
Chapter 770

The place where Marg took me was a warehouse. Exactly the second warehouse. Moving to Castle, the warehouse expanded to several, the second of which was a warehouse used to store the ore found in the basement of the castle.

As soon as I looked at the ore that sprinkled the faintly colorful color that was so full of immeasurability, I seemed to know why Marg was talking about the ‘hammer of hope’.

『…With just enough ore, one hammering can create a stronger desired result, and at the same time infuse the magical power of the hammer with the crafted item … . ”

Because the requirement of a hammer is ‘if there is enough ore’. Sufficient conditions are ‘only one hammering’ and ‘strongly desiring’. I did not expect to be able to use the ore I’ve used so far.

“Dad Dad, the hammer of hope. Missett Smith Is it a mysterious ruin with a lifetime of experience and effort? So this hammer is almost the same as living hamette smith. ”

The voice of Marc, speaking with the hammer of hope, was very clear. Suddenly, ‘Ayu, is it?’ Though the throat had spoken to the end, he barely swallowed and nodded his head. Martha laughs at the wrist in the room. Pretty.

“So what do you think?”

“As you can see from the name, Dad’s wish is the most important.”


“Yes, hope. What equipment do you want to have the most? ”

“A sword that can destroy the world once you swipe it.”

“Lee Ying. Not that. I do not want such a strange hope. ”

I jokingly lightly march anatta. Let’s think about it. Black is already overflowing enough. Armor, cape, ornaments were prepared last time. The boots were also new some time ago. So the rest is … .

“Well, I wish I had one.”


The helmets would be fine, but I decided to just choose clothes. Of course, it is a fact that it is difficult to obtain quality equipment regardless of which one it is. However, when compared to these, it is hard to get more clothes with the same 10 effect than a 10-effect helmet. It should be the highest honor of the Noble Mithril shirt that I received from my brother in the past. I can not get it because I do not have it either.

As if she had not caught the sensation yet, she had a headache.

“Have you seen your newly-arrived armor the last time?”

“Oh, is that a piece of armor?”

“Huh. I want you to have some clothes that you can wear lightly in the armor. ”


Now that I know, the dry nod, which nods his head, approached him with his hands holding the hammer. I gazed at Marr in an interesting mood. At first I was amazed at how I knew this knowledge, but I was able to see and understand the inhabitants’ information. Now, assuming that Marr knows how to use it properly, how do you want to use that hammer now?

Finally, with the hammer, the dry started to beat me at a slow pace.

“Missett Smith, Missett Smith. This is my dad. ”

I almost smiled for a moment, but laughter soon got in. Because, “Dry. I want you to make something good for my dad. ”


At the end of Mar ‘s speech, the hammer shook once and the golden gold was shed. As if he had understood Marquess.

“Hmm, because you said you would wear it. I wish I had armor. ”

Marrying around talking about self-talk. It looks like he is looking for his armor, and he was hung in the third warehouse. When I got back with my armor, I laughed and laughed. And this time I started knocking on my armor.

“This is an incredibly good armor, my dad needs clothes to wear on this armor.”


Then the hammer of hope that oscillates once again. When I saw the beautiful golden stripes, I felt strange. What does resonance sound mean? Does that mean you got it, or did you mean to accept something?


The dryness stopped hammering with a happy face. And “Please wait a little here.” He said, “I took a strenuous step before I even knew it.

Before long, he entered the warehouse and stopped walking in front of a pile of ore accumulated above his height. And I wanted to breathe for a moment and lifted the hammer of hope in both hands to the sky. Did you say that you can produce the desired result with only one hammering?

After a while. “Hey!”

Marg out of the mood for a moment, he hammered the hammer vigorously toward the pile of ore.


That was the moment.

Uwo Woong!

The puck, the hammer of the hoped hopper, poured a violent sound, and splashed the golden light (splashing) and began to flow like waves in all directions. So the whole ore is getting into the water in golden.

Before long, the following phenomenon was not at all satisfactory.

It was rather a beautiful and mysterious sight.

