
Chapter 758

The road was very noisy. This is because Vivian cried loudly while the source explained in detail. At first, I tried to ignore it, but Vivian ran to every corner of my gaze. Finally, I apologize for it and when I told him I was going to give up the next beat, I just stopped crying.In fact, I was surprised to be surprised when I was surprised to accept it.

Anyway the words of the origin were simple. The way to increase your output is to acquire knowledge about magic. Especially, it is said that the higher the knowledge of the ascension (ascension) is, the higher the ascension than the subspirit, which anyone can use. In other words, Vivian’s “ordo of order” was to sound the spell that fell asleep in Magia, to decipher it and gain knowledge. And I will try to increase my knowledge of Vivian by transferring his knowledge. This was the essence of the plan set by the origin.


I admire the cooked explanation and place my hand on the crown of the head, and the source looks staring at me. It is still an unattractive light and a pupil.

“Why are you staring at me like that?”

“What do you mean?”

Yes. it is.

“The act of stroking my throat.”

“Sore throat … ? Oh, I’m delighted. ”

“Are you happy?”

“right. I know how to find my own food and eat. ”

“It’s a weird word. My current actions have nothing to do with nutrition for survival. ”

The source said it does not make any sense at all. I laughed.

“It does not mean that.”


“It’s not all the same thing to say. Bob is doing what you have to do, what you eat is what you do yourself. Interpret this way. ”

“I know what I need to do myself, and I do it myself.”

Really? That was the point. Anyway, do not take it too far. ”

“…Accept. ”

The source nodded in earnest. And I thought for a long time, and I muttered like a private message.

“Human speech is difficult … ”

I laughed once again. The origin of the human being is quite unusual. When it comes to magic, it looks like an old sage, but at this time it looks like a child without a child. So are you an old man? Haha

“What is so funny? Let’s laugh together. Do not laugh alone. ”

I was so happy that I was a pretty good joke, so I pounded Vivian ‘s side. I raised my fingers, stabbed the perineum and responded, and I was able to finally arrive while I was so tough.

“It has been here a long time.”

From the warp gate, the scenery of the ancient magic city, which still does not have a bitch, welcomed us. I do not feel that it is ruined because I have been cleaned a little by the last Academy construction.

“So what should we do now?”

“Marisa is a kind of magical institution, even if it is a facility.”

When I turn around, I hear the original voice of the source.

“Therefore, we have to move to a place that controls the flow of magic, which is the nucleus that can drive magic organs.”

“In the old days, it seemed like I was just using it randomly … . It floats in the air. ”

“It’s not impossible. To do that, we have to go through the process of unifying with the city. ”

“Do you mean to be bound forever in this city like Moloboro?”


“I can not do that. Then let’s go to that place. ”

The source stared at me silently and quietly memorized the spell.

“Battlefield Analysis, Initiation.”


The intangible energy of magic spread out round in all directions, creating a strong dusty wind. It looks like the air gun fired at me. The source had closed his eyes and started a gentle shorthand, and Vivian summoned ordo of the order. Until it came, I laughed and laughed and showed various expressions. When I arrived, I felt nervous.

After a long time, the source opened its eyes closed.

we found I’ll go right away. ”

I nodded my head and followed the source of the walk. And about ten minutes. The place where the footstep that stepped on the ground was unfortunate was the place with the new building. So the point where I reconstructed the castle and set up the Academy of Military Academy. However, the source seemed to have no interest in the building, etc., and just stood around, and suddenly stopped and stared down. It was about 20 meters away from the entrance of the building.

“Vivien Raccladers.”

Was it suddenly called. Vivian, who was holding Ordu in order, stares astonished. The source was tapping the floor with the right foot.

“Ordo the order here.”


Vivian carefully places the order of Ordot down where the origin points. The origin was slightly shifted from the seat, and it was a speech.

“The ordo of the order is a thing with a self that defines the master by himself. At present, it seems to be recognized as a master to some extent if you use it without difficulty. ”

“Is that so?”

