
Chapter 718

“How did you come here again?”

“I want to see her. So I ditched my dad and got rid of it. ”

Whoops. My dad is busy these days too. Then I can not. A child who sows and feeds a living is a bad child. ”

“Is she a bad child?”

No. I’m not saying that. ”

“Then my dad is not busy when I can bite and swallow?”

Then Seraf said, “Yes. It’s okay then. If a little. ” I nodded. I felt awkward feeling. I hold Marc in a row and say one by one, but I have no idea. It’s not a burglary. I’ve been calling this all the time, but what is this?

I deliberately squeezed my throat.

“I heard you called.”

When I said lowly, Seraph lifted up his head.

“Yeah. Su-hyun. eoseo oseyo? You have suffered today too. ”

Seraph who smiles calmly and speaks like a warm spring breeze. I suddenly felt a sense of tickling something strangely. It seemed to me that the way she spoke seemed to welcome her returning husband. …No. Why are you sneaking and swaying sideways? Do you think I would go to the altar and sit down?


It was then. As I was about to sit down on the floor as usual, Margot, turning his head, reached out to me. I was forced to stop the action as I was in a tangled posture. Good for nothing. I opened my mouth and smoked a smile in my room. The glittering eyes are like, ‘Please come with me.’ It seemed to say that it was difficult to turn away.

I walked slowly, but eventually I sat on the altar. I sat down at the left end as much as possible, but Seraf waited and put on my body and, in the end, came close enough to touch each other. Goddamn it. The part that touches rot … . It is not, but a soft and sweet scent comes in.

“Carr.” …That’s good enough. I do not think so.

Soo-hyun Wait a moment… . I look forward to your understanding. ”

Seraph laughed and begged for pardon, and he began to calm down and comfort the Marl, who had no idea what to do. I tug my back with a sneering pity for my patience. It was a grim revelation that tickled my little white feet, and Maru laughed and struggled. I tried to poke him to his side, but Seraf decided to stop looking at me with an embarrassment.

A lot of time has passed. He was slowly closing his eyelids as he was tired of the dry jungle that kept on frenzy. Seraph sang a quiet hum as if he were singing a lullaby, and Marle was completely blindfolded with a smile. …Anyway, can I just talk about it now? As soon as Mar is asleep, I have to get the reward as soon as possible.

Our apologies. Thank you for waiting. ”

“I do not care. by the way…

“Yeah. The reason for calling Suhyeon is that the compensation for the previous commission has been confirmed. ”

“Oh, okay . . .

“First of all, we will pay you 100 gold points per user rescued as a basic reward. And apart from that, I think you’ll need to check out the gold points you have collected so far. ”

“…Is that so? ”

I did not want to do this, but I was stunned. What in the world…… Seraph does not turn around. No. It is too short to lead the horse by itself. Like I know what I want.

“We have completed the” Rescue of Western continent users “! You will receive 43,100 gold points for your reward! ”
“Current user Kim Soo-hyun has 10,857,460 gold points.”

The moment I checked the message in the air, I could not be surprised. That’s because the gold points accumulated in the meantime were enormous. Probably thanks to Kushantor who awakened with half-heartedness. Only about six million were earned at that time. Well, it’s not much to think about. I remember that when I got a zero code, I earned more than a billion gold points.

“Weapons, armor, ornaments, orders, etc. … . There are so many words of reward. However, I thought that none of the things mentioned above were enough to satisfy Suhyun. ”

Seraph ‘s quiet voice that suddenly sounds. Strangely, today’s calling me is offensive.

Wait a minute Seraph. I’ve been keeping my name … ”

“So, I have already been exhausted, but once again I have begun to grant permission to open a user-secret store, and this issue has been passed, so I called Suhyun.”

At that moment, I felt the power go into my eyes. User secret shop that can be opened by paying 77,777 gold points. This feature is only given once per user. So, at the first car, the user who revealed the function at the most, there was not the gold point which remained after the payment, and the thing which can not be laugh which was not bought was made. I was also exhausted at the end of the second rite of passage. But will you revive that authority? This is something to think about.

“Well. Good! Then you can raise your physical strength, no. It’s just that … ! ”

But I had to stop talking on the way. Seraph shook his head. I feel a little bit uphill.


