
Chapter 714

“Suddenly a clan rating system … ”

“I heard that you would change … . This is too … ”

Male breeding.

Inside the castle. The long corridor between the first floor plaza and the conference hall was noisier than usual. All of them were waiting for me in front of the entrance to the plaza, without going back to the meeting even after the meeting was over. This is because the record of the “clan rating” has been passed, and the player has not let anyone enter until the posting is over.

It seemed as if I knew why, but the majority of the people standing in the corridor were not able to hide their nerves. In my head, the words I just heard at the meeting were coming up.

It breaks the wisdom that comes under the name of freedom and proclaims the full openness of competition. This suggests a great deal. It means that we will place more emphasis on ‘performance’ that can be accumulated through activities rather than user information (‘skill’).

I can not deny that the advantageous user is advantageous. But from now on, user information does not control everything. Even a user with a little bit of skill can go up to a higher level depending on how they work in the field.

Anyway, one thing is certain is that now the days of smiling and laughing are over. There is a limited amount of work to be done. No. The next thing a new clan member will join will be less.

Kee profit.

It was then. The door, which had been firmly closed for about 30 minutes, began to open slowly. Now, the clan members who were waiting for him, turned their gaze at me. There is a gong performance between the gates that slowly open to the left and right.

“after. I just wrote it down. Please come in now. ”

At that moment, the clan members who were standing in front of us began to pour in. I was rushing to the rush, and some crazed clan members even pushed the hard-oner.

“꺅! Uh, sister! ”

I heard a shout of unlucky Jonathan Ansol, but I ran forward without ignoring the reason. In the meantime, I passed through the center of the square and arrived at the place where the board was located.

We checked the letters on the top of the “Classification Class” and “Order Name (Annual)” bulletin boards. There is more tension than when you receive your SAT score report.

Soo-jung slowly gazed at the throbbing chest.

“EX grade” 1. Kim Soo-hyun (3rd year) 2. Ansol (3rd year) And the moment I checked the highest EX rating, the two eyes that I was expecting at the end of the day seem to be tearing apart. I heard the sound of breathing loudly all around. Maybe everyone has a common idea.

‘Why is not an EX grade?’

There is no suggestion that Kim Soo-hyun is EX-rated. Apart from being a clan road, Kim Soo-hyun’s accomplishments are unique.

However, the fact that Ansol received an EX rating is a must-see. Of course, it’s also a secret class, but ‘miracle’ is definitely a tremendous ability, but it’s just … .

Lee Ji-jung, who continued to think in the middle of the night, shook his head. First of all, I decided to put Ansol’s grade at the top. The most important thing is his rating.

Below is the name of the S-rated clan members.

“S grade” 1. High performance (8th year) 2. Namdaeng (7th year) 3. Vivienne Laclassiders (-) 4. Sunyoungun (3rd year) 5. Huh Junyoung (7th year) Shadow Queen, gifu, chimera alchemist, jingu, silent enforcer. They are the top elite users of Mercenary Clan who knows where to go. Rather, I did not understand why it was not EX grade, and Huh Joon-young did not know well, but he seemed to have heard that he won the judge in the Dalian of Cha Shaolin secretly.

Anyway, I have a conscience. The S grade did not have a dream at first. Soo – jung convinced and glanced down.

“A grade” 1. Shin Jae-ryong (7th year) 2. Jung Hae-yeon (5th year) 3. Cha Shaolin (6th year) Soon after I checked the A-grade list. It was because I thought that it would be A grade by oneself though. I was relieved that three people would come to the A rank list and fewer than I thought.

‘Mr. Ai. In the end, it’s a B grade. ‘

I have not seen it yet, but I have already made a tentative conclusion. I have been active since the creation of the Mercenary Clan, and I am a rare class user. I was confident that it would be a B grade even if I could not.


“Class B” 1. Kim Han-bum (3rd year) 2. Hyeon-hyeon (2nd year) 3. Anhyeon (3rd year) 4. Limhanah (5th grade) 5. Cho Seung-woo (5th grade) 6. Jin- Year grade) There was no expected name on the B rank list. Obviously, I see a lot of familiar names, but I can not see the three letters ” For a moment, the wandering light passed by.

“…….”I blinked my eyes.
I once again wrapped it tight.
It was not enough, and I even rubbed it hard.
However, he still does not see the name of the reason in grade B.

It was.

“Class C” 1. Woo Jeong-min (3rd year) 2. Sasha Felix (-) 3. Lee Jung-jung (3rd year)

“Class D” 1. Kim Dong Seok (5th year) 2. Park Saddam (4th year) 3. Park Hyun-woo (7th year) 4. Won Hyesu (3rd year) 5. … … .

“E-grade” 1. Gang Chulin (4th year) 2. Wooji (3rd year) 3. Baek Seung-hoon (4th year) 4. … … .

“F grade” 1. Chihyeonmi (2nd year car) … … .

* The grade does not include 0, 1 year.

There was a list of D, E, F below, but it passed quickly. By PS, the other eyes quickly climbed up to the B and C grades. At the same time as there was a sense of unbelievability, a slight fuss began to emerge near the bulletin board. Almost every clan member has completed his rating.

Wow. Wow ah … ”

Ansol was wearing a bumpy resilience. Both eyes have been plugged into the EX rating list from now on. I can not believe it myself. Still, I did not say anything, but I did not dream that I would be on the same line with Kim Soo-hyun.

