
Chapter 732

I stared at the darkness. A moonlight shining in the room and a black shadow cast in the moon are visible. The dark purple hair falling down to the waist was shaking quietly.

Ah… I’m sorry. I was listening. ”

The main character of the cold and serene voice was Huh Jun-young.

Huh Joon-young, who walked down the street, slowly lifted his arms. There is a long bottle at your fingertips. When I saw it, a big laugh broke out. Did you have so many clan members that you want to have a drink with me?

“It does not matter if you just come in. Why are you standing outside. It’s right. ”

“I do not want to interrupt a good time.”

“Oh, no meaning. Then, I started to take a seat. ”

“I tried to, but the story is so interesting.”

Huh Jun-young, who spoke well, made a smile that seemed to be visible. And I see the gleeful Kim Han-bum. Looks like asking for permission. Kim Han – tewe closed his eyes a couple of times and then shook his head. It is like a silent consent.

He picked it up and pulled a couch and sat down. Well. I’ll have to get it back before I go.

He turned the bottle cap lightly and found an empty cup and poured the proper amount.


To listen to the purple liquid that is about half the cup, I hear a cheeky voice.

“It’s not the kind of personality that intervenes in the middle … . Do you mind if I ask them? ”

He was not looking at me. I turn my head and gaze outside the door, even though I speak cheekily. I do not think it’s freaking out.

The door was still halfway open.

Really? I overheard it. It does not interrupt. Anyway, what is it? ”

“…So, what are you thinking? ”

He stared at the road and hardened his fingers. I was haunted.

“…What is it? ”

“I know your intentions enough … . Anyway, after all, it’s just that you did not get away from that user. ”

“…….””It’s not a zero or a year, it’s four years now. But I can not say that … . Actually, I do not know what to do now. ”

The horse slowly faded. It sounded like a little reproving tone. I guess I know what I want to say.

I inhaled very little residual tobacco until the end, then slowly shed long.

“Of course, it will be stronger in the future. No, it should be stronger. ”

“Does that mean you’re going to release mental protection late?”

It would have been earlier.

Hwang Jun-yeong showed his doubts as he shook his head.

“Then you have to stay strong and get stronger? Do not you think something is contradictory? As you said before … ”

“There is a way to say.”



Hwang joon-yeong looked at the room again. Why do I keep turning around? Does it take the door to be open? Then you would come close.

“What way?”

“Class inheritance.”

I said clearly.

“So we inherit the class and change the user information.”

I slowly raised my body, adding that it was a very simple thing.

“But you already … . It’s rare class. ”

I suddenly hear Kim Han – seok ‘s voice.

“It’s not a rare class. I also have a secret class. ”

I stepped into the room. It was to close the door.

“You know as much as you are a secret class. Think about class succession compensation. ”

“If it’s a succession … . Increased specialization ability, ability to change class … . Ah…

Then, Kim Han – seum made a small effort to realize that he realized. okay . . . What I ultimately want to do through class succession is to make a difference in the special abilities of.

“So you want to make it a dual class? In such an inefficient way? ”

Huh Joon-young, too, pointed out sharply. I laughed and grabbed the knocker.

“Do not think there is no way to go from a rare class to a secret class. There are only two things I know. ”

First of all, awakening secret class. Of course this is a very rare case.

So it was more likely to think of evolution as a secret class with a combination of rare classes rather than awakening secret class.

“…At the end of the day, I hear only one more class. ”

No. You do not have to get a new one. ”

Yes. it is.

“Sudan already gave it to me. But we have to realize for sure how to express it. ”

After saying that, I pulled my hair out before closing the door.


“…….”There was no one in the hallway. Only the darkness sits still. I closed the door quietly.

* It was foggy weather. The air of the dawn that seemed to be flesh was pushed in by the wind, and it rubbed it like the circumference castle.

Everywhere is cloudy. The winds of the dawn that rubbed past seemed to tell me that it was far away in the morning.

There was a woman walking alone quietly in the castle, even though there was still someone who would not walk around the time. Fom is dressed in a plausible way, which is like a traveler who goes a long way. The woman paused for a moment. He stared at the white castle, rising magnificently as he lifted his head. And the amount of light, which is like a recall, is lightly wetted by the light red pupil.

After a while. Something that wavered, the footsteps that were walking on the way, came out in a long corridor. It was because of the hazy fog all over the place, and the place where the woman was standing was filled with fumes that were not visible until now.

When I walked through the waterway that leads from the entrance to the main gate.

“……?”The long hair, which was shaken by force, shook suddenly and slowly.

