
Chapter 908

Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

The laughter that Tanathos laughed resonated far and far, oscillating the air.

Fuck you, Fuck you!

At the same time, Moore’s indescribable senses invoke the whole body. The energy that Tanatos has opened has come to overwhelm me with twice as much stimulation as it was before. The eerie and blind living in the unaware that I had a bone of the skull. Even if I try to calm myself, my body keeps shaking constantly regardless of my will.

Is this the real Tanatos, the god of death?

– A trivial human being … . Do you touch my backward scales?

A calm yet horrible voice spurred the air. At first I thought the lantern was talking, but it was not. Thanatos, even with his voice, gives him the power of magic. At some point, the whites disappear, and the two eyes, which are only colored with black masturbation, are distorted and distorted.

Damn, did you provoke me?

-Yeah, I do. How am I supposed to go to beg for wanting to die like that? I will give you the best death that I can not forget even though I am dead.

Firly Lick!

At one point, the gas of the Thanatos flowed out of the limbs. The smoke, which was neither thin nor thick, was wound with two cuffs and two ankles. Then, it seems to see a serpent running through his tongue like a spinning twister.

It was then.

At the moment of the moment, the waist is leaning like an oblique bow, and the hair rushes like lightning. I swallowed the saliva and moved the center of gravity backward. It seemed like the rush of the tsunami was gathering like a black tsunami.

– Do not stop it!

Then the voice of the Hwangjeong sounded rustling, and I reflexively flew back.


“!”At the moment when I thought that I had crushed myself in front of me, Tanatos disappeared. The only thing I could see was the white heel, which was hitting me in the middle of my head. As I hurried my chin, the wind like a blade swept my nose.

I barely avoided smashing my head, but I could not stop hitting my breastplate.

No win


I felt the shock of my chest exploding.

That was all.

When I was only in the mental state, my body had already flew away, and I was about to plummet to the ground. I have to say that the middle of the memory film is broken.

– Wake!

The spirit is set, but the problem is that Tanatos is catching up with me at a rate higher than I. It’s a tremendous speed that I think you’ve already seen.

I played a sword in balance that I could do. As Victoria ‘s glory sprang out the clear black sound, dozens of spectacles instantly flashed around the opponent.

But the dash of Tanathos did not stop. I glanced at the crowd of light and shook my hand as if it was a nuisance, and the sword light melted all at once like a lie.

There was no surprise. Because Tanathos once again went through the air and pierced it with lightning stings.

– Never think about it! Unconditionally, unconditionally damage!


I do not know why I should continue to avoid it from the beginning, but I turned my body as if I was doing it. My fist grazed past my side. But then I had to breathe the nashing once and break the bizarre kick. At the moment that even the attack was poured into the sky, Tanatos hit his body with his shoulders as if he had waited.


My breath was blocked. It is a simple attack, but it is intense. I have to adjust my breathing first, but my vision is irregular.

When I thought about it, I felt a sudden wind that made the ball suddenly touch me. I’m tired. I thought that something was dangerous and I quickly flew Carlyo Abraxas.

– Kick. Lightly sniffing.

The body fell in the center and collapsed, and it was snowing on its own. And all I could see was the vertically rising Carlyo Abraxas, and the Tanatos descending from the opposite side.

Next time, quack!

The knife was turned like a piece of paper, and it burst out with a clicking noise. I suddenly felt dizzy when I saw the fragments of iron that were blown away. Even though the knife was broken, it seemed that it had not been less than a few minutes, and the situation was reversed in a flash.

No. Although this is normal, I can not hide my feelings of suffocation because it is so.

The more scary thing is that Tanathos’ attack is not over yet.

At the moment, Tanatos came down to the front. A bizarre smile that torn to the bottom of his ear. It seems to be the end of this attack, and both hands are gathered, and suddenly it fights to the sky. Though he tried to escape from Lee Hyung-hwan as soon as he was in urgent need, Tanatos had already been pushing hard.


I can not stop it.

This time I thought it would be hard, so I closed my eyes.

That was the moment.

Woong Woong!

Suddenly I want to see the power of the circuit go out like a tide, Bump!

A tremendous vibration swept over the body as the ears were bouncing. But the balance that was distracted was completely collapsed by a shock wave that I could not think of.

Tooth holders

My back was scratched and scratching the ground. As he rolled the floor and hurriedly opened his eyes, the red curtain was flowing into the field of vision and soon disappeared. Then, Tanatos strikes me with a face that is unexpected while stopping the attack.

I was able to vomit the breath that I had pulled up to the tip of my chin.

Or is it? Has Gehenna’s guardian fortress been activated? Until recently, I did not think I was short of horsepower, but I used to have used it for the first time.

I’m glad I saved my life, but I wish I had played it.

I suppose I must. I could not read Tanathos’ attack.

‘You did not read it?’ – Yes. If you just hit it at speed, it’s more than twice your maximum speed. How do you stop it? If I keep it on, I do not know.

‘…….’That is true. And if you kept it on as it was, it would have been less than a few minutes.

Anyway. More than twice my maximum speed? So how much do you want to be agility?

– The power of cowardice.

He puts his sword on the ground and raises his body.

“Have you ever met?” – A lie.
“Was not it?”

Uh, what is it?

