
Chapter 838


The moment the boss was bidding, a loud noise rang the intestines. The audience got cluttered in a moment. Some of them even looked around this floor with their startled faces.

The man slowly shed his beads while breathing slowly. Kim ‘s face was disturbed by surprise and anger, and the grabbing fist dropped the call. Soon the manager seemed to be rushing into the scene.

– Request a stop. Thirty minutes or twenty minutes. Is not it the same city? If you contact me, I will get it right away.

– Mercenary Load. It’s a reason to stop … .

– No, I do not have the money.

– You can only use the funds you have received since you entered the auction house. I’m really sorry.

The man laughed and smiled as he watched the scene of cheating. The other three have a smile of victory if they see the beads. One of them secretly signaled. The man quickly set himself up. The auction was not over yet.

“Five hundred thirty thousand! Will not you proceed? ”


The woman groaned with an elastic wrinkle. I can not help but notice that I am struggling to float on this floor with an embarrassed face. However, when the man repeatedly urged, he declared a winning bid for his voice.

“Oh, five hundred thirty thousand gold coins … . I’ll do it.

Then the man could sit comfortably on the chair. I grabbed the cup on the armrest and laughed aloud.

I wanted to get to the end of the cliff for a moment, but succeeded in reversing at the last minute. As a result of the unusual combination of the forces of the operation, it was the collapse of the residence of the marshineri. The liquid in the cup was slightly mangled, but it seemed very sweet to let the wet neck dry softly.

The rest of the goods began to move very quickly. The eighth commodity, feather-like costume costume, was worth three thousand five hundred gold coins, and the ninth item, sophisticated black boots, sold two thousand eight hundred gold coins.

Operational forces have exhausted the funds they have borrowed, and users who have been involved as individuals have noticed and are silent. I had to. I realized what had just happened without being a fool. There was no hope of participating in the war of gold, which was at least 100,000 units, as the whale fights and shrimp burst out.

The last ten items came out once more. It was a mysterious white circle with a small, round but delicate aura.

The man wanted to be able to look at the beads, but he could feel relieved. Kim Soo-hyun only grinds his face with an angry face and did not bid at the end. Operational forces kept silent, so the individual participants did not pay attention to the leash, and eventually they won the first bid, the Obon gold coin.

So the fierce blind auction finally announced the end. As soon as the auction was over, Kim Soo-hyun did not look back.

The man laughed. This is the bottom of the world anyway. Whatever you do, the desperate man survives. It is the fault of Kim Soo-hyun who did not notice the reaction through the ball. In fact, I was more fond of winning the best clan, Mercenary, than sorry.

‘Mercenary Road. Do not be too uncomfortable. We have all brought in all but the minimum operating funds to win. ”

The man who thought like this hummed and laughed. I had to recall the beads that were installed secretly, and I could not bear to wonder about the efficacy of purple rings.

It took a long time to get the winning bid for the item. When I handed him five hundred and thirty thousand bucks, his hand trembled a little, but when he saw the purple circle in a luxurious wooden box, his mouth opened.

The sponsor enclosed the Guze Afreys as a service when they were sending the goods. I also received a request because I was in the mood to check the company directly.

I went out to the auction house with such a strange step, and I gathered around as if three users had promised. These are the ones who have joined together like before. The man opened his mouth with a guzzy afresh.

“There is no thought to eat or splash. But before you hand it to me, I have something to say. ”

“Yeah. I know you paid the most. I’ll send the difference later. ”

The woman who wrote it by pressing the rob was quick. You know, I was going to ask you to use the Guze appraisal.

After the same confirmation for the remaining two people, the company started to prepare for the use of the Guze apparel. I take a look at the man who orders in the mouth with the excitement and the throb of the power. Though arrogant in the mind of everybody, the common expectation is probably not this.

Why did Mercenary try to buy it with over four hundred million gold coins? What kind of efficacy did you have?

Soon after the order of the company was over, the Guze Frances glistened. An empty record filled with letters. As well as the inside of the company, the three breathing sounded rough. I hold the record with my shaking hands and look calmly.

After a while. “… … ”

The face of the man instantaneously became disheveled. I quickly blinked my eyes and closed my eyes once. And once again read.

However, even if you read your eyes openly, the contents of Guze a Frasil did not change. Two times, three times the same.

As soon as I realized this, I suddenly felt that my eyes were getting worse. The moment when five and a half million gold coins crossed their minds, the feeling that they could not believe was spread like a spider web, and their strength fell. In the end, I sat down and sat down.

“This, this … ? ”

how was it? And? Oh, please talk soon. ”

“Uh, uh, uh, uh … ? ”

“Why, suddenly?”

The woman looked at her with a questionable eye and quickly snatched the record. Guze a Frasil wrote:

It is a dragon made by a female alchemist called “the best genius of Hall Plane”. I made it for the purpose of raising the horse power by lamenting the lack of ability of oneself, but it came out slightly different result from original intention. This is not a failure. When you take your body senses become more sensitive and the horsepower flow is 0.5 times faster. The improved ability slowly returns to normal after twelve hours.

Active ingredient.
When taken, the body senses become more sensitive for twelve hours and the horsepower flow increases by 0.5 times.

Firstly, it is right. It is not bad efficacy to see the revealed facts. It will be useful in situations where you are about to pursue or combat.


“OMG… ? ”

“What, what is this? What is this? What happened to this! ”

If you ask me if it’s worth the five hundred and thirty million gold coins … . Well?



Would not it be worth less than a thousand gold if you hit a lot?

* “Power of magic power” It is an ancient medicine that we prepared by mixing various rare herbs. During the prolonged years, the vision has been lost, and some of the herbs needed for manufacturing are extinct, making it impossible to recreate. If a user (resident) has 95 or less magic abilities, you can achieve 2 to 4 points of ability increase.


