
Chapter 704

Users from other continents emerged.

One or two people do not care much. It will be a little tough, but crossing the continent is not impossible. However, Cho Seung-wu said ‘users’ in plural form. I do not know how far I’ve passed, but I’m nervous about nuances.

I took a stern look at giving a more detailed explanation. However, Cho Seung – woo quietly shook his head.

“I was rumored to be … . I do not know the details. Our apologies.

Jo Seung-woo had a headache. I could not erase the doubtful question even when I said it was okay.

If there is no purpose, then the rumor does not turn around. Or it ‘s hard to say someone made a rumor intentionally. Because there is no gain. Unless you are interested in seeds.

Then, assuming that this rumor is true, which continent users have shown up in the North Continent?

‘…I do not know

You do not have any jaws. The information is lacking. I just heard rumors. Of course, you can guess, but then you have to get a fairly large number of cases. I would like to speculate that it is not a single thing, but it is a pity that I can stand alone.

“Anyway, Clan Road. From now on … ”

Listening to the voice of Cho Seung-woo, who was flying in the wind, he slowly leaned his head. As soon as I gazed, the sky was suddenly red. I want to see something wrong. I close my eyes and then I see a clear sky again.

“…Why are you so nervous? ”

“The budget … . Yes

“Ah. Sorry. it’s nothing. It was a private message. ”

“I think this is just me. Hahaha

Cho Seung-woo smiled nervously. I know that I am a non-smoker with a laughing mind, but I recommend you take out one at the beginning of the year. Jo Seung-woo told me that it was okay. He looked into my eyes and squeezed into the room. It is also noticeable.


The tobacco smoke that was blown out was stretched out in the sunshine.

Let ‘s gaze at the smoke acting like dancing before long.


‘It changes. It does not change. ‘

One thought rubbed his head.

After the people of the North Continent passed to Atlanta. I was busy in the busy days … . In fact, I was trying to find Marlee hidden in the office and play.

Anyway, I got an unexpected visit.

No. Is not it surprising? Well, I think it was a few days ago that the concert was in the middle of the meeting. It seems to have forgotten somehow.

Wow… The castle is a great one, is not it? ”

It was Lee Hyo-ru, the woman who came to look around with her eyes looking blind.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve seen it myself. How are you? Mercenary Road. ”

Lee Hyo-eul handed me a simple greeting and then passed me through. Then he folded the folded curtains and fell over the bed. After a while, “… ” A feeble snort followed.


I was surprised at the behavior that escaped this common sense. I looked up at the rabbit eyes and waved my head. So I shook my head together. I do not know why Lee Hyo is doing this.

I would not really have slept. Once I thought I would see one until I stood still to bed. Then, after a long time, Lee Hyo – re raised his body in this bust bed. I climb my tongue and walk to my desk.

“Do not say anything. Or you can play a tackle. It’s embarrassing. ”

I sat down and grumbled as Lee Hyo-ha turned on this soft sofa.

So so You look pretty tired. ”

I answered coldly.

Not really, Lee Hyo-il looked really tired. In addition to fatigue with dodeca throughout the face, the shade of the eye comes down to the chin. It looks like a person just before the death of a lie.

“Damn it… . I’m really going to die. I just wanted to finish the attack. What kind of incidents … ”

I tried to say that the possibility that external factors worked was abundant and I quit. It is not only a matter of course, but if the East knew what it was doing, it would have been a sermon. In the case of Lee Hyo-hee, I would not want to go through the same situation as the disintegration of the Koran.

“An accident incident. I think you’ll die before that. ”

“Shit. I want to die just like me! Then at least you can sleep at all! ”

Suddenly Lee Hyo-eul pushed this out. Dryness was a pity for me, and I crouched in my arms.

“What am I supposed to do with me? I think my city development plan is going to blow out! No. There is not just one thing. We have to keep the North Continent! ”

Yi Hyohua cried out in this anger. It was a complaint rather than an intimidation directly to me. It was a little surprising. The fact that Lee Hyo-wha, who always showed an easy-to-figure appearance, suddenly shows such an attitude … . Well

“I am not the guardian of the North Continent now, are you? right? That’s right! Yes! I created a central management organization as I wanted, and I even took charge! Actually, I’m doing this myself! The plan to leave the defenders down and enter Hamilton Clan and start dating your brother has not even begun! I want to explore Atlanta like any other user! ”

Gibberish. Lee Hyo-eul was now shouting to the saliva. I nodded Marr and nodded his head silently. Yes. I know you are suffering.

“By the way, a pimple. Why is it? And why do the continents catch up and why do they crawl suddenly? No fuck, all right. Good. It’s all good, why do we have to rescue them! ”

Lee Hyo-eul mixed up with profanity and shouted. I stared at Lee Hyo-ri in the feeling of a single room. Disconnected? rescue?

