
Chapter 866

I come out of the blue palace and walk the streets.

In the end, no decision, no. Without making his choice, he was headed for the temple of Eldo. As the consciousness is clear, the confusion seems to be much bigger, and thanks to the bustle of the street, it does not interfere with speculation.

I still do not know if this is really right or wrong. I’m still not convinced.

Apart from this, the reason for walking is firm. For the individual, for the human, and for the whole continent. It is clear that justification is insignificant. okay . . . I know that what I do now is reasonable.

But why do I feel like I’m falling in the wrong direction?

What I do not know is that I can not find my own answer, I’m leaning on someone, and I’m hoping. Of course, it can be rationalized that it can not be helped, but this process itself creates uneasiness. I heard a strong sense of where things were wrong. …However, it could not be reversed anymore.

Suddenly the wind blew. As if to feel this flow, El Doro squeezes his chin and quietly closes his eyes. The wind is chilly, but it keeps the cool head cool.

When I opened my eyes again, a white temple in front of me was revealing a magnificent view. Just before sighing and climbing the stairs, El Dora ‘s eyes turned down. A white bag is hung from the tip of the string that slants down from the right shoulder to the tip of the string.

At that moment, the light of the conflict was scratched.

But trouble is for a while. Elohion, lightning a glanced eye, puts one hand into the bag. I’m looking for something like a long time, I will pull the fist out of the fingertip and head to the top.

It was the hair ornaments, which is not the only thing in my hand. The beaded decoration with a dark blue nail is embedded in a silver leaf. That number is exactly ten. I tied my blonde with my hand, which I thought was a splendid figure, and then I climbed the stairs.

The portal was seen at the end of the climb up the stairs and into the temple. Just before you are right, you take a few deep breaths to calm your thumping heart. And I buried myself quietly in the sea of ​​the wave of light.

Everywhere else, “Come on. El Dorado. ”

It was a very heavy, weird space, grayish green.

“It’s a little late. I already have all gathered. ”

It is beautiful, but on the other hand it is a creepy and emotionless voice. El Dora crouched his head slowly, and the angel stood up slowly from the altar.

“It does not matter if it’s not too late. Then we will guide you to the meeting place … ”

It was then. The angel who was about to throw his hand suddenly shook his eyes. Now it looks like El Dorah has been confirmed. As she scans, she slowly sneaks up and down and smiles slightly.

“I see, I do not think I’ve ever been so tied up. Are you especially concerned with the meeting? Afterwards. ”


“To relax. My face is too stiff. ”

“…”Now you have.”

She tries to touch the headdress, El Doro, and immediately touches her face. And I was sneaking in relief.

“Why did you bring the bag?”

The angel threw a question to the surprise.

The moment stopped, but El Doro reflexively opened his mouth as he had prepared.

“It’s a monster summoning box.”

“Yeah. I think so. Why is this place … ? ”

I thought I was aware of that, but I tried to manage my expression and managed to communicate.

“I got a call just before I left the clan.”

“Get out?”

“I heard that you do not know which monster will be summoned.”

Ah… So you want to go back to work? ”

The angel nodded as if understood, and laughed.

“Do not worry. I’ll be back soon. ”

Eventually, the angel waved his hand, a gleam of light, and a new portal was created.

“El Dorado, because it is wise.”

I gazed quietly at El Doro, an angel who seemed to follow me. And when I completely disappeared into the light, I returned to my mouth saying that I was wise, and then I slowly moved to the portal.

Meanwhile, when El Dorah was walking to another portal.

“El Doro?”

“I confirmed I was tied up in front of the entrance.”

In the corner of the temple, two users were talking.

Agreed. Sure!

“It’s finally the beginning of D-Day. I’ll see you later. ”

Ian was the user who pushed the hood down and left the body. And left alone, Melinus looked up at the sky with a lot of nervous eyes.


Soon after a long time, suddenly the flash popping sound burst.

What is it? Did not you hear anything yet? ”

“I heard. Uh, what is that? ”

“Yes?” What?

“Ha, in the sky … ”

It was never a loud noise, and the people who walked the streets are turning their heads one by one. In the place where I looked up, it is gradually spreading as if a pale blue light mixed with a clear sky.

It was just the video, gradually taking shape. As you can see with the telecommunication beads, the translucent landscape starts to appear.

The important thing is that there is not one group of light spreading in the sky. The images come out from all over the city, and even ten seem to be.

– So, El Dorado?

