
Chapter 724

At that moment, I immediately took over the rear of Hae Seung-woo by playing Lee Hyung-Whan.

The field of vision has changed in a moment. I see a desk sitting before my eyes and a hand on the hilt. The illusion soon disappeared as it melted into the air. Then, he tilted the blade at the nape of Hae Seung-woo, shifted his direction, and put the tip of the sword in the center of his back. I can get into it very quickly.

After so successful in capturing the complete rear, I quietly opened my mouth.

“Warn in advance. Do not open your mouth and do not move your body until I give you permission. I do not care what you think or what you have. All you can do here is tell me my question. If you see behavior that is slightly off, you can expect it. Once you get it, nod your head once. ”

And I looked straight, but Ha Seung-woo was expressionless. She is staring at the desk as she is sitting on the sofa. It seemed like something was going out or being quietly thought. Suddenly, the shadows dropped underneath Hae Seung-woo were slim. Everything else was still, except for the darkness, which was a quiet night.

Finally, Hae Seung-woo nodded slowly.

“Do you know, too … ”

As soon as I heard the words that flowed carefully, I lifted my feet and took my right hand off the couch.

“I still can not … . 큭! ”


At the same time as the sofa was crushed, the body of Hae Seung-woo leaned heavily and the screaming of the bird burst.

I kicked the sofa off the table and looked down. As a result of stepping on his hard hand, his right hand was completely crushed. White bones are seen between the flesh and the flesh. Ha Seung-woo sat on the floor with his right shoulder slightly stretched and grinning a lot. But now I close my mouth with a clear stare to the front.

After all, Ha Seung-woo certainly admitted that. It was a little weird to say that I know.

Really? You’d better stay still. ”

After whispering, I began to strip off Ha Seung-woo’s clothes. He pulls out the robes and rips his clothes. I did not know what I was hiding, so I even cut my underwear to wear. In the meantime, a small, sparkling blue ball fell to the floor.

Kenichi Momoyama It’s a modification of the truth. ”

While I was talking, I was blindfolded, but Ha Seung-woo was still closing his mouth. I felt a little sorry. I opened my mouth one more time and I tried to make a left hand.

Anyway, well done.

I gazed at the beads shining in the dark in the dark and pushed my feet lightly. The revision of the truth has come to a standstill and has settled down in front of Ha Seung-woo.

“Do you know what to do?”

Ha Seung-woo seemed a little hesitant, but soon put his left hand on the beads.

After a while. The bright light inside the bead turned on. The revision of the truth was triggered.

However, the activation time is not so long, so you should save your time as much as possible.

I decided to start the question right away. I already know what it is.

“What is the purpose of user Hae Seung-woo entering the Mercenary Clan after attacking the steel mountains of the North Continent?”

Revision of the truth is not universal. There is a certain weakness in that it only covers ‘truth’ unconditionally. I have used that point to get rid of the question of Jung Hwa-yeon’s question. So to minimize this weakness, it is best to have as much detail as possible.

“The purpose of escape to be protected. And the purpose of using it. ”

Finally, the low voice of Ha Seung-woo is heard. Escape and protection and use. It seems to have followed the words I had mentioned before.

“Everything, tell me in detail.”

He gave his strength to his hands and said it growled. The voices have increased.

“Literally. One was trying to keep his son under the protection of the Mercenary Clan. Another was to use the Mercenary Clan to clean up the remaining bum. ”

At that moment, I felt the power go into my eyes. The former is different, and the latter is not believed.

The tramp tried to sweep the tramp?

Is that also the total captain of the bum?

I quickly confirmed the truth of the modification, but the light in the beads did not change a bit. It is illuminating bright light as when it was turned on for the first time.

“…Did you have an inner body? ”

“Is it internal? Hahaha

Suddenly, Ha Seung-woo laughed that he had no trouble. Still looking at the front, it connects the horse.

“I do not know this, even if you do not know the bum. A tramp is a group that has no intention of getting out of bed. Why? We do not, because no bum is gathered only by necessity. okay . . . I made the command system by necessity, but it is not a perfect hierarchy like you. ”

Now that I found a little stable, Ha Seung Woo was a long speech. It was a constant voice from beginning to end.

“…So why? ”

I told you. By necessity. …To be more precise, I guess the biggest reason is that he stumbled upon the fact that he was his brother.

“Is user Seung Yoon also a bum?”

No, it is not! Seung-yun is just a user. Such a common user who hates boomers. ”

Ha Seung-woo was glad to see if he wanted to be sure of this. The lights in the beads remained unchanged.

It was then.

When I slowly tried to sort out my thoughts, he suddenly turned his head and stared at me. As I was nervous, I injected the magic drag that I had pulled in at the same time, reflexively pushing the sword.

Hook. The tip of the sword pierced his back and pierced his abdomen. If you do this, you will surely die.

But Hae Seung – woo looked at me quietly except for a moment ‘s jump. The bubbles that have been sucked into the water flow down along the back and soak the floor.

Ha Seung-woo opened his mouth quietly after shedding a feeble breath.

“And as soon as the steel mountains were caught, I thought there was no future.”

“There is no future?”

“…Are you asking because I do not really know? ”

“…….”That was not it. Certainly, unlike the first car, the bum did not show much activity after the war.

No. I did not.

Because I made it that way.

“As long as the user is taking over the city, the bumper is inevitably disadvantageous over time. And now that we have tackled the steel mountains, the difference will be more open. ”

“But you … ”

“Ah. Of course, the bum did not even stay. So, a lot of people went into the city, acted as spies and planned to encourage conflict between users. I actually got some performance. By the way…


He sees me in a jab at me. I breathed lightly to keep talking.

