
Chapter 780

The forecast was missed.
No, only half were right.
Or should be said to have escaped.
The evil spirit has begun to act in addition to aiming at the woman.
He re-attacked the place where the miracle occurred, cursed it, and made a household and watched the woman’s approach.

The world, which seemed to revive for a moment, went on its way to destruction.
The evil spirits turned everything back to what it was like mocking.

As a result.
Every situation has begun to run into the worst ending.

Humans were just watching helplessly, not taking any action.
I was just desperate and desperate again.
It seemed to be more livelier than before.

I would not have known if I had not tasted salvation.
The miracle of the woman certainly gave her hope, but she had to swallow the pain of the ship because of the despair that had come to the road.
The humans who had already accepted the end of the day had been waiting for the last day.
In some ways it seemed to have lost the will to resist. …There is…

As a woman it was hardly tolerable.

“Atlanta Mystery Library,” a dancer legend. ”

* The sound of going somewhere has knocked on my ears. I barely open my eyes and cause my upper body to bother. I looked around the tent and found that it was not a sound. A crackling sound is intermittently ringing in the sleeping bag. Maybe it ‘s cold.

Lightly poured out of the sleeping bag crawled. I feel a bit stiff, but I did not have to pay much attention because of the desire shirt. As I was about to go out into the tent, shouting, “I am Martha,” I flattered. Snow fell on the night of the night, and the frozen ground was covered with white snow. But the important thing is that the sleeping bag is buried in the accumulated snow.

Why sleeping outside alone in this sleeping bag, even if you have to worry about whether or not it was frozen. I kicked my eyes and kicked my feet, but I can not see my sleeping bag. Just a groaning melancholy flows out. Well, you’d better check first.

I pulled my sleeping bag all the way and put my hand inside, and something cold and hard was caught. When I glanced slowly, I could see that it was a hair. When I grabbed my shoulder and carefully pulled it out, I found the identity of a good user.

“Jeegal Hasol?”

Jegal Haesol opened half his eyes and shed a tearful sigh. I am strangely tired and the petal lips are shaking. I suddenly stared at him because I thought that he seemed very pitiful with the mysterious appearance of Jeegal Hasols. I do not die anyway, but why did I do such a reckless thing?

all right Why are you sleeping outside? ”

“Oh, My… ”

Zegar Hazel said in a boiling voice like a man just before his death. I hit my cheek a couple of times and try to shoot me in a nasty way. Well, the spirit is clearly shaped. Jegal Hazel opened his mouth with a very visible act of moving his mouth right and left.

“Yesterday I told Clan Road to grow up in a big tent … ”

I certainly did. The human body temperature is like a stove, so I thought it would be less cold to sleep together.


“I am… . M I can not sleep with you … ”


“The bed is incredibly sensitive … . And there is a saying that it is passion for man and woman … ? ”

At that time, I wanted to put it out, but I started to peel off the robe of Zegal Hasols.

“No, what are you doing … ? I’ll scream … ! ”

“Then let’s move once.”

Jegal Hazel, who opened his eyes in a circle, began to use dragons, but he was only wriggling.

“Look. I slept in such a cold mountain. It is strange that the statue does not take. I do not think it was a verb. ”

“He, though … ”

“I do not want to do anything weird, so just stay. I have to walk a lot today. So who’s sleeping outside? ”

“…….”Zegal Hazel had his mouth tightly chewed, but silenced whether there was anything to say. Carefully peel off the cloth that covers your feet, and your toes, which are firm and firm, come into your eyes. It is a cute toe.

“Oh, no… . My legs, my legs … ”

It was like a voice asking me not to touch it.

But the moment I grabbed my feet without any hesitation, “Ah … ! ”

Zechariah Hasol was saddened as a woman who had lost her virginity. Damn, why do I feel like I’m forced?

I began to feel the pain and slowly touching the foot of Jegal Haesol. It raises the power of the lanterns, and from the feet to the calves and thighs, there is no violence, no sleeping. The waist, shoulder, and arms were tied up, and Zecharius solitary was pissed hot. It is much better that my face is tattered.

how was it? It’s alright? ”

Jeegar Hasols stared at me with his blind eyes and wrapped his leg in a sleeping bag.

“Black. what can I do. In the end I did not abandon it. ”

Then he clapped his face with both hands and burst into tears. Yes, show me. Do the show. I do not feel uncomfortable if I touched my flesh. I did not touch barefoot outside the soles, but I do not know what’s wrong with it. I took the tobacco out of my senses and watched Jeegar Hasols stare at me.

“Please respond. I am embarrassed. ”

“How do you respond?”

“First of all, I suck the deep beginning of the beginning of the year and make the most mean smile. And that’s what you say. ”

“……?””Then, pretending to be so arrogant, eventually you were the same female. Well, it was a pretty decent flesh. I’ll take care of you in the future. 큭큭! ”

“…….”Who wants to define my inclination?

“User zegal solstice. I’m really worried about it, and I’m asking, do you even have masochism? ”

“Oh, I got it. Yes, I am actually interested in picnics. It’s also called Femsub in technical jargon. ”

Zegal Haesol made a strange smile, not a blink of an eye, and I gathered the thumbs and stops round and lightly bounced my forehead.

“Ow…” Why hit me? ”

“I think it’s completely recovered from the bullshit. Anyway, please do it and prepare for transportation. I will organize the camp and go straight down. ”

Speaking in a pinnacle tone, Zegal Haesol extended his mouth wide.

“huh. Would you stop handling the shuttle? ”

I raised my body no longer. One of two people in the tent is crawling out of the way.

“…for your troubles.”

A small voice coming back at that moment.

You still thank me.