Before I had a doubt, my soulful voice rang in the air.

– I believe you know for yourself why you set this place today.

At first glance, the scene where the angels gathered enough to fill the image was truly a spectacular sight. It seemed that the mysterious scenery had been holy, and the users’ gaze was instantly directed to the sky.

And also,

– …….Only El Dorah standing on the ground alone, standing on the ground, pale blue, rising. If I did not see it in detail, I could not notice it, it was very faint and hazy.

* Independent space, ‘heaven’, linked to the room of all summons in each continent.

“A considerable number of users have been in the summoned room for a few days. It has not been unprecedented in recent years. ”

At the far end, which was not even seen, a preeminent voice descended and rang his ears.

“Not one or two, dozens of hundreds have heard the same story.”

“…….””And there was a saying that the source of this rumor was Odin Clan … . Is that right?”

“…….”Silence. The other person asked, but Eldo is not looking at anything but saying nothing.

“…That’s right. ”

A light sigh flows. The voice was soft, but why bother you, like she knows that seemed to rebuke the tone.

However, compared to when he first arrived, Eldora’s chest was completely submerged. If this number was looking down from everywhere, it was a humbug, but I stood up with a pretty face.

I feel lonely, but I felt the cold feeling of cooling down because I encountered the eyes that are hardly seen as benevolent.

“Why did you do that?”

El Doro slowly began to ask a question begun.

It is about half the time when the celestial figure that does not see the end is covered in sight.


I opened my mouth quietly.

“Did not I ask the question? User El Dorla. ”

If the voice of the angel is lowered a little, is it mistaken?

No. It is not a mistake. I feel like my body is freezing as if the surrounding temperature has dropped. However, El Dorola’s neck was getting a little bit stronger.

“First of all. Odin designed the conquest of the continent. ”

“That was so. So, why did you make a plan that would not be like that? ”

When the horse was finished, I broke it, and it became a bitter.

“So you did not ask. Can not you? ”

“…You can speak Korean

“I can not attack the continent.”

“…….”At that moment, did he feel a bit of a challenge? The space suddenly becomes empty.

Of course, the static did not go long.

“Yeah. No.”

El Dorla’s eyes are tapered to the utterly resolute advice.

“I do not understand. Why did you suddenly think about it? ”

“I’ve heard that rumors have already been touched. That’s my position. ”

“Huh. Is it a competition around the center? ”


The angel pulled the core as if he had already known.

“Well, it was a pretty interesting theme. …By the way, are you sure? ”

“……?””Just by looking at it, can not you say it is a good basis? What evidence does it really mean? ”


El Dorra stood up and shook his head and said, “But there is no evidence that it will not.”

El Dorado calmly caresses. The face of the angel also naturally hardened.

“Am I just mistaken?”

“…….””I did not know that I would get such a basic thing. El Dorado? El Dorado must know his situation well. ”


“Yes, sad. If El Dorado was just a regular user, yes. I would have understood why. But is not El Doro the guardian? Everyone is a defender. ”

“I am the guardian of the continent, not the guardian of the continent.”

At that moment, the angel’s speech was cut off, and there was a sense of unpleasantness. However, there is no reaction in the eyes of Eldora standing on the ground.

“The point of this plan is to remove the continent ahead of what might compete in the future. That is the way for the whole continent. But why do you speak as if you are against the guardian’s duties? ”

“El Dorado Cornelius!”

Then, for the first time, the voice of the angel rose. It was a mixed voice of why, even a gentle anger.

“Now this meeting, do you dare pretend to be a pun?”

“Where is the pun?”

“What, what?”

“Which part of my speech is pun intended?”

Suddenly two eyes of El Dorora begin to shine.

“I will make it clear. I am more sincere now than ever. I know the importance of this meeting, and there is no thought to punish. ”
“So if you want to turn my argument into a simple pun, and you want to give it a shot, then I absolutely hate it.”

El Dorado said all these words in a very strong and clear voice. As if I would never retire as much as I did today, I even looked at my determined will. Whether you felt the will of El Dorora or your speech was blocked. Heavenly still falls down once more.

How much time has passed.


After a long silence, the angel opened his mouth.


El Dora’s eyes flickered. It is because the angel which was at the highest place of heaven was descending at any moment.

So when the face came down to the point where it could be seen with the naked eye.

“I really do not know if El Dorado is right.”

At the mouth of the angel stopped in the air, there was a surprisingly soft smile. While El Dorado hesitated for a moment, the angel still opened his mouth with a laughing face.