* “The armor of King Chiwon (蚩尤 天王)” 1. General description.
It is the armor which symbolizes the strongest warrior of the intermediate class, the supreme king, and the cheoncho. The king of Chichwon, who was in armor and lead the battle for countless battles, is a true king who has achieved a mythless untold myth in history. The armor of Cheonwoo-kung proves the legend of the army god. 2. Detailed efficacy.
Ⅰ. ‘Strike resistance’ effect is engraved. Ignore the penetration effect of the opponent’s attack. For this armor, there is no ‘defensive override’ effect under any circumstances. Unless you are a very powerful weapon or a recruits, you will not be able to hit with ordinary weapons.
Ⅱ. The effect of fear, which is a kind of crowd control, is impressive. The legend of King Chiwoo-cheon, who took innumerable battlefields, makes the enemy fearful.
Ⅲ. The effect of ‘magic activity’ is engraved. Users wearing armor can activate magic flow up to 2.5 times.
IV. It is engraved with the highest level of lightening magic. The user does not feel the weight of the armor at all.
Ⅴ. Size is automatically engraved magic. The armor shapes itself to fit the body of the user.

“Cloak Of Blood Moon” 1. General description.
It is a cloak which was made by pulling out the red moon of “Red Place” which was reddish in the sea. It is made of a kind of metal, it has a physical defense power, but also has excellent horsepower response.

2. Detailed efficacy.
Ⅰ. ‘Absorption’ magic is engraved. It recognizes attacks by ‘sniping’ or ‘ranged’ and absorbs damage. The amount that can be absorbed is extremely small, and it gradually recovers over time. (Depending on which attack has been absorbed, the charging rate will vary.)

Bless Of La Silas 1. General description.
Bracelet with bracelet of La Silas. It was so beautifully crafted as it was presented to the goddess of beauty, and La Silas blessed with magic protection.

2. Detailed efficacy.
Ⅰ. ‘Anti-horsepower’ effect is engraved. B Rank magic below the “complete defense” judgment, A rank below the magic “Decrease defense” will lead to a decision.

“Shirt Of Wish” 1. General description.
The noble fairy with the blood of the queen is a masterpiece made in hopes of father’s goodbyes. The ore used is black stone and aquatic rock, originally having the opposite properties, but achieved the effect of ‘hammer of hope’ force.

2. Detailed efficacy.
Ⅰ. With the effect of ‘black stone’, the user is deeply tolerant of the text attributes.
Ⅱ. With the effect of ‘rocks’, users are not restricted to breathing and acting under water.
Ⅲ. With the effect of ‘hope’, when wearing shirts in armor, users can feel ‘unity’ with armor in conjunction with shirts. No matter how heavy armor it is, it is not irritating at all.
IV. With the effect of ‘wish’, the user’s body can maintain a comfortable state anytime and anywhere.

“Obello Knight Boots” “Huhu.”

There are five laughing equipment on the desk. “We need new protective gloves.” Although I was sympathetic to Seraf’s words, I did not have any vague feelings. It’s not impossible, but I could not figure out when it would fit perfectly.

So I tried to slow it down one by one, but it was almost entirely covered by unexpected fires. This seems to be enough to say goodbye to the old glory set.

“No matter how this is … ”

I kept trying to calm my mouth, and I picked up a shirt of hope. The precious equipment that Marg made a few days ago. The desired shirt is very thin to the naked eye so hard to discern. Do you think it looks like you’re looking at the slender wings of a similar insect? Anyway, this shirt is really awesome.

The reason I wear armor and wear uniforms for the time being is because I am a specialist in ‘agility’. I mean, I consider the sense of speed and feeling of swinging the sword to be very important, and the armor tends to be avoided because it has a strong sense of distance. This was the only disadvantage of the Cheeuncheon Royal Armor that I felt for myself. The weight is solved by lightening magic, but the armor-specific accusation does not disappear.

But this desire shirt solved the problem in one room. My God, it’s an ‘unity’ effect.

No. Apart from this, the shirt itself is a big hit. In fact, the shirt is a supplementary equipment, but the demand is quite small, but the supply is very short. So even a few elite users wear plain clothes or very thin leather armor.

However, this is a shirt with four or more details. Considering that the damaged Noble Mithril shirt did not have any efficacy two years ago, the price of the shirt I am carrying now will just go up to the ceiling.

Of course I have no idea. Of course I will wear it. First of all, Marg gave it. I am delighted and I still do not forget the way I like to clap my hands.

But apart from that, I did not forget to pay attention to the possibility of Maru. As a result of checking with the third eye, I had information that I could never ignore. If you do not use this … . No, I do not mean to eat it. Anyway, I thought it would be nice to grow it properly. So I instructed the clan members to test Marc’s talents in various ways. The results will come soon.

