
Chapter 823

It is not possible to know whether it is day or night when it entered underground. Most of the clan members were left-footed, although they were told to be shy. I went into the sleeping bag and came out of the road. Or sit down and staring at the bonfire.

This series of actions was a mock protest. However, the ‘Shadow Queen’ did not show any movement. Do not you want to go to the rescue soon? “I’m worried, I can not! Get ready! ” When the word comes out, the probability of success is less than half. This is because rescue is not a rescue but a problem.

No one knows how long it will last or what will happen. It was an apparent suicide attempt to get into a weary body because it was not enough to be thorough. There was a good reason for Kim to emphasize his constant physical strength.

Of course, there was not an unreasonable march. But then things are different. Kim Soo-hyun was forced to do so only if safety was secured or there was no reason to stay longer. Even if an emergency happened, there was enough force to solve it. But to act like that … . There was no confidence in the performance. I want to do 100%of Kim Soo-hyun’s role. After all, all I can do is not do my shit. As time went by, the guitar stood up. I trampled on the insect body, looked around, and everyone was glancing at my eyes. The performance played open.

“Mr. How was your contact? ”

“I did fifty twice. I have never received it. ”

The face of Jung Hae-yeon suddenly regained the courtesy of courtesy. I was holding on to fix the communication modification.

Koh played the glance. Im Hanna had already arranged the tent.

“What other special things?”

“I can not see one Chaos Mimic. I think I came in with a hole. ”

“I heard that before.”

“Other than that … ”

Agreed. Sure! I said to myself, “I have a breath. “Prepare.” As soon as the word came out, the clan members behaved as if they had waited. The camp was cleaned up in a blink of an eye. As the unfurled bonfire raised a dark, hazy haze, the expedition stood facing the door. At the forefront, Im Han – na and Gohyeon, Namdaeun, and Jin – suhyun formed a triangle, and the wizards were centered around the origin.

Imhanna was more cautious than ever. With a lot of nervous hands, he gently pushed the door. As soon as the entrance started to open like a wild animal’s fly, finally the eight expeditions resumed.

Unlike the worries of playing, the beginning was not bad. It was effective to take a break even if forced. Not only the recovery of the body, but also the fact that it was good to go through each of them while resting. The source that filled the horsepower used battlefield analysis at the right place, and instructed him to lead the way, not to overdo it. So the expedition was able to march through a few streets in a short time.

As I went further, the color of the clan members was better than the first. The tension that seems to burst tightly softens softly. At first, I was selflessly self-confident, but I am confident by recovering myself. The nervous anxiety gradually disappeared and hope began to shrink gradually.

“Is it better than I thought?”

“If I could just keep going … ”

It was a careful tone, but now the story has come out. Although the heaviness of the heart did not go yet, the clan members were able to spur the march on their hopeful face.

Until at least ‘The Gentlemen’ comes out.

* As we moved closer or closer to ‘it’, the landscape slowly changed. The sandy windy wasteland was transformed into a space where red light and darkness were mixed at a certain moment.

A damp, wet drip pierced his nose. Someone’s crying tickles the ears. I was walking through a dirty prison passage. I poured a long smoke inhaled and stopped walking. The hazy smoke in front of me disappeared, and then it looked like it.

The first thing that came to my eyes was the light brown hair. The sword is broken by the knife, and the vain texture is scattered on the floor. As I slowly open my eyes, I see a calm, calm calf as if sitting down, a bummed fat lump with red blood, a ruffled bump, a bulging breasts full of whip marks and brown eyes. The woman was tied to the wall and was staring at me like she was killing me. It was Yoo Hyun-ah, a “sacred queen” who has been watching for a long time indeed.

“Because of you … ”


“Kim Soo-hyun, it’s because of you! If it was not you, I would tell the bum … ! ”

No. I’m not a bum. ”

I waved my head and broke it down firmly.

“This sight is … . right. I remember after I lost to Isantelou. I’ve heard it from your mouth, but I’ve never seen it before. ”

“…….”Why not? Is not it strange to hear you? ”

“……!”At the moment of the moment, Yuh Hyun-ah’s eyes narrowed thinly. Then, the sight in front of me melted down and it disappeared. I walked halfway around the tobacco field. However, I could not walk a long time and the landscape changed again. A man who is accustomed to the lush green meadow has fallen down. When I get closer, I barely raise my upper body.

“Suhyonga … ”

Is this your brother?

– This time also Dummy. Know. I made a hole in the abdomen well, but the surrounding scenery only makes me laugh.

“Why are you saying … ? ”

My brother tried to catch me with a pathetic voice, but I passed by walking. There is nothing more to see than a dummy anyway.

“Where are you going? Come back! I came back and … ! ”

“I do not like that.”

“What, what? How could you … ! ”

“I’m playing. Is not the place so fresh and fragrant? I read it properly. ”

When I talked to him with a sneer, I stopped talking. He is not going to heat up anymore.

