
Chapter 910

I instantly felt that the whole body was surrounded by a strange sensation. It was a feeling that the lower part of the belly button was frowned upon, which can not be said without a word.

Then the scenery in the corner of the vision is painted with bright light and only the lethargic Tanatos comes into my eyes. Nothing is seen, nothing is heard.

Kill the Tanatos. Or do not kill.

I feel so strange.

One sure thing is, I’m hesitating. I am the one who started this turn and did not make any mistakes in my hand, but I am hesitating ahead of the end.


Are you thinking that Tanatos is a waste?

I have never regretted that it was not a ridiculous killing.

No, do you really end up with this? So easy?

Maybe this is also Satan’s intended plan?

A starry idea sprang into the mind. Once suspicions are amplified and amplified by exponential series, they continually attach their tail. I closed my eyes to the storm of the endless mystery. Then the curiously complex head sinks for a moment.

“…….”…okay . . .

I left my brother’s body and ran away.

It was me who had seen suicide of Han So – Young who was near to the desert in front.

I hope so.

Now, come to think about what to worry and what to conflict.

I did not swear by returning time.

No one will ever believe it again.

When I finished my thoughts and woke up, no more conflicts were left. Everything was back to normal, and I could catch the shaky conviction.

Kill the Tanatos. Kill and lead this war to victory.

Yes, you will.

“Oh … ! Burnie

Suddenly someone seems to be calling me. But I slowly lifted the sword I had dropped at a certain moment. With all the power, I got the magic power.

Today, I definitely finish here.

Hars Lurler Lur!

It is the first time in my life that I felt my will to blow a breath of energy. The transparent blade warms up quickly in an instant, and the knife, which does not win the strength, spits out the cold.

Tanatos had nothing to say. I am still looking up at me with a begging eye. I focused my attention on the face and raised my sword to the sky.


Give strength to the hand holding the hilt and aim your opponent.

“Wait a minute! Can you hear me? ”

Tanatos sat backward with a sense of embarrassment and slowly stepped back.

Within It’s … ! ”

At that time, another cry comes out.

Suddenly, somebody felt the need to rush into this place. Are you a demon who comes to save Tanatos?

Anyway, there will be no need for delaying or shaking off this. Shiying!

When I thought so, I was striking a knife as hard as I already had.

That was the moment.

“!”Suddenly the sight in front of me starts to flow slowly. It seemed as if the speed of the video was wrapped at a minimum speed, and the process of the leaning of the league was slow.

But before I realized why this happened, three phenomena occurred in total.

The first thing that came to my eyes was the change of expression of Tanatos. Until one second ago, the desperate face suddenly changed in front of the blade. Just as if she had just waited for a moment, her tongue tears to her ears and makes a happy smile.

Then, the faint body suddenly raised bright light and black smoke, and the dark red light glowed in the meantime.


In the end, the lunar eclipse burst into sorrow.

– Now, wait a minute … !

At the same time I heard a hurried cry, I felt something wrong. It was on the brink of instinct that he had to take down his powers but to go down to the darkness and to cover the Tanathos.

The moment of the moment!

Suddenly the field of view has been painted with a white color, sad.

The feeling of killing the flesh was conveyed.

“Ah ha ha ha … ! Oh, huh? ”

At the same time, Tanatos, who laughed and laughed, laid endlessly.

The next moment, something floated like a fountain in front of me rubs and hits the face hot.

When I stole my eye without knowing it, I saw something on the back of my hand, not a black liquid, but a mild bit of blood.

What is this?

Apparently, I thought he was Ben Tanotus.

Good! Oh, really good!

At that time, Hwajeong trembled with a voice of delight. It was confusing in my head because it happened so hard, but I was just feeling up and staring at the situation. Someone in a white robe was blocking the front of Tanatos.

The moment I checked my opponent’s face reflexively, I could not help but wake up.

“Oh, do not you?”


Ansol was staggering in a difficult voice. Where his left arm went, the blood was flowing out of the iron while the shoulder was torn out.

