
Chapter 809

“Hmm … ”

It seems like a bird sheds a sigh in the dream. It is not so big, but it is a crisp tone.

“Aang … . Good mood… ”

The voice of a woman who is once again heard. I slowly relaxed my eyes and closed my eyes. I focused on the nerves that came out of my mind. However, it was counterproductive. As the senses become more sensitive, the feeling of the feel of the hands on the palm of the hand becomes clearer. I’m going to have a good time ~. ‘ You can hear the sound of it.

Eventually I could not bear it, but I could see it. I saw Sarah lying down right before her. Sarah’s body, almost naked, covered with a red cloth with only a hips, is wrapped in a clear flame. However, the uneven hair flowing down the shoulder than that, the white and white neckline that blends fantastically with the blonde, and the landscape where the ripened breasts are jammed on the floor are noticed even if they do not want to.

That’s it. When I see the line of the buttocks rising rapidly, under the waist like the white deer I am touching, my exorcism is swollen. I feel sad that I see a screaming S pole saying that shaking hand is not letting me see N pole.

“Ha ha ha … ”

Suddenly Sarah gently twisted her body. After the orgasm, a loud sound that seems to enjoy the lyde slowly dissolves the tongue. The lower legs are already bouncing like an angry beast with no escapes. As I watched the pants bulging out of the cloth, I sighed inside.

People who do not know the situation are 100%misunderstood. But for me, it is hardly worthless. The reason why I am doing this is not to do such a thing (?). Of course, it was not for baking Sarah.

After Gehenna’s return, there was a personal request from Sarah to help her practice. In order to increase the affinity with fire, I would like to receive the help of a lantern with power of mythology. This means that you can feel the energy of the fire without getting on fire.

The reason Sarah was naked was similar. To increase affinity, it is helpful to be in the natural state and the most comfortable position. You can complain like Gehenna, but fortunately … . No. Unfortunately, I am not at that level. I have to put my hand on it and send my strength constantly.

In any case, this has been done in a subtle way, but it is not a bad situation at all. It goes without saying. Did the power of the spiritual corps feel it already in the car once? It is said that the power which is similar or superior to that of Vivian ‘s legendary army is added, and it is possible to endure the feeling of the high priest practicing face – wall training anyhow. Yes, anyway … .

Hmm. What about the decision of light and darkness that Marquez presented to him anyway? Jung-yeon-yeon seems to be doing well.

“Fou … . Gut

Then I heard a sudden vomit. Sarah, who is lying down, slowly rises, and a red cloth falls down. It is a signal that the training is over.

Excellent. Thank you. Clan Road. ”

Sarah who raised her body was smitten with a good cloth. I do not hesitate to face a little exposure or to face me.

“We’ve talked a lot, right?”

-Yes, sir. I studied a lot in the early days, and I have learned to continue here. ”

“It looks good to look at working.”

“Fuhu. I like praise. It is very good if you add more. ”

I really feel good, the color of the face is prevalent. Suddenly, something suddenly reminded me of Sarah.

“And then, Clan Road. Today is not that day? ”

That day. Although it is a dialect, it seems to be talking about it. The water lily is not helping Sarah.


“So I was caught too long?”

“Not at all. I’ve made sure that the time allocation is clear. ”

“Fortunately, the. I was worried that I was greedy. ”

Sarah lifted her fist clenched hand and said, “Fighting.” “He said. I thought it was cute, so I decided to build a smile without knowing it, “… … ? ”

Suddenly the red carpet on the floor was wet. …Why are the carpet hairs dirty?

* Caan!

A roaring chime sounded. The gardens are so hot that it is hotter than ever. Someone frowns in the ear-piercing noise, and is greatly surprised by the blunt bouncing of something. But there was no time difference, and the wondrous figure fell from the sky to the ground.


“Big hurray!”

