
Chapter 799

Reminiscence Turn 1/2 hour, three days ago. bang!

“Excuse me?”

Even in the dawn that did not come to life, the white frost fell on the building, and the sound of a strong hitting and the casting sounded in a superimposed manner.

There were two women in the room on the top floor of the building. A woman stands quietly while another woman expresses anxiety all over her body, such as breaking a nail or standing around a desk.

Lee Hyo-ri, who wandered around for a minute, barely sat at a desk and took out a toddler. It took a considerable amount of time to put on fire because of shaking hands.

The woman, staring at him, opened his mouth silently.

“Wait a second, Mr. Play.”

However, even before the horse came out, Lee Hyo-soon quickly lifted his hand.

“I’ll take this one. I am so surprised right now. You can speak Korean

The voice played in the voice, which seemed to be like a begging, nodded with a sigh.

Then the tobacco burned to the end of the filter. I could barely draw a small ball of true Lee Hyo –

“Then I’ll try to reconsider the situation.”


“Afraid not.” Just listen to what I say. If you have anything wrong, please quit. I went on an expedition in Mercenary, met an unbelievable monster, and another monster was summoned before the death, killing the first monster and saving Mercenary Road’s life. Is that right?”

“You’re right.

Lee Hyo – eul poured out all these words very quickly. And as soon as he accepted the performance, he grabbed his armrest strongly.

“And are you coming here now? It also arrives in half a day? ”


Four I said yes, now? ”

“…….”Lee Hyo-hyeo said that it was stunned. It was a matter of course. It is a monster against the 10,000 best people. It was not at the same place when Gehenna first appeared, but how surprised he was after compiling the damage level of the steel mountains.

“If you listen, you are not so hostile.”

“We may not go out right now, but when do you hug nuclear bombs that you do not know when it will go off?”

The voice of Lee Hyo – ha was obviously uncomfortable. In the eyes staring at his strength, he played his eyes as if he had nothing to say.

“…Sorry. If you look at it, it is not wrong to play, but I’m so excited. ”

After a while, Lee Hyo-soon apologized. I do not mean to say that it was a high performance, but I realized that it was meaningless if I was angry now.

But the brilliant head did not find a solution to this time as well. I do not have the assurance that I will be able to win even if I try to mobilize all the users of the North Continent, and I was not even willing to take huge chaos.

“I do not know. Is there any way he can play? ”

“First, I will meet and talk.”

“Do you think conversation is possible?”

“I told you. The monster told me directly. I have no intention of hostile humans. Actually, our clan members are together, and we saved the life of Suhyun. ”


“I can not keep going. Since I want to be next to Suhyun before I go back … ”

The performance did not speak to the end. Lee Hyo-soon groaned deeply. I did not say it myself, but I felt intuition that I can not help it now.

Lee Hyo – eul shook his head with his forehead.

“Ha, damn it. In the end, I have nothing but a special relationship with Kim Soo-hyun. What made you pregnant? ”

At a moment when I was talking to myself, the body of the performance jumped. However, Lee Hyo – ul, who had not seen it, opened his mouth with powerless eyes.

“Can I just allow commute? Can you help me out? ”

“First of all, this story is a secret.”

“That’s right.”

“Then contact Hamilod to tell him what’s going on and tell him to come to the mansion Castle. I think I should go back and explain the situation to the clan members and seek cooperation. ”

“Hamil Rod? Why Hamil Road? ”

“It’s Suhyeon’s brotherhood. I have the right to know about this, and I do not know how to look at it. ”

Koji replied as if he had waited.

Lee Hyo-eul stared at her for a long time and picked up a communication correction with a sigh. I confirmed that, and the sound of the sound penetrated into the shadows without rumors, and I disappeared.

So, half a day passed.

It was still early in the morning, and the marshinary castle was calm. It has not been a long time since the sun has set, and it gives a dreamy atmosphere to the cloudy mist.

“First of all, I am grateful for saving my brother’s life.”

Gehenna was buried in a chair in the open space of the central plaza on the ground floor of Mercenary Castle. Two men and women sit on opposite sides of Gehenna. A wizard with a lot of nervous gray eyes and a thick robe that carefully bowed his head. It was Kim Yoo Hyun, the son of Kim Soo Hyun.

Soon after Kim Yu – hyun heard his head, Gehenna ‘s eyes also regained its beauty.

“I will accept gratitude, but I feel like I am seeing an uninhibited person.”

“I will not deny it. Anyway, because of you, humans have suffered tremendous damage. And the force of yours makes us uneasy. ”

Kim Yoo-hyun admitted innocently. However, Gehenna looked at me like I did not understand.

Well To the extent of the damage … . I tried hard not to kill it when I was stupid. ”

“At that time, more than two thousand people just melted away because of their appearance.”

It was the performance that answered the day with a good voice.

Y..yes. That’s not what I did. ”

I beg your pardon? I can not remember. ”

Kim Yoo-hyun put his hand up and stopped the performance. I opened my mouth with a calm face.

“Suddenly, the situation has been received to some extent. I heard that there is no antagonism against humans at the moment. ”

Hmm …

Gehenna looked up. Kim Yoo Hyun looked at it for a moment and pulled out a small crystal from his arms. It was a correction of the truth. When Kim Yoo-hyun pushed the correction slowly, he struck the eye of Gehenna.

“What is this?”

“It’s a modification of the truth.”

Yes? It’s a modification of the truth. ”

“I do not mean to. You can think of it as a device that solves our inner anxiety. Anyway, if what you have said is true, will you be able to shed power on the ball and say the same thing? ”

Gehenna laughed as if it were a dull moment, but soon he slowly turned his back on the truth. Then again, the color of the flame did not change even though I repeated the words I just did.

