
Chapter 673

“brother Brother!”

A voiceless voice calling me. When I opened my eyes glaringly led by the voice, I could sense that I had fallen into a deep sleep. For a moment I felt strong dizziness on my forehead and I was lonely in the whole body.

It was not the gray skies nor the dark skies that came into my eyes when I was focused on the horizon.

I saw a red sky. As soon as I realized that I was upset, I was able to see a woman nodded at the same time screaming at the side. I turn my gaze on the suddenness, and I see Kim Han – seong watching me with rabbit eyes, with my ass down.


“…That’s not a question I should ask. ”

Why do not you look at me like that?

I looked around after I washed my head. I did not go to the mood yet, but I was able to catch two questions.

First, where is this? And why did I wake up here?

I think I have fallen asleep to the change of the world.

– huh. When you were asleep, the bitch did the trick.

Then the voice of the loudspeakers rang the head.

– Clothed clothes. Be careful not to move even if you wonder. It ‘s so full of you. Heung

The pointed voice seems to be sticking to the brain somewhere. Still, thanks to that, I was able to solve one of the questions. Then holding me I fall asleep to, navigate to the section? And did you take him to where Kim Han-hee was?

“brother. Do you feel a little sick now? ”

When I was thinking about each one of them one by one, Kim Han – soo, who caused me a lot, came up and asked. At the same time, however, I heard the sound of Hwajeong continuing to shoot the seed grain, but first of all, I decided to focus on Kim Han-bum and slowly nodded his head.

“Are you really okay?”

Then, Kim Han-bum looks up at his face with something strange.

What is it? Are you okay? ”

“Do not you remember? You came up with him. I’m completely asleep. ”

Ah… Uh, uh. Did you? right.”

“…What the hell happened to you? I was worried about waiting yesterday. ”

Hmm. I think you’d better turn the topic here.

“I just talked a lot. It was hard. By the way, where is this? ”

“The story is hard … ? Oh, this is where I live while my brother is stunned. ”

“Living area?”

“Yeah. Fortunately, he assigned the area temporarily. Except that there is nothing, I have to stay. ”

I tried to chew on Kim ‘s words for a moment. However, I do not know what I mean. Not really, there was really nothing around. Just like the first time I saw it in hell, it’s just a wide, red, wild thing. And what is the term temporary allocation?

“Is it really worth it?”

Kim hanbeyi smiles as if I read my expression.

“Think about it. My brother did not even bite me a while ago, so you sleep well. ”

Hmm. When I think about it, I did it quite well. I think it sounds plausible.

“I told you. This world has no concept of home. ”

Kim Han-bum was laughing with a sneak peek at me next to me. Is it so good to talk to me?

Anyway, the topic seems to be well turned, but I suddenly realized that what I know now is very scarce. I felt the need to know a bit more about organizing the situation I was facing.

I thought so and I opened my mouth quietly.

“Good bye.”


“Could you tell me a little bit more?”

“Sure. What are you curious about? ”

A long time ago. So soon after the rite of passage, Kim Han summoned me and summarized the contents of discussions among the preliminary users. At that time, while listening to the story, I felt that she was very good at speaking, and Kim Han –

In summary, hell can be divided into eight sections, each section being a world. So far, I know.

However, from the time I came to speak about the tower, stories that I did not know started to emerge.

First, the tower is not just a simple structure, but a means of transportation that allows you to move the section. There are no restrictions on the use of the tower in any area. However, there are restrictions on access to the section. In other words, it was said that there is a limited range of access to each faction.

For example, I am currently in the section of the ‘Great First Line’, which is under the jurisdiction of the hell air, and is only accessible to the captains of the army class.

In addition, there is a total of 66 units of hell troopers, until the end of the first few seconds to go to the end of the entry.After listening to 66 objects, I was convinced of the identity of the Hell Legionaries who were vaguely intuited. When you think of Vivian, the answer comes out.)

Kim Han-bum stressed the difference between jurisdiction and access. Just as Gehenna controls seven sections, there are those who divide each section from one section to six sections. In other words, it was the sound of the beasts.

So far I have been able to understand the world of hell to some extent. In the end it was the concept of territory.

Even if a certain marshals were allowed to go in, it was not possible to travel around the whole area. To travel around the area, permission from the jurisdiction is needed. The provisional allocation of the area mentioned earlier by Kim Han – In a word, it is the favor of Gehenna that the masters do not touch it.

After a while. “Huh. O sul ㅐ year old ㅐ ㅑ ㅜㅎ

Kim Han – soo, who has been speaking for a long time longer than ever, has said that he is tired of chin. Although I was able to solve the question to some extent, I was still piled up like a mountain of questions. But I decided to stop the question. I just went through a little bit more than I did, and Kim Han – …But I really wonder if there is a blacksmith or a library. How on earth are such structures in hell?

“And?” brother.”

While I was wondering if I could ask one more question, Kim Han – seet took his hand off his chin and talked.

“I have something to ask. What on earth have you been talking about with him so long? And why did you come up stunned? ”

And to the question that followed, I felt a more difficult feeling.

Oh yes. Here, ‘Yes. I have some sex. ‘ I can not say straight away.

Four How tough it was to have a conversation … ”

Kim Han-pak is looking at his wondering face.

I’m going crazy. It can not be said that it is the conversation of the body, too.

It was then.

Trencher … .

When Kim Han-bum was struck by the strangeness of his face, he heard the sound of iron and iron hitting somewhere. As I turned my gaze, I could see a story about a savior who would save the situation now, or a knight in armor in his forehead.

