
Chapter 774


At the same time as the chime sounding in the dark darkness, the green-eyed green eyes glowed. Within a short time, the pupil, who had confirmed that the movement of the chain had stopped, slowly walked forward. The reflections of the chain were exposed to the eyes of a person for a moment, and the blonde turned out to be a handsome man with a sophisticated appearance. The young man who looked at him with his curious eyes was Lucifer, the “fallen angel.”

“Hmm… ”

Lucifer, who was staring for a while, shed a silent sigh. And as if I could not understand it, I waved my head with my arms around.

“Should I like this, or … ”

There are dozens or even hundreds of chains in front of Lucifer, who mumbles the unintelligible words. At the center of the entangled chain, a woman was hanging in the air.

The woman, wrapped in a white nakshin reminiscent of white eyes with long black fading close to gray as well as white eyes, was a terrific beauty who was able to take away the gaze of all men. But if you see a pair of cone-shaped horns on the top of your head, you can assume that you are a demon, not a woman. It’s also a very high-ranking demon.

But why? Busty breasts and solid thighs that were squashed along the chain line tied in tightness gave a humorous and erotic atmosphere, but the face of the slender woman had a faint sadness. As if to do someone ‘s death. I was tied up with hundreds of chains in such a face, so I could not see it at all.

“I originally woke up slowly and tried to take control completely … . Why is the time of awakening advanced? ”

Lucifer said, “Why?” And he touched his chin.

“It looks like Satan is not the last time … . So there is no one who is interested in the North Continent now … ”

I have been struggling for a while but the answer has not come out. Lucifer, who slid his head slowly, regretted his appetite.

“Anyway, it’s all over the water … . Well, the runaway would not be too bad. ”

Lucifer turned without hesitation.

“It does not matter what happens. If it succeeds, it will be as good as it is.

And Baekshi smiled and hid himself in the darkness. In the space where Lucifer left, only a poor woman was left alone.

After a while. Charlerine!

Once again I wanted to hear a chirping sound, and the body of the devil shifted like a wave.

The sky was dark.

Of course, the sun rises, the moon rises, and the sun rises. The hall plane is a natural phenomenon because the weather changes over time are very clear. Or the day and night lengths may change like the summer solstice and the winter solstice.

However, it is strange even considering all those changes. I do not feel like something is strange. Obviously the sky was clear and open until I got up at about the same time and finished breakfast and had lunch.

By the time the late afternoon arrived, the sky suddenly darkened. I understand if the air is hot or cloudy. The temperature is unchanged and the clouds are white. Is the sky so dark? It’s not this night, it’s definitely weird.

Of course, I might be reacting sensitively. In fact, the clan members seemed to feel no abnormality. No. I did not really care much. I knew that the sky was dark. Do you? ” How much do you say? I do not know, I called Ansol and asked him, but coming back was a cheeky ‘?’ It was only indication.

Anyway, I do not know what to do, but I have to go over it. I should say that my chest is jaw clogged. Above all, Ansol is not universal. If Ansol’s prophecy had not been triggered, we should also keep in mind.

I am worried about the problem of ignoring whether it is the flame of the flame or just the tilting, but unfortunately the interest of the clan members was totally different.

“It’s unconditional archers. I can not afford this. ”

“What are you talking about?” And what kind of concession? ”

“Do not tell me if you can not see your baby bowing. Why are you trying to stop the path of the archer who is in the future? ”

“Seunyuun thinks that Maru seems to be handling magic?”

It is a breeze. It is a rare sight. Jeong Hae-yeon, who is considered to be the best of penance, Sunyuun, temperance and self-management, is in the middle of fighting Marg. Of course, it is not an arrogance to hold your head, but it is very refreshing to see these two people raise their voice.

“I heard that you received the decision of the water, and the ojibu is wide.”

Yoink! Do you think Mr. Sunyuun has mastered Taeung Palace? ”

When Sunyuun is attacked in a recess, Jung Hoon-yeon smiles and tears. It was interesting to see, but gradually I felt a sense of going over the line. Anyway, if the two are so greedy, how wonderful is Marc’s talent?