* After the weather, colleagues agreed to go down in the morning and eat. It seems as if I wanted to get out of this mountain as soon as possible. So we went down with the ability to transport Jeegar Hasols, and started a cold breakfast in the right place. Unfortunately, even under the mountains, there is not even a single tree, so we had to eat with the dried meat that we had in Chaos Mimic.

In the middle of it, in the midst of tearing the meat, Jin-soo opened his mouth again.

“It’s a big deal to think about. I do not see a livestock here but a tree … . Is not it just drinking water? ”

Yeah, right. But you still have some dry meat? My brother continued to supply food from outside until I came here. ”

Lee Jung – jung tore the meat all at once and muttered. My breasts burned. It was just casual, but surprisingly sharp. It would certainly have been doubtful if the guitarist was here. I was wondering if I could make an excuse, and I just grabbed the strand to join the meal. I think it ‘s best to skip it rather than react.

“But what kind of area is this? It is good because the cold disappears. ”

Agreed. A hundred people returned the topic.

“Iknow, right. I’m sure the ice wind has disappeared … . It’s like snow desert here? No, I should be called the country of snow? ”

Hae Seung-yun sweeps his head and gets a horse. As it is said, under the mountain was covered with snow from all directions. This wide snowy field with a glistening light in the morning sun can be seen as a kind of hilly terrain where the hills of snow rise everywhere. The number of hills was wide enough to be seen, but the size was also very different. There were many hills that were built in the size of a building, and there were a lot of places where the sight was not secured because of thanks.

Heeuljung shrugged.

“It’s mysterious, it’s juvenile … . It is too calm to calm down. And it ‘s much better than a mountain, but it’ s still cold. You do not see anything to eat again, do you? Who can live here? ”

“Hey. Then there will be no monsters? ”


“indeed? indeed!”

He was good at nothing, and Seung-yoon showed his reaction as a seal, and Lee’s eyes stared at Hae Seung-yoon.

Well… I do not think I can see it. ”

At that time, Kim Han – sang hit a candle with a cool voice. The right eye of Lee Jung-jeung has been slumped.

“Then you say you are?”

“I do not know. But I think it might be. ”


“Humans are, and animals have the ability to adapt to the environment. And I have not looked at it all yet, but it’s fast. ”

In the explanation that was broken, the reason was the head.

Or is it?

“I will.”

Really? Well, it does not really matter. Only one piece of water, by the way. ”

“Yeah. for a bit… . Excuse me?!

Kim Han – seup stretched out his hand and turned around quickly and looked at him.

“Joke, I’m kidding. You said no harm. Do not you react to each one? ”

Yoo Jung-joo smiled and laughed, but no one laughed. He looks at me with a mysterious eye. I did too. I feel like I’m ignoring each other. Since when does it talk like that without hesitation? I can not seem to be particularly friendly, but it seems to have recovered to the level of passage rites.

I wondered how I regained the relationship, but it is not a bad thing anyway. It is rather a welcome.


Suddenly I feel like I’m in a good mood, Kim Han-seum seems to kill me.

“…Oh, no. ”

I was awkward and bitter. I just want to close my mouth.

It was then.

Kim Soo-hyun

Huh Jun-young suddenly shook his eyes and called me. It was a rather nervous tone, not the usual empty voice. When I asked why, I suddenly felt a strange vibration in the snowy land. The vibration felt a moment and soon disappeared. It does not take anything for horsepower detection.


The silence falls down after the sound of the blade being swept away. The friendship took out Katana. It is a proof that I just did not feel the vibration.

“Are you getting close?”

“I’m not sure.” However, I was soon weakened. ”

In the question of Namdae, the Uri Party turned to the right. In the direction of staring, there was a snowboard with an endless slope. If you stand in a dull place, the place where we are now will be exposed immediately.

I glanced quietly to raise my body. I pointed to the two snow hills near where I stood up and gestured. I’ll be able to hide between two big hills. I simply had a meal so I could not take it apart. After hurriedly clearing the trail, we entered the hills safely, killing the footsteps. However, one is not seen. Ha Seung Woo.

Ha Seung-woo was still squatting in the place where we were sitting.

“Hae Seung-woo … ! ”

He raised a little loud and lifted his left hand. Then he looked at the right slope and turned straight to the hill.

“What are you doing?”

Ha Seung-woo did not reply to my words and quietly memorized the order.

“────. ────. Shut Out. ”


A light wind swept through the hills.

“Block magic?”

Ah… Clan Road. Wait a moment.”

Ha Seung-woo looked at the slope one more time and glared nervously. He grabbed me and dragged me to death, killing my voice.

“It’s a bit late for me to get off the trail.”

“trace? Did not you erase it before? ”

“But he did not erase the warmth. So I caught a chill wind order to match the ambient temperature, but it was strange that the magic did not work properly. ”

“…….”Hye Seung-woo was speaking with a lower voice. If you do not raise your hearing, you will not be able to hear it properly.

And… The approach is similar to ours. ”

“What do you mean?”

“When I got close to the game, I intentionally killed it.”

“For concealment purposes?”

“It is also, but it is also to give confusion. I can not tell which direction it is coming from. Anyway, this is not important. Do you know what I mean? ”

No way…

Then, Hae Seung-woo nodded a little and opened his mouth, turning his third gaze.

“They are approaching now, knowing that we were there.”

It was then.

Suddenly, at the end of the slope, the bigger ones reflecting the dazzling silver light began to reveal the superior figure.

“That’s … ”

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Thank you for your concern. I seem to be getting better by the cheerful support of the readers, and by the tough word. I feel really depressed and a little regained. I think this is probably a temporary phenomenon. I think it was the right answer.

I’ll only complain late in the day. I will make every effort to be able to enjoy contents and the latter and amusing from the tea party.

I sincerely thank you for believing me.

So readers should have a comfortable night, not a refreshing and lively morning! : D

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