
Chapter 802

Did the feeling of the woman feel some kind of anxiety?

Imhanna could not lift her foot. Before rushing, I look around and look around quickly to see Suna stare at me. Finally, I find Marr, who carries the two spiritual spirits, and I run as if I am going to leave Sina. As I know the relationship between Kim Soo-hyun and Han So-young, it was almost like instinct.

However, it was already too late. Han So – young, who opened the door of the office with the guidance of the maid, was completely frozen when he saw Gehenna lying on the bed. Of course I know who my opponent is.

One thing I’m glad about is that I have thoroughly educated the maids of high performance. Of course, knowing what to do and delivering it in a coherent way is different. I’m sorry, I did not know, I was summoned by chance, I was not hostile, I threatened the Clan Road. Han Soo-young glanced at the housemaid spouting a gibberish, and he seemed to move slowly.

“I’ll wait here.” The door was closed with the word. The only thing left in the corridor is a maid who has no idea what his head is like.

Gehenna was also a little surprised. I can not help but admire Han So – young, who comes in one step. I like ebony hair, sticky but pretty black eyes, eye-catching, elegant atmosphere, white skin with subtle aura … .

‘You are not usually a bitch.’

Gehenna’s interest was not because of her glazed look, nor because she had a wonder. It was a kind of sense that Geera could not define as Moore.

‘This is such a lively energy … . It is a woman who can tread a nation. ”

It is a coincidence that Han So – young ‘s user information is written’ Kyungkuk – ji ‘

Gehenna observes Han So – young with careful eyes. Han So – young was looking at Gehenna. Something was hidden from the pupils and the feeling of being alert was conveyed. It feels like killing oneself and not revealing as much as possible.

‘Do you realize yourself? But … . ‘

Gehenna suddenly became uncomfortable in the inside. I felt anxious about Kim Soo-hyun.

‘The devotee (妖 女)’ s body and bones in the bones of the company to crawl, traditionally eat the heart of a poisonous poisonous beings. But this girl is not a girl … . strange. It’s really weird. ‘

The presence of Kim Dae-hyeon was more important than that of Kim, and especially the nest was heard intensely. I feel naturally. I do not know why Kim Soo-hyun came to me, but I do not care what kind of relationship it is.

‘I have to find out what I see. I’m curious, but it’s too dangerous to keep it this way. ”

I can not touch you, but at least I can warn you. Gehenna thought so, immediately implied. The red aphrodite appeared small and disappeared. It was not as determined as Kim Sae Hyun did, but it was a very slight hypnotic level. This is because it is appropriate to take out the appearance and reveal the inside.

Han suddenly felt a strange feeling. When I first saw Gehenna, I was amazed, but when I saw the maid’s response, it was not until the conclusion that it was not the same as before. If you do not have any curiosity, it will be a lie. But most of all, I tied my head to the head, and I was disgusted by the fact that the woman was lying on the bed of Kim Soo-hyun.

“You… . Why are you here? ”

Han Soo Young first opened a speech. It was calm and calm, but somewhat sharp. Gehenna was upset and lifted her eyes halfway down.

“Did the maid’s words ever flow?”

A haughty word came out. There was no sense of touching purposefully. Han So – young ‘s eyebrows wriggled.

“If you feel uncomfortable, I will apologize.”

But he graciously apologizes and sits quietly. ‘Look at this?’ Having a funny expression, Gehenna calmed down. I sat on the sofa and laughed.

“I do not know why you came here, but do you think you’ll go out of your way? I do not have a memory to allow you to come in. ”

“…I’m a bit confused. ”

No. If you were a guest, there would be a reception room. ”

“A promise is a measure of trust. Time is a little early, but this is the place to meet. ”

Polite words came and went, but in the end it was this. Get out, I hate you.

Two women gaze at each other. The empty space in which the gaze strikes gives off a strange bangun.

Hmm … Is the suggestion weak? I do not get a sense of what this is or is not. ”

After a while, Gehenna took a unique position. I twist my legs with one hand and twist my head to twist my head. The abdomen was on the road, and a more plausible posture came out. Han Sang Young did not show up. I slit my eyes and twist my legs in the same way. It was as though two wild peacocks spread their feathers and compete with each other for beauty.

Dodo, Dodo!

