
Chapter 695

“I think it’s better to go once.”

Imhanna hesitated for a long time, but she was careful.

“Why. What happened? ”

Y..yes. Looks like Margie was upset when she heard about your disappearance. Fortunately, I feel lonely and lonely. ”

“Marge? That’s good. ”

“right? Anyway, I found Warpgate in the inner city. I think you should go once. I was worried about everyone. ”

Imhanna tried to say something and eventually ended up repeating the voice once.

‘Is there really anything?’

Anyway, if it was contesting the hourly rate, it would have come out soon. Also, it was not a wrong statement, so I nodded my head and Jung Hae-yeon suddenly interrupted.

“It’s good to go, but is not it right to solve things first?”

Imhanna circled her eyes.

“Is it urgent? It’s just a matter of time. ”

“Yes, but it’s not a situation where you can just use Warpgate. I do not know if the cause is clear as in the case of Vivienne. I am nervous to see if anyone will come in. I will need a few days after the procedure. ”

Ah… Or is it?

“Huh. And users are in a very uncomfortable situation right now. Now the meeting is over. The delegates are hoping that the clan will show something soon. So, for the time being, it would be better to stay in touch with the communication beads. It would be better to make a situation to use Warp Gate sooner. ”

What kind of daughter does she sound like?

Jung ‘s words were correct. In short, it was time to focus on restoring the ruined city. Then, there will be a need to transport residents and materials to aid in recovery from the North Continent, which will naturally activate the Warp Gate.

“But it is funny.”

Suddenly, he was silent and muttered. It seems that we were listening to our conversation.

“If you did not do that, they could move on first. Do you want us to lead and lead? It is not a budding symbol. “…As you can see, that is a very bad idea. I do not know if the current situation is monopolistic. We are now in a position to compete with the other three cities. It is also in the most unfavorable position.

What if you just have to stay as you said it? From that point on, it is lagging behind the competition. The city needs the user as well as the user wants the safe city to be the base of the activity.

But users are extremely cold. If you think that there is nothing, you turn your back. I have become a representative clan at the moment, but I can not make a ghost town.

Anyway, we would like to take a seat in any user, facility friendly and easy to operate city, and we needed to meet that expectation.

“How much profit will come back later, but you should not think about it. It is natural that we invest. Do not you know how important your initial stake is? ”

in So you mean we have to restore the whole city? ”

Jung Hae-yeon spoke with a pinjack, but Yu-jung grimaced his face with a spoon. Jung Hae-yeon seemed to tell Moore more, but he just laughed and shook his head.

“I did not say that.”

It was a lot to say that there was no language, but it is my fault that you say it in this way. After completing the Academy, he has enjoyed the privilege of being a free mercenary. The dark side of the opposite did not taste any taste. There is no way to know the situation of ordinary users, so it was natural to say something like that. In the end, I think it is a thoughtless idea.

“Anyway, I’m going to be very busy in the future. Even cleaning is a mountainous place, but we have to care about city restoration. I do not know where to raise money in the future … ”

Jung Hae-yeon muttered in anxious tone. I heard the sound, and the noise that rattled from all over was sinking. Maybe everyone’s going to work in the future.

But I do not worry a bit. No. I laughed inside rather.

If it was not for the first time, I would not have set up a representative clan, or I would have taken another city. There was a reason for bringing the southern city that was rated the most backward. I already had my own plans.

‘There is no law that only ruins should be left out.’

I thought about it, and I was constantly thinking about the castle.

‘The question is how do you uncover it? . ‘

* What are the biggest concerns for current users? No. More precisely, what do users expect us to do?

It is in guaranteeing their rights. Of course, I would like to be more specific than the rights guarantee, but the point is the compensation hearing anyway. In other words, I have come to Atlanta to do my best to die, and now I want to guarantee it.

It was a very natural expectation, but on the other hand it was the most important issue at this time. It has not been discussed because of the lack of support that has been so far, and now it was time to get on the surface.

Whether or not the other city ‘s representative clan was thinking similar, we soon received calls from the central government agency.

Lee Hyo-eul, the deputy head of the central government, decided to attend as a communication ball. If you are willing to do it yourself, you can use Warpgate, but now you have to be careful.

So the meeting attended by me, my brother, Han So – young, and Chan Chan went on rapidly. Lee Hyo-eul, who has grasped the current issue well, has already prepared a plan because we have not had a big complaint in Lee Hyo-hoo’s opinion. In the first place, there is no reason to be disgruntled that users’ rights are linked to our benefits.

I’m sorry. So the meeting is about to end here. I can summarize here … .)

Lee, Hyo – hong in the ball and beads, arranged this record, and broke his neck to the left and right. Is there a tired thing? Significant fatigue is shaded all over the face.

(The first guarantee period is three months. During that period, only Atlantis can be used by players who have participated in the attack. However, for users who have passed through direct steel ranges, not Warpgate, they will be given the right to use Atlanta even if they have not participated in the attack. Lee agreed to assume that it would take about two months to traverse the steel mountains, assuming that the user would not be disturbed at all. You can then use a minimum of two weeks and a maximum of one month prior to the user waiting for the end of coverage period.

The point here is to save the fortress in the middle of the steel mountains.

It is hard to see that the Steel Mountain Range is now a complete road, but it has not yet been completely attacked. No one has raised any doubts about the widening of the road and the development of the fortress. In the end, Lee Hyo-hee, he said, was trying to stabilize the users’ lives.

in And… Now that we have to sort out the use of Warp Gate … .)