Wait a minute What do you mean by resignation, rescue? No no no West continent?

Suddenly, at some point, I was confused by my head.

“Fou … ”

Lee Hyo-eul was breathing a long look with a soft face. Then he bowed his head and gathered his hands and pushed them forward.

I’m sorry.

“…I guess I had a hard time. ”

“En. If I did not do this, I felt like it would pop out. ”

“I have an apology. Anyway, if you’ve gotten loose, tell me now. Protector or continent. What do you mean suddenly? ”

Lee Hyo – eul sighs another sigh. He put his podied hands on his thighs and gently shook his back on the sofa. Now the old look is coming back. I was still tired.

Lee Hyo – eul shook his head shrugging both hands.

“Mercenary Road. I’m really sorry. I’ve already done everything I say. ”

Yes. it is.

“Literally. I did not answer once that I called 1127 exactly three days ago. In the northern continent, the trail is hidden. And a revelation came to rescue the continental users coming to the North Continent. ”

Revelation Hey. Lee Hyo Lee. Let me see this … . Are you talking about the endless crap? ”

“please. Do not look like that. I am not a Protector of the North Continent. I am a cramped thing. ”

“…….”I was begging with the tone of hanging Lee Hyo – ha at the moment of trying to be angry. I barely swallowed soaring words to the end of my throat. I do not think it’s a lie to see that way.

“Martha. Please leave for a moment. ”

I pressed my forehead and said. Marduo walked out of the room without feeling that he felt a tremendous energy flowing into the room.

For a moment, an uncomfortable silence flows.

So What am I supposed to do? ”

“I need to know what happened to Mangia once … . As you know, the guardians play a very important role. Anyway this is what I’m looking for. First of all, I think we should solve the problem from the time of the rescue of the Western continent users. ”

“You do not know about post-war circumstances?”

“This information can not be disclosed to the user. This is the answer I received. ”

Lee Hyo-yong, who soaked a spit in his mouth, made this grim look. I looked at it and I thought I was a little bit pitiful. When I had my first encounter with Lee Hyo – young, I used to be. You are the angel ‘s boar. Maybe I have not heard it yet.

“How did they say that?”

I repressed my mouth and asked my mouth. Those were the words of an angel.

“I’ve pointed out your name. I also want to resolve it as quickly as possible because it is controversial. I’ll give you the reward. By the way, in my opinion, it is a nuance that you do not want to come to the summoning room with this problem. There is a feeling that there is a crying. ”

Lee Hyo-eul said as if it was a snitch.


I opened my desk right away and held the call open and opened my mouth.

“Protector missing. Western continental user rescue. I skipped the post-war situation, and you think these two events are related? ”

“Half. In fact, no matter how we think, we can not find the connection between the two cases. But the timing is so bad that we have it in mind first. ”

It was then.

Toc Toc

Soo-hyun I’ll go in. ”

At the same time as Lee Hyo-hui concluded his speech, following the simple knock, the performer came to open the door. My call came in.

“He said. Give him a cup of good tea for your energy recovery, and give me a room to rest. ”

He grabbed his sword and said, “Get up from your seat.

“Suddenly that’s what … ”

Koh played a puzzled voice and looked at Lee Hyo-young, and was surprised.

“Well, I guess so. Where are you going? ”

“I’m going to go to the temple.”

As I spoke, I had a glimpse of the sofa. Lee Hyo – eul was surprised at the warm words he had not even thought of, and had a complex and subtle look. Some seemed to be moved. Do not like it too much. If you owe it to me, will you give me an advantage in the inner city competition later?

“It ‘s urgent and I think it’ s better to go right now. You should keep your head cool. Then it hurts. ”

Of course I can not speak straight away, so I pulled out the most appropriate words in this situation.

After confirming Lee Hyo – soon, nodding his head, I immediately left the room.

* ‘Rescue the Continental users from’.

In fact, there is not a whole lot of things, just interpret it as it does not make sense.

But the problem is that the angel pulled out the word directly to rescue. Angels are just helpless, and when they do, they do not interfere with the hall plane. Even when the North Continents were crying, it never came to the front. It is a good idea to keep the continental users as they are when they think so.

And then suddenly you revelated? This is not to say. In the end, it was the sound of what was on the continent.

‘The answer is for the angels.’

I have completed the temple, but I can not use the room to summon it in Atlanta because I have not done a good job yet. However, there was no big problem because there was Warpgate anyway.

After moving to Monica, I immediately went to the temple and announced that I would go to the summoning room.

After a while. The portals that blue light flows smoothly have really appeared in front of you for a long time.

“…….”I stared at the front for a long time, slowly took a step to bury my body in the portal.

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