The wretched eye of a woman who did not know where to go stopped at a point somewhere in the front. At a distance of about 30 meters in the front direction, a man in a dark Chester coat stood. I do not see it because of the unclear weather, but I can see who is watching the purple hair flowing longer than the woman.

You can look at them for a while.

The man opened his mouth.

How… Do not miss out on anticipation. ”

At the same time as she was frowning, she began to tease at a significantly faster pace. The guy wants to take a stare and walk slowly toward the opposite direction. So when the two men and women came across, Hur Junyoung stopped and looked around, but the woman did not.

“Are you going to say nothing? Kim Soo-hyun will sad. ”

“I wrote it on the record. I’ll see you someday. ”

The woman replied bluntly.

Still, the pace did not stop. Do not do it, or pass it over without giving the eye. The inside of the company stared at the back of the increasingly distant future.


“I thought I was troubled and worried all night … . So, is that your choice? ”

The moment I heard a sarcastic voice, he was forced to stop again.

“I helped out with what I could have heard last night … . Anyway, do you have yourself? ”

I turn my body nervously. And an angry pupil tried to stare at his opponent, but he could not help but hesitate. It was because Huh Joon-young was very close. The uncertain purple eyes look down on him in front of him.

“If you leave without saying this, do you think you can achieve something? I’m confident. ”

In the eyes of asking for something to explain something, he asked for a reflex.

Hur Junyoung looked at something, and threw a shoulder.

“Ah. Of course, you can not just see it as bad. Performed without war. It’s definitely okay. No. If today was at least two years and three years ago, I would have welcomed him with twins. I do not know what this world is like, like you, but it is just a good practice for a thundering nanny. ”


“But do not you think it’s late now? It’s four years old. From the outside, I judge him as an elite user from then on. So I’m curious. This means that there is more than just looking around the world … ”

“…I do not want to be a burden to my brother anymore. ”

Soo – jung barely made a speech with a weak voice. Huh Jun-young’s mouth tongue went up slightly.

“I do not want to be a burden. This is a little surprising. ”

Really? Are you satisfied now? ”

“Hmm. Well, that’s just a reason. It’s just you. It makes sense. ”

“…I think about it. And if you do not mind, I’d really appreciate it. Do not do it. ”

“Oh, wait a minute. Let’s ask just one thing before it turns off. …Then you are running away because you do not want to be a burden in the end? ”

“…….”As soon as he tried to move his foot, Huh Joon – young ‘s voice caught him. The word “run away” strikes my chest. Soo-jung, who chewed enough to tear his mouth, opened his mouth like a growl.

“Not to run away, but to get stronger.”

“…MO! Are you going to be strong? ”

At that moment, Huh Joon – young burst into laughter. There was no exaggerated feeling when I think about the usual personality.

“Are you going to be strong? What the hell is this? Hahaha

Finally, I can not tolerate the reason, I’m scared to see what is funny Huh.

“dog sound? Did you talk? Do you want to joke in this situation now? ”

No. You’re joking. Why do not you go out with a warrior? I’d rather run away. Then you can understand. Do not make excuses or rationalize yourself. ”

“You say … ”

“Then say it. Who is wondering why you’re leaving now? So I asked him before. I’m confident. So how and in what way will you be strong? ”

o . . . Xxxxx

“No, not really sarcastic, I’m really curious. Warrior performance? Well. The horse is good. But I’m curious about your specific plan. He will not go around alone unless his goal is empty. So if you’re doing it, you’re just wandering around in the caravan. …But then, you do not have to go out there? The clan that you are currently carrying is already returning to such a system. It is better than anywhere else. ”

“…….””You can not speak. Look. There is no plan. So you’re right to run away. ”

Soon he was holding his hand to flail. However, contrary to my heart, I do not speak. Because there is nothing to refute. Huh Jun-young’s words are correct. Maybe you were expecting someone to catch you.

Sure! What am I supposed to do? ”

In the end, he cried out with a loud voice. Soo – jung closed his eyes. It was because I did not want to show my tears from the tiredness.

“Like what’s so good! Do you know a little bit of my heart? Yes, I hope you are stronger. I want to get an S rating! ”

“…I’m still rating it. ”

He shook his head as he shed a sigh of relief.

Then suddenly I took two eyes.

“…okay . . . May

I opened my mouth with a deepened voice.

