
Chapter 752

It was a moment of the moment, but I could see clearly. It was almost simultaneous that only a very small amount remained, the passing of a handful of the last sand through the constricted part and the hourglass was destroyed. And right after that, the round particles of light that came up everywhere began to gather as if they were being sucked in somewhere.


The pieces of the hourglass absorbed the light as if they were sucking dust with a sweeping vacuum cleaner, and the visual field was painted in white and everything blurred. Witches, too.

While everything is changing so loosely, Kwak Kwakwang!

Suddenly the light exploded and a white space was clearly visible in front of my eyes. I also felt that my body was cramped by the rumble of tearing my eardrum and the intense shock of unidentified.

I felt a sense of suddenly stopping the time as the storm finally washed down and fell down. Everything slows down and the feeling of slow motion stops. Although I have not seen anything except the white world, it feels like this moment is stretched like an eternity. I tried to raise the magic power that was reflexive, I just relaxed the power of the whole body and slowly closed my eyes.

And how much time has passed.

“…….”Suddenly, I felt that the surroundings were almost silent. I opened my eyes and the night sky flowing into my eyes came to my eyes. Your vision has returned to normal. So are you still alive? No, is it alive?

Stamina or horsepower still hit the floor, but I can not feel any more. I looked around with my upper body, and then I could understand the situation to some extent.

The phenomenon just a moment ago did not stop, but did not see anything as it felt. I just hit the floor without knowing it. It would be mistaken for a strange sense that can not be said. I think that it is quite quiet differently than before and the scenery has changed suddenly … .


“The achievement of the legend!”

It was then. As I stare at the dark forest idly, I hear a familiar sound unfamiliar and a message is output in front of my eyes.

“The user Kim Soo-hyun and 14 others succeeded in killing the flower witch ‘Phylia Tori Toris’, the demon 14 monarch ‘Fluton’, and the ‘magic source’!”
『 Solitaire Army Corps was called by an overwhelming fear of witches pushed them, avoiding the user’s eyes, in the candid crush and Devil’s plan, he entered the law collection of source information encompassing all the early Victorians ‘ humans achieve a victory, against a level of the best this century and beyond. That achievement will be in history. ”
“User Kim Soo-hyun and 14 others will give 2,000,000 Gold Point of Flower Witch, 4,500,000 Gold Point of Demon 14th Sovereignty, 10,000,000 Gold Point of Magic, and 16,500,000 Gold Point!”
“We receive 1.100.000 Gold Points for each user.”
“Check the caravan system! Additional Gold Points will be awarded based on each user’s contribution. 1. Kim Soo – hyun (52%) 2. Han So Young (23%) 3. (11%). 4. Hae Seung-woo (5%) … . Therefore, user Kim Soo-hyun is granted additional 8,580,000 Gold Points, 52%of total reward Gold Point! ”
“Check the caravan system! I will pay 150,000 Gold Points to the user Kim Soo-hyun who has played “Mata”! ”


After reading all the messages, I burst out without knowing. My head starts to swirl. See, my gold point was 10,857,460 GP? And now that we have an additional 9,830,000 GP, will we have a total of 20,687,460 GP?

Good, very good. I thought I would use a secret shop after this expedition. So if you let it go this far. …No, wait.

“The output of this message … ”

I immediately raised my third eye. After confirming the fact that it works properly, I set up a lot of spirit. As I turned my gaze, I saw an angel standing about 20 meters away on his left, standing around his head. I do not think I have been seriously injured, but I still do not see the situation. At the moment when I met eyeball with Ansol, it suddenly became playful.

“Oh, you brother?”

In Ansol ‘s call, I did not vocalize at all, but moved my mouth. ‘I do not, Sole.’ . Then, a question mark comes to mind as the top of Ansol.

in Oh, you are? I can not hear you well!”

I said, ‘Well, you know.’ I moved my mouth as slowly as possible. After that, I tried to show my best appearance and feel sorry for myself. Ansol looked at me with a strange look for a while, suddenly saying “Oh!” He shouted and shook his eyes wide.

“Oh, you brother! Is that a lie? Ma, that’s right. I do not think he’s dead. ”

Oh, it looks like a success.

I laughed a little and slithered backwards.

“Oh, no! Sibling Do not go! “Waaaaa!”

My face chasing me was whitewashed, and Anzol quickly raised his body to the ground. Once in the middle, I fell down badly, but when I die, I follow the lion and catch me tightly. Then he looked up and saw a crying.

“I do not … . Sibling sorry… . Please do not go … . I will not steal the cup in the future and I will listen to the words well … . Uh-huh … ”

Was a little pranky. I felt a little sorry when I saw Ansol. On the other hand, it seemed to give me a heartfelt appreciation. I gently stroked Ansol ‘s head. Then I start to cry more loudly about what I have misunderstood.

No. You can not go this way! I have not done it with me yet! Uh ah! ”

Within Yes. it is.

“At least once with me … ! Oh, no. I do not have time for this. Now even faster … ! ”

“…….”As he pulled down my pants with his left hand, Ansol began to take off his robe with his right hand. I stared at him quietly, and stared at him suddenly.

puck. “This guy!”


When I put a little force on him, I swallow his hair and sit down.

“Oh, it is. …in Oh, brother? ”

Ansol suddenly glares at me and looks at me.

“Lord, did not you die?”

“Who dies and dies. Anyway, what have you done? ”

“Oh, no … . I think that you will go away … ”


So Before disappearing … . To get pregnant soon … ”

“Is this pregnant? You’re in. “…Ha. Now you’re really just out. When I looked at the unbelievable mood, Ansol stood up from his seat with a faint hint.

