
Chapter 761

After confirming that Gabriel and the Great Angels had left, his body suddenly relaxed. Why are you feeling so hard without me? I was sitting quietly, but I was ashamed of the battle. Or should I say my head is dizzy.

Anyway, is it over now?

Hoo …

I breathed lightly, gently touched my body, and stared at me seraph and eyes. ‘What you looking at.’ I had a desperate need to say, but I looked just fine in the air because of the tired relationship. The secret shop is already active and the busters are gone. From now on, it is exciting shopping time.


But when I raised my hand on the list, I heard a strange laugh. I turned my eyes and I saw a seraph who covered his mouth with one hand while shaking his eyes gently. I think I wanted to laugh in my own right, but I was actually a bit scared. If you see a smiling mouth, it will be better. It ‘s strange because you are only holding two eyes. No, why are you laughing at first?

“Oh, excuse me.”

When I saw what I was looking at, Seraf restored his face. However, I feel the calmness somewhere.

“Suhyun is … ”

Seraph lighted up.

“Really… . It looks like a great deal. ”


“Yeah. The angel has seen such a thing against Gabriel who can not even look at it … . I can not help but feel that it is incredible. ”

“Is Gabriel so awesome? Ah. Of course, I know I’m in charge of angels. ”

“Yeah. Satan, the chief of the seven demons, is the only angel who cares. Gabriel, of course, is reluctant to Satan. ”

Or is it?

There was a screeching sound. The first word I heard, but I do not feel any interest. Rather than calling it ‘Suhyun’, it was quite annoying, but I decided to just go over it. I still have something to ask for.

When I turn my attention to the list, I see the remaining GP in the upper right corner.

“Current user Kim Soo-hyun’s Gold Point is 20,609,684 Gold Point.”

Afterwards. It was a really good refund … . Not.

No matter how many GPs there are, there are a couple of essential items to buy, so you can not waste them. So, did Elix go off too?

First of all, it is better to leave about 6 million GPs for the case of 6 cases of Elixir, GP for purchasing Elixir of rising ability, and Ha Seung-woo case. So there are exactly 14,609,684 GPs left, and it does not matter what you buy inside. There is no guarantee that you will use the secret shop again after that. It would be better to use it all at this opportunity. GP, it’s all over again.


So I put my thoughts in order, and I remembered the unexpected memory.

Seraph. So you did not introduce another one the other time? No rush admission ticket. ”

“Are you talking about a monster summon?”

I heard Seraph’s words and I went straight to the item.

Monster Summon 1 (1,000 GP), Monster Summon 2 (10,000 GP), Monster Summon 3 (100,000 GP), Monster Summon 4 (1,000,000 GP) Can be randomly summoned. The higher the number engraved on the box, the greater the likelihood that more powerful monsters will be summoned. If you can win, you can have equipment worn by a corpse or monster.)

“It’s a good choice. This box is a new item recently, and it can be summoned not only to the east and the west, but also to the monster that travels in a distant area where the user can not reach. ”

Ceraf’s description of the issue was similar to the previous one.

“As you said at the time, this is an item that depends on your luck … . If you are lucky, you may have a very special occasion that you can not experience. ”


“Of course, good luck. …Oh, there’s no reason the buyer will have to open the box. ”

“Yes, yes.”

When Seraf emphasized good luck, a giggle came out. It is a joke that I can not get to hear it so much. So you say you have an ansol?

Suddenly, a funny thought came up. What would happen if you let Ansol open this box after feeding the luck of the fortune? I do not think I can dare imagine if the luck stats are 105 points. Haha

“It’s all right. Is it better to buy the best? Box 4. ”


“But 1 million GP … . It’s pretty expensive. I do not want to pour it all in here. ”

“It’s not a recall, it’s a random recall. Considering that it can not be bought anymore, at least between six and ten would be enough. ”

Hmm. Six to ten.

I was a bit worried about how to buy, but the time of the conflict was not so long.