OK. So please follow me now. ”

Really? Can I just follow it? ”

OK. From now on, the order that I will memorize is a kind of release boot order. And again, the master of Ordos in order is Vivienne Lacclassers. It is natural to speak as if you put horsepower on a horse. ”

“Oh, I see.”

Vivian nods his head and sticks his hands firmly. after I chose to breathe. I’m cute. I sat at the right place and watched the two. It is unlikely, but if you fail in any way, I will make fun of you. So will you succeed if you give in to evil?

“Ordo De Ordine Magister, Vivien La Klacidus Et Ut Cum Imperio.”

Long before the hard mechanical sound of the origin, “Ordo De Ordine Magister ~? Vivien La Klacidus Et Ut Cum Imperio ~! ”

I hear Vivian’s voice in a row.

“…Maturity Puer. Tuus Uero Et Liberabo Te Ipsum. ”

“Maturity Puer! Tuus Uero Et Liberabo Te Ipsum! ”


That was the moment.


As soon as he heard the violent sound, Ordo of the order placed on the floor emanated a brilliant group of lights. The light was scattered at a terrifying speed and blurred out of sight before blinking once in the snow. In addition, the spread range was so wide that it was about to cover the sky.

Oh, please.

The sound of resonance that resonates with the air that follows. I opened my eyes for a moment and looked around, and I saw magic jeans that shine on the floor and slowly come up. Red, golden, green, blue … . The magic jeans, which emit colorful colors, emerge as if they are dancing to the sky, showing various forms of color. It is the same landscape as the memory I saw then.

“I will … ”

Vivian was amazed at the theme of his own work. Then he struck me with his eyes, and suddenly with both hands on his back he lifted his head to heaven.Maybe he tried to express the meaning of slacking.) And on one side the source is looking up at the sky. I pushed Viebang to make a cry of Ahem ahem and approached the source.

Where is it? Do you? ”

“…What do you mean? ”

I was briefly reminded of the origin of the remnants. The question was so urgent. Besides, even if you look at it, there are hundreds or thousands of magic tricks. So you have to narrow it down to the maximum extent possible.

“No, the question is wrong. Do you have any knowledge of fire? Among the high-level summoning magazines. ”

“Fire, recall magic high … . Clear right. PLEASE WAIT

The source gently closed his eyes. I feel like I should not touch it because it seems like a process of acquiring knowledge that I already spoke.

How much time has passed.

Suddenly, “accept.” At the same time, the magic squads floating in the air disappeared like lies. No. It would be correct to say that it melted at once as it melted in the air. And to the sound of someone sank. I looked back and saw Vivian, who was exhausted and exhausted. Maybe the burden on the body was considerable.

“Great. At least one person has enough magic knowledge to increase my output by 9.47%… ”

Soon the voice of the source came. It was a rare admirable voice.

“9.47%? So much, but barely? ”

Then the source looked at me with the eyes that there was no eye.

“I know one human being is close to a dozen of the magical knowledge that exists in all dimensions. Is this bare? ”


“And magic is not mathematics. Adding 9.47%to the existing output does not end at 24.75%, but the output from the combination and the research … ”

“Okay, okay. Anyway, what did I ask? ”

The source of the fingers was slightly uncomfortable. But soon the expression was opened and the lady opened her mouth.

“The acquisition of knowledge has been completed. As a result of the search, I have confirmed the summit of the superheart (pyrexia) with the highest knowledge. ”

I was furious.

“Oh, I’ll correct it. You have just summoned Mancunyoung, a step up from the summons of the super … ”

I heard a sound of muttering, but I shook my head. It was not that important.

“In addition, the ice cap here does not mean the snow does not melt. The lady of the snow, the ice that burns forever … ”

“So when is it commercially viable?”

The source stopped and stared at me.

department of the person in charge.

“…….””Learning as learning, utilization after digestion, and transference. There is a big difference in these three acts. At present, it is nothing more than a saved and learned one. ”

“It takes time …” ”

I expected it, but it still sucks. I do not know which one yet, but I have a very strong sense. I forcibly swallowed my regret.

Kim Soo-hyun So I mean … ”

At that time, Vivian went out to speak.