“A plan to eradicate a bum, a spy, a defeat of war … . Up to this point, my limbs have already been cut off, and since then I have been working on a continuous bum-killing activity. As time goes by, the forces shrink to exponential, what are you doing here? What would you have done? ”

“So you’re trying to start a new user?”

“I did not think suddenly. After a long period of thought after the war, I prepared it secretly, and I got my thoughts after I attacked the steel mountains. That’s why I was only looking for a chance, but suddenly my breath came. ”


Really? You came to me by disappeasing just before the attack. It’s a great chance not to come back twice. ”

“……?”It was a moment when I frowned at the unintelligible words. Suddenly, Ha Seung-woo’s face began to change and his face began to change gradually. Soon after I checked the face that had completed the change, I suddenly burst into tears.

I see another one. The face of Ha Seung-woo was transformed into me.

But before his chest was sank, he faded again, and his face appeared. At first glance, it looks similar to the first one, but it is a distinctly different impression. The third face was a man with a silver-gray hair with profound light, but sleek eyes.

When I see cold and clean eyes, I get goose bumps. Hae Seung-woo was so intense that he was emitting a charisma.

I instinctively felt intuition. This is the face of Ha Seung-woo.

At the same time, an idea struck the brain.

“…You were the one who pretended to be me. ”

Sy! It was the fastest and best way to take the Mercenary Clan. I did not see it fail. ”

Hae Seung-woo was convinced. I was able to recognize the native species now.

It was a simple story. Ha Seung-woo pretended to impersonate me and tried to occupy the Mansion. By doing so, I tried to protect Hae Seung-yun and clean the bum. And we start off with a new name, Mercenary Road. That’s because the wrong way is to get into the Merliner Clan.

So I thought of one additional question.

“But what happens to you if you impersonate me? Is not there a possibility that Seung-yun Hae thinks strangely? ”


Hae Seung-woo laughed.

“I have confidence in two stations. Using my power is not without a way. ”

“Hmm… ”

Some questions have been solved. In the meantime, the light of the bead was quite weak. The revision time of the truth is almost ending. I opened my mouth quietly thinking that I should finish it now.

Agreed. If you’re serious, tell me where the bum is. ”

Ha Seung-woo laughed and clutched a place with a bum. I also kindly informed me how I could approach each other in a certain way.

In fact, it was a bit odd that only one younger sister would tell me so sincerely. But I did not take it out of my mouth. I think that if I was the position of Ha Seung Yoon and my brother was in the position of Ha Seung Woo, I thought he would have done the same thing. Maybe it’s about saving my sister. On the one hand, there is a feeling that there is no characteristic or future of the boomer.

“What else?”

“I do not know that. There may be, but it is not necessary to worry too much about the level of the enemy. Or, first of all, I will take the bums out of the place where I taught them, and I will question the man who is in charge of the rank and file. ”

At the end of the saying, the light was turned off and the crystal of the truth was broken into pieces.

I also solved the question and found out the fact that I would find out. Of course, I still have some personal questions, but that is enough.

After a long breath, I gently pulled out a sword that had stuck on my back.

Hae Seung – woo ‘s eyes were stung.

“Are you alive?”

You are mad! Want to live? ”

I sneered and lifted my sword high.

“Originally, as painfully as possible, I was trying to explode inside with a magical explosion … ”

By the way…

“Actually, I was a little surprised. I did not bother to rebel, and I was quite sincere in my speech. I will send it neatly and without pain in return. ”

Wait a minute Can not you just tell me one because I can kill you painfully? ”

Has he already accepted death? A quietly sunk, gray – eyed pupil gazes at me.

“…How did you know? ”

He shook his head from side to side.

“How do you do that? Would you kill him? Usually a user? ”

Yes. it is.

“It’s not my brother’s words. He is a genius. If you keep it alive … ”

No. Learn I do not know if he’s a bum. Why kill him? There are a lot of mercenary classes that I can use. ”

“Use it … . Anyway, you mean to live? ”

Really? Your plan will proceed without error. Hae Seung-yoon will act as a mansion-like clan member in the future, and he will kill every bum. “If I can accept this fact.

The rest of the story only speaks inward.

“Good luck.”

Hae Seung-woo laughed.

Maybe you know that Ha Seung Woo is also hard. But for now, there is no choice.

Anyway, the confusion is a matter of progress. I decided to think about the latter day later, and I aimed at the spot to drop the sword. Ha Seung-woo also thinks it’s over now.

I had not hesitated since I had already decided to kill.

You can do just as you did the ‘Holy Queen’.

“Well, goodbye.”

As I was saying goodbye, I struck my sword as it was.

That was the moment.



Suddenly the sound of someone crying, and the sound of magic, sounded in my ears.

And also,


The sword that fell softly was hindered by something.

In a blink of an eye, I saw a white curtain in sight.

Soon I looked forward and lost moment to say.

“You are … ”

Did he use space-shifting ability?

Ansol and Jeegar Haesol stood in front of my eyes.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Ah. Today is really depressing.

1. I was caught cold in the aftermath of reserve army training.
2. I have a sickness, and a friend who was hospitalized calls me to come to my hospital. I told him that I was in a hurry today because he said that he would not be able to work because of the difficulty of today. At first, I tried to give a note, and after all, I always said it.
3. I lay down to sleep in a sincere mood, this time mosquitoes appear. I struggled for an hour, but I just caught one.
4. The desk is a bit dirty to sit in the chair and write off while writing. So while I was cleaning, I tapped the cup on the left brochure. So, the coffee that they heard inside was pouring out. The monitor, the keyboard, the book, the floor, and the little notebook that was on the bookshelf and gave it enough to be in your hand.

Yaaaanang ah!

I guess it ‘s a day that I can not really do. ㅜ. ㅠ.

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