– Hey. What are you doing now?

‘what?’ – No, what if you pretend you do not mind?

“You mean a dummy?” – So. You do not have to pretend that your body will crawl out.

‘It’s good, but there’s a way to get it out of provocation. There will be a limit to the pile. ‘

There was a sound of tongue clapping. However, he did not open his mouth any more because he thought it was his own.

That was the moment.

“!”The third vision blocked my front without showing any preconceived notions. Heaven and earth, everything suddenly darkened. Soon after I looked 10 meters ahead, I was stopped and my foot stopped. A boiling voice leaked instinctively.

“…Clan Road? ”

It was a woman who was almost naked. In the dark space, Han So – young was looking at me tied to a pole. The usual armor is gone, but the clothes torn close to the rags barely cover the body. My pupil sits down when I see a pupil in my eyes, which seems to have lost my eye.

“Suhyonga … ”

When I was in the mood, I dropped the tobacco in my hand. It was already late, though. Han Sang – young ‘s mouth tucked up gently. A mistake was a mistake. …You think?

– Jin. You were right.

Confirmed killing of the lantern. One word is enough. I immediately took over the space behind Han So – young using Lee Hyeong – hwan.

Eventually, I gave it to you … ? ”

Han So – young said in a weak voice. Of course, while still watching my after-images. I said, “Yes.” Instead, he stretched out his arms without hesitation toward the white, fine neck. It was almost simultaneous that the afterimage disappeared and Han Sang-young’s eyes turned back.

Wed The key to the on to the ex! ”

When I threw my neck firmly, the sound of the beast that could not be imagined by Han Soo – young bursts. The guy wriggled like crazy and faded quickly. Maybe I was trying to escape hurriedly, – Where?

Hwawuk, you’re right! The flame that caught the movement of a man flashed a flame and stopped an escape.

Before long, Han So – young, who was consumed in the fire, gradually diminished, and the texture of soft texture disappeared at the same time. Instead, a gigantic jelly was caught in his hand. Suddenly, there is a lump of hyssop that wobbles the surface of the hand. This is the ‘Vision’s Doppelganger’, which controls the abyss.

After a while, he could not scream and began to turn gray. In fact, it is not easy to deal with from a user’s point of view. The ability to read your opponent’s memory and jump in a fantasy, or the ability to penetrate yourself and break down your opponent’s spirit is a very scary part. Kim Han-hee and his reason.

only. I was very sad, very bad. I appreciate the combination of the eyes and the third eye, but only in the end. From the time I noticed the illusion, this defeat was a matter of time.

After a while. The key to the on … .

I heard a small voice screaming in my ears. Roaring fireballs turn into a handful of objects and scatter. I looked up and looked around and there was a lot of smoke around me. It is now a real hideout.

Agreed. This completes the capture of the abyss.

I thought about it slowly and looked around the neighborhood. One surprising thing is that the room is not darker than you think. However, it is not visible. The crowd of light is coming down from the ceiling, but due to smoke, the field of view is very limited.

It was a chimney to want to remove the smoke, but there was something to do first. I looked closely at the floor with my strength.

Fortunately, Kim Han – seung and Yu – jeong were not at a distance. But the state does not look so good. Soo – jung ‘s eyes are turned upside down, the waist is lifted as it is, and the poodle puddle shakes, and Kim Han – Dead eyes like a dead fish are unusually visible. What kind of fantasy do these two see?

If I did not wonder, it would be a lie, but it was not time to relax. I tried to purge one by one without delay. When I touched my hand to pour the power of the lanterns, I could see that the children were soaked with sweat. Maybe I’m looking at some pretty fierce fantasies.

After I finished the cleaning work, I sat down on the floor. I felt the texture of hard stone rather than soft soil. Anyway, the awakening over the main body is the default. I just got ahead of my waking hours. Then, as if my thoughts were right, Kim Han – hee and Yu – jung set their minds after a long time.

Maybe he’s staggering, “Here, here … ? ‘ I thought I would say something, but it was not at all.

The two of them raised the upper body halfway, and they turned their heads with their sulky eyes.

Really? How are you feeling? ”

Soon the moment I took out the light, two pairs of pupils stuck to me like lightning.

and alsoOh, brother. ”

Suddenly, a tearful stem fell from the eyes of Kim Han-bum, who was looking at me, and said, “…brother?”

Suddenly I started dripping tears like chicken shit.

I was embarrassed by the grim sound. No. I would have killed the monster. Why did you wake me, but why cry.

“My brother Haa … ”

“I’m sorry … ”

However, Kim Chan – hee and Yu – jung, without a gap in the chase inside, hugged me with my gnawing gear. Then he started to cry with a hoarse voice and cry. I cried like a child.

I was so nervous about my eyes, I was surrounded by two women with both hands. I thought I had a bad nightmare.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Q 1. 1 + 1 = 2 (X) Q 2. 1 + 1 = 3 (O) Then, Q 3. 1/+ 2

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