
Chapter 883

A slow afternoon.

“It’s a little quiet now.”

I muttered around the city on the terrace. The sun has already passed, and the twilight sky is soaked with black paint, spreading gradually. Street lamps are lit everywhere, illuminating the city where the darkness is spreading.

It ‘s still a long time to go to bed, but the city of distant mountains is rather cumbersome. Occasionally the noise heard disappears like a rippling ripple. Just a few days ago, I was loud all morning and evening, but I think I was a little calm. It would be a sign that the angel did a good job of persuading him.

But it is just sinking, not a calm atmosphere. When you listen carefully, there is a time when the gradually faded noise stops. At that moment, the despair of the four sides is endlessly absurd.

I feel like I’m breathed even in the air. But it is not strange. It is rather a familiar feeling that I have experienced many times. Yes, the city is full of wolves.

Looking back, I do not know how many days have gone by. When I was preparing without a mind, the date of departure approached my face in earnest. I thought it was a good idea to have a simple festival at dinner.

Thanks to the angels, we could have prepared quickly, but not everything was going smoothly. There was a minor problem when I announced my inner line. Jeegal Hasols and Cha Hee Young were not satisfied with the conditions of participation, but were able to organize them with the authority of leading clan. It’s a kind of flexibility.

It was Marr. Residents did not have any restrictions, but it was a different matter. Even though he was second in his ability, there was a problem in taking a child who had no experience of war or war experience. So at first I objected.

However, I strongly expressed my intention to participate, and because of my intention to follow Niumi, I finally gave permission. I had a lot of trouble, but I could not break Mar ‘s will. Actually, I did not expect any part of it. I do not know what to expect, but the participation of the two fairies was an unexpected harvest.

Anyway, I do not know if it is perfect, but it seems to be prepared as much as possible. All that ‘s left is tomorrow’ s departure.

What are the clan members doing? If you have an idea, you might be going to rest early, or you might be grooming your equipment. And I … .

My chest is oddly calm. It is strange enough to be strange about the last war. Why did you wait so long?

You still have an early hour. Do you want to go to your brother, to Seraf, to go downstairs, or to prepare for the defense?

Many thoughts sweep the mind in an instant. But soon he shook his head and took out a tobacco. I do not have to interfere with each other’s work.

So it is a good choice to enjoy the battlefield alone as much as today.

* A quiet dawn passed and finally the day of march was bright.

It was a clear and clear morning with white clouds passing by. However, the castle was very disturbed in preparation for departure. The clan members were already gathered in the garden of the garden as they wore equipment that was trimmed last night.

One strange thing is that Jung Hae-yeon is angry with three or four people standing in front of him.

“I can not really live. What if you want to do it? ”

Ahn Hyun, Ansol, Jin Soo Hyun, and Yoo Jung Jung were three or four people who were fond of it. I have been thinking about what I was thinking.

“How so?”

Yoink! Soo-hyun

Jung Hae-yeon looked at me with surprise. The voice, which was sharp until then, sinks at once.


Jung Hoon – yeon scowled at four and sighed, slowly lifting his right arm.

“It is because of this.”

There is a small and beautiful bag with a jewel in it. It is a baby chaos mimic.

“As you know, Chaos Mimic’s storage space is huge, is not it?”

“Yes. What? ”

“So I put camping equipment neatly put together, but what they put in something other than their own.”

“So what about the camping equipment?”

“I checked it in another backpack. But why increase your burden? If you do this, you’ll have to carry three more. ”


I turned my eyes and turned my eyes at the same time. It’s true. I told him to get ready to leave as soon as he came down.

“What about the current situation?”

“I just got in touch with you ~. Estanzelow has already arrived at Dana, and Hamil will stop by Halo for a while. The rest seems to be going to Warpgate. ”

I turn around and I hear the loud voice of the performance somewhere.

The primary gathering area is the northern continental small town. Situated in the southeast direction, the city is an ideal starting point for going to the Northeast Continent.