“Ruru, Rururu.”

Now that the caliber is getting tired, it starts humming and arranging the equipment. It seems that the body keeps getting tense from the time when it succeeded the ‘monarch of the sword’ last time. I feel like I want to use the equipment quickly.

It would be nice if the event broke out or the clan war broke out. Of course, we have skipped the Spring and Autumn period, but there is no possibility of a Clan war … .

Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo!

“Clan Road!”

It was then. By the time I was thinking about it, someone rushed into the door and stepped in the door. I was curious to see who was playing the game, and I was amazed. Because Shin Jae-ryong was rubbing his face, he was breathing.

“User New Shin?”

“Great day!”

My voice overlapped the voice of Shin Jae – ryong. What would you do in the eyes of the new yangryangryon hurriedly pointed to the terrace.

“Bar, outside! Outside! ”

“Out? What happened suddenly? ”

“Woo, I think you should see it first! Now the city is completely outraged! ”

“……?”I did not know what was going on, but the voice of Shin Jae-ryong was beyond harshness and I was so nervous. I went straight to the terrace with my sword. And the moment I leaned my head without delay, “that … ? ”

Suddenly, I felt a sense of firmness in my body.

* Only dark dark space exists. A dark space where darkness can not be seen by the naked eye of human beings, which does not allow any light.


There was a sudden sound of fire in the room, and the smoke of the fire was leaking lightly.


The sound of sucking in the tobacco that follows.

Hoo …

And the sound of the road.

When such a sound was repeated a couple of times.

“Weird, weird … ”

At last, a voice was flowing from the insignificantly visible black figure. A soft, audible bass makes you guess that the identity of the voice is a man.

“This is strange … . Why, why suddenly … ”

What is so strange? The black man did not stop pouring doubts about his stretched hair. Just like looking at something like that, I sometimes move my hands to stir the air and stir it up.

“Oh, I do not know. It is a phenomenon that I really do not understand. ”

However, I finally breathe my sighs and bury myself in the darkness. At first glance it sounded like a self-talk, but on the other hand it seemed to talk to someone. Probably it will be electronic. There was nobody but one in this still, static space.

Or is it?

No, it was not. There was no one right before, but a little ago, someone broke into the space. Because ‘is it?’ Because the voice of a mourning called, did not come out of the mouth of the black man who was holding the tobacco.

Yes there are. An anomaly has occurred. It was really sudden. ”

But the black man was not at all embarrassed. Rather, he responded with a gentle voice as if he knew someone was breaking, but he is still looking ahead.

“Do not you think this is similar to last time?”

Sounds like a strange sound. The intruder’s voice was rough and uncomfortable, like scratching the metal.

“No, no.”

But the black man did not mind a little bit, shook his head slowly and said, “It’s not ruined, it’s getting better.”

“…Was it better? ”

The attacker’s reaction came back late, half-beat.

“Yes. It definitely improved. As a result, the schedule is much earlier. This is true, what happened … ”

The black man said so slowly, he stood up slowly and walked slowly one step at a time in the direction of the intruder.

“Anyway, this is the first time I’ve ever been a kid. …Ah…

At that time, the black man stopped pacing with a sudden resilience, saying, “Did you come to give me a friendly explanation about the situation you do not understand?”

I said with a lowered voice.

And I leaned very backward.

“All the devil’s king, Satan.”

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Mmm. In fact, I had a lot of trouble when I made the name of the hammer of hope. Hammer, Mallet I was worried about two words. The original Missett Smiths tribe is a natural blacksmith, planting a tree with mysterious power at the same time as the child is born, growing a tree when it grows into adulthood, making a hammer, and growing the hammer with a mistletoe, And so on. Anyway, Mallet was a good name for the setting. It means a wooden hammer. However, when I set it all up, it seemed to take up too much. So I decided to delete the tears. It’s a setting that does not have a big impact on the story anyway. In the end, I wrote it in Hammer as part of my desperation. Haha It is not important, but I would appreciate it if you just looked at it.

And I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Ruler for this post. _ (__) _ When you come to my yard, you can see the excel sheet about user information neatly organized by Rule. It would be nice to see it once. 🙂 Well readers all have a good day. : D

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