
Chapter 814

Something unbelievable happened. Five hundred soldiers who had been sent to the preliminaries were cut off. I have waited for ten days, but I can not hear any contact.

How did this happen?

“Atlanta Secret Library” Balkan Kingdom Destroyer – Jin Jung Diary “in the middle” * In the moment of snow, Han So-yeong kept his poker face. Emotion is the expressionless face of the example which I can not find even if I wash my eyes. However, after a while, Han So – young ‘s face suddenly changed suddenly.

Han So – young did not say anything. I just slowly pulled Dodo out of his hand and began to look horribly at the front without anyone. In the meantime, Han So – young ‘s blushing turned red and pale, and at the same time, intangible energy was explosively overflowing in the room. The aura was living clearly.

I certainly felt. The two eyes, which were shining like a sword, were revealing the inside of Han So – young. Do not tell me, do not say anything. Moora, the moment you open your mouth, you’ll kill everyone here and you’ll die too.

“Me, masonry roadhacht … . Uh, let’s go inside … ”

Han So – young did not even see the middle of the horse, so I suggested to go inside instead of Park. Thank you Kwon, but I have no idea. Somehow, there is a tendency to endure laughter, but the horse is already laughing. The head is not good, but the body is honest.

Suddenly, Park Dae-yeon hit her cheeks so hard that she could make a sound. Then, in a moment, he made a steady expression and guided me with a long breath.

“Fou … . Mercenary Load. Sit this way. ”

“Yes. Thank you.”

Well. I’m a little calmer now.

When I sat down on the couch, Park turned around and stared at Han So – young again.

And, “And I’m sick of you … ”

I started to chuckle again.

“Oh, I’m sorry. Pardon me, please.

“…….”“…Clan Road? Today, Mercenary Road has come to you with two issues. ”

“Two agenda?”

At last, Han So – young opened his mouth. It looks like it does not seem to be free from the stomach. However, Park Dae-Yeon’s eyes were already trembling.

“Nahhehehe. Two agendas and hoes. ”

The voice also trembled. Dangerous. Dangerous.


“I do not know (one) … . Wow, it’s about the missing order we’re currently preparing. ”

“…….””And the other one is … . As you know … . About 5%of the night street! Hijacking! Hinh Henin ~! ”

Oh, it’s gone. I want to endure it well and it bursts again. I tried to cover my mouth with my hands, but now I’m breaking my back to the waist. Han So – young ‘s complexion is not a color of flesh, but it looks transparent. The situation was getting worse and worse.

“User Park Dae-yeon. The guide is okay, so you can leave. ”

Park nodded like crazy and stepped out of the room with a fluttering shoulder dancing. As soon as the sound of closing the door was heard, he said, “Huh, huh!” A laugh like a whining sounded the hall in the hallway.

After a while, Han Soo Young gazed at me with a mixture of resentment and shame. The eyes of the black crystal are wobbly, but it is like a tear. A sharp breath sounds clearly in my ear.

I did not have an unfair mind, but I did not want to be exposed. Damn it. If you do not feel confident, go quietly. What is thisWhat should I do anyway?

Even when I think about it, I can not think of a pointy number.

Finally, I closed my eyes and bowed my head slightly.


First, let’s start with an apology.

I opened my eyes again and Han So – young was staring at me with his slightly curved eyes. Eyes of a little unexpected. Something seemed to be suspicious.

I slowly began to explain to the gaze that demanded clarification. From that time, Han Soo-young began to come, until Gehenna walked hypnotically.

After some time. “Ah… ”

When the explanation was over, Han So – young broke a small sigh. It does not matter whether my words are true or not. As long as she has the ability to be a ‘super sensation’, Han So – young would have felt her feelings in the story.

“is that so. So

Han Soo-young nodded his head three or four times and showed a better face with his chin. I thought it was a little over expressing emotion for Han So-young, but I felt that the stiff atmosphere was gradually getting loose.

“So it is the influence of the hip hypnosis that is the mysterious thing in my mind at that time. Is this what you mean? ”

“Yes. I’ve never been in control before. Hypnosis is a kind of powerful implication. It is a very scary ability. Of course, nobody would have resisted it. ”

“Well. That much … ”

“I’m just sorry.”

“Mercenary Road does not have to apologize. But just as the word says, it means that the words have also been influenced by hypnosis. Then I understand. ”

Yes No. That’s… Oh, yes. Yes. Yes. Certainly not. ”

Han Soo – young looked at me, but I hurriedly corrected my words and I gave a blank speech. I looked down at the desk with my arms and silent eyes. When I saw a deep thought locked, I felt something relieved.

okay . . . That’s what Han So Young is. I do not know what you’re thinking, but I do not see it shaking. If it was me, I would have wanted to die right now. I feel like I’m going to get some hands on it.

“I’m curious. Why is he hypnotizing me? ”

Ohh. Is it trying to bury things by turning the conversation immediately after giving a half-hearted message?

I thought it was worth learning, and I slowly shook my head.

“I do not know that well.”

“So, can you ask me once?”

“It seems a little difficult.”


“Gehenna is not at this level right now. A month or so ago, I went back to the original level with me. ”

“……!”As soon as I got out of that, Han Soo – young looked at me with a surprised eye. At the same time, he seemed to hold his fist tightly. But once I blinked my eyes, my hands were on my desk nicely. It seems like I have mistaken it.