The explanation that appeared in the air was a grinning laugh. I feel good. I bought this kind of medicine for five hundred gold coins. If it is this level, it is worth calling it, it is totally free and there is no truth. If you do not like it, you are sorry for the salesmen who wrote the cartoons and those who wrote the cartoons.

Anyway, is Vivian’s troubles solved? There is one more magic potion that you gained from the ‘Extinction abyss’ expedition, so you can definitely solve it. You can recall the three corps, the corps, or maybe even the corps, to see Gehenna and Sna … . Oh, is this Kimchiguk?

I put the pure white medicine in a wooden box and cherish it in my arms. I tried to endure it somehow, but laughing always comes out. I looked beside him and he seemed to feel good. Humming, which is good to hear in the cotton yarn, flows out and reads the Guze a Frasil. It is a figure that comes out after shopping even if it is a thing which is beautiful in the article.

“What did you buy so much?”

What is it? Oh, a gift. ”

He played his voice like a whirring voice. There was a set of red and black arrows and a white costume.

“Will you give me an arrow?”

no He does not need an arrow. Mr. Sunyoung would like it. ”

“Hmm. What about those clothes? ”

“This is Hee Young. I inherited the awakening secret class and I will give it as a celebration gift. ”

I nodded at the explanation of the performance. The shadow queen ‘s eyes are also great, so she will have a decent performance.

“Oh, congratulations on the purchase of medicine.”


“At first I did not know why I asked for help … . I really need to know Suhyun ‘s hand. I am wondering what kind of look the user will get when he receives the money tomorrow. ”

“It would be good if you did not hit the knife at night.”

I laughed and touched my right hand. I was talking about it for a long time and the performance suddenly tilted his head.

“But what is that?”


“I held it in my right hand. Do you even buy something? ”

“…….”I hesitated a little, but I stretched out my hand in the future. The black diamond, which led to a thin black chain, sprinkled with light.

“Posus Adams … . It’s a necklace. ”

“Posus Adams? Did you have any good skills? ”

“that… . I just had my magic power on this jewel … ”

Ah… Will Suhyun use it? I do not know the performance, but it looks so pretty for a man to hang on his neck. Ho Ho.”

Hum… This gem keeps the absorbed horsepower permanently … ”

What is it? Yes Yes.”

“I mean, there is only one case in which the preserved magic is extinguished … . So only when the first magical user died … ”

“Oh, Suhyun? I’m sorry I cut off. What happened all of a sudden? I do not know what I mean. ”

“I’ll give you.”

“…You can speak Korean

I do not know Era In the end, he turned his eyes to the other side and extended his necklace. Damn, why do not all of a sudden come out?

“…….”I waited for ten seconds, but the touch of the necklace in my hand did not disappear. When I turned my eyes, I could see the performance was stopped. Of course, my feet stopped.

Kogaku did not open his mouth for a while. Somehow it seemed to be shocking. For some kind of feeling of gratitude, I walked slowly and gave handmade necklace. The black diamonds that flowed through the thin and fine neckline played very well with the high performance. It should be said that the erotic atmosphere is accompanied by elegance.

However, the high performance still does not show any trace. I rolled cotton yarn and confirmed my face.


I was surprised the moment I checked my face. The performance was really perfect. It seems that the eyes are light and the mouth is opened. Soon after the eyes met each other, suddenly the body of the performance suddenly collapsed.

“And playing?”



“…Hold on. ”

“Excuse me?”

“Now, wait a minute. Just stay here for a while. Do not say anything. I’ll ask you. ”

Suddenly, both arms embracing me pressed softly back. He closed his eyes with his head in my chest. I do not know why, but my breathing is rough and my shoulders are shaking. I gazed at distant mountains in the feeling that something was mysterious.

It was then.

“Pie … ”

When I felt the vibration near the waist, a weak crying flowed.

“Pien Pian … ”

At first I tried to ignore it, but the vibration and noise went up gradually.


I guess he felt the performance. He chews his mouth, falls slightly, and looks down at his waist nervously. Below, the baby chaos mimik with the shoulder straps was whining.

“Why, why are you crying again?”

“Peep … ”

“It really is a chance to come once in a hundred years. What if I interfere with this? ”

“Piaaaa … ”

“Huh, I can not really live … . Soo-hyun What do you do with the brush? ”


I accepted my anxious, no baby chaos mimic. When my hand touches it, the vibration becomes worse and it cries more and more. I shrugged my shoulders. I do not know why, but I think it’s better to pick up things that have been discarded.

“Beep, beep ?!”

The baby chaos mimik was trembling with both hands. It was noticeable that the mouth was caught tightly.

And I said, “Beep … … … … ? ”

As far as possible, I pulled out the force and gently opened it to the left and right.

“Wait, stay still.”

“?”Wrong. Be good… ”

“?”Something seemed like a question mark going up and down in front of me, but I decided to go over. I packed up the broken arrows, folded my clothes to my costume, and closed my mouth softly. The vibration and the crying have gone down considerably.

“Let me carry this.”

Four No need to … ”

“I have dad, my mom, Chaos Mimic. I am looking for stability because I am with my parents. ”

“Oh, if it is.”

The performance of such a performance stuck to the side of the road. Good for nothing. The smiling eyes are staring at me, and I have a happy smile at my mouth.

After a while. “necklace… . for your troubles.” I’ll keep it for a lifetime. ”

“I’m glad you liked it.”

“But can I ask you another one?”

“What is it?”

“Can you walk slowly? As slow as possible … ”

“…Very well.

We walked across the dark streets silently.

It took me about two or three minutes to get in, and it took me about an hour to get out.

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