Agreed. I’ll buy six. ”

“Purchase Monster Summon 4 (x6).”
“6,000,000 Gold Points will be deducted. The remaining GP is 14,609,684 Gold Points. ”

In the meantime, the GP has been shrinking, but I do not think it’s strangely enough. Seraf can not lead me in the wrong direction, but if I think of Ansol, expectations will rise.

Anyway, I bought this monster summoning box and let’s see.

[…….”The eyes of Argos (1,400,000 GP)” “Souvenirs of Moai (55,000,000 GP)” “Mirror shield of Angkala (700,000 GP)” “Mark of stigma (500,000 GP)” … … .]

There are quite a few interesting items, what do you want to buy?

“…Yes. it is.

It was then. I woke up from my mind and made up my mind. The head with a straight hair is looking into the item with great effort. When I glanced down, I could see the Island Island Okso (纖纖 玉手) holding my left arm steadily. Of course it was Seraph. …I do not know when it came, but why did you leave my altar and have it on my side? This makes me feel uncomfortable. So, it’s like seeing a chapter in a mart … .

Soo-hyun So, do not you have to upgrade your device now? ”

Then Seraf said, pulling my arm slightly.

“Oh, huh? Well

“I do not need a weapon. . I know that two years ago the war broke the coat of Noble Mithril shirt and blue dragon. ”


“I think it’s a good idea to have a whole new armor on this occasion. I consider the physical defense as much as possible. ”

It is not wrong. There is no big complaint to the glory of the sun, which is currently worn, but the durability has been used for too long even for the second time. Of course, it is still a good equipment, but it is actually a spider-made uniform, which means that it has a much lower defensive power than armor. Especially, there are some vulnerabilities to stab attacks.

Eventually, Seraf said, he had to be careful about physical defense rather than enough magic resistance. Although there is currently the safeguard “Gehenna Protected Fortress”, it should be used as a last resort. Is the consumption of horsepower really huge? I felt certain in this expedition.

“That’s good. Is there anything useful? ”

Absolutely. Did not you purchase in kendo secret shop? ”

“It did. But is not it too expensive? ”

“GP is already enough.”

No. The whole glove, though, is a helmet, an armor, a gauntlet, boots and so on. It’s burdensome. ”

“…….”Serfaff closed his mouth for a while, thinking it was a good word.

“exactly… . There are a lot of items. ”

“I have no intention of changing the gauntlet in the first place. Anyway, you do not have to fit it all here, do you? I also have a box. ”

There are many other good gauntlets, but “TOPG”, which we are wearing now, is not a place to fall anywhere. Where is the gauntlet where uncontrollably boosting strength ability and potential for active ability is common? Even though it is a conditional invocation.

Seraf nodded to see if I understood what he was saying.

“If you do, I will. So, if you do not reinforce all but the whole, are you here? ”


“The rest is packed with outside activities, the most important armor or cape. Or maybe the jewelry would be okay. If you like, I may recommend the most appropriate item considering your current user information. ”

“Oh, Did you say that? ”

I do not know why, but today I felt Seraf was very active. I can not help it I do not feel like I’m seeing it or not?

“Armor was unconditionally looked at last time … . This cape is good for performance, but it’s not very suitable for armor … . Majesty is also important … . And…

“No, I do not … ”

“Oh, I found it. Soo-hyun Can you take a look at these? ”

“…….”…Wait a minute

I just said, ‘I think this will be the best for you.’ If I felt that, it would be my mistake?

But it does not seem to be a mistake when you see the eyes that look at me shining brightly.

okay . . . It is as if the wife does not feel like the act of picking her husband with her. We are not any couples or couples, but it is very burdensome to see them happily and happily.



Somehow I felt like I would be embarrassed here, I managed to concentrate on expressions and concentrate.

“The armor of the King of Cheonwon (5,400,000 GP)” “The cape of the red moon (1,400,000 GP)” “The blessing of La Silas (900,000 GP)” But the moment I checked the output list.

Solid armor with a solid black and white top and bottom. An old-fashioned cloak with a clear red moonlight. And a beautifully crafted bracelet. It certainly looks good on the outside.