“Anyway, I was a little surprised … . I still understand. No. I decided to understand. As I listened to El Dorado, I think I could have surely felt that way. I’m leaving right and wrong. ”

The voice in the space is very sweet and ecstatic. It is echoed in a tone that seems soothing.

“But El Dorah. It is wrong to try to solve everything that happens in your life with dichotomous thinking or black and white logic. I do not know who forged the wind, but is it so important now to attack the continent? I do not know if it’s necessary or not, and Ragnarok is not stable yet? ”

But did the angel know?

“So, what is humanism called manners?”

The fireballs on El Dorah’s chest are burning so much that they can not get out of control. “Ok. El Dorado always acted rationally, always leading the assignment. That is our angel, and I know it. And the result of achieving the long-awaited Orc castle … ”

Suddenly, the words of the angel slowly faded. That’s probably because I’ve seen the look of what El Dorla is doing now. While at first glance, I see a coldly ridiculous face on the other hand.

“Why are you making that look?”

“…Did not you tell me? What I want is a clear answer, not a surprise. I do not mean to pun. ”

Then, like the spring breeze that was standing at the angle of the angel, it disappeared in an instant.

“So what the hell are you doing? Do you mean not to change your mind? ”

No. If you tell my questions truthfully, you may not. Of course, the answer may vary. ”

The atmosphere surrounding it starts to change slightly. The angel’s face slowly frowned as his pride disappeared. Soon, he looks at El Dorah with a very disgruntled face.

Very Well. What question? ”

SIMPLE If you want to cancel this plan, just say this. ”

“So it is.”

“We are humans, not users. Do not you have to compete around the center for the future? ”

At that moment an angry light struck the angel’s face. However, El Dorado did not end here, but once more.

“If yes, I will cancel the plan as soon as I leave here.”

“How do I guarantee that? We are just helpless. ”

“Of course there is a possibility of a war between each other. But it’s not an accident, it’s an inevitable war. ”

That, that’s … !

When El Dorah said strongly, the angel’s mouth was shut. And then she spends a moment in her mouth and ties her horse.

“Huh. I’m afraid it’s a question that I can not say and can not say for sure. You need to find information about the new continent yourself. It’s not common sense to give preference to the southern continent. ”

“I do not mean to know where you are. Whether continental competition is inevitable or not. I want you to tell me clearly about this part. Is this not possible? ”


When the angel silenced, it was a funny sigh.

“So this is the end. I can not say anything. Do not just do it. ”

“El Dorado.”

“This, this meeting is … . Is it a place to control me? According to your will? ”

“No, I mean.”


“…….”Silence, silence, silence, silence.

No matter how long you wait, the answer is not heard. However, the atmosphere that surrounds it is telling that it is positive.

In the end, Remiel turned his eyes.

“I apologize if I felt that way.”

“I do not want an apology.”

No. I can not tell you what you want anyway. We also have things that matter. ”


Stop. I will not allow this comment. ”

“……!”It was the moment I heard that.

I felt the feeling that El Doro was barely disconnected. And at the moment of the moment, I wonder if El Dorah ‘s face is distorted.


Suddenly I bowed my head.

“Then why do not we think about it … ? ”

As the fist clenched, the trembling voice leaks.

“Why do not you tell me … . Why do you keep trying to hide … ”
“Just do as you say … . That’s what you say … ? ”

I was speaking like a private message, but all the angels could hear it because I was so angry.

Really? When I thought about it, I did it … ”
“Even when I first met … . Even when I cried and cried why I summoned him … ”

Whether or not the old days have come up, the voices change as if the angry beasts are crying.

Why Why can not you tell me! ”

Now, a cry that is close to a lull.

“So … . After all, it’s … . That woman is right … ”

I hate to admit, but I can not help but acknowledge it.

“El Dorah. What do you say … ? ”

It was then.

The moment I fell, the head that I had bowed to, and the angel looked surprised. Like the day it was first summoned, I was staring at it with a grim look. El Dorado, standing here, was no more a user than just a weak girl.

You, really. So you can not tell me or do not you? ”

Like a child named Eldo, I wiped my eyes with his hand and looked at the angel with his ghastly eyes.

“What, what … ”

An embarrassing light spreads like a spider web on the angel’s face. However, El Dorah ‘s brakes have been released a long time ago.

“agent… . People constantly

“agent… ? ”

“Something called a summoned purpose.”

