
Chapter 913

It seemed that I enjoyed the festival moderately until late at night. My eyes blinked and the cold air stabbed my nose. It is difficult to see it as morning yet and it seems to be dawn. It ‘s about four o’clock.

I rubbed my blurred eyes, stretched it one step at a time, looked around, and heard a new breath away. Ansol was sleeping in a blanket full of blanket and sleeping bag. I finished my chase yesterday, and I put my arm on it, and it felt so good to endure it by myself.

It would have been really painful. I think it has changed a lot. From the first rite of passage, the child, who seemed a little scarce, grew up to be a good user after nearly five years. If it were not for Ansol, there would have been no victory like yesterday. So I saw many virtues of the true Ansol.

“Well … . Sibling More violently … . I’m in a mess … ”

I do not know what I dream, but I feel good. Be careful not to break your sleep. I gazed at Ansol for a while, then quietly opened the door and went outside.

It is still donggwon, but it is dark outside. There were many festivals all over the street. When I was caught in a wind that was a little liquor, my spirit became clearer.

I walked one step at a time. Yesterday I enjoyed the festival and I saw a couple of shabby images. As I approached him, he saw Vivien, who was eating the roasted meat alone, and on the other side, he was observing Vivian with his astonished eyes. And a little farther away, Behemoth was lying on his back.

Apart from the reflection on the mystery of Vivian’s slaughter and human stomach, I stopped and stared at Behemoth. It was because I did not seem to be asleep when I saw that I had just turned back.

During his stare, Behemoth showed a fascinating twist. It is the basic thing which rolls to the left and pushes the forehead to the ground, and it sighs in the sitting posture, and conventionally looks up the night sky and shines ankwang (?) Lightly.

I was feeling unfamiliar because I was going to watch it quietly. So I have a similar memory. Maybe it was when I left for a vacation. I did not sleep on the day before returning, and I thought I was going crazy. Suddenly, I felt a sudden feeling. This kid, you really did not want to go back.


Behemoth sat down beside me with carefulness.

– Oh, are you here?

It ‘s crackling, even the sound of it banging.

– Thank you very much. I was worried about going awake.

“Do not you want to go back?” – I do not want to go back to me … .

“Why? Where have we been? ”

Behemoth stole an alleged nose. And speaking with a weak voice.

– Well, the situation is as I told you before.

“I did not want to take it easy. Anyway, you are a kid. “- I tried, I tried. I took all the means that I could add to the lie and mobilized it. I did my best in the best possible way.

“… … “- Can I tell you honestly? I mean. Mr. Suana, I was able to speak in front of my classmates. When I think about it, I’m still getting sick. But what do you do if you do not even eat the seeds?

“No, calm down once. If your child is angry, you have to find the cause first. I can not help but wince. ”

This vague thing was one thing. I know that Sina is an unusual child. As soon as I was born I saw me and said, ‘This is my father.’ I had a sigh of sigh.

– So I want to ask. Is there anything you can think of? Sometimes when Sue and Gehenna are fighting, the story of the king is quite clear.

My story. In fact, it is not unusual to have straw. I’m not sure, but when Gehenna left me secretly, I might have a strong complaint. When I saw the past with my third eye, I was crying. As if trying to find me.

We talked about the situation at that time, and Behemoth was nervous as if it were true.

– Certainly it could be. Well, it would be nice if you could come along. .

I was grumbled by my manz and suddenly turned my tiny eyehole.

– Oh, I did not tell you this. Do you know Helena and Magna Carta?

I was a little surprised because of the name I did not think of. Of course I know. The great hero of mythical age Helena and the last dragon Magna. How can I forget these two?

– The two beings are now living in hell.

“What?” – More precisely, Gehenna pulled it out again. No, is the expression of resurrection right?

“Got it? Resuscitated

I did not understand. No, it’s impossible. At that time, both of them chose to sacrifice themselves as part of trying to force them back. In other words, it is the expulsion of the movement of the dimension.

What is it? “What’s this about?”

Behemoth tells me if I read my expression.

“That does not make any sense. How did you survive? The soul would have been lost. “- Did not you know. Jean, which was invoked by us, was definitely a full-fledged player, but Jean, who was invited by his father, also had the ability to supplement the power of the summoned object.

I wanted a moment. Certainly. Even when Gehenna was summoned, the eastern user, close to 2,000, did not turn into food.

– Of course, most of the powers of existence would be used to invoke Jean, but there would be fewer parts. If only one toll has flowed to Gehenna, it will not be hard for you to resurrect with Masu. I was the only one who could do that.

Suddenly the source came to the side skei sickly and eagerly heard the story. I looked at the origin to see if it was really possible.


What. As soon as you see something, it’s negative.

department of the person in charge. The existence of such a thing in the beginning is the object that I dare not to be able to cut off. I’m even careful to speak. ”

The source said firmly that it should not be asked anymore.

