, it could be different.

“…쯧. ”

After a while, Helena knew the situation a little bit before and after kicked her tongue heavily. After some thought, I could finally make a conclusion. But if you say you have a conclusion, reality does not change.

Rather, it is only clear how the hell air was summoned and what it is.

After all, Helena’s final conclusion is that there is no way to kill the hell of the air in this situation. No matter how hard it is for Kim Soo-hyun and the users, it is 100%impossible to physically kill such an existence. This is the law of absolute invariance. …okay . . . ‘Killing’ is impossible.



As soon as I had decided to do so, my familiar voice flowed into Helena’s ears.

Helena stared at her eyes, turning her body. Sasha was standing alone on the outside of Jin. I do not know when she came, but it looks like Helena has been watching her when she is having a strange eye.

Helena shrugged her shoulder as if she were staring at her, and she put on her arm. It was the moment Sasha opened his mouth in the act.

“Now you … ! ”

“You are well done.”

‘What are you doing?’ Sasha said to shut up. It is strange to say that when you say not to come along at all, and that you are good now.

“first… ”

At that moment, Helena, who stopped suddenly, stared at the sky and frowned. Sasha, who looked exactly the same as she wanted to, wanted to see the scene in the air and open her mouth.

The battle that was in the middle of nowhere was just stopped. And one in the sky was falling down with a fire on his body. Like the tail of a comet falling from outer space. Even if I did not run away, the meaning of that sight was clear.

‘I do not have time to explain … . ‘

Helena took a slow lips and Helena called Sasha without delay.

“Sasha Felix! Go and go. I found a way to get rid of the enemy. ”

“What, what?”

Sasha flirted. It was not because Helena called her name for the first time.

“Only here … ! Bring him to this place somehow. Then I can take care of the rest. ”



“Oh, no.”

Sasha wanted to say something. But instinctively, I realized that the situation was so urgent that I had no time to listen to the explanation.

And most of all, the atmosphere that surrounds Helena was very delicate. It seemed to have made a big decision to shine the pupil. As if he was determined to die.

“…I know.”

In the end Sasha was forced to turn her body in the face of pressure.

It is also a moment to look back at the flow. After confirming the returning Sasha on the way she had come, Helena looked back at the surrounding wilderness and sigh deeply. And slowly began to move toward the center of Jin.

‘This is the only way.’

Helena’s inner side had already made a decision.

It is impossible to kill the hell of the air. However, as I said to Akashasha, it is possible to ‘get rid of it’.

In this world.
By reusing this jean.

Already all the information was in this place. However, ‘hell returns the air.’ Two conditions are currently required to achieve the goal of ”

The first is to reconstruct only the short form and convert it into a formal dimensional translation.

It is obviously a difficult task, but it is not impossible. It is already a certain state of completion, and the person walking to the center of Jin is not an ordinary person. After the ancient myths and the giants, the dragon ruled the world.

Among them, Magna Carta, which was reigned at the apex of the race, which was endowed with the title of the end, was the reality of Helena.

The second is to prepare the sacrifices needed for the play.


It was then.

In the center of Jin, another Helena stopped her pace and looked up at the sky.

“There is no regrets.”

Hellenna’s eyes were murmuring innocent words, and innumerable emotions were rubbing. Something seemed to be going on, but on the other hand it seemed to be very sad.

Then, when the flow of complicated and subtle emotions flowing in her eyes stopped, Helena laughed hysterically.

“But I wanted to go to the store once … ”

* Inhyeon falls from the sky hit the ground.


Then the dust of the blood rose and a great roar sounded. Then someone sat down comfortably on the ground where the vibration still remained.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve been right.”

The moment I checked out the hellbreaking hell that wiped out the blood flowing through my mouth, the faces of the users in the neighborhood crossed the blanket. The battle in heaven is over before we can go into maintenance yet.

That was not the point.

Even if you look at it, the condition of the hell barrage was not normal. There was no way to see what was happening before, and there was a somewhat disturbed figure that was wounded everywhere.

But anyone who stood anyway was hell. I mean, it was Kim Soo-hyun who had just hit the ground.

