
Chapter 697

In the middle of the sky, the sun rising in red gold rises. The dazzling light, which was scattered all over the place, flowed down the air, illuminating the world, and dyed its color.

It is shining and shining with the sunlight that it shines and the sand dust which comes up in the city compulsively. Then, through the cracked earthy smoke and the window to the cluttered cry. It was one of the reasons that the city that had been quiet until yesterday started to play a big role this morning.

Warpgate was finally activated.

In other words, I shot the signal of full-scale urban restoration. As far as the expectations of millions of users are concerned, it has already been fully prepared by YantanTelow, and as soon as Warpgate is activated, resident movement and material procurement begin. All of the noise from outside was part of the restoration work.

“Hmm… ”

Han Soo – young, staring at the window while staring at her chin, glanced down with a gentle breath. Under the long eyelashes, a black-eyed pupil with a soft light stare at the record on the desk.

Soon after I passed one by one slowly.

Come on!

“Hey! Hanwoo! ”

After the door was open without a voice, a distinctive voice rang across the room to the hallway. Han So – young ‘s eyes shine sharply.

“Do not call me that.”

Han-u Originally, it means Korean native breed. However, in this case, it is a kind of nickname. At first, it was called ‘Hanso’ after the first two letters of Han Soo Young’s name, but it changed from ‘Hanwoo’ to ‘Hanwoo’. If you compare the beautiful and rich breast of Han So-young and the breast of the relatively weak Han Yeolim, you can see why they call it Hanwoo. Yin-lim reached the height of his throat and put his hand on his desk so he could clap his throat.

“Take a look at this. It’s from the Mercenary Clan today? ”

“I’ve already heard rumors of success.”

“it’s not that. It’s about the restoration of the city, but I brought what I posted on the plaza. There are a lot of people now. ”

“…There are many people? ”

When Han So – young hit her eyes and asked, Hye – rim nodded her head and removed her hand. In the slightly wrinkled record, three things were written in a rough handwriting. It looks like it copied the notice. Han Soo Young began to read the records and read them in detail.

I just passed # 1 and # 2. This is a matter that has already been discussed last and is common to all cities.

However, when I went to No. 3, there was a sudden light on Han So Young’s eyes.

.3 We are recruiting users who will support city recovery.

A line that is simply written. But the meaning of the line is never light.

“City recovery? Support

“Huh. That’s why everyone is buzzing. ”

“Is this all? Details? ”

“I am still in the square. Who is the shrine and who is he? Ah. I came out with a baby named Im Hanna. ”

Han So – young, who explained the explanation, frowned. It does not matter who came out, it is important what it says. However, Hye – rim ‘s head shook his head.

Uu dint know I do not know Did you have a lot of people? I just copied this too … ”

“What was the atmosphere like?”

“It was not bad at all. I also feel elasticity … . Ahh! Then I brought some equipment to the square. ”


“Huh. Weapons and armor. I think there are some ornaments. Anyway, it seems to be part of the achievement this time? ”

“…….”Yeonhim shrugged her shoulders and quietly asked her mouth. Han So – young suddenly closes his eyes and looks like he is locked in a deep thought.

After a while. “It’s all right. No, it’s a good idea. ”

After a long time, Han So – young awoke from his thought and said with a grin. Yeon-heim looked curious. Honey, I do not like wearing hair (I do not think it’s bad to die.) Even if I can see only a fragmentary thing, Han So – young expects to have noticed something.

“It attracts attention, it gives a sense of color, and it gets elastic. It’s a joke. It’s about how fast you get into your work. ”

What is it? But everyone did. Mercenary is in a hurry, so I’m taking the bleeding out of what I found. ”

“It is not possible. Military equipment is the best in the North Continent. Maybe I’ll just drop everything that falls down and things that fall. If it does, it will bite the user who tries. ”

Header Tagline Font Color So can not we do that? ”

What is it? We want to support? ”

No no no User recruitment. In some ways it will not be better than residents. I see you’re okay. ”

I wonder if he came to see me directly. He said that he enviously envied Yeonrim.

It was certainly not wrong. In some ways it is better for the user than the residents, for example, to demolish the building or to remove the debris. Standing still and remembering your order once can save you a few dozen jobs at once.

“Oh no!”

But Han Soo – young shook his head firmly. The reason was simple. A non-combat user, but a combat user is a skilled worker. Those who are based on adventure are not in a position to do chores. So if you want to give the battle user a chance to do the chores, you should treat him like that. After all, it’s money.

However, when you listen to Yeonhim, it is said that the users are good. That said, he promised a considerable amount of gold coins in Mercenary. In addition, I found the equipment I found in the new city. Even if you are not a user in the Nakdong River Duckland, anyone is in a haphazard condition.

‘How much time have you accumulated? . ‘

Han So – young gave a smile at first glance.

As I mentioned earlier, Istanelow has been preparing for the meeting since before the talks. Since I was confident that I could have one city, I contacted the North Continent at any time to gather inhabitants and prepare materials. So this morning, when Warpgate was activated, I could move quickly from the start.

On the contrary, everything is late. Residents are also in the position to look for materials. If you look at the facts in fact, you still have to be late.

Suddenly, I started to pursue in an unexpected way. Even if the unexpected luck of success and discovery followed, everything tells the result. Anyway, one thing is clear: Mercenary has been in love with Atlanta. As such, we will pursue the pursuit at a tremendous speed in any way in the future.

