
Chapter 683

Looking back.

In a car that was not equipped with current user information, I suffered a myriad of life crises. Memories that make me sick even if I recall now. Nevertheless, it is a miracle and a coincidence that I am here now.

Anyway, I can not count the number of times I’ve crossed the divergent situation, the most miserable situation, I would not hesitate to say, “I almost died.” Can be said.

The situation that I drove until just before the death was thick twice. One time in the fairy forest and the other in hell.

Just as it is now.

If you choose a situation that is a little more special than either situation, it will probably be the latter. Fairy forests were just lacking in food.

But when I returned from hell it was a little different.

No. It’s a bit different, but not completely.

When I think about it, I and Kim Han – bum slept all the way from hell, but never had a meal. But I still did not feel strange, and it was the same during the first car. What I was feeling strange at the time was when I recognized the changes that happened inside my body.

After returning to the human world, I felt a sense of hunger and hunger after less than an hour. The sensation did not explode for a moment, but the hunger, especially over time, grew endlessly in size.

Of course, but just ‘hungry.’ It is not a level. The greater the hunger feeling, the more nervous a sense of urgency becomes, and in the past, the sky becomes yellowish. So the first day I woke up from hell, the longer I thought, the better.

In fact, if we talk about the principle of such a phenomenon, we can not explain it precisely. I can only make a vague guess that it would be related to the dimensional law, but I do not know the details.

However, if hell is supposed to be a world without food, it can be predicted that the body has been assimilated into a new dimension of the law for a while. Maybe this is the opposite of the process.

In any case, it is not a good phenomenon at all. At that time I was able to save my life as a preliminary life, but I had to spend almost a month to balance my body.

‘When the hunger is still less. We have to move as fast as we can. ”

It was as I thought. It was not time to share the joy of returning now freely. I do not know exactly how much I was in hell, but it was never a short time, so I was more excited.

First of all, I rushed around to look for local procurement. What I expected from the wilderness in the first place was an error itself.

“Ugh … ! ”

At that moment, a sudden groaning groaned into my ear.

Kim was bothering his lower lip, frowning more and more deeply. The forerunner of hunger has come. Perhaps you have just felt a pang in your stomach.

I do not have a little early sense, but when I think about user information of Kim Han-bum, it becomes convincing. The first class is a mage, I am not significantly lower than my physical strength. So it is no wonder that the phenomenon is coming quickly.

“Is this strange? It will not be that day yet … ”

I heard the words of Kim Han – suk who muttered the unintelligible sound, and I made up my mind. As long as local procurement is impossible, the only way to get there is to get to the city as soon as possible. First of all, then you have to find other means.

I thought so and I got up without hesitation and got Kim.

“Oh, brother?”

“It’s okay, first of all.”

No. all right

“Come on up.”

“Why, suddenly. Until a little while ago … ”

“I want to get into the city quickly.”

At first, Kim Han-hee reacted to the rejection, but eventually he was raised to the nailer. Basically, as the head is a clever child, you may know that your body is strange now. Or maybe I just want to get into the city as I said.

“brother. So the sack is … . No, I have a real walk myself. ”

Kim Han – hee was back on his back, so he said he would take the sack he brought from hell, but I even let it go. Almost all wizards, as well as Kim Han-seum, are quite low in physical abilities.Of course, let’s make an exception.)

Even if I am still able to hold on to it, Kim Han-hee should preserve his physical strength as much as possible from now on.

After I was ready as soon as possible, I stared at the sky for a moment or a moment. There was only one moon in the dark night sky.

I opened my mouth quietly.

“…Let’s go.

So in the moonlit night wasteland, I started running in the direction of Atlanta, with a sack in one hand and a hungry woman in the other. Now with the maximum speed I can get.

Then, as the surrounding scenery began to flow like water flowing, my arm that was closing my neck became stronger.

“꺅! Oh, brother. Why are you running so fast? ”

I told you. I want to go to the city soon. ”

“He, though. It’s too fast! ”

“You’re sick.”

I did not think much of it. No. Rather than concentrate on finding the city, he said in a dry sense. It was not a situation that I could accept the grudge of Kim Han-bum right now.

Strangely, Kim Han – seum suddenly asked his mouth. No more voices are heard. I was worried that I was dead because my body was slightly stiffened, but I was noticing that Kim Han – seum was still alive.

After a while. Deeply penetrating the back of the neck is conveyed to the texture.

“He, though, has ass … ”

Then the voice whispering in my ear to the embarrassing voice.

I immediately opened my mouth.