It was then. There was a sound in the hallway that someone was running hurriedly. The two women turned their heads at the same time.

Then the knock was heard and the door opened. The following ones were cute parties of two and two.

“Oh, huh?”

Suna, who came in with her, shrugged off without knowing. Of course I came to know that Kim Soo-hyun, Kim Soo-hyun, but two women sit facing each other.

What is it? Maar Until … ”

But what a fateful trick this is. Within seconds, Kim Soo-hyun’s voice ran through the hallway. Kim Soo-hyun, who had finished talking to Seoji-hwan, was rushing to receive his contact.

“On, on … ”

I lifted up the dry, stubborn Sna, like a shield.

“Su, go out. I think I want to see my mom and dad … ”

“mom and dad… ? ”

It was Han Sang-young who received it. Kim Soo-hyun, who knew Sna in a reflexive way, was now staring at Han Sook-young. I guess I did. Han Sang-yeong’s look at Kim Soo-hyun was passed on by the mysterious maid of honor.

That moment.


Inside Han So – young, something slammed his head.

*…I do not remember what happened after that.

When I barely got up, I was desperately talking about the story I shared with Seo Ji-hwan next to Han So-young who was leaving the main gate. I will go out with no hesitation to see Han So-young, who has escaped suddenly.

“So I agreed to make a new offer. I originally had to pay 50%of the total revenue, just like 33%. First we will receive 33%, and conditionally we will guarantee 17%to the New Koran Union. And…

It was funny. Originally, this is not a story to do, but how did this happen? It is a good situation to say that the ending of the ending (end of the ending).

I kept glaring as I spoke. Han So – young is always expressionless. In the past, I realized that this uncensored smile was a form of inheritance derived from self-protection instincts caused by supernaphim. But today is subtly different. At first glance, it seemed to keep the poker face, but the fine light flowing in the white ball was a witty expression.

Suddenly, the lips that rubbed against each other gently rubbed gently.

“I’m surprised.”

The voices that flowed were so plain that the time of silence was felt to be in vain.

“I thought I’d be a little bit worse. For example, even if they leave their family, they will not be able to get involved in the streets at night. ”

Haha It should be used last. At first I thought it would be better to look for a relationship that can help each other. ”

“Help each other? Not at all? 33%and 17%for the New Koran Union, which means that Mercenary will lose that much. ”

“Oh, no. I can not see it by all means. I can not make it public, but I walked a few things. And we will make an additional 5%of the revenue to the Istantelow. ”

“Anyway, it does not change that Mercenary is a loss. They can get 50%to 62%, and Estan Tourou can sit still and earn 5%. ”

“This is the Yantan Road.”

Is it my mistake that Han So – young ‘s voice gradually changed aggressively?

When I thought so, Han Soo – young suddenly stopped walking.


I almost forgot a moment, but I barely stopped. It was Han So Young who used to be. Do not pretend nails.

Han Soo-young is gazing forward with a pale face. It has come. Than thought, suddenly.

“In any way, I did not want to make a situation that would harm the Isantellow.”

Han So – young turned his body slowly. The half-faced face is clearly visible and faces me. Unintentional tension rises to double.

“Is that me, Isantelourou?”

“I am going to go to the Isantelourou Clan with Han So-young.”

“Put away the ambiguous answer.”

“…I thought about user Han Young-young. ”

Damn it! There was a curse in the temple. It is because I felt a sense of how ill the word I just said.

I heard a snobby. Han So-young’s expression changes slowly. The eyelids are shaking and shaking. However, Han So – young, who shakes his head swiftly, speaks with utter hesitation.

“Actually, I have not heard anything about it before. I heard it so badly, but now it gets organized. The woman … . Was it accidentally summoned? ”

“……?””Pregnancy was a condition for coming back … . I mean, she was threatened … ”

“So far … . whoever?”

But the answer did not come back. It does not matter at all, it just strikes. A strange glow came over the eyes of the drunken candle, like a burning candle. Looking forward to something.

I was tempted for a moment. I could not help it. And I might have to go back anyway. I just want to say that. I wonder how I can save myself.

“…….”…It does not work in front of Han Sang Young anyway. I could barely make up my mind. Let’s not make this anger. Do not hurt my precious person.

At this place today, I draw a line definitely.

“It might have been the beginning.”

