
Chapter 860

“I thought about it. Why, why on earth did he recall the world humans? ”

Though he did not know what to do, Tanathos continued.

“You know, I’ve been asleep for a long time, and I do not even know the details of the angel. Ian, however, tells us the history of the present continent in great detail. ”

“Ian is … ”

“As a result, we were able to make a high guess.”

“Is it related to the fact that the guess is just the zero code?”


“What the hell is that?”

I did not understand it as Eldo.

“If you explain from the beginning of the birth, it will not be enough for a few days and nights.”

Thanatos still speaks in a beautiful, yet loud voice.

“I can only say that it is a product with all-encompassing power … . According to the current situation, I can say this. It is unconditional to keep in the position of angels. But it is necessary for hostile forces. ”

The power of all-purpose, unconditional … . Detailed explanation followed, but doubts went deep. I felt like I was wandering through a labyrinth where I could not see the end of the road as I was looking for a way to get out.

But if it was going to go this way, it did not start. I do not think it’s just good and good. As it has been so far. It is a specification that flows like water flow. I set up a spirit called Eldo.

“I do not understand what you mean. Why do angels have to keep that zero code and need hostile forces? ”

It’s simple. Did you say that Zero Code is an all-purpose force? ”

Thanatos, who has a chin, ties comfortably.

“By separating this versatile word, the zero code contains a kind of key role.”


“Right. key. El Dorado, do not you have a place to go back to you? ”


El Dorado responded late without even knowing it. The word ‘home to go back home’ touched my heart.

“Any being has a hometown. It is neither me nor an angel. This is not on the hall plane, but on a much higher level. For example, an angel can be called a celestial sphere. In the language of humans. ”

The tone of Tanatos was consistently calm as a teacher teaching a student who knew nothing, but “Zero Code is the key to this celestial world. The key to unlocking the lock that protects the celestial sphere, which allows us to invade hostile forces. ”

The moment I spoke to her, I suddenly stared at her opponent. As if to conclude now.

No. It has already come to the fore.

“As an angel, it is a device that protects the hometown that must be protected somehow. But the opposition is the key to the celestial sphere that must be attained. This is the centerpiece of the Zero Code, the centerpiece of the Hall Plane faction. Do you understand now? ”

She made a confused look called Eldo. It was not because I did not understand it, but rather the opposite. My head, which I had only to get through, was getting sorted out. In his gaze, staring at him as unbelievable, Tanatos glared at him as if it were not worth talking about.


The voices that flowed were getting tiny at a certain moment.

“The great thing is in this Hall Plane.”
“…Are we on the verge of an angelic and hostile battle? Because of that zero code thing? ”

The horse was disconnected and repeated. Thanatos quietly nods his head with a sad face and looked at the reaction of the opponent. El Dorado does not know himself, but his eyes are shaky, and his fist on the thigh is strong enough to dig his fingernails. When the pieces of the puzzle that were rich in my head were put together, my heart began to boil.

Suddenly, six years ago, memories sprung randomly.

I woke up to open my eyes, I remembered in a strange space.
I was wrong, I begged you to come back, but I was forcibly removed as a rite of passage.
A terrible murder scene of a friend who was still summoned as a trauma.
Above all, the angry eyes of the cold-eyed, self-crying mouse seem to come out clearly.

Suddenly, in the deep bosom of the chest, hot anger rages.


A natural, but intended question that has been sacked.

“I do not understand that either.”

And Tanathos was told as if he had waited.

“I would rather not be a resident of this world. Why do not you bring in a stranger who has nothing to do with … ”
“Anyway, I do not know. This is also just a guess, but maybe the angelic camp is extremely disadvantageous. ”

The words of Tanatos were extremely simple. In the hall plane, there is a thing that sheds mouths in the enemy force called zero code. Here angels summoned humans for the purpose of protecting the zero code, their home country, the celestial sphere. In other words, the user is acting as a kind of proxy for indirect participation in battle for angels.

Eldo, who realized this far, swallowed all of a sudden and breathed it out. Repeat this many times, and the inside of the boil gradually loses its strength.

‘We believe, we are only human.’

Just before the explosion, Mrs Meliners’ advice prompted him to recover one strand of reason.

okay . . . Nothing is certain yet. ‘

I got the information I wanted. Now you should check the angel’s position. Judgment is next. And that judgment is made by man.

El Doro, who thought so, shone an abruptly strange light. Tanatos turned his head and was staring at the visit. As soon as I turned my eyes, the door knocked open.

“Sorry about the story. The messenger. Clan Road. ”

The man outside the door politely bowed his body and pulled out his head straight away.

“Call of the angel.”

* Even in the gorgeous blue palace, a twilight glow came and a dark darkness came. The light that illuminates the neighborhood disappears like a candle, and the blue moonlight sits down in the window. Do you watch the night scenery? Tanathos lay on the bed alone and was passing the moon outside the window.

How much time has passed. Like a dead person, Tanatos, who had only been watching for a while, suddenly raised his tail.

“Why … ”

It is an obvious ridicule.

However, the smile that seemed to be despised soon disappeared.

The meeting with Eldora today had enough income. I sure sprayed the seed of distrust of angels. I told you the truth, and there is no distance.

But not yet. The plan is more cruising than expected, but it was only a step away. Spraying seeds is not enough. Water and nutrients do not matter. The real problem is that seeds must germinate, buds, and wait until they bear fruit.

The situation is still in a dilemma. It is almost impossible for El Doras to be uncomfortable just to be called, and it is virtually impossible to carry out the plan while waiting for the fruit.

Of course, you can. But the risk is too great. We can no longer expect to completely erode and steer as we did in the continent. Even if it is not perfect, you have to drive as fast as you can. In the end, the inevitable confusion can not be avoided.

“If you are wrong … ”

Everything returns to blur. In the end, time was the biggest obstacle.

After a long sigh, Tanatos suddenly opened his mouth silently.



A low voice responds to sudden callings in the darkness of the forearms.

Our apologies. I thought you were thinking deeply and I could not tell you. ”

“What happened to El Dorado?”

“Oh, it was not a big deal. I think I just called in my regards. …Daman, Daman and Diu

Daman, Daman and Diu

“I said I and Ian.”


The eyes of the Thanatos were tapered. Melinus was quick to say that he felt a sense in his speech.

“This is no big deal. There are a lot of people mentioned besides us. Maybe I do not respond to calls these days and I want to deliver the word through El Dorado. ”

“…Or is it?

Tanathos said so slowly that he turned to Melinus.

“Anyway, you’re in good shape. I was thinking I had to change my schedule. ”


“I need to pull the third plan forward.”

“If the third plan is to … ? ”

At that moment, Melinus stopped hurriedly. Satan suddenly sent a signal. Unfortunately, even though it was late at night, I was caught walking out of the door and killing the hallway. Someone is approaching.

Before long, the station stopped at the door. And for a long time, I was hanging around, and I began to slip away in the direction of my walk.

It was about ten minutes after the disappeared.

“Melinus. Ian, tell Olivia. ”

Thanatos, buried in the darkness, opened his mouth with a lowered voice.

“According to Dade, …I will start. ”

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== After careful consideration, Episode 6 decided to knot this circuit.
Originally, there was an amount to add two more contents.
However, as a result of organizing the notes throughout the day, I was able to see that there was room to enter episode 5, one of which was branching, and the other one, I thought it would be okay to put it in later episodes.
So Episode 6 ends with this.
Next episode 5, the last of the South Continent + Devil Start, begins.
The point of the hero comes back from episode 4.
Have a good day all of you readers.

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