What is it? Buttocks

“…You’re touching my butt now. ”

“Ah. But I can not help it because I’m holding this in one hand. To support you with one left hand. ”

“That’s because I’m so excited … . Joe, it’s okay if you go a little slow … ”

As soon as she picked up the sack, Kim Han-hee phoned her voice with a mosquito-like voice.

‘Sounds big.’

I understood what you mean, but I did not slow down the run.

Of course, Kim does not know the circumstances. However, deliberately slowing down here is almost a suicide and unrighteous act. Now, it may seem like you can handle it, but soon the hunger will soon be magnified exponentially. The hunger that started to burst once is blazing to the extent that it can not catch it in a long time.

“do not worry. I do not care about your ass. Then you go hanging on my neck. ”

“…I’m hungry. ”

What is it? I think I’ll hear what you just said. I could not hear it properly because it was buried in the wind.

After that, Kim Han-seop no longer opened his mouth. Sometimes I felt a slight gnashing of my throat, but I wished for the city to come out soon after I was mistaken.

How long have you been like that?

Kenichi Momoyama

I did not hesitate to look around while I was running, but at some point I was able to find an indescribable trail in the wilderness.

It was a sign of camping. In other words, the expedition discovered the city and did not enter immediately, but was waiting for some time to build the camp.


Atlanta No matter how marginally treated and robustly constructed, it has been left for hundreds of years. In addition, there may be something unknown in the city, and if it is not a very stupid general commander, it would not have been possible to get there right away.

Given these points, it was clear to find the camouflage trail. I can not lose my way in this place at first, but I can confirm that the city is near anyway. Now it was really getting almost.

Then, as if my thoughts were right, the scenery that was constantly changing within a little bit changed. Just from the wastelands, there seemed to be a rare sight of things that looked like weeds from the moment. Then, it starts to give more power to natural stepping.

And after a while. “Ah… ! ”

I had a little elasticity.

Although there were still streets, one huge city gradually began to appear in front of the view. Was it because it was a dark night. The height of the wall, which was long enough to the left and right so that it could not be measured, came out more noticeably with its white light.

Finally, finally Atlanta begins to be seen.

“Good bye. It is Atlanta. Atlanta

In a moment, Atlanta gets closer. I thought I should endure a little more, and I raised my voice and raised my voice.

“…What’s up? ”

Despite the fact that Atlanta is visible, however, Kim Han – I think it suddenly quieted for two and a half minutes before … .


Suddenly a strange aura suddenly attacked the whole body. Obviously, his arms, which had been tightening his neck occasionally, were loosely loosened, and the respiration he heard was considerably weakened.

Unstable. I stared at my desperate hand, and suddenly I put my fingers in my butt and put it in the cook.

Even then, there was no immediate response.

But exactly 3 seconds passed. “…Hick ?! ”

Kim Han – hee paced and reacted.

“What are you doing now?”

Within a few minutes, I started to freak out. At first, I did not know rightly, but I thought I felt something strange.

“Ha, Han, Byoung Ah. “Laying low.” O sul ㅐ year old ㅐ ㅑ ㅜㅎ

“Do I look silent? I do not even care … . No. Why are you doing this all of a sudden? A virgin of what I say … ! ”

“…The virgin? Then tell me. ”

of profit brother!”

Kim Han-hee shook his head. It seems like it is pretty annoying to knock on his back. I was relieved with my heart and apologized.

All right. Sorry. But because you do not have a reaction … ”

“It’s hard to respond because you can not!”

“I’m worried about … . Anyway, is it hard? ”

“I’m worried … ”

At that moment Kim Han-bum suddenly became silent again. Then, with a groaning moaning, she grabbed her shoulders, and immediately dismembered as if she were hanging.

“I can still bear it. And because it’s hard for him to get tough … ”

Until the next time I was told by the voice that the Mac was released. I laughed inside.

Kim Han-hee said that he could bear it, but the truth is not at all. Because sometime I felt a fairly clear sense of hunger. If you have 94 durability and 101 physical strength, you do not have to listen to the hunger and feelings of hitting Kim Han-seum. I do not want to worry about it.

So while I was having an affair, Atlanta had just come close to me. Fortunately, I did not have to look for the entrance separately. I can see the open entrance under the wall in the direction of running now.

After encouraging Kim Han-bum to take a hard cue, I passed the tunnel-like entrance.

And finally, we were able to enter Atlanta, which we dreamed of.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Afterwards. I have to sleep a little bit now. Comments will get up and read. 🙂 Today is Friday. Students and workers all have a happy day waiting for a happy Friday!

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