
Chapter 849

No. The women on the balcony were more like the girl than the woman.

First of all, the hair tangled and twisted so that the hair does not come out will be shone as if the hair is melted and extracted from the thread. The keys are small in the mid-160s, and the sticks are fine but a little bit left.

And the warm weather, the lightly dressed attire, and the newly visible muscles were well developed. It is not a loose swollen muscle, but it is caught in an uncanny manner unless you look closely. Like a solid thigh that looks smooth and resilient.

Whether it is a woman or a girl anyway, it can not be denied that it is a pretty beauty. It is not just the appearance, but the mood that surrounds the woman’s surroundings.

The girl was standing on the balcony and looking at the scenery looking at her feet. The beautiful eyes that seem to put in finely crafted topaz are full of dignified confidence. Like a sense of fulfillment, or a sense of self-esteem.

In fact, the girl was thinking about the war that happened a few months ago. It is precisely the great battle against the Arche orcs that ruled the mountains.

I can not even guess how many users died in dealing with Orc. The orcs, who had been trained in battle since the beginning of their new lives, were each a strong warrior. Not only that, but also the last occasion of the last day of the orchid magic trickery and the end of the Great War.

In retrospect, it was not an easy battle, but the victory went back to the southern continent anyway. He succeeded in exploiting the way to Ragnarok after he dropped the castle of Orc, which is called the pronoun of fear.

One of the results was the city, and this magnificent and luxurious palace. All the users of the southern continent praised the Blue Palace. And praise led to the praise of the Clan, who led the war against Arcon orc, who naturally took over the palace.

Its name is Odin (Odin).

After the war with Arkona Orcs, users of the South Continent have determined that Odin Clan is the continent’s best. Of course, there was a psychology that the southern continent was the best inside. Perhaps it was when the continent was closed and a lot of users were brought in.

Anyway, to say the cold should be added to the South limited, but the head of the Odin Clan did not hinder the users to say so. Because the girl was thinking alike.

The restoration of the city was almost over, and users were active in Ragnarok. As the city became so far away from the city, the more the winter became, the more confident the girl became. Even though Ragnarok has seen a lot of damage, Ragnarok himself has been able to make up for losses. And above all … .

“……?”It was then. The girl, who had been conceived in the middle of nowhere, turned her head slowly, feeling something strange. I watched a dark shadow fall into the entrance of the balcony and focused my attention on the slant. I was staring at it for a few seconds, so the nice purple hair jumped out.

“El Dorado!”

At the same time with a youthful voice, someone was woven and appeared. One more hair than a girl is a woman in a light brown leather armor with a bigger, slender height.

The girl, called El Dorado, turned and stared at her. The woman who walked up to the top of her thigh, like a model with a slender legs, laughed with fresh eyes.

“You were here? Our Lord. I’ve been searching for a while. ”

“Did not you ask me not to call it that? Jefferson

When El Dorah said with a tough voice, the woman, Natalie, leaned open her eyes.

What is it? Then what? Cornelius? This is not pretty. ”

“Whatever it is … ”

Ellora, speaking with a low voice, sighs lightly when she sees Natalie smiling.

“Anyway, I’ve been searching for a while … ? ”

“Oh, our prophet is looking for El Dorah. It’s also a week or two. ”

Natalie laughed at the word “us,” emphatically. Then El Dorah ‘s face, which had always been a gentle expression, had a slight change.


Yes. it is. And…

At that moment, El Doro began to move straight. Natalie, who was trying to say something more, followed the girl with her round eyes. However, El Doro had already entered the entrance and was getting far away.

“El Dorah, El Dorah! Not yet … ! ”

Natalie’s voice came back behind her, but she did not stop. I rushed the pace so quickly that I felt it was rather hasty. The face of El Dorora turned into a flower as if he were going to see his old friend.

After a short while, she crossed the bridge of a bridge leading to another building, Eldo, through a long corridor, and opened a luxurious door made of wood over it.

The first thing that came up inside was the spiral stairway leading down. As I went down the sweeping staircase like a shell, I saw a table arranged downwardly and a dense library of various records. It was a large enough library to report knowledge as it is.

As the stairs, which had been endlessly endless, gradually came to an end, the sound of a quiet library suddenly flowed into my ear.

“I can do it alone … ? ”

Well I have to see it, but maybe … ”

El Dorado stopped at the end of the stairs and looked into her eyes gently. There, a gray-haired elder with a gray-haired robe was sitting at a large desk. The white cane, which was placed at an angle, the holy lamp that lit the light alone on the desk, and the image of reading the record with soft eyes while gently sitting on the waist.

She smiled a little smile as she watched the occasional stroking of a white beard, nodding her nose, or putting her hand in her hands. Unlike when Natalie was treated before, it is a full of goodwill.

I was a little bit hesitant about Eldo, who had an eye for trust.

Yes. it is.


The voices were heard in two places. The old man was amazed and lifted his eyes with his eyes wide open. And on the right, in the mid-thirties? An elegant woman wearing a rich white robe walked across a beautiful record, stood in amazement at the elusive eldora. El Dorado, who did not know one more, showed a little surprised light.