“Not to be able to do, but Suhyun is not in the item any more to improve his fitness. Forgot? ”

I screamed at my stomach. Then I saw that I did not eat the stamina. There is only one potion each of which can raise the stats, and only one can buy at a time. And so are the tears of angels. “Then what else? Strength, durability, agility, magic, good luck, there is not a plaster. ”

OK. Each infant has the ability to increase his / her ability value by 2 points. There is still a limitation that you can buy only one. ”

like that. I nodded a nod. I do not think that I can not raise my stamina. Satisfaction, satisfaction. I heard that you will not be compensated for the compensation, but I could not even imagine that much.

That was the moment.

“Umm . . . Also, did not you like the compensation? ”

All of a sudden Seraf had a bullshit. I felt strange. Why do you make the assumption that the reward will not fit my mind?

“It is difficult to see it as a complete reward because you only have to revive the power, and you have to spend gold points directly. Understand. So first of all, why not take a quick look at the items in your secret shop? If you look at it, you might change your mind. This should not be the original, but we will open the item only once this time. Of course, you can not buy. ”

“Oh, Huh? Is that it? ”

Seraf was a fairly long speech.

strange. It is definitely strange. I could not pinch myself, but it felt like I was ready to speak. As if I wanted to act.

Before long, the secret shop quickly emerges in the air in front of us. I tried to watch him quietly, but suddenly Serap moved his hand and pointed out one handmade item.

“Passage ticket (150,000 GP).”
Explanation: You can enter the passage courtesy area with your identity. It is possible to stay for 7 days on entry.

“How are you doing?”

“Passage ticket? Well Not really …

Seraf nodded as if he had known it, and he pointed out the items below.

“Then please take a look at this. This is a new item … ”

Monster Summon 1 (1,000 GP), Monster Summon 2 (10,000 GP), Monster Summon 3 (100,000 GP), Monster Summon 4 (1,000,000 GP) Description: You can summon it randomly. The higher the number engraved on the box, the greater the likelihood that more powerful monsters will be summoned. If you can win, you can have equipment worn by a corpse or monster.

“It is a box that can summon not only the east, west, south, northern continent, but also monsters that travel in the unexplored areas of the far-reaching places where users can not reach.”

I was haunted. I understand the description of the item. However, if you are lucky, you can summon monsters around the equipment (?). If you want to increase your chances, you can buy 4 times, but the price is high enough to make a loud noise. I do not think there is a reason to invest.

Well I do not know. But I think you should expect it to be so lucky … ? ”

If I smile at Serap ‘s mouth at the moment, is it my mistake?

Whoops. You still do not like it. I promised you, I will not let you get your reward … . There is no way to forbid an indulgent mind. ”

Seraph sighs and ends the secret shop item.

No. I am satisfied with the resurgence of the use of the secret shop.

I thought so, but I closed my mouth. And he gazed at Seraf and slowly fell into thought. Sudden thought ran through the mind.

When I think about it, I’ve had this before. So when he was working as an instructor at the user academy, Seraf sneered at his advice.

Look Before You Leap. User Kim Soo Hyun. Please remember this. ‘

Jump first and see where you are going to jump. It means to judge every situation carefully before execution. As a result of accepting that advice, I was able to find a user with a prominent talent called. I was feeling the same feeling again this time.

“Or, do you have any additional compensation you want? If you do, I will consider it as much as possible. ”

Sooner or later Seraf would say, “In addition,” I was able to realize the intent of the meantime. At the same time, why did Seraf make words and actions that he would not understand?

First of all, the compensation is confirmed. To be more precise, the ‘situation that can receive compensation for angel’ was made. And the existence of the current secret shop is still unknown to me, but it is still a long time until it is revealed. That is, the standard of reward is to use the secret shop instead of the gold point, and ask for more.

okay . . . Seraf was telling me from the beginning. There is nothing urgent. I can not guarantee that this will happen again in the future, so please try to eat as much as you can. Only once at this time, there is a high possibility that even an additional request exceeding a little will be eaten. If Seraf supports it.

I do not know why suddenly Seraf pushes me. However, there was no reason to refuse to put up a stonewall.

OneTime I’ll try to think slowly. ”

I guess it was the right answer.

Anneoyong haseyo Clear right.

Seraph smacked Mar ‘s hair softly and said in a lighter voice than ever before.

* There is a saying.

Memories are the nourishment of tomorrow.

After Kim Soo-hyun left. Seraph moved to the center of the road altar and smiled alone. It does not look lonely or lonely anymore. Rather, a warm feeling of happiness was passing through the room of the summons.