I do not know what should I do. So when you were trying to play Tanathos, did not Anthra break you in?

“you you… ”

“Hang, it’s okay. I can put my arm around again. And I’m sorry. ”

“Oh, no … ”

“Oh, so … ”

Ansol, who was about to say something, frowned and fell down on his knees.

I can not be sick. I have pushed as much horsepower as possible, and I have raised the flower pot to its maximum. Perhaps it was not just the bay, but the bone itself was torn, broken, and burning.

But why? why?

The more I looked at the situation, the more confusion I felt. Suddenly, all the surrounding battles stopped. Both colleagues and demons are staring at where we are.

In particular, the devil had the same face without exception. I can not believe that I can not believe that the endless face … .

– Fou … . Oh my god, what really happened to that?

The long sigh of the lantern flows.

Thanatos still stood still. It is a face that is unresponsive as if it has gone out of its mind, such as the eyes with wide eyes and slightly open mouth. I have to say that it looks like it was overtaken just before the closest goal.

No. Looking at the picture, the whole picture was changed again.

The whole body was as faint as it was, but there was a lot of smoky smoke in the translucent body, and the complex form was intertwined, and one of the reddish red jeans was sparsely scattered.

Was that the light that I struck for a while?

– Area of ​​Tenjin Law. The golden rule of the sea.

He said in a voice with a little strength.

‘Sealed Jin?’ – Yes. Did you say there was one seal in the body of Tanatos before?

‘Is that it?’ – Do not ask me why. I am confused now.

The shouting that had been said with a furious shot repeated a long sigh.

– Turn around. How did you get him down? I almost had a bad day.

‘You had a big day?’ – Not a big deal, but a decade. Because it is the body that limits the power of the Tanatus, that is, the center of gravity.

‘What?’ – Yes. If you hit it down, it would surely have been hit … .

‘……!’I felt like I did not want to talk more, and at the same time, I felt a horrible appalling passion.

Wait a minute So you mean I almost did that seal? Is that possible? – I do not know! Do not you know? I do not know if anyone can help me in the first place, but Tanatos can not touch his hair!

‘Shit, then.’ – right. It was all the smoke of that fucking year. Degradation sword seems to be insufficient, and there is only one opportunity, and it is aimed at the most certain moment. Fucking bastard.

As long as Hwajeong keeps pounding, he says, “Ha, ha ha … ”

The shoulder of Tanatos, quietly silent, began to shiver.

“I do not have … . I’m almost done … . I saw the end … . How…

I stuttered for a while over how insane I was, “How to in to in to in to in!”

I banged the ground with both hands and loudly screamed in the hollowness. In the middle, I even had a thick liquid that looked like blood. No, not only the mouth, but also black water in the eyes, nose and ears. However, the sound continued for a long time without stopping.

After a while Tanatos woke up in a bizarre shape that was covered with a dimly-formed figure and a plain liquid, and soon he laughed like a madman.

“Ah ha ha ha ha ha! I was screwed by that year, that year. That dog was ruined by the Angelus priest! ”
“What now? satan What are you going to do now that your plan is broken? ”

At that moment I doubted my ear. If I was not mistaken, the word satan apparently came out.

“What are you going to do? This son of a bitch! ”

It was then.

The sound of shouting and suddenly a groaning moaning sounded and the gas flowing in the Tanatos flowed out. The dark smoke soon became a demon-like appearance, and it was an unfamiliar shape.

But that’s also for a while.

Woo woo, woo woo … .

Even before we look further, the smoke sounds like a dark voice that feels like sighing, and it rises to the sky like a dark cloud. And as if flying somewhere, I completely disappeared.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== There are many interesting comments.
No. In fact, there were some chunky comments. ㅡ ㅡ; It was definitely a good choice to have a subtitle later.
Always ‘Do not get caught this time!’ I feel like there is someone who goes into my head and goes out for a couple of minutes in any episode. ^ _ ㅠ

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