The woman who saw the reaction looked at her face and smiled at her.

“Did not you say Natalie said I was here?”

No. I have not heard. Sorry. Olivia

El Dorra politely bowed his head. Olivia laughed with one hand on the ball, saying, “Oh!”

“You do not have to apologize. Odin Road is still. ”

Like Ragnarok’s Atlanta, it has a structure with four externals, centered on the central city. And Olivia was the clan’s load of a city. Of course, it is a very friendly relationship with Odin.

When Eldora replied with a smile, the old man chuckled and smiled gently. Then the chair that was in the table shrank out and moved in front of El Dorah. As if this was not a single or two, Eldo sat in a chair without any embarrassment.

“I heard you called. Melinus. ”

“Right. I have a job to do. ”

“What do you have to do?”

“Well, that’s it.”

El Dora asks her questions, and Melinus glances at her. The woman in the white robe put the pile of records down on the desk, and after a moment of thoughtful expression she opened her mouth quietly.

“Odin Road. I heard I was still looking for a sheath, is that correct? ”

I blinked a couple of eyes, El Dorado, and accepted it as a strange light.

“I do, but … . In recent years, I did not care much. ”

“So, Olivia came up with pretty funny information.”

Melinus, who made a voiceless speech, came in straight away. The story was naturally entering the mainstream.

“Clan Lord, do you know the myths about this Larknock continent?”

“So much so … . I just know that there was a great battle between ancient gods. ”

“That’s all I needed to know.” Mellinus said, gently sweeping away the beard, and scratched the record.

Ragnarök It is widely known as the twilight of the gods, but otherwise it can be interpreted as the destiny of the gods or the fall of the gods. ”

“Downfall … . It does not sound so good. ”

“There is nothing to worry about. The end of the battle is divided into winners and losers. In this case, you can connect the loser with the downfall. Of course, how to interpret the downfall is another matter. ”

“Yeah. But what does that myth have to do with the sheath I seek? ”

Then Olivia stepped forward.

“I recently found a ruin that was supposed to be the end of the world. In other words, it is the last war. You just have to understand that the gods are the last place you’ve fought. ”

At that moment, El Dorla ‘s eyes glared softly. I have not heard the details yet, but somehow the smell of adventure has spread. I have not been to Orc Castle since I have only been Ragnarok all the time, but I feel something. As a result of his war with the Arcón Orc, he was named a warlord, so El Dorado Nature was a stunner in battle.

“Why do you presume that the site is the place?”

“There was a murals.”

When El Dorra asked, the woman responded as if she knew how to ask.

“Exactly, there was a picture drawn along the long wall outside the ruins. We spent about a month using ancient knowledge experts to interpret mural paintings and achieve their own results. ”

“The biggest achievement is that we have found the meaning of the downfall. The last picture tells me that perhaps I have drawn the process of sealing the gods. It’s not a very ridiculous story. ”

Olivia slipped Melinus away. Now that I’m going to tell you something important, I wonder why you take it.

“Anyway, I’m not really sure. You can tell which place it is by looking directly at it. But at least I think I can catch a clue. ”

Olivia tried to breathe for a while, but she saw Eldo’s head in her head.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I omit the most important thing. In the picture we just described of the sealing process Melinus said, we found something funny. It’s the sheath. ”


“She had a sheath. Think about it. Excalibur on Odin Road is a kind of sacred thing in mythology? And, in history, there is an incalculable number of sacred materials used when sealing the Absolute. …how was it? Do you see the connection between these two facts? ”

“…The hunting. ”

Olivia fainted, and Mellinus said at a very fast rate to intervene, and the elderly man was in a hurry.

Soon after, Lizzy and clever Eldo noticed Olivia’s words. It was a testimony that the two eyes that were watching were slightly moved.

“…No way.

“Yes, El Dorah. If the murals were truly painted during myths, then the sheaths are also likely to be sacred. Hmm … You know what I can say until now? ”

“Elfin Rod. we… ! ”

“Of course, I also came to want to borrow the power of Odin.”

Olivia said that she looked up one eye. She gazed at Melinus with a longing for her name.

Hum… I understand the mind of the clan road. I want to grab a straw because she has come to be a disgrace. ”

“Is that the information I get is a straw?”

Olivia struck out with a sharp voice, and Melinus touched her long beard and took off her jumper.

“No, it should not be urgent. As Elfin Clan is a difficult place, we can not easily think about it. so… . …Thank you, sir. ”

But Melinda, who once saw El Dorah, shed a long sigh of feeling that it was useless to say anything. Then he stroked the area near Meiji and smiled kindly.

“Clan Road. Please do not worry, call all the Knights. ”

Absolutely. Clear right.

El Doro stood up from the crook, as if it had already been caught. And as soon as I was about to turn, I suddenly stopped and stared at him. I have touched my soul, and this time I’m shaking my abdomen quietly.


When he felt El Dora’s gaze, the hand quickly disappeared into the loose sleeves.

“…Still, this old man will give you enough time to eat? ”

Melinus, who spoke fairly well, laughed humbly.

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