I saw Marg, looking at the two, with his mouth wide open.


Quietly speaking, the two stopped the argument as if they had promised. And I began to look at me with a lot of craving for something. Maybe he’s asking for his hand … . It was a difficult situation, but a good way came up. I laughed inside and looked at Marc.



“Who better to dry?”

“Woong … ”

Dryer flashed his eyes and his eyes twice, and raised his body. Then I opened my arms wide and walked on to my dad.

“My dad is the best!”

Oh, my heart. Stay still. Why are you taking the form to fall?

Who should you blame? It ‘s my fault for expressing my words.

“So who’s the best of the two?”


“I want to learn bow, or do I want to learn magic? Tell me it’s okay. ”

Ah… I’m going to ask my dad. ”

I started rubbing a chubby ball in my chest, dry and digging in my arms. Then the vibration of the heart was further aggravated, but the options went way too. However, I do not think I will be pushed aside.

“But Dad wants to let Mar learn what he wants to do?”

“……?””I want to respect Marr’s will.”


I understood the meaning and sparkled my eyes dry.


And the cheerful ears are euphoric, and the wings on his back begin to move. The following “Daddy love.” And “I want to marry my father.” When I heard the word, the barely holding heart fell down with a thud.

The handcuffs of the handcuffs came to me, and I gazed at them. The waist was straightened in the pride of not knowing what was going up.

“What do you want to do?”

At the end of the question, both Sunyoung and Jeonhyeon ran along at the same time.

“Clan Road. Baby can really be a great archer. ”

“Dry must be raised by the wizard unconditionally. Wizard.”

“I set the arrow to the sky exactly with the arrow I shot late. Its accuracy, its fuselage vision. Once you see it, you will not see it. ”

“Really. Maru’s magic talent, do you know? I’ve been teaching you since I was a kid, right? You can speak KoreanEventually, the controversy was resumed.

* Several words came and went, but as a result, Marr decided to keep his career decision. Sunyoung and Jeon, Yoon-yeon have agreed to give each other the best of talent, but Marr’s decision is the top priority.

The situation has gotten a bit complicated, but the mood is not so bad. There is no reason to feel bad that Marg has a talent. Perhaps the innate talent of the Queen’s lineage would be good, but the influence of the 13-pair wings, which are expressed outside the standard, will also be small. Anyway, it would be nice to wait a little.

I was so upset that I came to a hurry. Then I had lunch and it was quite a long time, so I moved to the restaurant on the first floor without delay. When I opened the door to smell the stench, the unexpected people came into my eyes. Vivien and the origin were eating. Especially, Vivian was eating a table and drinking a cup of tea.


As he walked slowly, calling his name, Vivian turned his head. Then he opened his eyes in a circle and said, “Hey.” Raise your right arm.

“Ya, who is this? Is not it a blind spot? ”

I immediately tripled my pace, and said, “Ah! Joke, I’m kidding! Sorry. Just do not bother! ”

thud. Vivian was amazed and shrugged, knocking on both arms. I briefly skipped Vivien through the crouch, then handed me a quiet meal and snowman, and then sat down in the chair.


비 Vivian, who raised his body, made a foolish look for a moment, but soon he looked at me and sat down. I tried to make the most outward expression to express the meaning of what to do. Vadin then sat down firmly on the chair and resumed his meal.

“Has it been quite a while?”


“How have you been?”


Vivienne breaks out the slippery horse. However, when you look at your hands with your hands pinched, you will be scared and shrugged quickly. Why do you keep blowing.

“It’s your last chance. How about research? ”

“Ah, ah. that? What Moderately

Vivian was not disappointed this time. He just turned his head and started to pour the food without saying anything with his head slightly bent. One mouth, two mouth, three mouth, four mouth … .

It seems that there is no achievement yet. If there was anything that developed at least a little bit, I would have boasted to be inflated by the nature of Vivien.

