
Chapter 835

The road was luxurious until the third street. The lights installed in various places light up, and the colorful colors flowing from the windows and entrance of the building have created an atmosphere of colorful scenery.

However, from the moment I entered the next street, the road gradually darkened and the vigor was noticeably diminished.

It was not simply that few users were using it.

First of all, the sights are getting darker. Everything that is often seen disappears and only the torch that is caught in the building lightens the front. And above all, the number of users who are gathered everywhere is more placenta than the user who is walking the road like us.

I do not know exactly why I stopped. Because the individual ‘desire’ can not be defined as one, the content of the business also changes day by day.

The only certainty is that this fourth street is the real night street.

okay . . . The space where the ‘beast’ is not a person, but a feast of ‘abnormal people’, which is not normal but broken somewhere.

Male breeding.

Suddenly I heard a small nod in front of me. I walked a little longer and a big street appeared. There were about twenty-something users round the world around.

One unusual thing about it was that the user who was gathered was almost a woman. I did not have a man, but only a few people.

As soon as I was just passing by, the sight between the users suddenly struck the sight. At that moment I knew, but instantly came a blur.

“All along … . Chou Wook … ”

“Uh, black … ! Uh … ! ”

Wang Haan’s man is kneeling down and buried in someone’s groin. There was a loud banging sound of something. If my eyes were not wrong, the sex of the person in the situation was gay.

The limbs are tied with a solid rope, and a slender rod in the mouth kills the door. It is not a hundred grades, but the face is also white, and the appearance is also pretty. The scene in which the young boy who was still at the end was hit by a sturdy woolly was felt awkward.

And a spectator watching the scene with hot eyes and a female user sitting comfortably in a chair. While gazing with interesting eyes, he tilts the glass of wine in one hand to the mouth. Perhaps that scene would embody that woman ‘s desire.

Then the woman gathered both hands in her mouth and spoke in a voice of diplomacy.

“Sounds a bit boring … . Unknown. Why do not we go into the game now? ”

“Yes, yes. Okay.”

He crouched his waist and immediately lay his opponent on the floor. At that moment I did not want to see anymore, I turned my gaze forward. …By the way, I think you heard familiar names. Is it your feeling?

After a while. “Turn it off? Turn off! ”

A sad scream hit me hard on my ear. And then, the laughing sound and the lightly clapping sound.

Going to the concert, the giggle was squeezed and the tongue was poured in my mouth, and I increased my pace again.

“Let’s go. It will take quite a while to get to the last street. ”

I was out of the way in such a short time, but the next street was no different. No. Do you think it is rather more severe? If the ratio of women was overwhelming before the inside, this time was the opposite.

The moment we got to the fifth street, the woman cried out and greeted us with cheers.

“Aw, awake!”

“Well done! Just rip it and kill it! That dog like a bum year! ”

“W, open it! Open the door! Ah ah ah ah! ”

“Fight! Get up and fight! Oh, can not you get up? Chalky Chuckle! ”

The plaza with its four corners was loud.

In the center there is a rectangular bar with a length of about one meter, and around fifty users are yelling. I listened and the placenta was mocking her or cheering for her. The closer you get closer, the louder the louder the more nervous stimulates your nose.

When I finally got to the square, the situation was almost over. Inside the barn, two monsters that look like wolves are tightening someone who is hanging around. The excitement is evident when you see dripping light rays and saliva.

Likewise, on the inside, there was an old woman with a thin cloth covering her body, lying on the ground. The two legs are tied around the rope, and the right hand neck is hung on the rope with the handkerchief. Only the head and the left arm are free.

Suddenly, a broken sword on one side was torn in my eyes. This is the limit of the number of women who have a certain degree of skill.

Soon the wolf slowly began to narrow down the streets. Then, although it looks very exhausted, do you want to live somehow. The woman ran desperately with tearful eyes. I screamed like a bug.

“Poetry, I hate it! I hate it. This is too much! Help me live! ”

As the scream grew, my cheering grew bigger. The woman resisted with all her strength, but with her left arm, there was hardly anything she could do with her bare hands. Within a minute, the monster spread her pussy wide and put her head into the muzzle. And I can not help but chew hard.

Puddle gain!

“Cutting … ! ”

With the screaming of the horse, the body of the woman ran aggressively. The sound that flowed around was broken. Every time the monster moved the well of the well, the dirty brainwashed with blood ran down the chin. The body of the shivering woman was gradually intermittently cramped, and soon it fell off without force.

Soon after we had passed through the square, a huge shout broke out.

“…It’s a funny arena. ”

Kojuka threw a word.

“It’s not an arena. It’s just a one-sided ruckus. ”

“Huh, I was reminded of the broadcast of Japan’s Ijime.”