“Is it now?”

Gehenna stared at the two men and women staring at him stupidly.

“Ah, one more thing to say … ”

Gehenna rolled the beads to the tip of the index finger and said.

“I would like to say that it is impossible to measure my sincerity with these beads.”

Kim Yuhyeon’s face hardened tightly.

“…It would have been better to not just say it. ”

“Well, do not say it is also my heart.”

Gehenna shrugged, saying that she was good at all.

“Then what happened then … ”

Well As I did this again, I was summoned regardless of my will. But, you can tell me that they have horns on their crown and they have wings like bats. ”

Kim was surprised at the moment. It is because the description of Gehenna closely resembles the demon that Kim Su-hyun heard. Then I remembered that the witch who held hands with the devil in one car summoned the hell of the hell.

Kenichi Momoyama Later, Suhyun should check it out. ‘

Kim Yoo-hyun was forced to calm down his dizzy head, staring at the front, and his eyes were sharply focused on his performance.

“Even so, what you have done is still there. It was a one-sided massacre. We had our colleagues in it. ”


“It soon means that it is hard to believe.”


However, Gehenna’s reaction was nothing more than a reaction.

“…You can speak Korean

“So what do you want me to do?”

Gehenna’s unique attitude came out. I lean on my chair and relax my leg. Strike your chin with one hand and gaze gently at your opponent. The charisma that can not be separated is flowing smoothly and starts to press the two.

“Do not ask you. I certainly did harm to humans, not to your colleagues. So, am I right? ”

“Well, of course I have to think so.”

“But this time I saved my colleagues and also the life of Kim Soo-hyun. Now, what do you think of this? I am now friend? ”

That, that’s … !

In the face of Gohaku, there was a feeling that speech was blocked. Gehenna laughed at him as if he knew it. Kim swallowed the dry saliva. He said he was as careful as possible, but he overlooked what Gehenna was.

“Why not answer?”

“…….””Fuhu. Yes, I guess. Your human being is the same as jesus and now you are stunned. No matter how many years have gone by, that self-centered thought still continues. ”

“…….”It was a very difficult situation for Kim Yu-hyun and Go-play. It was because the momentum that Gehenna was breathing was so intense that she was pressing her body. Koh played a self-inflicted act. Like Kim Yoo-hyun, I had to exclude my feelings, but I revealed the enemy in my heart.

But do they both know. The fact that Gehenna has not even started yet.

“I understand it. This world does not allow me at first, but it is a matter of wanting to understand me in your thoughts. ”

At that moment, the red eyes of Gehenna sprinkled with a lively light.

“And to tell the truth.”

At the same time.

“I am too hated of you.”

In the eyes of the rabid Gehenna, the life of the rich came out.

After finishing all the work, I returned to the office with Gehenna.

Hum… Feel so good. Please strok more. ”

Gehenna leans in my body and makes a pleasant moan. I whispered in the ear of Gehenna, gently raising her hand, stroking her belly.

“Good mood?”

Then, when he looked at me slowly, he blinked and he felt awkward.

“It’s not me, but the baby in the belly likes it.”

Really? How do you know that? ”

“The original mother can feel it.”


Surprised, Gehenna smiled and looked down at the ship with affectionate eyes.

“Look. Do not you still take a boat with your feet? ”

Hmm. I’m hungry. It would not be a problem to just kick in.

“Will you listen?”

“Oh, Oh, yes. ”

Gehenna glanced at me with a steady glance at the bottom of her abdomen, and I kneeled down and put my ears on my belly. Oh, warm skin. I have focused my hearing with a throbbing heart, but I can not feel any sensation beyond the kick.

“…Do not hear it? ”

“No way… . Ah…

I lift my ears and look up the stomach. Gehenna blinked as if I wondered, and she made a curious expression. Why are you doing this all of a sudden?

“I just started kicking again.”

Yes. it is.

“Wow. When you put your ears in motion, you stop moving and you kick again as soon as you get it … . Afterwards. ”

“…….”I do not know why, but I felt Gehenna’s words were terrible.

“Well, I’m ashamed.”

It was an accidental coincidence, but I knelt slowly and masturbated.

Suddenly, the thought struck my head.

“Oh, gehenna. So when is the due date for the birth? ”

“Probably soon … . I will not. Looking at the fortress movements, it seems like they want to come out soon. ”

“How are the symptoms?”

Well You’re sleepy anyway. ”

As soon as I asked, Gehenna turned to me with a strange smile and did not tell me much.

So we talked for a long time in bed, and I fell asleep with Gehenna pulled from behind.

And how much time has passed.

“…Uhh! …Chord큭! …Chord

When I open my eyes to the moaning sound, the room where the dark darkness descends comes into my eyes.

“…Soo-hyun Kim Soo-hyun

Suddenly a sad voice spilled into my ears. I was surprised when I looked at the side. It was because Gehenna turned around and shook her body.

“Crab, gehenna?”

Reflectively, Gehenna barely turned his head with a heavy buzz. The sweat of the bones of the bones of the bones and the sweaty soaked hair are particularly noticeable.

Finally, Gehenna barely opened her mouth in a very difficult tone.

“Ship, ship … ”

A groaning voice.

At that moment, Suma, walking around in my head, walked away.

I raised my body like a lightning bolt.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== I just had a bit hearty comments before. It was pointed out that the name ‘Suunah’ was not true. I thought my name was pretty, I thought it would be nice to call … . I think that you were not good enough for your readers. If you have a good name, please write your comment. I can do it with Taemin. 🙂 PS. I did not know, but over 4,000 works. Thank you very much for your love. I still have a lot of shortcomings, but I will do my best to complete it.

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