I was tongue in the swiftness of Han So – young anyway, but I could not stay still. What is wrong with it? You may want to organize your baggage at a later time.

“Four of you.”

I opened my mouth quietly, and I felt trembled. Four pairs of fearful eyes staring at me grudgingly. I tried to put my arms around Jung Hae-yeon, but his face looked complicated.

“You do not want to have a backpack because you do not want to?”

At that moment, the four of them grew brighter.



Then a crying cry. It would be better to do this. I’ve already been angry a lot already, but I have not even started.

As the chin is soaked, the net catches the backpack one by one with a smiley face as if it did. The baby chaos Mimic in question was heard by Ansol. And he said.

Hehe. I want to meet with the enemy. ”

I was talking to myself, but I doubted my ears. I do not know what I want to do. However, Ansol had already turned around and was ready to prepare, and in the end he had no choice. What are you prepared for? …Well, let’s ask. First, it’s important not to be late.

“As soon as you are ready, come to the front gate. I think I should go right now. ”

It is difficult to see it as an attack or an expedition this time. The fact that the mission message is up but goes to war anyway does not change. This is also known by the clan members. Nevertheless, the atmosphere was similar to the usual. Just as you leave your expedition, you are prepared with a bright face. I do not know why, but I felt a sense of gratitude.

So, I did the same.

When you come with me.

Before long, somebody came slowly.

“User Cho Seung Woo?”

“Clan Road.”

Seung – woo was scratching his head, saying a little slurredly. The pupils tremble quietly, and the mouth repeats the mood. I am not a member, but I am a non-combat user, so I do not need to be so awkward.

When I stare at her, I suddenly breathe and suddenly smile.

“The clan will keep it well.”

“Yes. I believe you will do well. ”

“Oh, and then!”

“……?”When I try to turn my body, a hurry voice catches me.

“I believe we can see it again in peace this time.”

“this time?”

“I thought you had died once in the past. So this mission is to come back neatly. Haha

“Oh, yes. I do. ”

I wondered what he meant to say, but he nodded and laughed. It does not mean to break up forever, and it is enough to say hello to me at the festival yesterday.

I saw the front door wide open.

“Then I’ll leave.”

I was immediately passed through the front gate, receiving the clan members’ leave. It was possible to reach the destination after a long period of time, almost like walking on a speed similar to that of hard-line.

Male breeding.

There are already crowds of crowded crowds at Warpgate in South City. However, the road to Warpgate is striking. It seems to have been busy for a long time in the west continent defense exhibition.

I heard the sound of nudity as well as cheering, but I walked the road with a quick pace. I climbed the gray stairs without hesitation and stopped in front of the blue light portal. It was then.

“!”When I try to go in without thinking, I do not even know what to do. I turned right away. It was an almost reflex action. Suddenly it seemed to me that I heard a voice calling my name somewhere.

But I could not find any way around. Only the clan members are staring at me. “For sure… ”

strange. Why do I feel unhappy suddenly? I feel like I forgot something important … .

Soo-hyun What’s wrong?”

The musician who was right behind me was dizzy.



I once again checked everywhere and shook my chin.

“No, it’s nothing.”

“…Is it really okay? ”

Anxiously told Gohyeon played the necklace that was caught in his neck. It was a seemingly meaningless act, but I can see why. How many months ago did you look closer? It was a necklace I presented when I went to the streets of the night.

But why did you bring it? I do not think that it is a personality that does not have a clumsy personality, and that it has no efficacy related to combat.

I looked at the front of the road, looking for a black diamond that reflected the light of a moment. And I slowly buried myself with a portal of light.

After a while, the field of view was painted in white.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== I read a comment yesterday, and it just bursts of bread.
The last time, Lee ‘s behavior was nothing but a lover’ s scratching his own card.
I think it is a nice analogy personally. haha. 🙂 But somehow I felt like an experience, so I could not laugh … . ; ㅅ; PS. To Him. I’m sorry I’m late one day. Congratulations on your birthday. : D

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