Anyway, I was not able to leave and there was one more question.

“But why did you bring them back? Is there any reason to save it? “- Yes. They are those who have a relationship with your father.

“Huh?” – Did not you tell me? I used all the way from a good line. Gehenna expects Sue or Sir to calm down a bit if the two tell stories about her father. …If it sounds like my toys are my illusion?

“Hyo, what effect?” – I do not know. I guess I’ll know when I go back. 쩝. Well. It seems like you do not think that it will have much effect when you talk about your mouth again.

– Anyway, that’s why. There is one favor to the king. Would not you be willing to comfort Sue?

“I will . . . How are you doing? I can not even go to hell. “- I know. If my father only gives me a gift, I might deliver it to him. Would not it be possible for Sue to feel better?

“It is a gift.”

As soon as I heard it, I remembered the ornaments that I used to give to Gehenna and Sanna in the past. But unfortunately it is in Atlanta and I can not give it right now. I do not even want to wait until I get back.

It’s not a bad idea anyway, but what would be a good gift to suit the toughest lady’s appetite?

“Oh, how about the beads?” – Yes?

“I send the beads to Sna with my visuals. Of course, my face comes out, and my voice comes out. “- Oh, oh!

Behemoth ‘s vagina opened wide. For a while, he made a bizarre noise, and suddenly he fell flat on his face and looked at him.

– My dear, too! It’s a really good idea! Viceroy I almost had rice! If you really do it, I will not even tell you that it looks like you are doing well with another human woman!

Yes? I had no idea, but I thought I was going to say that. No, if you are a tattletale, you will definitely say. But I do not think I will be hungry.

Agreed. Please wait a moment. ”

I returned to the sleeping place on the pretext of bringing the beads, and took some time to record the video. Then he returned to the place where Behemoth was and handed the bead. Of course, I did not forget to spit on my mouth.

“character. By the way, you’d better see Suna first. “- Huh? Why Can not I see it? You did not record it strangely?

“Unfortunately, it is disposable. I do not mind seeing things together, but what if I want to see it first? “- Oh, no. “Sure you are.” I will pass on my life and I will surely deliver it.

Behemoth stopped poking at him. I’m sure this gift will work, though. As soon as the last year, the attitude changed, like a late – year – old sergeant.

Hmm. By the way, what did Behemoth say and see? Did you say it was a hot topic?

After I confirmed that Behemoth had completely disappeared, I silently gathered both hands together.

May the souls of the deceased refrain.

As soon as morning came, I instructed all personnel to clean up the battlefield. It’s hard to say that the war is over yet, so it could not be spread out. One day was enough to rest.

There were no major complaints from the users of the North American continent. It is a little annoying to throw away the body and to incinerate it, because removing the equipment of the body was directly related to the acquisition of achievement.

I was walking alone around the walls while I was enjoying the fun and participating in the battlefield. And I chewed the war slowly one by one.

One by one, the uncanny corners were revealed one after another.

First Three of the six demons had caught, but three succeeded in escaping.

This means that Tanatos is still alive. Thanatos was divided into six pieces equally, but three pieces remain.

Hwajeongjeon was similar to me. I can not get the same strength as I lost a piece, but still be dangerous.

Second The Asmodians did not appear.

In fact, this was the most uneasy part. Since only the angels who ruled the southern continent were sacrificed, it was clear that many of the Asmodians had crossed over. However, only the demon appeared in the results, and the Asmodians did not see any nudity.

Why did not he show up at once? What is your intention?

Third none

There was no body of El Dorah. I could not see anyhow. It may be that some of your friends may have prevailed, but it is unlikely to be. Because Excalibur, as well as the equipment I took off, was left intact.

Eventually, it is more likely that the enemy took them on their escape, but it does not make sense. It is not alive, and there is no reason to take it.

My head was complicated for three reasons, but one of them was difficult to predict.

One thing is for sure, we won a lot in the war, and the southern continent and the devil were hit hard. But I would not give up yet.

In the end, there was only one thing in mind that I could do. I’ll be watching and keeping up with work until I return to Atlanta. At any rate, it was my first time to return to Atlanta.

But before I go back, I decided to take the continent to the North Continent by talking with the Clan Roads. In one case, though, the enemies might be hiding somewhere and waiting for us to leave.

Akio, the representative of the continent, initially seemed impatient with the immigration plan, but when he came back, he said he could not protect him.

So after we completed the work of the continent, we escorted the survivors of the continent and left the castle.

It was a long day, but not this time. It took exactly five days and eight hours to get back to the North Continent if it arrived in the southern city of the continent for five weeks.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== After Kim Soo-hyun left, he returned to the castle. . Sword monarch, I’m sorry! Miss the enemy and say … . What is it? Uh, where did you go?

* I originally wanted to record the number of Kim Soo-hyun’s record beads, Gehenna, and Behemoth … .
It is too sleepy. ^ _ ㅠ

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