“What, purpose? That’s what! ”

That was the moment.

“It’s because of the zero code!”

El Dorla’s cry at the end of the explosion is not only the king of the heaven, but also the zero code!

It ran across the city where the video was played.

At the same time, the angel “…Ah…

I was astonished with my eyes torn open. It seemed like he had lost his words.

After a while. The heavenly things that have so far been silent about anything have begun to be filled with the sighing of angels. And the moment I checked the reaction around me, there was a certain conviction inside El Dorah.

“I heard, I heard. Protective device to protect the celestial, zero code … ”

“In, El Dorah? Well, wait a minute. ”

“He called us to keep it. He puts in a laughable set of users, and says that he wants to use it in the war against the hostile forces! no

“…….”Silence followed, but angelic reaction changed rapidly.

I was surprised for a while. He gently stroked his hands to make the fuss disappear, and looked down at the ground with a sigh.

Why Why do we have nothing to do with it? What the hell! ”

“…Who did you hear that? ”

“Now, is that important now?”

“Yeah. It’s important. It’s very important. So let’s do it. Who did you hear? ”

Emotion is a voice without level, which can not be found even by a glance. El Doro distorts his mouth as if he is truly sad.

I did not want an apple.
I just hoped it was not.
No. Even if it was right, I wanted to tell you truthfully.
By the way, by the way … .

“Hmm … ”

I spit out the sound of groaning or moaning, and El Doro breathed in all his might. Breathe on your shoulders until your chest is submerged, and breathe a few times until your shoulder trembles. And when I woke up again, I was back at the girl with a girl called Eldo.

“…I’ll go back. ”

A hoarse voice flowed out of the mouth, which was hardly open.

“Unless there is a clear answer, there is no cancellation of the Continental Continental Plan. We judge right and wrong. ”

“Oh, that’s it. By the way, who did you say that before? ”

“…And today I will quit the continent guardian. Sure!

“El, do,”

I heard a terrible voice, but I turned my head to El Doro. And I bury my body toward the portal, which does not hesitate. …No.

It was exactly the moment.


Poor sound tearing air for a moment. .

The blonde that is pulled tightly flows downward to the point where it is empty. I just swung something, but the hair ornaments were shattered. Of course, El Dorah’s steps also stopped.

“…Remiel. ”

As if to believe, El Dorado looks back in unison. The angel, No Remiel, is staring at him with his expressionless face.

“I’m sorry, but I’d better put off the appointment today.”

“I said to go back.”

no I can not go back. I did not allow it. ”



The noise of this confusion is appalling. But Remiel laughed and tongued his tongue and stretched it.

“Foo-yu, I can not blame Gabriel for this. The north continent managed by the angel of angels, I wonder why Kim Soo-hyun waved … . Afterwards. ”

Kim Soo-hyun

“Oh, I have. I am a user who is active in the North Continent. I think it’s a bit ridiculous. ”

“…….”The smiling angel immediately pointed at his opponent.

“Just like you.”


El Dorah’s eyebrows twirled. Soon afterward, the white cloth, which had been clinging to the surface, was uncovered, and excalibrium of Excalibur revealing the brilliant light is revealed. However, Remiel was just laughing as if it was not worth it.

“Put the knife. In principle, we can not harm you, but it’s a little different. ”

“He said he was going back.”


Suddenly, Remiel knocked his hand. Then the portal that was created until a short time is gone without a trace. The passage to the room of the summon has disappeared.

“You keep telling me the same thing. User, El Dorado Cornelius? You can not go back. ”

“What do you think about me?”

El Dorado looked a little sadly, but with an enemy mixed tone. Remiel shrugged.

“Do not worry. I just need to talk very much. In principle, you said we can not do you intentionally? I can return safely after work is finished … . Ah…

And as if to recall the words I had heard before, I open my mouth coldly.

“Of course, it depends on your answer.”

Suddenly I almost burst into a whimpering. However, he is aiming at his opponent with Excalibur who is barely swallowing and tight. Remiel shook his head.

“Did not you ask me to put a knife? For your reference, this is the last warning. ”

“I’ll tell you the last time.”

“Oh, I do not want to say it four times.”

“Right now, portal … ! ”

Then Remillel suddenly stood up from the air, and felt the enormous power of El Doro coming from all directions.

No. When I felt it, Excalibur had already left his hands, and his body was wriggling greatly. In the end, I was not able to concentrate, but I rolled as it was.