Wow… You said that you would have happened by now, and you were really up. ”

It is the skeleton that met with Gehenna recently on the turret.

“How are you?”

Yes hello

The skeleton knight bowed his head gracefully toward me and watched Kim Han-hee and listened to a thick metal glove, and Kim Han-mal got up and greeted him. Then, after I got up to work, I was relieved and opened my mouth.

“I see you again. So it’s my third officer, right? ”

“Yeah. The name given here is Behe, Hee, Moose, and so on. ”

The skeleton knight, who speaks his name one by one, why not, Behemoth. …In fact, I had forgotten.

I was in a hurry after I had a feeling of gratitude for some reason.

“Sure you are.” Anyway, gehen … . Did you come here because of the hell of the hell? ”

“Oh, Yes, that’s right “How did you know?”

“He said he would have happened by now. I guessed from this statement. ”

“It is, too. You are sharp. And the word. You have to lower the word. now… ”

At that moment Behemoth, who was about to say moora, blurred the words of me. I tried to send a doctor to the unspoken mind as much as possible. Then Behemoth, who was blinking in the helmet, blinking and flickering, suddenly hit the remaining bone. Are you smiling?

“Now it’s … ? ”

“…Yes. Now, I think I should go somewhere for a while. ”

Suddenly, Kim Han-bum voiced a strange voice, and Behemoth spoke clearly.

“But why lower the word … ”

“The Grand Duke is waiting. Let’s go and talk. ”

Behemoth intentionally cut off the words of Kim Han-suk and pointed in the direction he was walking.

I felt something similar when I saw Behemoth turning his body. This guy, no this skeleton. It is quite handy. I also notice a lot.

Anyway, I helped so much but I could not turn away, so I started to follow Behemoth with a quick pace. Then, Kim Han – seum grumble at the back of my back, but I was able to feel the chase coming soon.

‘Is he not doing this on purpose, knowing?’

* It took about five minutes since I left the place I woke up to sleep along the skeleton knight.

“We are going to the place where the Grand Daughter is.”

To my question, where are you going now, Behemoth, who was ahead, replied with a slow pace. No, this is a skeleton. I told you that before.

Behemoth strikes again when he sees my expression.

“What and what are you worried about. Would you mind if we give thanks to someone? Hahaha

“Thank you?”

At that time, Kim Han – Whether it was lightening from the time when it came out earlier, it was the urge to listen to the matter by all means this time. I was a bit worried about that moment, but Behemoth nodded slowly.

“Yeah. Thank you. He was soothed in the air. “…What is it? To save you. Expression of something is quite meaningful. Do you mean to come and fuck me now?

“Are you happy? I heard that I just had a conversation. It’s a very tough conversation. ”

Kim Han-hee strongly dismissed whether he felt strange as well.

Hum… Tough conversation. That’s not the wrong word. ”

Behemoth said that he bowed his head toward me and said, “The conversation of the body. Sounds. ” . …This skeleton. It is not the same degree as I think, but the same. If it was the same user, I would not get very familiar with it.

“What the … ”

“Because our grandfather has been a long time lonely.”

In the persistence of Kim Han – bum, Behemoth received it in a calm manner.

Then, Kim Han – seob wrote his head that Doridori was not understanding.

“That’s it, is not it?”

SIMPLE He has something that drives the interest of the air. By sharing in-depth dialogue about that thing, he was able to soothe the loneliness of the Grand Dawn. That’s why I’m thankful. ”

“He, though. I still do not understand. I am thankful that I had a conversation … . It even invites it. ”

“You might think that from a human point of view. Understand. But let’s just imagine that you have to go through this boring feeling for thousands of years. ”

As soon as it came out, Kim Han – seet showed a losing face. And I could not stop admiring it. What in the world…… I press the doubtful lump with words. Of course, if you dig into it, you would not have to object to it, but even with that, you put a smile on the word ‘human perspective’.

Behemoth who KO Kim Han – seung shrugs his shoulder arm and clings to me. Hum… Thank you.

“Anyway, put your doubts in the corner and feel easy. Perhaps he would have called this to say thank you. ”

Behemoth, who had spoken to him at once, turned off Ahn Kwang – soon for a moment, then burst into twinkle. This was also a question of what I should interpret, I was worried about my head.

“Thank you?”

“Oh, you do not have to worry. Do you know that we are hot airs? You have experienced it yourself … . Hahaha Anyway, you will not thank me in words. ”

No. No, why not suddenly say thanks … ”

“Hey, you do not know?”

Then Behemoth opened his mouth and shed a wind like a flute.

“Huh. Did not you hear the word? It is this reaction that the person who made the desire of thousands of years of hell … ”

“……?””Did not you see the change of the cross section?”


At that moment the thought ran past the brain.

Changes in the interval between periods.

“The Mongan section is the place where the king’s birth and annihilation come together.”

Behemoth continued. It seems that the hell airspace has said something similar.

I have now fully understood the word.

So, from the time when the life of the king begins to be born, the change of the divisions begins. The red light that I had seen before sleeping was a kind of signal to announce the new birth of the world.

In other words, it was the result that I succeeded in conceiving the hell.

okay . . . like that. …Wait a minute Then why the hell did not tell me about it?

Suddenly when one question comes to mind.

“Five. You’ve arrived. ”

I heard a sudden arrival, and I stopped and looked at my eyes.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Abnormal? Maybe it will be over next week. haha

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