Lee Hyo-eul, who passed over to the next topic, hugged his head and drew his horse. The cool-faced mezzanine is ticking.

(Future. In fact, there is no such thing as this problem. Anyway, in order to support the inhabitants or to procure the materials, I have to open the Warp Gate in both directions, and I can not guarantee that there is no user to secretly use those gaps. It’s the same with you. Why do not you help me to come in secret because I know it?) Everyone nods.

(So, as I said before, under mutual strict control, we have to be careful of each other. If there is one such situation, please punish it unconditionally.)

This was an inevitable problem as Lee Hyo-hui said. As long as you do not expect any more on the North Continent, anyone who is a user will be crying for Atlanta with milk and honey. It is possible to come in through the warp gate in a heartbeat. Of course, it should not be tolerated.

Repeatedly, it is safe to assume that everything related to Atlanta is rewarded right now. Fought his life and earned a reward, but who would feel like throwing a spoon?

Are you busy? So the meeting is really over now. He will have a very torn mouth.

His mouth was torn and he was yawning. I stood up and laughed.

As the meeting broke and the castle returned to the castle, the clan members still did not clean up. I called a few of them separately and called a meeting. After a few days of cleaning, the space for the meeting was secured. Of course, it was only on the first floor only, and the second floor was not able to make it.

“From tomorrow, we will have three major missions to fulfill.”

After informing me of the results of the discussions with the Central Management Agency, I opened three fingers to the clan members.

First Cleaning the castle. Second Subsequent city recovery progress and supervision. Third North Korean summit and resident assistance and material procurement. ”

Four You organize the North Continent? ”

Jung Hwa-yeon waited for my words to be over, and then spoke with a surprised voice.

“Yes. Please contact the North Continent and ask them to organize all the branches that have entered other cities as well as Monica. In the future, restoration of the city will have an astronomical budget. I have to raise money in as many places as possible. If you sort things out in the North Continent, you can get some budget. ”

“Although there are gold coins piled up in the clan house warehouse … . Certainly it will not be enough. But if you sort out the equipment or jewelry that you have … ”

“It’s never enough.”

“But it ‘s too bad. It’s not that we pay taxes separately, and if we keep it, we will have full profits … ”

This is also true that our income is directly related to income. However, if there is something Jung Hwa-Yeon has overlooked, I will not have any idea how long I will stay in this world of Hall Planes.

okay . . . There are no more fears in the North Continent except for Mercenary Academy. Two years should be the top. I was going to go back to Earth holding a zero code in it. The stabilization of Atlanta was a top priority.

“It does not come in much now anyway. And as the weight of Atlanta is released, the incoming benefits will continue to decrease. The more time passes, the harder it will be to sort it out. Rather, it’s better to focus on where you can clean up and get even more benefits. ”

Then Jung Hae-yun also had a nodded nod head for nothing. I still feel sorry, but my intention seems to be firm.

Next The first is to do what you have done. Ah. Please clean up the children. I do not think it’s time to give them a supervising role yet. ”

This statement revealed the light that everyone agreed to see no controversy. Especially, Jung Hoon-yeon nodded his head and expressed deep sympathy.

“Then finally the second. Subsequent city recovery progress and supervision. In fact, this is the most important. Kenichi Momoyama


Bro! Bro! Tongue tongue! ”

“Papapapapapa brother!”

It was then. Now, trying to say the most important thing, suddenly the door opened and two people jumped in at the same time. The two who ran like hell with tremendous momentum were Ahn Hyun and Yoo Jung Jung.

“Someone just kicked the door. And are not you cleaning up? ”

Guys. Do not you see you’re in a meeting now? ”

I stood still with my mouth wide open, and the performance and Jeon ‘ At this point, I had to squeeze, but Ahn Hyun and Yoo Jung still screamed with a lot of excitement.

“No, my sisters. Listen only once. This is Gene! It’s a big hit event? ”

“shut up. Quiet. Whether it is real or not, it is a very important story now. If you keep loud, you’ll be angry. ”

“Oh sister! Can you listen only once? We were just exploring the castle … ”

“What?” Explore the castle? These are really! Do not clean it! ”

In the end, Jung Hae-yeon got angry and raised his body. Then, I realized that something was so incredible. He turned his head and glared his eyes as if to help. I shed a long breath.

“Yes?” Tell me


“Let’s hear it once. Listen to me, and if it is not a big hit, I’ll go and get hurt. ”

“…….”Jung Hae-yeon had once touched the children, but eventually he sat quietly. And as if to tell me once where I put my arms around. The two of them quietly watched each other, and he touched Ahn Hyun with his elbow.

Then surprised Ahn Hyun stammers and connects the horse.

in Now Let’s go. Bar, I found it? ”


“Yes. That… . That’s exactly what Soli found. ”



That moment came to my mind.

No way…

I thought I had an idea.

Did he feel his gaze?

Soon-hyun soon smiled and shouted in a bright voice.

Yes! Our jacket did it! ”

== == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == Guest work == == == == == == == == == == == 1. HaraKiri: Reader hands around your hand. Wu’s visit as rock village I’ll take a sturdy Yumi wishes.
Sol) Thank you very much. It’s a feral … . No, wait. When you have a stomachache, who likes to be a loser? So I was really grateful to see the comment, and I was going to write down that I was going to get back to the wild look. -_- 2. Golden Boy 84: Cramps? Was the author a real woman?
Sol) No. Yesterday’s abdominal pain was pure abdominal pain. My chromosome is XY. It’s what women do. I am a very rough and wild man.

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