
Chapter 744


Suddenly the soaring nausea, the waist spontaneously flexes itself and reflexively closes the mouth. Although it was not possible for vomit to disappear, he just swallowed the unpleasant sensation that reached the end of the throat. But it does not disappear. After entering this strange space, the feeling from the moment I felt was getting stronger with time. At this moment, it seems that somebody is picking up all over the body without hesitation. The steel ballistas seem to have stuck to three or four. It feels as if the abdomen is fulminating, it’s horrible and vivid.

“Wow! Woe eek! ”


After all, he could not bear it. I want to barely stretch my waist, I sit down as it collapses. In the meantime, somehow I tried to bite him to endure it, but eventually he spit out the vapors. When the mixture of sour smell and clear bloody sound came in, it was repeated. I was so slightly cheerful that I was so upset, but soon another emotion came and replaced the vacancy. I was embarrassed and embarrassed to see something dirty and scattered before my eyes. It was a kind of self-consciousness.

‘Ansol put up with … . ‘

Someone knocks on his back, and someone looks at him with a sad eyes, saying he ‘s okay. Soo-jung tried to stand up with his hand wiping his mouth. At that moment, I felt a painful throbbing in my stomach again, and my arms were broken in half. All of a sudden, there was a sense of helplessness without reason. Lee Jung-jung bites his hands with a bite of his mouth.

What’s Going On? Are you okay? ”

Then Kim Su-hyun’s voice was heard asking if it was okay. Hee Jung Jung has a flashing spirit. It was a barely earned place to almost beg. I can not help you, I can not help you at first, so I should not cause a disaster. Above all, I did not want to see this kind of thing before Kim Soo-hyun. Soo-jung stood up from his seat.


“I do not think so. neomu

But no! It’s really okay! ”

“…….”He was screaming without knowing himself. Kim Soo-hyun, who was staring for a while, turned around and said that he should not overdo it. Soo-jung was desperately trying to breathe and began to struggle one step at a time. And he gently put his hand on the stamped part. The abdomen was still sore.

* How much time has passed.

I led my painful colleagues, and on the endless path I stopped pacing. We saw old old castle that kept the flow of time in front of eyes. The distance is about 50 meters. As I gazed at the entrance to the front, dark darkness, I breathed lightly. Suddenly, my heart became urgent. Though it was sinking rapidly due to the influence of the ambassador, I soon started running without knowing it. And I passed through the entrance without hesitation.

The scenery did not change anymore, but it was rubbed over. After passing through the corridors lined up to the left and right in a moment, a giant iron gate began to be seen. It was a massive door over five meters, each with a metaphysical pattern on each corner. As soon as I tried to push the door, I suddenly felt a rough breath. It was difficult to see it as a state of fullness when the physical strength dropped through the mist. But rather than being tough, I felt like someone was breathing in me.

I looked down behind my chest and saw my colleagues who had just followed. The one who is strangely stubborn is staring at the door with strange eyes. Pain, hate, anger, loss … . Even up to grudge.

“I’ll go in.”

After being silent, I pushed the door without hesitation. Then, slowly inside, I walked in, and a round and wide room appeared. There was no need to look around. There was a big altar forward, and someone was sitting on the altar. I immediately began to move forward with a sword. All of my colleagues also follow me with arms.

Do not they know we’re coming in. Despite the fact that the distance was less than 20 meters, there was no sign of the altar. I looked up and looked up, and the image clearly came into my eyes.

Is this the princess of the sleeping forest? Imjin’s identity was a mysterious and fascinating woman who was appalled. It is also very young beauty. The purple hair that flows down abundantly is beautiful under the witch hat which I pressed hard. However, the face looking downward seemed to be empty, and eyes closed tightly. The witch ‘s face still is not facing us.

It was then.

This is the page

As soon as someone tried to run forward, I reached out and sent a restraining signal. It seemed to be a little excited to come to here that the energy which is transmitted in the surroundings was not in any sense. And most of all, I was able to notice that the witch was awake a little while ago. It seemed to sleep quietly when I looked at it quietly, but it just moved very lightly. I certainly did not miss turning the hourglass on my left hand.

After a while. “…I’m surprised. ”

The feminine beauty of high tone rang the calm space. It sounds like whispering right next to me. Then, as the witch slowly opened his eyes, the naked eyes of the naked eye under the lashes of the eyes were revealed. A witch with a quick glance slowly glances at us.

“Most of the children who came here were dead, and the lions rushed. .
It would sound like you were on your own. okay . . . You, no, you might be a little different. ”

The witch told me that he twisted his leg. A dark-colored lobe flaps down, revealing a brilliant calf. Before long, the witch stood on the altar with both hands.

“So, how about you? Looking back hundreds of years ago, how do you feel once again in front of me? ”

“……?””Can you understand the feelings of those days and feelings? Third prisoner? ”

“…….”The third wasted fetus. I immediately understood the witch ‘s words. The first one is the abandoned prisoner, the second is one of the caravans that came in earlier, and the third one is me. I mean, now my body was connected to the soul of the fugitive.

“What happened to the 15 people who came in earlier?”

Instead of answering, I set up a sword immediately.

“I asked first. If you do not answer, I will not tell you. ”

But the witch shook her head.

“I do not know how I feel or feel.”

“I do not have enough answers.”

“I told you I do not know. I just think it’s stupid. ”

“…Are you stupid? Wasted fetus? ”

I nodded my head calmly and the witch ‘s eyes grew gently. At the moment of the moment, the purple eyes that had just been empty were struck. After a while, the white cheek of the witch who looked at me suddenly suddenly said, “Pooh.” It was swollen.