“So if you do not want to be weak, if you’re sick. Then you’ll have to do something for yourself? ”

“I also own … ! ”

“depending on? You tried your best? Do not be ridiculous. Even if it crashes and breaks. Even if there is one thing like being hurried out of the clan while thinking of Ahn Hyun and taking all kinds of ramshackle! I can say that I have to do at least the effort to write so desperately, and I have the opportunity to make excuses. Just leave a record and you’re done? What is this world that is strong when it hunts for a few months with solo play? If it can be that easy, everyone in the world will be the top ten. I do not know how frustrated I am up here. ”

“…….”“…No one, no one, sees you and does not ask for results right away. I do not understand when I hear Kim Su – hyun yesterday. You are waiting for yourself to realize. So, before you show something, you should try to show it. ”

“…….”The voice of Huh Joon-young was relaxed. It ‘s like it’ s just because you want to realize it.

But the reason is still silent. Now he was staring at the ground, leaning over his head. Huh Jun-young tears his forehead with a look of tiredness.

“…okay . . . You’ll hear me say. So, what does it matter? It’s a bitch. Whether you go out or say. Whether it is remembered as a defeated dog or a runaway dog. ”

And he turns around without any fuss as if there is nothing more to see.

“Do whatever you feel like. If, however, a few months and years later, if you return safely … . I do not know if there will be four seats at that time. No, I’m glad you do not die alone on your own. ”

After I finished speaking so cynically, I moved my steps without hesitation. After a long time, Huh Joon – young disappeared as if he had melted into the sea breeze.

Lee Jung-jeong was a resentful pupil and stared at him for a long time. It seemed like he could not catch up, not knowing what to do.

“Yes, this dog … ! ”

That was the moment.

Kid profit … .

It was early early morning time. By the way, suddenly the sound of the entrance gate opening slowly rang the quiet garden. Reflecting his head, he was surprised to see two people coming in halfway through the entrance with difficulty.

Dripping, blood is falling without a break. I had been bathing in the sea of ​​a bloody blood, and the blood of the young boy was still flooding with iron. And one of the inhabitants guards coming in and supporting the boy. As soon as I saw it, I was relieved by the urgency of my face.


“Well, thank God! You were there! Are you a Mercenary clan member? ”

At that point, he passed away. It is certain that the urgent thing is happening, but I do not know how to say it. Because, because … .

“Damn, are you really gone?”

It was then. Suddenly, the sound of grumbling sounded, and he ran through the thick fog. …What was it, was not it?

While he was wondering, he also witnessed the scene in front of him. The footsteps stopped and the atmosphere became sharp as it struck the bloody blooms.

“Guard. What happened? ”

“He just returned to the city. It seems to have been attacked, but I do not know about postwar circumstances. He just barely told me to ask the representative clan, and he fainted. ”

The resident guards conveyed the situation fairly accurately even though they spoke fast.

He nodded his head lightly and pointed to him with his index finger.

“You are right. I’ll let Clan Road know right away. You wake the priest and treat him. ”

“Oh, huh?”


“Now, wait a minute! I am…

Soo – jung was unable to speak to the end. Huh, Jun-young, had just run out to the castle as soon as he had finished speaking. The only thing left is the face guards who lived with the boy who lost his mind.

“Ai … ! ”

Finally, “I … ” With a crawling voice, he looked a little sick as he watched the guards approaching the boy with a very close approach.

“Wow … . Wow … ”

Even if you look at it, it is unbelievable. The boy is breathed a little, so that he can breathe even at once.

The hesitation was there.

First of all, we must live.

“Give it to me! Quick

Soo Jung, who thought so, immediately took the boy and turned his body. So I change the direction of the steps I was going to go to the main gate, and I look at the side with the road castle.

Soon, hei jung, who held the boy tightly, started to run like the wind.


“Hey you! Anson Oo Oo! ”

Finally, it started.

The first step of that great journey, which will later be named Hall of Fame by the succession of the ‘mercenary king,’ has just begun.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Mmm … . I wrote a long note and just erased it.

Our apologies. Today, around 2 o’clock in the morning. I had a lot of headaches because I wrote the dawn in recent years. At this time, I often use a 15 minute alarm and catch it for a while. I get up in the shower for about 15 minutes. Then I get pretty good. But today I fell asleep. I remember hearing the alarm, but I think he got quite sleepy.

I was upset and I heard how I felt … . I commented on the situation with a comment and thought that I should ask for your understanding, but first I picked the word in the direction to start the word first. Maybe it was because of the shame about not keeping the promise. I have finished writing and I have finished my retirement, and I am successful in updating. Haha

I have been thinking about it, but I am thinking that it is better not to leave the comment preview system anyway. Because I do not think I can promise to prevent the recurrence of the same thing today. Let’s think about this part slowly. If you have any suggestions, please let me know.

I apologize once again for those who have waited. _ (__) _ PS. Myoje.

Let’s fly once now. 🙂

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