I barely reached the upper body, I caught Excalibur and looked at him in the air.

“Did you say the warning was last?”

I rubbed her mouth enough to get a bloody voice called Eldo in a ridiculous voice.

As far as I come, there is nothing more to expect.
It was a long term horse and a puppet.
We are neither more nor less.

El Doro thought so, “I am.”

Like a heroine in a drama like a scandalous woman, she sat quietly and opened her mouth quietly.

“I do not want you guys to be horrified.”

At the moment of the moment, the arm was pausing for a while.

But the next moment, El Doro threw away the bag he was carrying. As I threw it with power, the contents in the bag were crushed like broken pieces and rolled on the ground.

Tung, Tung, Tung, Tung!

To be more precise, a few boxes were bouncing around the entrance and bouncing off the floor. That is, with the opening to the impact.

It was then.

What is it? Kenichi Momoyama

When I checked it, it was just a normal monster summon box. It was nothing but a nasty thing that did not feel any strange aura.

okay . . . Surely it was.

When Remiel tries to reach out his hand with his head, he suddenly bursts out of his box with a dark energy.

Woong Woong Woong Woong Woong!

Then, without any hesitation, the unimaginable flow spread all over the place. Vibrations instantly occupied the heaven and made the space loud. Also, when the box starts to turn, the wind suddenly rises and it starts sweeping everywhere.

“This, this! Uh, what happened? ”

this I have to stop … ! ”

“…Ah… Why do not you … ? ”

“Wait a moment. This power … ”

In the tumult of the angels, Remiel, who was intuitive to something, broke down.

“dare! Fuck you! ”

However, before taking Remiel’s actions, the enormous energy that can not be measured suddenly begins to materialize. The power of angels is a tremendous darkness that can be trampled down lightly. When I felt that, Remiel, of course, could not move anyone.

And the next moment, a total of three things happened sequentially, but almost without any gaps.

Woong Woong Woong Woong Woong!

The vibration is getting worse, and the giant black magic wandering somewhere comes up to be excellent, “Ayaaaaa!”

The angels come up from all directions and are forced to be led by the magic squad, and,

As the black gin which absorbs the angel runs, it once again vomits the darkness.


Remiel was instinctively disgusted by his ominous powers, screaming without knowing himself. Things that I thought of as darkness are summed up and shaped.

This place

Well… I do not think Satan’s room is a recall. .

And hear, dark, dark conversation.

– I think we can do it all the same.

– That would be a space connected to the room of the summon. Anyway, you did really well.

The moment I heard the last conversation, Remiel’s mouth was open.

I still only look at it with a grim eye called El Dorado. There is no shaking. I did not like to do this, but it seemed to be like this.

As soon as they looked at each other, a family ran aground.

“El Dorah, you can not!”

The angel ‘s eyes grow bigger.

“The devil and the hand … ! ”

That was Remill’s last.



The black hand that flew like a ray somewhere was not enough to tear its wings and shattered its head.

Meanwhile, the same time.

“Hehehehe! Hihi! ”

In one room of a blue palace, strange laugh which can not be regarded as human beings was coming out in an extension.

“Ugh, huh, huh!”

Maybe someone is surprised to see the room.

“Black, black, black? Hahaha! ”

Even if the scenery is destroyed by a mess, you will feel frightened and frightened if you look at a black lady rolling like a crazy floor.


“Kihihihiro … . Yes, it is! ”

The woman who knocked the ground with her punch enough to get a hollow, suddenly chuckles and lies down on her back. The pupil looking up at the ceiling is blurred by madness that can not be described.

“Is this what you want? Is this what you wanted? Yes. it is.

It is definitely a room without anyone.

“It’s funny. Huh. As you say, it sure is very funny. Kick, Kickie kick! ”

The woman, however, spoke intimately as if Ananthas were with someone.

“Time warp. Well, your colleague … . No. Should I call my army now? Hihi! ”

As soon as I spoke ridiculously, for a moment the lady’s face turned. Suddenly, I feel bitter, but soon my tongue goes up. It is torn enough to touch the bottom of the earlobe, and the surrounding area leaves and laughs.

“Ah ha ha ha ha ha!”

The shape of laughing as if to breathe overflows, but at first glance, it feels bizarre. …No more Satan.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== I did it … .
It’s been a long time since I’ve been burned in white.
Anyway, Episode 5 is finally over. ㅠ. ㅠ Suh Hyun-ah. I really missed you … .

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