But what is the total concept of 7.7 million GP? The armor is also extremely expensive, and the cloak is awesome. And what’s a 90,000 GP on a little bracelet motif?

“On the surface, it is a small bracelet, but I did not recommend it.”

Oh, did you hear me? It is like I was spitting out of my mouth without knowing it.

“Suh, first of all, an explanation.”

I started slowly explaining to the invitation that felt like a rush.

“Hmm… ”

“How is it?”

“Yes, it’s fine. Do you like it.”

“Fortunately, the.”

Seraf smiled softly when I told her an honest feeling.

I also thought about it for a while but eventually decided to buy it all. The performance was good enough to make a clear mouth, but basically it was similar to the previous one. I decided to consume all of the GPs anyway, and I would rather buy one of them than buy several equipments that are not as good as me.

“I will buy the armor of the king of Chechu.”
“I buy the cape of the red moon.”
“I buy the blessing of La Silas.”
“7,700,000 Gold Points will be deducted. The remaining GP is 6,909,684 Gold Points. ”

The remaining GP is about 6.9 million. However, considering that you have to leave 600 million to purchase for essential purchases, there are about 900,000 available GPs. Seraf did not intervene more than he thought it was enough, and I scrutinized the details to see if there was anything I could possibly want to consume.

How much time has passed.

Certainly, the scope of purchase has narrowed, but there was something to live for. I first bought a “bondage bola (750,000 GP)” that I thought would be useful in many ways. Then, the “Ring of the Chung (100,000 GP)”, which seems to be helpful for the scandalous ladies, .

“Su, Suhyun? PLEASE WAIT Why is that ring … ”

I heard the sound of stopping late, but I quickly finished the purchase. Then Seraf looks at me in a strange way. I quickly turned my gaze.

“Now, is the remaining GP 50,000 or less?”


“After all, I’ve spent it.”

“User Kim Soo-hyun?” …Goddamn it. Yes, I know. The character of Seraf obviously was not a reasonable purchase, I thought, and I do not have a heartbreaking mind.

But on the other hand, there was an unfair mind. I’ve invested a lot of time to get the equipment fresh, but I can use about 100,000 GP for me.

Well, anyway.

After the shopping except for the essential purchase items, the reward that had been put off came to mind.

Now I no longer care, no reason to delay. My chest slowly begins to bat.

I opened my mouth quietly.


“…….””Shopping is over, now, will you show me a list of awakening secret classes?”


Yes sir

It sounds like a cold wind is passing by. But it does not look bad. At least I do not want to be disturbed from now on.

Gabriel may be able to grasp this by now, but I have nothing to lose by saying coolly. It just minimized the damage, and there are parts that I gave up.

So, from now on, we have to make important choices. With just one choice, you can get irreversible results and achieve results beyond what you think.

I closed my eyes with a throbbing throbbing heart and a heart throbbing in tension.

Is it because of an ambassador?

The mind soon became as calm as Kyeong Kyung’s index.

After a while. “Awakening Secret Class, Opening done.”

As I slowly opened my eyes, a total of 10 items appeared in front of me.

And gaze, 『 awakening secret class (Arousal Secret Class) list 』 1. [Sword of the monarch (Sovereign Of Sword)]2. [by Huang (皇 女) of steel (Iron Of An Empress)] 3. [The great pioneer (Grand Pathfinder)]4. [Holy fighter (Sacred Champion)] 5. [Cengong (天 弓)]6. [Archduchess of chaos (A Royal Princess Of Chaos)] 7. [Pandemonium (伏 魔 殿) adult (聖,) (Saint Of Pandemonium)]8. [no emperor (魔 Eastern Imperial 帝)] 9. [Blade Runner (Blade Runner)] 10. [Back (white night), dancers (at 姬)]”This is …”.

It was naturally fixed to one place.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Sorry.
I thought I blinked when I thought about the latter days.
It seems to be a bit limit now, and I will sleep at least a little at first.
I am really sorry for those who wait. _(__)_

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