“why… ? ”

“Well, there were many things. I can not stay in this dimension. ”

“…Is it possible to be summoned again? ”

Well… Unless the sky and the miracle are combined … . I think it’s impossible. ”

Han Soo Young stared at me for a moment. Then he suddenly lifted his hand and began to softly sweep the back of Dodo with his palms. The islands are chopping their jaws, and touching their wings gently. Dodo Han So-young also looks good. Especially Dodo was excited to hum.



“This child. I’ve never seen Pegasus. ”

“Ah. Actually, I am also amazing. Originally, it is a guy who can not touch my body, but I am in a good position in front of Isantelourou. ”

Han Soo-young looked down at me with fresh eyes and opened my mouth as if I were passing through the nerves of Pegasus.

By the way… Do not you think it’s okay? ”

“……?””He left … . I felt like I was talking to a man. ”


I laughed without knowing. I did not know that I would not listen to Han Sa-young.

“Not until M … . I just admit that they are different. ”

“?””Gehenna has a long-awaited desire to be on her own. I also have a grand goal that I want to achieve in the world I live in. I am going to do that because Gehenna has gone back to fulfill her goal. ”

“Well, uh.”

Han So – young, who nodded his head all the time, was suddenly bigger than ever before. As if something is very satisfying.

I suddenly felt strange. When Han Soo-young ran then I was worried about how he would look in the future, but we are having a conversation. As always, as always.

I feel like I can get out of the way now because I feel like I have been feeling somehow relaxed.

“Yastanterou Road. User first … ”

“If you are talking about the entrance near the foothills, we are preparing for the expedition.”

“That was so.”

“Yeah. Looks like you are preparing for the expedition in Mercenary Clan … ”

It was. The rumor is that there are only a handful of users who are aware of the existence of a ‘death penalty’. I do not think he has already been attacked, and he is probably having a hard time. It is not unusual for a representative clan to receive a rescue or disappearance request. Especially if it is the closest city to the ruins.

Currently, there are overlapping places to prepare for the expedition. So I came to Isantelourou.

jamsimanyo Before I speak, I want to hear one answer. ”

Suddenly, Han Soo Young braked the story. I sit down immediately and look at me with delicate eyes.

“Of course, you know Mermionary Road … . We have collected information and have concluded that the site is not so easy to find internally. In my opinion, it’s not a place I want to go to. ”

“I have a part that I think.”

“Nevertheless, going to … . Is it for us? Or is it for the Mercenary Clan? ”

“Of course, the latter. If not, I would not have come to ask you. ”

I replied without hesitation. In fact, I do not know what the meaning is.

But at the moment, it was a mistake.

Suddenly, a thin smile appeared at the mouth of Han So – young, and seemed to disappear.

Han Soo-young hugged Dodo with both hands and opened her mouth with a sweet voice.

“Yeah. So let’s start the story. ”

* It was light after the conversation with Han So – young.

I thought that something good would happen in the morning, but it worked out really well. It was a concession to the expedition, and Han Soo Young unexpectedly accepted the offer of 5%profit.

However, Billy was condition, not fully received. It seems that the finances of Eastertellows have become rather difficult when attracting users with various policies in recent years.

Anyway, it is the biggest harvest that the relationship with Han So – young, who thought he had fallen to hell above all, recovered to normal.

After returning to Mercenary Castle, I opened the expedition notice using the square plaza. If there is one thing that is different from the past, it is a pure expedition whose purpose is to explore, not to go to settle the case.

The clan members felt that it was not much longer than a day, and they were able to collect all the people who were limited to nine people.

Now one thing is left.

Clear your expedition lightly and watch your brother do the work.

I thought so, I calmly checked my preparations for the trip tomorrow and went to bed quietly.

However, in the late hours, there was a time when Nam Dae Eun and Jung Hae Yeon came together to talk about this expedition. But the two women who met each other in the mistress, looked at each other with awkward eyes, and the awkwardness was cloudy.

It was the night which was able to sleep well except for such a happening.

* It was a clear quiet morning with a clear flow of clouds in the clear sky.

Mercenary Castle was a bit cluttered before the departure. When Kim Soo-hyun wore the equipment and went downstairs, there were already 10 users awaiting Kim Su-hyun. It was the clan members who supported faster than anyone when I showed the expedition notice. Oh, except one.

Anyway, for a few months, the road should be settled in ten days, not to worry. Kim Seo-hyun opened one of the clan members standing in a light figure and seemed to see nothing more.

“Everyone is here. What about Zegal Shuttle? ”

I beg your pardon?

The woman standing behind Kim Su-hyun’s back answered with a loud voice. There was a laughing kick in the neighborhood. Kim smiled and laughed and turned away.

“I was here. I want to start right away, but the coordinates have been calculated. ”

“Really, is that a bit of a joke? The man is a little bit. ”

This time, too, forcibly pulled out, was not a pleasant look. However, in spite of the successive prompts, he gently spelled out the order, and soon green and magical powers began to gather in every direction.

After a while. Tung!

Eleven people surrounded by blue horsepower disappeared at once with the bombing.

Transportability. It was a signal to announce the expedition of the ‘extinction abyss’.

At the same time, it finally started.

Just before the ‘event’ burst, Kim Su – Hyun ‘s last expedition.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== I actually wrote the last words, but I had a lot of trouble. In some ways, it is quite a representation.

I will tell you a little bit, then memorize in the case of this trivial expedition will not see any more.

Of course, the space of the expedition will be replaced by another material. 🙂

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