
Chapter 686

Chapter 686 Return of the King =========================================================================

How can I describe this scene?

As soon as I looked around, I could barely hold back my laughter. All eyes were on me in the hall. The Clan members had a look that was beyond description. No. I think it’s right to say that it’s suddenly stopped.

The performance of dropping the dagger in his hand.

Jung Ha-yeon opens her mouth as she tries to say something.

Shin Jae-ryong was rubbing his forehead with a tired face, but it hardened.

The sound of tea staring at me with a breathtaking, disastrous look on my face.

All the clan members in sight stare blankly at me. As if the time flowing in this space suddenly stopped, everyone seems to be frozen. Only Heo Jun-young had a slight smile leaning against one wall.


In those eyes, I laughed out loud. It was just a laugh that came out of nowhere.

“Oh…. Oh….”

Soon after, while someone was shedding a sound of pain, three or four Clan One raised his body as if possessed by something. Their faces showed signs of distrust. It was understandable. Clan Lord, who thought he was dead, suddenly appeared in the morning. You probably didn’t imagine it in your dreams.

“I came back early this morning. I bumped into him at the door.”

A quiet voice flowed into a desolate restaurant. A few clan members slowly look to the side. Heo Jun-young still had a vague smile.

“Since I’m not feeling well, he asked me to eat first, take a nap, and then get together this morning. …FYI, I guarantee that the man is Kim Soo-hyun.”

When Heo Joon-young brought up the word “guarantee,” something came to mind.

As we moved one step at a time to the nearest table, someone who had been groaning for a while made a rattling noise. Jeong Ha-yeon seemed to be trapped in ice, but her eyes were shaking relentlessly.

After smiling at Jung Ha-yeon, I pulled a sword from my waist dance. There was a sound but no blade in sight. Only the sword is caught in my hand, and the invisible sword appears in the intestines. Then, some Clan One’s eyes looking into the air grew as big as a lantern.

“I heard a rough idea at dawn. Maybe there are some crooks who impersonated me while I was away….”

Some Clan members nodded vacantly. I lifted the weight high for everyone to see and put it down on the table at a slow pace. Then Clan One, who was sitting nearby, looks at the weight once and looks up at me. I quietly opened my mouth, taking that strange and subtle look away.

“If you still can’t believe I’m standing here…I’d like anyone. Whatever question you ask or check your skills. You can do the verification process in any way, so I’ll make sure I’m your Clan Lord here.”

And then I looked around, and I’ll check. There was no Clan One coming forward.

“Well, I guess you don’ Then I see no objection either.”

But some kind of change has occurred.

The frozen time began to pass. Making a boiling sound, or rising from the seat, etc. Now, the thawed Clan One has begun to react in various ways.

“Well, somehow I’m back. Anyway….”

But regardless of the reaction, I once again smiled calmly. Then he opened his mouth quietly.

“…Yes, everyone, I really missed you.”

“Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!”

Just as I was about to wrap it up by saying I missed you so much, suddenly someone screamed out loud. This distinctive pointed and sharp voice is clearly Lee Yu-jung.

It was that moment.



“Clan Lord…!”


I recoiled reflexively without a chance to look away. Suddenly, something that I couldn’t understand hit my ear one after another ear.

It was so loud that it was almost the illusion that several voices collided and exploded. My ears got numb.

Is that all? Clan One was screaming and rushing everywhere. He continued to be bitten by unimaginable reactions, but the distance was quickly approaching.

It was then.


Suddenly, a short sound of mana came in, and the red-colored tent that unfolded in my arms wrapped around me. When I saw a Clan One falling or collapsing into a tent, I felt a sense of embarrassment. Gehenna’s beads triggered at will. He was trying to protect me by recognizing Clan One as an enemy.

Clan One stares at me with a curious look. And even fumbling with the redness flowing through the air. I was trying to get rid of it quickly, but I stopped at the thought that passed by. Now I’m surrounded by Clan One and protected by a red shroud, which is similar to when I crossed the dimension. Suddenly, an interesting idea occurred to me.

A little later.

I put my hand in my arms and gave a sad look.

