
Chapter 915

When I was overwhelmingly victorious in the war, I was very happy, but as I returned safely, I felt uneasy as the time passed.

I have to say that one side of the chest is heavy. After communicating with Lee Hyo-eul, I was faced with reality. I was just thinking that the war was not over yet.

More precisely, the idea that the devil is not going to retreat like this is still going to be shaping up. You will not be able to stretch without sleeping without ending one person.

When it came to obsession with whether or not to do anything, it was unfortunate that a resident messenger came to the temple. It was an angel’s call.

Greetings. User Kim Soo-hyun. ”

I ran as if I had passed through the portal, and a silent voice arose as if I had waited in the room of the summons. It was a seraph for a long time, but as soon as I was in a hurry, I was hurried to sit on the floor.

“Is the meeting over?”

“If you are talking about the wars that have arisen in these two places and the debate about the devil’s intentions, let me just say that it ended yesterday.”

Seraph, sitting on the altar, responded with a calm voice. The gentle silver hair is swept away with both hands and gently swept down, ‘Please calm down.’ It felt like soothing softly. When I breathe in and breathe, a pair of green eyes stares at me.

“First of all, I sincerely congratulate you on the success of your mission to save the continent and destroy the angelic buffaloes Baal and Bell Zabb. I am thankful to all angels on behalf of this agency as a delegated authority. ”

The seraph who said so really bowed. It was as if the forehead seemed to reach the altar as it bended so deeply.

To be frankly frustrating. The reason I did not want the angel to come out was probably because of this. Even now, even if you have the power to crush human beings, the moment you come out of the hall plane, your life, or the existence itself, becomes dangerous. The rule of the middle world is no exception, angel.

No thanks. I do not want to be so thankful. What is the trend of the work anyway? ”

“How much do you know about the situation?”

Seraf lucked out as if he were going to explain before he entered the mainstream. However, I did not need to listen again because I heard Lee Hyo – hoo. The most important thing now was the movement of the Western continent that the South continent, the devil, and the mouse disappeared without even birds.

Seraf nodded as he understood and opened his mouth quietly.

“Now you have.” So let’s get to the point. First, while the Salvation Army was returning, there were some subtle changes. ”

“A change that can not be neglected?”

Anneoyong haseyo First, our angels succeeded in recapturing the control of the South. ”

“Then the South continent will have jurisdiction again?”

“Not that far. There was still a tendency to distrust angels. Anyway, the southern continent was still confused, but it was easy to work through the gap without the devil. As a result, it was the connection that was severely interrupted, and I recovered the heavenly he was taken away. ”

“But the possibility of a demon coming back, no. Did not you come back already? ”

We have arrived in the North Continent for two months, so our opponent would have had enough time to return. But unexpectedly Seraf shook his head.

“We thought so and constantly observed, but we could not see the devil anymore.”

“Could not see? Did not the demon come back? ”

OK. But not only the demons but also the users of the South Continent. Only a handful of hundreds have returned, but most have not. ”

“…….”Unexpectedly, it was surprising. Did not you go back to your home even though it was so loud? In addition, the southern continent, which was quite well-crafted, was too easily handed out.

“How about the hundreds who came back?”

“As a result of courtesy, I could not find anything strange. I think maybe it is a group of people who have sneaked away due to the shock of defeat. ”

Departure. When you ponder it, it is not unreasonable. In particular, some users’ breaking news is proof that the allied forces are shaking that much. But is it true?

I once thought of it once, but the terrible reason of Satan is that it sprinkles seeds of various arrangements along the way, and then, at the same time, it runs all at once. No way. The moment I think is the moment I get trapped. So your opponent is shaking. It is better to think that there are some kind of norns, rather than simple things. Even if it is. …The problem is that there is nothing you can do right now.

Anyway, I said there are several things, not one.

“Where is the continent? When I heard it, I was only able to make a bait for the day and night, and it suddenly disappeared on the day the battle of the continent was over. ”


Suddenly Seraf burst into weakness.

“As a result of tracking the user, I was able to find traces of retreat up to the Black Forest. But since that point all traces have vanished. ”

“Does that make sense? It will not fly in the air. ”


Yes. it is.

“You can do it if you’ve activated Warp Gate. The key is to have memory aston and knowledge to activate warp. Does Suhyon have anything to say about this case? ”

“!”At that moment I did not even know it. At the same time, one possibility has sprouted the brain.

As Seraf said, Warpgate activity is not difficult if you have a knowledge of memory aston. Helena similarly said, and at the very moment of killing El Dorah, neither did the Tanathos and the demons. Also, since we were in control of most of the city until we arrived, we had plenty of memory. However, Warpgate flows in both directions, not one way. In order for Seraf’s speculation to be established, the continent must also have memory aston and related knowledge holders.

“Come to think of it… . There was a demon monarch who was not seen. ”

“Are you the Demon Lord?”

Really? Just one. Seraph. Do you have the ability to activate Warp Gate if you are a demon monarch? ”

“…If we know what to do, the devil will be able to do it. ”

For the first time, Seraf showed a carefree look. Even though I did. It was a moment when it was revealed that the continent and the devil were related.

“after. I wish I could know the movements of them. ”

Though he gently sighs, Seraf has a strong desire to be an ambassador. It does not find movement. Unless the devil is not a fool, he should have blocked it.

“And I say to Tanots … ”

Then Ceraf blurred his words carefully. Maybe I’m looking at my eyes, but it does not matter.

“In fact, Tanatos’ survival is the most worried. The appearance of the god of death was unexpected. Our apologies.