I was a bit disappointed, but I broke it off. I know how difficult it is to recall top troops, especially 1st, 2nd and 3rd troops. It is not something that can be accomplished in a short time. So now I have to wait rather than cry. As you know Vivian’s passion, the most crippled person will be Vivien.

“But did you stop studying and come back?”

“Uh? ChildWhat is it? No.

“Then why are you here?”

“What a surprise?”I came to eat rice? “)

How much he put it in, Vivian banged on his cheeks.

“…Eat some and talk. ”

Vijian started to move the ball, which was full of joy. Intermediate “Well, I do not eat rice, do you study?” I heard a spooky grumbling, but I ignored it and put my hand in my arms.


At that moment, Vivien suddenly opened his eyes to the lamppost. However, when I took out the beginning of the year, my face was strangely curled up, and then it started to shout like a big car. Why is he doing this again?

“Swig, Puh!”

After a while, Vivian turned on the water, which the maid brought in hastily. And once he shook his head, he began to look at me.

“Hey, Kim Soo-hyun.”

Something very challenging. I wondered if this was crazy and I could see Vivian burning his eyes with Eagle Eagle.

“Why are you so bad? Now do you touch people until you eat? ”

What do you mean?

“Do not shit! I was pretending to get a contract to threaten because I was grumbling! ”

It’s not I tried to get it out early this year? ”

As he grasped the tobacco in the fingers, Vivian banged his mouth. Maybe I feel like I was fooling around with all the circumstances … . It is unfair. I was really trying to get out of the beginning of the year.

after Well, good. Well done. ”

Before long, Vivian puffed his nostrils. I still feel like I’m feeling bad because of the fact that I’m still looking at my eyes. Anyway?

Vivian said, “I have something to say to you.”

She said in a spooky voice like a heroine in a drama.

After receiving the declaration of war, I returned to the 4th floor office with Vivien. Something seemed like an important story, because the nuisance in the restaurant felt the gaze.

Until he arrived at the office and asked me to sit down, Vivian did not release his angry look. But when I sat down on the couch, Vivian opened his mouth as if I had waited.

“I admit it. And apologize. ”

Yes. it is.

“Admit and apologize. I pulled out earlier this year pretending to pull out the contract. Do you know that you are about to die before you die? ”

“Is it really not?”

As soon as he pleaded, Vivian gently whispered. I opened my mouth quietly while wearing my arms.

Ha… Agreed. It’s hard to believe, but let’s say it’s not really. But I still have to apologize? ”

“What are you doing today? What did you decide? ”

Really? I decided! ”


Vivian cried out all of a sudden. I look a little surprised, and I look at it.

“Do not look at me like that. Why. Is it weird that I’m angry? Do not I get angry? ”

“No, that’s it.”

“Let’s think humanly. You’ve been on my side for a while, have not you? ”

“…Uh, uh. ”

That, that’s … ! We can not deny that.

“Look. You can not say anything. Kim Soo-hyun of the world. ”

Then Vivian relaxed a little expression and buried her head on the couch. And this time, it seemed like waiting for the machine gun began to squeeze.

“Do not think this is sudden. I’ve put up with a long reference. It’s really incredibly true. ”

“…….”Really? It may not be as true as you say. Maybe it’s really early this year. Think about it. Was I surprised? No. You’ve trampled on my pride by putting up a grossly unfair contract you’ll meet. How long have you been conscious of the victim? ”

“…….””Did I want a lot? Did you say that again? I just want you to treat me like that. Is that so difficult? Why is it that you can not catch me just by looking at me? Think of your conscience! ”

“…….”“…Oh, I think I’m more angry. ”

“…….”While we were talking, Vivian ‘s eyes were suddenly flattened.

I heard that you are right. I can not dispute logically.

I kept silence quietly.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== The new year is bright.
I wanted to bring it up on time with the start of the new year somehow, but it is a big deal because my fingers do not follow it. Haha If you keep trying, you will someday start a new day.
It is now 2015.
I hope all of you readers will be happy for the new year, and I hope you will be well rested. 🙂 Eugene to the top. _(__)_

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