‘I should not stay still.’

Han Soo-young stood up from his seat. I do not know why, but I feel like I do not want to go away. Estan Tourouu has prepared everything perfectly, but if you let him pursue Mercenary just started, your ego will be greatly hurt.

But on the other hand, I was a little bit pounded. It is because Kim Soo-hyun was expected to look like a head of a region, not just a load of the clan.

But does Han So – young know? Next to Kim Soo-hyun, I know that she has a woman she wanted to have so much for the first time.

* “I have to make a market.”

Furuk and Jeegar Hasol poured their teacups with both hands and said with a very satisfied expression. A little while ago, a cup filled with tea was already on the floor.

“Are you interested in getting rumors? Very Well. I just want to improve my image with such equipment. Very Well. Are you going to attract users with gold coins and discoveries? Very Well. “And?” The final destination of this situation should be the result of market formation in the city. ”

Zegal HaSol, who added a little bit of speech, gazed at me with greedy eyes. I put a cup of tea in front of me, who had not yet drank a sip.

“Market formation … . It does not sound bad, is it so important? ”

Yoink! Are you ignoring the market? It is an essential element of the city. How effective is it to get ahead of the market? ”

“I agree that it is a necessary element. But is not it difficult to see it as a preemption? There is a northern continent. ”

“There is the North Continent. It’s not Atlanta. And not now, but three months later. ”

Zegal Hazel, who said in a pinjazz group, swallowed a cup of tea as hard as he could. The tea I had already lost nearly half.

“First of all, the response of the plaza is high. It’s a good phenomenon. But even if the current focus is on the spot, it’s a matter of getting lost. Not so. We have to keep this interest as long as possible. So I need a market. ”

Jegal Hazel, who moved the black box, connects the horse.

“Let’s make the market! Here is the market in the future! I do not mean it. As a result of bartering each other, the possibility of self-development and evolution is naturally occurring. Hall plane is not a complete game, is it? The market is under construction with a single mouse click. This message is not coming up. So let’s use this situation to naturally create the market. ”

“So you mean, will you make the city square a market-like situation and attract users?”

“Right. Think about it. About 15,000 people currently live in Atlanta. Among them, there are about 8,900 people excluding the representative clan and the clan members. We have to look after them. ”


While I was listening, I stared at the door for a moment. Someone from the stairs felt walking slowly.

After a while, Zegal Hazel started to turn his index finger round and round.

“They’ll probably spin around the four outer cities until the end of the warranty period. And I think. Ah… This city is a little crazy. Huh? Why is this city so boggling? That’s where I change my perception. ”

So The plaza is said to be your word. So what should we do in the future? ”

I feel good about it. Or is it just good for you to listen to your own words that are only in the 0th year. Zegar Haesol opened his mouth with grin.

“It is simple from then on. The higher the interest, the bigger the expectations, and the better the expectations, the better naturally. You can show me how fast this city is, and how it changes day by day. You decided to dump Atlanta anyway? ”

He said that he suddenly felt a little sad, and sucked on his side. Wow. Are you already done?

“But the situation is like this is a little sad. I heard that the neighboring town was really prepared. If we had prepared in advance, maybe now … ”


“Ah. Isantelouro. Did not you see it this morning? As soon as Warpgate is activated, the resident comes in … ”

Ah… Do not worry about it. Not that much, but we’ll be back soon. It’s also free. ”

“…You can speak Korean

“You’ll soon find out.”

Jeegal Hasol showed his wonder. I had to do it. In fact, it was not long Mercenary began to collect inhabitants or to procure materials. This was the biggest penalty we have today.

But there is a corner to believe.

‘That’s right … . ‘

Toc Toc

Soo-hyun I’ll go in. ”

The door was opened next to the knocking sound. And as soon as he showed his performance, he immediately opened his mouth.

“Yes. I’ll be right back. ”

“I found the bastards below … . You can speak Korean

“Is not it all sold as a bastard? I would not have found the East alone. I think I have come from the Koran Union. ”

“…….”He played a ghost like a ghost and glared at his face.

“Do not, right. Two from the Koran Union. And in the East is the reverse, Han, Mantop, Moonlight Clan … . But did you know? ”

“It’s obvious. I expected you to come in with a thud. By the way, I’m surprised that you came from the moonlight. ”

Jeegal Hasols was still expressing that he did not know English. However, soon he flirted with his eyes and painted a beautiful line of mouth. Now it seems to have understood the meaning of the horse. I raised my mind and made up my mind.

‘Then how well do you bark?’

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== I write your name in midnight series Eugene, my head has forgotten you long My identity has forgotten you for so long just a single strand The memory of thirst in your heart is your name I write to Eugene, it is somewhere in Joara where it is not yet uncomfortable. It sounds like a typing sound. Yumi sounds a raid. A recruiter sounds a long and long writer. A sigh of groaning. A groaning sound. A groaning sound. Inside it is deeply carved deep inside my chest. The Laurie War on the Sexual Identity Lyrical War of the Lives of the Living History The surrendering surrender of the writer’s sad face The trembling hand The trembling hand The trembling chest The trembling shiver The trembling shyness Writes on the white screen with the skill of the keyboard Writes it with breathlessly Inhale, to As a burning thirst Eugene hurts

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