The voice of Tanatos is strange. After opening the power, the voice which was in the mood suddenly turns into nurturing and then goes back again. It looks like the repeating microphone turns off and on.

– Listen to me. Do not think of anything because you’re doing well right now. Just keep it unconditionally and concentrate on avoiding it. Do you understand?

‘Are you doing well?’

What is doing well. I was regretting that I had provoked you.

‘Hey. What are you doing now? You’re angry. ‘ – This idiot! You do not see your opponent?

The moment I gazed at Tanatos unintentionally at the shout of the lantern, I suddenly got into my eyes. It is because the limbs that the smoke had been covered before were translucent. No, it seemed that the dripping of the liquid, which could not be known, melted slowly.

“Get in, Thanatos!”

Suddenly Lucifer’s embarrassed cry came flying, – Shut up.
I can not …

Thanatos was sharp. And the horse was so terribly banged up that the horse was over.

I was nervous, but I could not take my eyes off my limbs.

I do not know what it is, but – it comes. Get ready.

I know at least one.

Tanatos is in a hurry.

* As the Tanathos flew into the air, the two began to make an incredible melee. Whenever Tanatos’ fist and feet are stretched, a gigantic gust of wind occurs, and Kim Soo-hyun wields both swords as a storm.

At the same time, the black and red cross stitches, and dozens of after-images are superimposed on the air. It is a terrifying speed game that can not be followed by ordinary people as well as elite users.

After a while, another strong bell rang. The hot wind blowing from the point of collision was sweeping all over the place to reach the wall.

I was staring at him, and I saw his dry, slightly cracked brick falling down his throat.

– Like a rat!
“You are well avoided!”

Then the cry of Tanatos shook the battlefield. What Marg was able to see was Kim Soo-hyun, who is stepping back as far as possible. It was Tanatos who had already digged to the inside and kicked Kim Soo-hyun’s abdomen.

Kim Soo-hyun frowned all over his face and crossed the sword, but eventually he was pushed out of power and slipped again into the air, and then he was thrown into the ground.

Using the gaps, Tanatos leaped into the air. Then he spread his hands wide, and Kim Soo – hyun swung vigorously to the point where he fell. Then, the circular gas that was wound roundly stretched straight in straight lines, mercilessly bombarding the ground.


Great explosion. Aside from the point where Kim Soo-hyun fell, the 10-meter-wide area around him was a big hit. The ground cracks like an egg shell and crumbles, and the dust rises to the sky as if it were bursting a large electric mine.

“Oh no!”

The dry man cried out urgently as he saw the wreckage of the adult. In the worst case, I did not want to assume it, but the idea of ​​continuing to do it is hard.


Eventually, Marr, unable to bear it, turns. I felt some uneasy feelings but I could not think deeply. It was my first thought that I should save my father rather than his own senses.

So, as soon as I tried to jump down the wall, “Oh?”

The chin and shoulders were caught.

I looked around and saw a woman looking at her.

Unlike usual, with an everlasting eye.

“Oh, Miss Ansol?”

I do not know if I should say moeul. Stutter, I roll my head gently.

“Do not go.”


“You can not stand still.”

“…Excuse me?!

The dry moment doubted the ear. Though I can not assure you that I will be able to deal with Tanathos, I thought I could help Kim Soo-hyun.

“This battlefield is your opponent’s play. By the way, there are not four seats on this stage. ”

“He, what do you mean? Why do not you go out? ”

“I do not know you. If you know, I will definitely respond. ”

“What are you talking about now?”

Marr, who knew the situation was urgent, got angry. And when I was about to overthrow my hand somehow, “I will die if I go.”

A cold voice pierces the ears.

“When you stand up and stand out, the dad you love will die. Probably, almost. ”

While I thought it was worthless, I stopped poking myself. I do not know why, but Ansol’s words were heavy enough to ignore.

Somehow it was ironic. Maybe it would be quite interesting if you saw the lantern.

A fairy queen with all the words and reason, and an unforgettable future with 105-point luck.


I looked at Ansol with a sad, incredible expression of dryness. However, the grip strength felt on the shoulder is too strong to be considered an ansol. As if you should never go out.

“Well, wait a minute.”

While the silence was flowing, the woman of the silver hair suddenly intervened between the two carefully. It was Nimesue who was escorting Marc.

“If the Queen is not available, why do not I go out?”

“To Niumi!”

Mar ‘s strange strangeness came to an unexpected suggestion. But Ansol quietly closed his eyes and slowly nodded his head.

“If you look at the degree.”


– What are you doing.

The opposing voice of Tanatos rang the ears of three women.

When I look down at the bottom quickly, the thick dust is slowly sinking. And the Thanatos was still grinding in the air.

– Do not think about time!
“Do not you pop out quickly?”


Then, as it responded, a figure pierced through the hazy soil smoke and sprang up into the sky.

It was Kim Soo-hyun who took out the dragon’s wings.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== It’s definitely a day off, so I feel like healing.
But midnight series is difficult. -_-; I started writing two hours earlier than usual and I was an hour late than midnight … . OTL Sorry. Oh, one of the readers asked, if Tanazu and the evil gods are in the middle world, of course, Tanazu is overwhelmingly winning.
Have you ever seen a scene where Gehenna hits an evil spirit?
Thanatos can do the same.
It’s just that Tanatos is now … . City!

Anyway, Hurray!

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