“Why, why! Well, at least you can not afford to live with the kids! And I’m in a bad mood! ”

I lifted my head with my forehead in one hand. What did you do well? It really feels like that. This is why it seems to me that it is useless to raise a child.

whew! Why so loud … . My head hurts. ”

Then I heard a tangled voice of melody.

The melody was staggering with my forehead stuck like me. And Sarah, Ha Seung-woo, Namdae Eun, Lim Han-na, Shin Jae-Ryong, Han So-young … . A hundred people seemed stunned, but almost everyone seemed to have set their minds.

Soon, the melody that slapped on his cheek herself opened his mouth.

“How the hell happened … . We’re not dead, are we? ”

Solemnly I tried to shake my head, and I decided to stop watching the melody ‘s eyes change.

“And then there were not any pylons here?”

Her heart was heavy, Imhanna stared around her while knocking on her back. It was as it was said. Everywhere is a dark forest, showing a landscape just before we crossed into space. I remember for sure, but only one difference was the presence of the pillars. The 15 pillars that opened the asteroid-level aisle are nowhere to be found. This is the same as the memory of the past.

Anyway, I remember the last moment, when he heard the cry of Yuli and cut off the hourglass. I do not remember what happened after that. To be more precise, it would be right to say that I only saw something white. I do not know how to get out of it, but what happened? .

“Yu, Yu-jeong is going!”

Suddenly, Hanhna ​​suddenly pointed to the sky and cried. I gaze straight at him, and I see a woman in red hair, still flaming in the air, with an adult flaming adult. The golden flame of the whole body was just about to turn away. And the reason is the face that looks dazed (I also look at it the first time). Looking up at the sky. Just as if you were looking for someone. At the fingertips reaching into the sky, the sparkling powder rushes up to the sky in a night breeze.

No. It was not just the reason. I did, too, and all my colleagues had sparkling flour on their bodies. But before I knew what it was, the brilliant powder ran up all over the wind and disappeared into the sky. After that, he began to descend slowly, and the golden aura also completely disappeared.

I do not know the details, but I have seen similar phenomena a few times in the past. I immediately activated the third eye.

User information (Player Status) 1. Name (Name): reason (4 years) 2. A class (Class): the Queen (Queen Secret, Mercenary, Expert) 3. Dept. of State (Nation): free mercenary (Free) 4. Affiliation (Clan): a Mercenary (Clan Rank: S Zero) 5. Jin-myung • nationality: only after the King (our people) • Korea 6. Gender (Sex): female (26) 7. The kidneys • weight: 54.5 m • k g c 8 166.3. Inclination: aggressive • purist (Aggressive • Pure Love) [muscular 87] [duration 84] [agile 94 (+2)] [fitness 88] [HP 90] [lucky 88] achievements (1) unique ability (1/1) 1. Feral (sex,) (Rank: B Zero) * the Lion King’s influence, special ability ‘ blood soaked mind ‘ this unique ability to evolve into a feral (sex,) ‘.

Special Abilities (1/1) 1. Strengthen the body (Rank: D Zero) * This is a new ability created by the influence of King Lion.

Potential (3/3) 1. Moonlight Double Sword (Rank: B Zero) * Due to the influence of Aña Alcatraz, ‘Double Sided Sword’ evolves into ‘Moonlight Sword Fighter’.
2. Cats (Rank: B Zero) 3. Beast’s teeth (Rank: C Plus) * Due to the influence of Vegas, the ‘Battle of the Beast’ evolves into ‘Beast’s teeth’.

[Strength 83] [Durability 79] [Agility 92 (+2)] [Physical strength 84] [Power 90] [Luck 88] After: [Strength 87] [Durability 84] [Agility 94 (+2) ] [Stamina 88] [Horsepower 90] [Fortune 88] Power: Lion (獅子吼) “Huh.”

When I checked the user information of Lee Jung-jung, I was not able to admire him. I do not know what happened. However, it seems to have acquired some kind of charm in the astral dimension. It will be almost 100%when you see it rise from the rare class to the secret class.

By the way, I understand the gladiator of the day or the Vegas Stigma, lion king? Oh. So it must have been the king’s grave? Then the reason is … .


It was then. As soon as I was thinking about it, I finally fell down, as if the reason that I had landed on the ground was torn down. I recalled the memory of the penetration of the witch ‘s hand beforehand, using Lee Hyeong – hwan, I immediately received the reason. It was a bit embarrassed because it seemed to hold the princess like that, but when you look at the reason for ironing the blood from the chest, the displeasure immediately disappeared.

“brother… ”

Soo – jung quietly called me to see if he had not lost his consciousness yet.

Me Well done?”

Then, I am careful with the trembling voice. …I was good.

It was a while, but I felt the chest slightly pierced. Despite suffering serious injury, I do not appeal to the pain, but I want my evaluation. Probably it seems to have been quite deceitful by all alone recently.

First of all, I decided to postpone the question later, and I nodded my head slowly.

Really? Good job.”

Soo-jung’s breathing seemed to be relieved.

“Hold on a second. I’ll call the priest. ”

And he turned his gaze, but realized that he did not have to call out immediately. Ansol and Shin Jae-ryong were looking fondly for their canes, and other colleagues were looking for abandoned baby mimik, shouting potions.

I laughed and laid hands on the wounded hole and raised the power of the altar. I thought it would make my body warm even if it did not help much in wound healing.

After a while. Seeing the two priests who entered the treatment and the white lanterns, I was able to realize that this expedition was over.

okay . . . I am…


We succeeded.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Afterwards. Let’s talk about the body of the witch (?) And the equipment of the witch who took it next time. 🙂 And really thankfully, an interview request came from Joe.
I finally got a chance to take off my stigma or no stigma. Haha
I’m really happy. : D

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