“꺄 Ha ha ha ha ha ha!”

Like a screaming, tearful laugh, the hallucination was full of hallucinations. It was a funny and lively sound that was different from the feeling I felt before. Now it is time to break down to the waist of the ladies. When you wiggle your body and roll your feet, the sensual body of the witch is severely touched by a slightly smaller lobe.

“All ready for battle!”

I can not see any more, I just gave instructions. Colleagues pointed a weapon at the witch as if waiting. Coincidentally, the witch was also slowly calming down.

“Alas, a poor wastepaper … . So I grabbed the form and ran, and I was not recognized in the posterity. Yeah, it’s stupid. It’s really stupid. ”

The witch cleaned her tears with her hand, and suddenly looked at me with an erratic smile. There was a clear tear in the eyes that had not yet been wiped.

“Are you going to fight? I do not want to fight with you. It is a game that is useless anyway. ”


“And I have not answered yet. If you want to hear the weapon down. ”

“…….”If he was alone, he would have already attacked. But you can not run away. Anyway, I was in charge of the mission, so I had to know about the 15 people who came in before, and on the other hand the information of the witch was not read. This is a space of witches and witches who are not temporal. Unless you are a home ground, and you do not know the power of a witch, you should avoid stupid things. Maybe the witch might be a bit over-the-top.

I think so, I grind it and sword. The witch laughed as if she was blooming and nodded her head.

“Huh. Good, good. Good girl. ”

“15 people.”

“Child, it is urgent. Something good. They are not as gentle as you are. I look at me and I rush like a horny bastard. What? So I was ready to finish it, so I grabbed it all and used it as food. ”

“food… . No, ready? ”

At that moment, I ignored myself. Something is wrong. As it was in the past, if it was originally, the witch would have been sealed in this space. I knew only that the caravan that came in before awakened the soul of the sleeping witch. But the word of the witch is just out of focus.

“Did not you wake up recently?”

“Waking up … ? Ah… Sy! I do not think I’d be able to do this. ”

The witch looked at something. He throws an hourglass in his hand into the air, and pulls it up like a whistle.

“But the ones you talk about are not awakening me. I woke up a lot before, so months ago? ”

What How…

“I do not know that. I did not know that there would be such an intervention in this astral dimension. Anyway, thank you to me. Thanks to that, I can revenge. ”

“…….”The word revenge came out. Suddenly, memories of the past have sprouted. Something seems to be going on strangely.

“So I have not introduced yet. Hey, get up. Get up. The guest is here ~. ”

The witch said that he hit his heart and suddenly jumped off the altar. Then, after gently seated on the floor, she laughs naked and takes off her hat. There was no one except for the witches and us.

“Then I’ll introduce you. This is … ”



Suddenly the witch was stunned. He bowed his head and gazed at his breast, which was convex.

ZOINKS! Why are you screaming suddenly? ”
“…Y..yes. hell What are you talking about? ”
“Run!” Run away? Why me?
“Who is he?”

The witch who was talking to himself was staring at me in the middle. And I looked down on the road and looked down the road. At the same time, I felt the feeling that somebody hit my shoulders.

“Mercenary Road. Weird. Come

The voice of Han So – young, whispering.

At that moment, I went out without hesitation.

The witch felt strange.

– Hua ah ah ah!

ZOINKS! Why are you screaming suddenly? ”

I woke up my friends at best, because they screamed as soon as I woke up.

– That’s him! It’s him! how how? It must have been sent to hell then.

“…Y..yes. hell What are you talking about now? “- Oh, no. “Run!” Get the broom out and get away!

“Run!” Run away? Why am I? “- Damn! I do not have time to explain! He’s not a man you can afford!

“Who is he?”

Even though the inner echo was ringing the head in my head, the witch was nervous.

– Well, no! Front

At such a moment, the sound alarmed hurriedly.

The witch with his natural head was able to identify Kim Soo-hyun running at a terrifying speed. However, in the face of the witch, there was no swaying or slight embarrassment.

“Huh, I do not want to fight … ”

Before long, I want to be floated in the air, and it suddenly springs into the air. Kim Soo-hyun leaped as hard as he could, but the witch slid his right hand forward. Then something amazing happened. I did not memorize the order, but the blue droplets were created around the hand, and then the stem was pouring down. The water stream that turned into a small wave pierced Kim Soo-hyun’s body without a doubt.

“Look. You said it was useless. ”

After confirming it, the witch came up on the road altar and sighed as if it were stiff.

“No use?”

However, I suddenly trembled at the voice coming from behind suddenly. Then you can see Kim Soo-hyun scattered in the air as it melts into the air.

“Illusion? No.


The surprised witch ‘s voice and Kim’ s cold voice overlapped.

And also,

Puddled de sneakers!


Before I could look back, I felt hot pain near my neck. Both eyes became torn and tongue was pulled out long. The last thing that such a witch could hear was an inner voice that was greatly angry.

– Damn it! This stupid year! How many balls did you put here?
– Metamorphosis!

That was the moment.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Your readers are really killing you!
I did so in late last year, but there are still comments on the site.
But is it a sacred pilgrimage?
I was expecting you to erase it.
I am trying to update myself at midnight nowadays, and I feel sick.
Finally, let me go to the wood.
No, I will keep my comments in the future, and I will continue to make efforts to update them at midnight or to make intermittent correspondence.
Of course!

P.S. Readers. I’m fine, so do not fight. : D

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