‘Yeah. Su-hyun. eoseo oseyo? You’ve had a lot of trouble today. ”
‘Suhyun is … . ‘

How many times have you practiced and how many times you dreamed.

As I remembered a moment ago, a red blush blew on the seraph’s face with his eyes closed.

But can not I see the happiness?

Seraph. Are you crazy now?
You are mad! I’m crazy too crazy.

Suddenly, several voices hit my ear strongly as I tried to grasp the situation before.

“What do you mean suddenly?”

However, Seraf was not at all embarrassed. I opened my eyes calmly and tilted my head.

– Do not you know that?
– I said that the resurrection of the use of a secret shop does not fit with equity, but do you know what you did now?

Despite being alone, Seraf shrugged. As if you do not know what you did wrong.

– I do not think so. The rare, secret class at the rite of passage is the arrangement for talented spare users. But are you going to take it away?

“Did I teach you the place of the arrangement?” – Then why did you introduce the box?

“Was not the item to be officially released soon? What problem? “- Lie! You’re looking for a monster in the box to be affected by your luck! So I know there is a user’s sol next to the user Kim Soo-hyun … !

“I did not get any stories about him, did I?”

As Seraph said naturally, the two voices that broke down like storms broke down. When I think about it, I have nothing to say. Certainly, it was not a problem for Seraf’s words or actions. It ‘s a question of how Kim Soo – hyun accepts it.

– …Anyway, Seraf ‘s actions have definitely crossed the line. I will never go to work today. You can look forward to it.
– Let me raise the agenda myself. Look at it.

A quiet, but intimidating tone rang my ears.

At that moment, the warm energy was gone, and Seraph’s mouth was covered with a cold smile.

“Do you two have such confidence?” – No, what … ?

No. I think I made a statement. “- … … .

Then again a voice that was broken.

Certainly Seraf’s intent was overtaken today. However, words or actions are not excessive. The introduction of the item is also said to be ‘the purpose of the user Kim Soo-hyun’s satisfaction’.

The angelic society, basically, is made up of hierarchy. However, due to the nature of the helper, the more users lead the ‘correct’ direction, the more points are added to the class. As a result, Serap ‘s power had risen to an incomparable level.

As such, angels often take care of the user without knowing it in a way that increases their influence. It is an act that is made publicly for the motive to motivate angels to focus on the helper role.

In the end it was a simple story.

‘Have you ever been like that?’

Seraph asked two people in this sense.

“I do not want to be quiet anyway, but if you do not mind, I will not stop it.”

Ceraf said that he cut off communication unilaterally. I quietly closed my eyes and began to recall the situation.

Meanwhile, the same time.

“here… . Atlanta


Two users are walking out at Warpgate. Both men covered the body with a thick robe, but the blond hair flowing down the hood was noticeable.

ye sara사라 So here … ”

“Right. I heard you are in the south, so let’s go. ”

The two users who pressed the hood started to move quickly.

And also,

“Seaning! Today’s announcement is not made! ”

“Ah ha ha ha. Maybe it’s because I’m very busy. ”

Atlanta South Central Plaza.

In front of the bulletin board used by many users, the company was sooting a woman who gives a loud voice.

“Apparently, he told me that he was going to recruit new members of the talks!”

“He, yes. Sy! I heard for sure. ”

“So why is not the announcement yet?”

That, that’s … ! Yoon Ahn. I mean … ”

The man, scratching his head with a grimace face, gazed at the bulletin board with a sigh. However, even if I look everywhere, I can not see the recruitment announcement of Mercenary. So if the announcement comes up, you will not have to go through everything.

After a while. “Ugh it’s frustrating! How old is this? I believe only my brother! ”

The woman who sat down nervously moved her legs.

“Umm . . . Yoon Ahn. ”

“Oh noisy!”

No. “Listen!” Then you know. ”

“…This will enable

Finally, the man, who had his taste buds, opened his mouth quietly while reaching out to the woman who was sitting in front of him.

“How about we go once?”

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== 1. Fight your wife. The radish grows in the morning on the next morning.
2. Stay well with your wife. In the morning the next day, a sura costume decorated with the feast of the Holy Spirit comes up.

Kim Soo-hyun has done 2 good times. Clap your hands!

In the future, Ansol is more likely to become a goblin bat. Hahaha

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