“S grade … . huh. It’s okay. ”

Though he seemed to be a stranger, Vivian was smiling very gratifyingly. I do not know what it means to be a test or a test, but I could see that I received a high grade.

After a while. Vivian walked to the rustle and touched Ansol standing still blank.

“Anyway, are you great? It’s the same rating as Kim Soo-hyun! ”

Ansol shrugged his body and laughed in his atrium.

“Ah, the child. I do not know. I can not believe it either. ”

Watch your tone. I will soon drop you and go up to EX grade. ”

“Eh hehe. It is hard. ”

“Woo Hyo Hyo Hyo Hyo Hyo.”

Is it good too? Two people who had been in a rough relationship burst into laughter.

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Filial piety

And at the same time, I stopped laughing. Ansol also felt Vivian. That the energy surrounding it is unimportant.

It is different from the past. Congratulations do not come anywhere. No. Instead of celebrating, I look at two people with strange eyes. Certainly it was not a good eye. In some ways, it seemed like anger.

So when the eyes of the brass sank down and the smile of Vivian fades.

“This is ridiculous. Why I rank D … ! ”

“I do not understand. Why not SOL EX … ”

Eventually, as soon as there was a dissatisfaction somewhere, suddenly the horse was cut off.

Kim Dong – seok and Park Sodom, who were about to shout, could no longer speak. At one point, two forward daggers flocked one by one. The dagger stuck on the floor was sprinkling with a purple light as if it would not allow me to open my mouth.

“If you have a complaint, go up and talk directly.”

I was staring at the two high school students in frontal direction. I cut my wrists in half, and I stuck my dagger.

“Do not touch the tough ones. Yes. it is.

Going around slowly looking around, he said. It was a warning to everyone who was here, not just two.

Who dares to disobey the name of the performance?

Kim closed his mouth quietly. But his face was still green and blue, and he started climbing the stairs. Some were still checking the bulletin board, but the four or four clan members who quietly watched the notice climbed the stairs along Kim Dong-suk.

“Huh. The user Kim Dong Suk is not in a position to be angry like that. And if you go, you will not hear good sounds at all … ”

Yes. it is.

Ahn, who was checking the bulletin board slowly, turned around. Jo Seung-woo was clutching his tongue lightly as he watched the clan rising up the stairs.

“Do not you hear a good sound?”

What is it? Ah… Maybe The eastern army armed with such a rigorous logic smashed all alone. And when I go to that state, 100%I assure you. ”

“…….””it is not so? Clan Road would have done this because you had some thoughts. But I have to hurry like that … . 쯧쯧. ”

Or is it? Is your brother thinking?

Ahn Hyun nodded his head with dry hair, but suddenly he glanced at Cho Seung-woo. Both eyes are glowing anxious colors, but mouth tails are moving in truancy. Ahn smiled sadly.

“But he was not in the opposite position?”

“I will . . . Did you? ”

“You did. It’s too sudden. ”

“I have a good memory. that… . I did not even think I would get a B grade … . Hahaha

Cho Seung-woo scratched his head with a smile. Of course, as far as user information is concerned, Cho Seung-woo is a B-grade. However, Kim said that determining the rating is not limited to user information.

‘Obviously, the Sungwoo brother has been suffering for a while … . ‘

While acknowledging the administrative power of Cho Seung-woo, in the heart of Ahn Hyun-hee, his anxiety was lifted. You can see the back view of Yoo Jeong-jeong, who is raising only his head in the closest place to the bulletin board.

Is it so shocking? I thought it would be the first to go up, but unexpectedly, he simply stood still. It does not look like it. The shoulders were lengthening and the body seemed to be looking like a hardened hardwood.

In fact, he thought he would get the same rating as hee jung. If you get good, I expected a grade of C or D. However, he received a B grade that he did not think of, and he received a C grade. And Ansol is EX grade. Kim Soo-hyeon and the first start with the three of the lowest rating was the worst. I do not know, but I do not feel good. I just wanna stay. Will you come and knock your shoulder?

The moment I was worried about the two options, Ahn reflexively looked at the side. Kim Han – seung is looking at the uncompromising eyes of when he came.

“My brother is a prefect.”

Ahn’s mouth opened wide. It is very unusual for Kim Han-hee to put the words first. You can not even imagine it.

“Your brother is B, too, right? I’m B, too. ”


Kim Han – seum, who smiled briskly, reached out his hand.

“In the future, we will work hard and go up to a higher level.”

“Oh, Yeah, well then. Hahaha

Why is he doing this today? While he could not feel awkward, he caught the hand of Kim Han – seung.

That was the moment.


Ahn Hyun finally found a smile sitting at the mouth of Kim Han-hee. The cold and cold laughter seemed to laugh at someone. It seemed that the voice was slightly higher than usual. As if to listen to someone who is watching.

just as expected.

Ahn, who squinted out of her eyes, felt a crushing feeling.

The red hair that flows down to the waist is shaking in the brink. At the end of both arms, both hands are frayed. Even though it touches lightly, sharp energy like a veil flows like water flowing from the whole body. I’m sure you heard.

How about the front view?

I thought that I did not want to imagine. However, Kim Han-hee had just laughed once and turned and began to walk somewhere.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== I have read all of your comments. I really like the atmosphere of this comment. Hahaha I will reveal your questions in the following.

Thank you. _(__)_

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