Huh, I sigh. Straighten slightly bent waist and stare at the front. As long as you are determined, you do not hesitate anymore.

department of the person in charge. ? ”

“It means not now.”

That was the moment.

Tak, the candle in the pupil has turned off. The black crystal, which jumps without any reason, loses its original light and sinks down endlessly.

“Sincerity… . Is it? ”

The voice went up strangely. My lower lips did not crumble, and it was dented inside. I, Han So Young.

After a while, Han Sang – young ‘s tongue twisted in a strange way.

“Still don’t know what I’d do lie. Sometimes there is a good situation to lie. ”

Suddenly, I thought that Han So – young was a bit strange. I feel like I am not even right. I was particularly concerned with the word still, but I nodded with all my strength.

“I could not lie because I thought of both of them.”

“…Then I am! ”

Suddenly Han So – young exploded. Bump one foot hard, bang, the ground nervously waves and shakes. My chest is feeling jammed. A breathtaking static. The whole world seemed to look at us.

It has been a long time for the breathing to sink down. Suddenly, a fist-clenched hand shakes in my eyes. I’d rather have him with me. So it would be cool.

“Am I, are I bad?”

“…….””Give it to me, protect me, care for me, save my life. It’s a guy who always cares about me. Am I mistaken? ”

“…….””Is not it strange? So will I meet this man and the boy, and also the baby? So can you understand my feelings now? ”

“…….”The voice of begging, craving, swarming followed in turn. I want you to say what you want. But it can not be. No one else, Han So – young.


After all, it does not come out of the apple.

“I do not apologize … ! ”

I could not take it anymore, I could hear the sound of wind blowing. I was determined, but I did not feel the shock. Something that sharply flew just stopped in front of me. I felt a nervous trembling from my left face. After a long time, the soft touch passed over the ball.

“Do not apologize, try to say something … . please… ”

What am I supposed to say here.

‘Mercenary Road … . I always look for me … ? ‘
‘I want to do something … . ‘
‘Is it funny? Do not you get angry that I’m in another man’s bosom? ”
‘Really, I wanted to see … ! ‘

From the moment Han So – young always showed sincerity to me. On the contrary, I continued to obscure ambiguity. While I think that this should not be done inside, I might have enjoyed it on the other hand.

“I mean, try to make an excuse … . I could not help coming back. This is not Hall plane. Whoops.

I swallowed my breath. It’s just like the throat burns. When I opened my eyes again, Han So – young was staring at me with a grim look. I opened my mouth for a while and closed it, but forcibly pulled out with all my effort.

“I wanted to pay for it, I longed for it, I longed for it, I missed it.”

For a moment Han So – young ‘s face became hard. Everything gets cold and hard.

I feel exactly,

I feel sick while speaking. But the situation has already come to an irreversible extent. Yeah, so … .

“If you love and love your opponent, you can not do it.”

I eventually spit it out.

This was a verdict.

Han So – young ‘s body twisted slightly. Eyes and mouth were open. As his head slowly falls as if he is going to fall, he stare stares at the sky. As the air leaks from the tearful breath, it leaks out like thin air.

How much time has passed.

It feels like the mind is sucking in. When it is dizzy.

Ha… I’ll just ask one. ”

Han Sook – young, who was looking up at the sky like a person who lost his mind, opened his mouth with a trembling voice.

“Have you ever thought of me as a woman or a reason?”

“Dare, it was so hard to think.”

“Never again? Even once? ”


At that moment, Han So – young trembled. I look down at my eyes and look at me with surprise. Tears in the eyes flowed down the ball. It was the first time I saw my crying.

“He was like that. That’s right. ”

Han Sang-young wipes his tears with his hand like a child. It was a strange look that I did not know whether I smiled or not.

Soon Soon-young said, “Well, that’s right.”

In a sobbing voice, “That … . do you know?”

I made a sad smile somewhere bright.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== If you hit the game, you can see it as a route that you have to go through to get to Han So Young. Today’s double line will be released in the second half, but it will not be bad if you read it carefully. This is why it looks like a game console. Haha

Oh, do not you sometimes wonder about those things? Just as Kim Soo-hyun is different on Earth and on Hall Plane, how did other characters look on Earth? 🙂 Anyways, Gehenna Part is now 2 more. When it is over, I will enter this story immediately.

Have a comfortable night for all of you.

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