A groaning moan broke out. The shape was not enough to hit once, and it bounced a few more times and rolled down the ground. In the past, users who wear a white lobe toward the napping shape quickly run away. However, except for the priests, they did not lose sight of the scene before the eyes.

A moment later, as the dark smoke was lifting, a man slowly showed up. The man wearing a dark-colored all-in-one armor and wearing a red-light cape on his shoulder stood in the center of the garden. I do not see any slight motion, I just stand still. And one woman who recalls the distance from the inside of the company. It is a little bit scared to eat a pause.

But it’s time to step back. I looked at the left and right eyes and saw the eyes of the woman. I stopped pacing and greatly lowered my posture. The golden light glows in the red eyes and hair. Fear and fear of the opponent disappear, and the courageous courage comes out. It is like a beast looking for food to look like a catana in both hands.

I was feeling instinctively. The man in front of you. That Kim Su-hyun will not go through any technique. I have never been successful with South Eun, but I can not go any further to Kim Soo-hyun. No power, no speed, no horsepower, no skill. But there is a nook in the corner. There are two archers in this place, not just myself. I do not know where he is, but he’s definitely preparing a sniper. Then you can create a clear opportunity for archers to be more precise.

Two of the archers were aiming for Kim Soo-hyun in the garden as he had thought.

“Sewing line … ”

The voice of a breathless voice is exceptionally silent. Soon, when the cold air flowed into the nose, Sinyoung stayed breathless. The two eyes, which are ragged, penetrate through all the obstacles and gaze at Kim Soo-hyun. The tendon is already stretched to the limit because it can not be tightened. The preparations for launch were completed.

At the same time, on the other side that skipped Kim Soo – hyun, Nomi ‘s brilliance came to the fore. As if to decorate the back side of the Buddha statue, it climbs up the light behind the limousine. Unlike Sun Yoo Luck, it has come out to the fore, but every single glow that comes to mind can not be ignored.

Do you think of the crowd of lights that give everywhere as a signal? Yi Jung-jin, who constantly turned around, turned around for a moment.

Then, “Ha!”

The red hair fluttered with a flare, and I bounced. Lee Ji-jung’s body floats in front of the floor in an instant. The golden spirits are woven in a line of strong spirits blowing from the whole body. However, Kim Soo-hyun turned his face with insatiable eyes. The invisible sword in the right hand, which is invisible to the naked eye, draws the exact reason.

At that time, Kim Hwa-hyeon’s hand hugged the horn as a sudden wave.

Approaching within one meter, ‘come on!’

Yui Jung’s wildness responded. If you feel you can live, you can prepare. He takes a deep breath and grabs a pair of daggers.

That was the moment.


For a moment, I felt a huge shock on my temple and my head swirled around. My mind becomes dizzy and my tinnitus rings in my ear. The rotated view shakes without any reason.


Before he even thought about it, he could feel his kick kicking his jaw right away. “픕!” The upper teeth and the lower teeth banged hard and their head was bent. The visible sky is gradually getting better.

Woong Woong Woong Woong Woong!

It was then. As Im Hanna calls out Moore, the radiance floating in the air rushes to Kim Soo-hyun, leaving a resonating sound. Even though it is a midday day, a bunch of lights illuminate the sunshine. Kim Soo-hyun, looking at the reason for the fall, looks back to his right as he is in the kicking position.

That moment.

“!”Sun Yin Lund, repelled the protest. The arrow feathers pounded like fresh tail fins.

I love you!

A single strike. The goal is Kim Soo-hyun’s neck. At the moment of the moment, a pole-like arrow narrowed the distance of 60 meters, glaring at the air. The sniper who flies to the left and right has mercilessly attacked Kim Soo-hyun who is just posturing.


It just burst into a fury that can not be seen as an arrow firing. The aftermath of the huge collision swept all over the place. The soil of the garden is like a raging sea, and the dust powder that rises like a shiver covers the center of the garden. In this magnificent and destructive landscape, everyone forgot to breathe. The clan members who were watching from all sides, the two snipers that shot arrows.