“Anyway, now … ”

It was the moment that the hell of the air was quietly opened after spitting out a salty salty spit.

Kim Soo – hyun stood up in the middle of the ridiculous soil.

Suddenly the silence fell. Even a hell of an airplane could not think of a horse. One wing was broken, and the whole body was a bloodbath, all of which was tattered, but Kim Soo-hyun was still standing.


The hell of the hell broke his face. Then he blows his body like a bee and rushes Kim ‘s chest with his whip in his hand.

At the same time, the body of Kim Soo-hyun was greatly distorted. Kim Su – hyun, however, wielded Sura Mahchang, but it was not as intense or sophisticated as before. I just waved it in a reflexive way, and the Hellbreaker was easily avoided. Kim Soo-hyun’s mouth and chest are bursting with clear blood, and the body is broken as it is.

No, I was about to break down.

“……!”Kim Soo-Hyun’s leg, which had bent over half, stopped momentarily. Then slowly, it began to spread very slowly. As the feet are so firmly stuck on the earth, the body, which has fallen hard, finds its place.

So, Kim Soo-hyun stood up again. Like a squirrel that does not fall when it collapses.

“No, what?”

“Su, Su Hyun ah!”

Soon after Kim Soo-hyun came back to his posture, Hell of the Air and Kim Yoo-hyun shouted at the same time.

But did he react to his words?

Suddenly Kim Soo-hyun’s body shook. Then loose loose arm comes up and slowly stirs air.

It was just meaningless action that barely moved the wrist.

However, Kim Yu-hyun, or all the users who watched it, felt a sudden feeling of climbing. It was because I thought I knew what the action meant without knowing it. Kim Su – hyun was almost saying that he should run away to the acquaintances even when he was in the process of becoming a professor.

Kim Soo-hyun’s arm, which has fallen as it is before, is still shivering, aiming at hell again. The Hell Daegeon, who received the unobtrusive gaze, seemed to have lost his words.

What the hell happened?

It was not moderately related. Since Kim Soo-hyun awakened, the hell the hell did not even take his life. The whip was just a blow. Normally, humans should be destroyed without any trace.

By the way, by the way … .

Sincerely Is there no way to kill? ”

The hell the airplane swallowed the chaos. He stared at Kim Soo-hyun, heavily silent. The slowly fading faint red flame informed that the holding time of the chlorination ability was almost finished.

But Kim did not give up. It can be seen only by eyes. Even though the barely-flowing stream was leaving again, I was not letting go of the desire for victory. I am preparing for the final blow by collecting my strength even in situations where consciousness is lost.

Suddenly the hell of the hell felt an uneasiness that could not understand the whole body. Obviously, I am overwhelmed by the situation, but I felt the tension of hell air.

The hell the air force suddenly lifted the right hand because of the tension. You can not admit that you are nervous.


The curled fist is caught in the crimson chloride in an instant. And when I wielded my right hand, the hell of the hell was gathered round like a dagger toward Kim Soo-hyun.

At that moment, the bump, the sound of falling heart is the sound of who I really am.

It was a moment just before the fist-like flame reached Kim’s heart.


Suddenly, the voices sounded at the same time.


White light crowded with soft blue light spread widely and embraces Kim Soo-Hyun’s whole body.

The next moment.


The flames of hell were not able to penetrate the crowd of light, but were diverted to oblique lines.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Fortunately, I was able to get up 50 minutes earlier than I promised. 🙂 In this part, it seems that two things should be corrected in total.

The first one seems to have to re-check the performance of Jeegal Hasols, and the second one is about Blue Dahlia. Blue Dahlia is an evolutionary version of miracles, and there is room for a message to be interpreted to mean that a new, unique ability has flown. I will tell you when the correction is complete.

And next time I’ll have a ripple. If you suddenly ask me if it’s a ripple … . I want to try it for a long time, and the next one is the end of the third part. Of course, you can actually see the second part, the last part of the third part, which was planned at the first design. So, if you have any questions, please ask us.

However, not all of them are releafing all the time. I would like to reply to this question. : D

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