“Oh, my God. I guess that’s it. The time I’m allowed to…. haha.”

At that moment, the hall quickly quieted down. A series of shouts died down and Clan One’s face, which had been in high spirits, also withered.

“Go, what are you talking about all of a sudden…”I heard you just got back..”

I lowered my eyes about 45 degrees below the sound of the voice. Then he continued, trying to smile forcefully.

“I’m sorry.”

“Oh, brother?”

“In fact, I wanted to meet you for the last time, even like this. As I said before, I really missed you all.”

“Well, what do you mean!”


Someone punched hard but the red curtain didn’t budge. It’s a shield called a protective fortress, but it’s strange if it’s pierced. I giggled inside and listened to the gaze.

But as soon as I looked around, I felt something was very wrong.

“Tongue, brother…”

“No way…”.”

Ahn Hyun and Lee Yoo-jung, who had been at the forefront earlier, sat down. Both eyes are dying black. Ansol turned pale as if he had been devastated.

Especially, Jung Ha-yeon was the worst. He was shaking his whole body with his mouth tightly closed with both hands. And after a long time, tears like clear dew streamed down from two tearfully enlarged eyes. There was a forced sobbing sound.

I was greatly embarrassed.

I’m in trouble. Guseul, hurry up and release the shield.’


‘Well, it’s okay. Come on!’


As soon as the red curtain slowly disappeared, Clan One reached out and opened his mouth wide as if to hold me. But the reaction changed again when I identified myself who was still there. I opened my mouth carefully looking at Clan One with a bizarre expression.

“Shi, it was a lie, actually.


Is it my illusion that the sobbing suddenly subsided?

“The response was so unexpected…Calm down for a moment..”

I gently turned away, scratching my head.


“Yes, I’m really back.”

“…To disappear, lie?”

“Hmm. That’s right. If you’re very surprised….”

At that moment.

“Lee…! Bad guy…”!”


Even before I finished speaking, my eyes were spinning with fireworks in front of me. Clan One, which seemed real for a moment, then rushed back explosively. Starting with Jung Ha-yeon digging straight into her chest, Ahn Hyun and Lee Yu-jung clung to their arms. I tried to hang in there somehow, but it was eventually crushed by the clinging clan one.

Even though she was buried from head to toe, Jung Ha-yeon was still grabbing me by the collar right in front of her.

“How on earth can you do that?”

“Come on, joke…”

“Joking? That’s a joke? Are you kidding me? I-I mean, how much we’ve been suffering…!”

“I mean, it’s a joke.I’m sorry.”

Jung Ha-yeon’s teary voice clouded the end of her speech and immediately apologized. I just played a joke to calm down, but now that I think about it, I think it’s too much.


Jeong Ha-yeon shivered in anger for a moment. Suddenly, however, he looked sad, and tears slowly began to accumulate in his clear blue eyes. I touched my cheek slowly as if it was so painful that I just slapped it, and eventually I put my face in my chest and started crying like a child.

No. It wasn’t just Jung Ha-yeon.


“Please, please, please….”

Still around was full of calls for my name, unrecognizable screams and cries from someone else. I managed to move my tightly buried hand out and caress Jung Ha-yeon’s hair. Then I closed my eyes gently.

Sue, I’m suffocating..’

============================ Review of the work ============================

Well, it’s very late…No, no, no. _(__)_

It’s about 19 o’clock when I got home yesterday. I lied down because I was so tired, but when I woke up, it was well past 24:00. I screamed and woke up in a hurry to comment that I was late and started writing…I was opening up a notebook that I had written down, and it looked like two. -_-a (This is a scratchy look on the head) I had a hard time getting my hair back to normal.

The current time is 07:23 a.m. I have to take a shower, eat, and go out again in 30 minutes. In fact, there is more to write, but in the end, I had to mark the bottom part of the plan with a pass mark. So today’s content is a little small. I hope you think of me as just a resting sashimi today, and please hit me very hard. ㅜ.ㅠ

I have a lot more to say, but I’m afraid of my father’s eyes and mother’s smashing on the back, so I’ll go wash up quickly. Have a lively morning, everyone! |33//(This is a look of singing with hurrah.)

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