“Of course you are insulting … . Well, that’s it. Now the big problem is not to be a tanatos. ”


“?””Just by bringing in Tanatos, the devil can create countless variables. Suhyun must always be aware of this point. ”

“I do not know. But would you know if you heard? ”

Of course, Tanatos was strong, but eventually I was the winner. Moreover, since we have destroyed three of the six pieces, we will not have the same strength. If it appears again, then I am sure to win it.

– You idiot? Just keep it quiet.

When I thought of it, I was warned with a clear voice.

– No matter how weak you are, Tanathos is Tanathos. I am a notorious god of death treated like me. What if he regains his strength in ways you do not even know?

‘That’s it.’ – Of course you will not regain the same level as you used to. But do not criticize you. If you do not have me, you will not be able to deal with the current state of Tanatos without me.

‘…….’Wealth, we can not deny it. It was because of the deteriorating sword based on the vulture that it was able to feed the blow to the veteran Tanatos.

– Do not be vigilant. Anyway, do you tend to ignore gods strangely? I have been robbed by the evil spirits who have fallen three or four times.

All right. I’ll be careful. ‘

When I thought about it, I decided to reflect on it because it seemed to me that some of the words were correct. No, I’m right. It seemed that there was a part of the subject that I thought it was forbidden to loose without knowing myself.

“Suhyun does not know … . How dangerous it is … . That’s why I dried it for the first time. ”

Seraph smacked his lips with a slight glare.

“Hmm. If you seem to be saying that … . Well, I definitely have to be alert. ”

However, as he set his attitude, he put his mouth on him and glared his eyes. “What are you doing?” I feel surprised and I feel bad.

Right exactly. Suhyun usually does not know, but sometimes it tends to be easy to think strangely. ”

“Is that so?”

“Let me give you a simple example. I think you’ve said it once before. How much does Suhyun know about Zero Code? ”

“Zero, code?”

Suddenly, the word is out of the blue, but I do not think I know it anyway. Protective device of the celestial body, and a little bead?

“Zero code is a versatile crystal that delivers everything you want.”

Well I do not know what it is all about. It’s a little funny not being able to take the inhabitants to Earth. Well, if there is a limit, I have nothing to say.

“But God, or God or Tanatosu like God, if you eat with your heart heart, you can resist some of the commands of the zero code.”


My ears were flashing.

“If, for example, Suhyun wishes to die a normal human being with a zero code, he will die immediately.”

“awhile. So Tanatos is not going to listen to Zero Code commands? ”

“It is not. Did not you say it was some resistance? ”

“resistance… ”

“The results are the same, but the time to the result is not the same.”

“…….”So the result of the command is the same, but the time it takes is different. That’s why they say it’s resistance.

In fact, I do not know how great the Zero code is, so I do not know what to say, but Seraf has enough to say. God is never a beast. I also spoke first. Be careful of the variables caused by the tanatos.

After a few minutes of preaching, I was finally able to focus on the point. But the story was already over. No, you do not need to talk anymore. As the situation went on, it was one thing to do and one thing to do.

Silent silence passed. Seraf was also staring at me like I had the same idea. We opened our mouth at the same time.

“Is it the central continent now?”

“It might be better to attack the central continent before it’s too late.”

When the voices of each other were overlapping, the words of Seraf continued longer.

“The situation is pretty vague. There are two choices the demon can currently make. You could try to preempt the central continent, or pretend to be, and surprise the northern continent. ”

“I know. I will proceed with it in mind. ”

“Now you have.” So what can we do for you? Like opening a message like last time … ”

No. I do not think it will be necessary this time. ”

The last time I borrowed the power of angels was to solve the problem of justice.

But this time is different. I’m not going to save the continent that has nothing to do, but I’m going to pioneer another continent. If you are thirsty for the ruins, you will be welcomed with a twin in your expedition announcement.

Moreover, the victory of the two wars raises the morale as much as possible, so it is appropriate when it is appropriate.

I thought of it and I turned around and stood there. And then there was another reason I came here.

Seraph. How much is my GP now? ”

“Oh, please wait a moment.”

“I think it will be pretty.”

“Y, Yes. 76,315,964 GP … . It is enormous. ”

Seraph was admirable, but no surprise. The devil, not to mention, the Mission received a total colon role in compensation GP success is also considerable. What’s more, let alone play a large role in that Thanatos is a relative score (%) could be shoveled to the GP.

Thus, more than 70 million, but there is no reason be surprised by MoE GP. The GP that I received when I got the Zero code came out loud.

“Will you open your store?”

Yes, sir, I

After a while, the familiar window appeared in front of me.

[…….”Arrow of Argos (1,400,000 GP)” “Souvenir of Moai (45,000,000 GP)” “Mirror shield of Mirror (700,000 GP)” “Arrow of Lacrima (35,000,000 GP)” “Mark of stigmatization (500,000 GP) (66,666,666 GP) “… … .]

“Hmm… ”

There are many things that interest me, but I do not see what I need.

“You know, seraf.”

Go ahead. Do you have anything special to look for? ”

“Are there any things that can change the user’s tendencies toward order?”

“Did you hear wrong?”

“Or you can force a knife that is severely beaten … . No. I feel like I can comfort you. ”

“…You can speak Korean

Seraph blinked.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Gehenna, Sui’s record video reaction Abduction will be written in abduction form this week.
Maybe it will be Saturday, June 27th.
Because I was originally scheduled to take a day off on June 26 (Friday) because I had a second meeting of Visual Nobel with Joaara and other companies.
However, the abduction is smaller than the normal series, and I think that I can finish it relatively quickly because it seems to be easy to write.
I thought it would be better to raise your abduction than to disarm … . ^ _ ㅠ Oh, the illustration is in the coloring stage.
As I said yesterday, it is one of Serap, Gokseong, Ansol and Han So – young.
I’m looking at the middle picture, and it looks like the most beautiful illustration ever. 🙂

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