“Can not I use it for a while with me?”


“Huh. I’m going to do my best to research as much as possible, but it’s better to do it here. There is also a nice building and quiet. ”


I was worried about it. The problem is that this building is an academy facility. It usually does not matter, but once you enter, you have to use it until graduation.

“That’s the original academy facility here. So why do not you use it for public use? I’ll put a lab on the top floor. I told him to keep it there, so I would not touch it. ”

“Well, well. You know, I am very sensitive. I’m using something like … ”

That was the first word I heard, but Vivian responded that he was unwilling. So what should I do.



An unexpected way has sprouted the brain. I awoke straight from the thought and stared at them. Yes, I think it will do.

“Okay. I have not got a clear answer yet, but I think I have a place to go. ”

What is it? Rubbing? What are you rubbing? ”

“Nothing. I’ll go somewhere for a while. ”

Kim Soo-hyun

* After telling the origin and Vivian to return first, I hastily moved to Barbara and entered the temple. So, I still have compensation for the old mission. Then Seraf implied that I would take this opportunity to the fullest extent and I withdrew. I have also dealt with Fluton, the 14th lord of the devil, and I will not have a better chance.

“User Kim Soohyun?”

Seraph entered the summoning room and greeted me with a slight surprise.

“Hi, Seraph. Long time no see… . Is not it? Anyway, how are you? ”

Come Yes Yes?”

What is it? Why

“Oh, oh, no, no. Uh, welcome. Oh, no. Oh, come on. ”

I do not know why, but Seraf was very embarrassed. The second time I stutter, my eyes blink constantly. This reaction was not seen in the second car, nor in the first car. Is it so surprising that I came?

When I sat down with my head in my head, I suddenly felt empty. I realized that I did not bring him back.

“Huh, huh. Then the user Kim Soo-hyun. What happened today … ”

“Ah. I can not get Marr today. ”


“I did not mean to bring it in, I could not say I was going to the temple. It’s the way from Margea. Sorry if you were expecting anyhow. ”

It was then.

No. Fine … ”

Seraph wavered his head with a face full of disappointment, as opposed to saying, “Yes?”

Suddenly I was amazed and shaken my eyes wide. Then I open my mouth slightly and look at me with a look that I can not believe.

“Oh, no … . How dare I … . Oh, no … . It’s not … ”

“Why are you? Are you sick?”

“Suddenly, if you can speak so good and good … . I, I … ”

“……?”Not really, Seraf looked really sick. Instead of confronting me with my eyes, I do not know what to do with my eyes. The white wings were more vigorous than ever before, and both hands were grasping each other and repeatedly pushing. In the past, the eyes are tight and the lower lips are tight.

“Uh, what about … . I didn’t

Seraph who speaks with a voice crawling with a reddened face.

Huh, that’s weird.

What the hell are you doing today?

============================ Late Works ==================== ============================= To help you understand Serap’s chaos, I’ve brought back some of the old content.

* “User Kim Soo-hyun. Long time no see. Meantime… ”
“To say.”

I cut her best regards with a cold voice in a single knife. Although I hate angels in the first place, I could not think of seraf of the first time and seraf of the present.

“…Did you stay in peace? ”

It seemed like it was a bit of a momentary reply to the buried answer, but it was still at the end. I did not like it, so I fired up more Seraf.

“You do not know that. And I do not know the details anyway, but I know roughly. ”
“User Kim Soo-hyun.”
“I’m busy. I just want you to do it quickly. ”
“…….”Seraf did not say anything as if he had become a honeyed dumb. The face is always quiet. Even now, as always, I am making an arrogant expression, but I could sense that Seraf was embarrassed inside.

“…….”Seraph is still silent. I reacted to the reaction with a fluttering head. I am going to be in this place for a while, but my personality, which is changing in a good way, will change again. . No, it seemed to go back to the original.

“I’ll go without saying anything. And I hope I will not waste time like this from next time. ”
“User Kim Soo-hyun … ”

Behind his back I heard a voice calling me seraph, but I deliberately ignored it.

* how is it. Do you feel the difference from the past? 🙂

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