The performance of the performance that I said so sadly looked back.

Soo-hyun You know what? In the West, these things are everyday. ”

“Who is it?”

“I heard it from Sarah. There’s more to it than … ”

“…….”The voice of the performance was pleasant. But there was a slight light in the light of a good friend.

Do you feel the feeling of walking through this street? I do not feel any emotion. Because this kind of battle dies neatly.

In fact, tonight’s distance is considerably weaker than you might think. One of the most memorable memories of the streets of the night that we experienced during the first round was the game called ‘Endure’. It will not allow the woman to move, and will force the sex battles to release dozens and hundreds of forced estranged monsters.

It is a woman’s victory if she lives to the end, but I have never seen her win. Most of them have lost their lives to the most excited monsters, and sometimes they have been unable to withstand the pouring semen. Was Van Dahui so dead after being captured?

Well, this is proof that you have not fallen to such a degree yet.

I decided not to think deeply and moved to the next street.

The sixth street was quieter than any road. The number of users was definitely reduced, and there was no sound in the mountains.

Ironically, however, the streets were smelling the worst of the past.


It was then. By the time I thought I was about to arrive soon, Koh played a weak voice. Why do I want to look ahead, but I saw a user of the. There is a pole in the ground just around the corner, and a black envelope is placed on the shelf. …Looking closer, one user in the pole was tied up with both hands tied to the end. It seemed to see the meat caught in the buttocks. I was still alive, but my eyes were blurred and lost focus. Maybe he was drugged.

“I thought I would go somewhere else, but I guess I got it.”


“No, it’s nothing. Let’s go. I think we’re almost there. ”

“……?”This time, Koji played and led me.

“Just give me some … . It’s because I have to use it … ”

“I told you … . I can not take it out alive … . I do not believe you, but the original law is … . Since I’m the one who knows … ”

“Then he picks up some envelopes over there. I’ll give you my cheap … ”

“That’s them guys. All I want is a North American user … ”

I heard a voice sharing two or more stories. Is there something wrong with it?

“I want to do whatever I want, but I can not. They can legally be slaves … ”

“When did you say you would slave? It’s more like taking … ”

“I am uneasy, I am. Think about it. What happens if I get caught up with the fact that I’ve got a new girl now? At that time, folding the business is not a problem, I die! ”

“Well, this guy … ”

“Come on, do not do that. I will use it as an experimental material anyway. I will take care of myself as much as possible. ”

“Oh, then … ”

The faster the pace was, the faster the sound went away. We passed through the streets in silence, and after about 10 minutes we were able to reach a path that split on both sides.

I quietly paused and looked at the sides.

The left side gradually narrowed in length and seemed to see the way to the entrance somewhere. I feel like I’m secretly hiding something.

On the other hand, on the right side, a sparse building was seen, and the road was well laid. However, no one user is visible, only quiet still and darkness is flowing.

There is a very dangerous air flowing here. If you go in like this, the mice will disappear without even knowing … .

“So, how about you?”


It was a sudden question, and he played with the face worn out of my mind.

“I would like to hear the queen’s reputation once ruled on this street.”


Koh played a smile and laughed and shook his head.

“That’s an old saying. And the streets of North and South Korea were not that big. ”

Then he glanced up and glanced at me.

“Rather than that, I would like to hear the opinion of the reigning king.”

Yes That one? I do not really … ”

Why I have withdrawn, and now it is probably under control. However, when someone sees it, it is raging. ? ”

“…Ignoring the New Koran alliance. ”

“They are managers, they can not really dominate and reign. And even if it does, does not the street of the night have to be folded immediately? ”

“…….”Or is it?

I shrugged and turned my foot.

Not to the right, to the left.

How much time has passed?

The distance narrowed narrowly enough that three or four people could barely pass. And a moment later, at the end of the road, there was a bigger structure than any building we have ever seen.

In fact, it may be difficult to see it as a building. Because the exterior was tightly surrounded by a black curtain. The fact that there is a destination is not changed anyway.

There was a veil in the entrance to the entrance, like a tent entrance, and two users standing in front of the guard. As soon as we saw us, we looked at each other once and walked forward forever.

guest I’m sorry, Rob … ”

As soon as one of the men talked, the woman next to her restrained her arms. The woman stared at the performance for a while, looked at me, and politely bowed her head.

“Excuse me. I was waiting. ”

No. I think it’s a bit late anyway. ”

“Not at all. You are just starting now and you are just right. ”

“Thank goodness.”

Then the smiling smile woman pointed to the dark entrance with her hand.

“Well, from here, I’ll let you go.”

As she nodded her head, she turned and disappeared into the room. I went out with a calm step in the performance.

The seventh street in veil, now the auction house where the ‘war of gold’ will take place.

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