After a while, a shadow of black appeared in the cursed smoke.

Surprisingly, Kim Soo-hyun stood on the ground with two feet. One footstep did not move from the first standing position.


As soon as the smoke had been lifted a little bit, somebody was shivering. I do not even see where the light that Imhanna fires is gone. However, only a familiar sword is stuck in the air. But it was a real surprise that one long arrow was caught in Kim’s left hand.

The battle ended before the eyes blink a few times. The level of the studio was so high that most of the clan members gathered to watch did not watch it properly.

However, I could see a few people like Go Gyoung, Namdaeun, Cha Shaolim, Huh Junyoung and so on. It was a very short moment, but when Kim Soo-hyun hand-stroked it, the four swords around him seemed alive. Then, I took the arrow of Sunyoungun that came in late at half-time with my left hand lightly. That is to say, with only two beckons, we have received the blow of conversion.

It is an irresistible sniper that sought to be based on the sacrifice of Lee. However, the response of Kim Soo-hyun was completely out of common sense. I would rather have avoided it. ‘I will never take it away.’ What is the proposition? Nobody can do it myself. Took, Kim Soo-hyun dropped the arrow in his hand.

Finally Dalian close to the battle is over.


Ahn Hyun, who was concentrating and watching, sat down with his face tired. Maybe most of them here are similar.

However, the person who accomplished the work which is close to the wonder seems to be not at all. The eyes, which are tentless eyes, taper as a thread, and the eyes around them scatter the faint anger. Slowly torn Kim Soo-hyun’s mouth broke the quiet stillness.

“A person who rushed in no sense and then went straight out.”

Shin Jae-ryong, who had been receiving treatment from one corner of the vocal voice, makes a harsh look. It is obvious that no one is talking. First of all, the user who fell out was not anyone else.

“It’s a funny one, I’m tired of it and I’m tired of it.”

Limhanna shook her body as she leaned on her knees and bowed herself.

“I am not worried about my colleagues, I will feed them one by one. One of the players who wanted to have a chance not to cooperate with the battlefield. ”

The unconscious luck that stood awake chewed his tender mouth.

Soon, Kim Soo – hyun ‘s eyes turned to Sui Jeong. He still tangled his chin and touched his body. Like a child who knows how to swallow.

“I know what you calculated and moved … . Intention is not bad. But do not do that in practice. It’s just a good move. ”

However, for the first time in the mouth of Kim Soo-hyun came praise, not panting. No. It may not be a compliment, but it was not at least a blame. Soo-jung was trying to smile brightly and scornfully. You know it. It is a different thing that the examinee who expects 1 grade will meet 3 grade and the candidate who thought 6 grade will meet 4 grade.

Kim Soo-hyun, who had gazed, looked at three other people in turn.

“Did you just say that you want to inherit the class in order to get away with it?”

That’s it. It is more intense than ever. However, Shin Jae-ryong, Lim Han-na, and Sinyu-chun bowed their heads. There is nothing to say.

At that time Kim Soo-hyun said: I can take it if I have the confidence to go beyond the performance, Namdaeun, and Huh Jun-young. Instead of jumping one step, Kim Soo-hyun was unable to step back. It is not an excuse to have an excuse. I wanted to be stronger and weaker. Even ten mouths are ungodly.


The sound of the blade stuck in the sheath was cool.

After a while. “쯧 … . That’s why … . How to deal with them … ”

Kim Soo-hyun, who muttered to his own private message, moved toward the entrance as if there was nothing more to see.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Sun Yu-chun: Shit. I do not think Johnnagy is a fraud. Kim Soo Hyun Dog Rat.
Imhanna: That’s right. How does the supporting buff win the main character buff? Nonsense. Shin Jae-ryong: It’s a holiday … .
Yoo Jung Jung: B grade ~! B or so?

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