
Chapter 920

“Excuse me?”

Early in the morning, Elder Elder, who had been visited by Erwin, screamed.

“To, Erwin? What did you just say? Am I not mistaken? ”

I can not believe that the face caught up to the sloppiness of the samurai is strong. Erwin kept silent for a moment and quietly opened his mouth.

“Yeah. I have seen Nimyue’s whereabouts. ”


The elder also forgot his body and shouted with his astonished face.

“No way! Apparently it would have disappeared at Nimu then? Immediately before succeeding the thorn tree … . No, it’s gone, but it’s dead … ”

For a while the elder who had been murmuring glanced at Erwin. Obviously good news to confirm the survival of Niumi. However, due to the nature of the race and elders, which is called the fairy, it was the first thing to do before and after work rather than rejoice.

“But how did Erwin know about it? As far as I know, have not you been in your room recently? But it does not mean that you can have a vision like Nimes. ”

It was never a question of doubt or reproach. Erwin: I thought of it as a natural question. The eyes of the elder ran.


“It is a communication ball. It is widely used in the outside world. ”

“I remember seeing it a few times. It’s quite a miracle. Anyway, so? ”

“Last night I contacted Melinus with this ball.”

Erwin, who had a steadfast luck, began to explain slowly.

Starting with the words that the four continents were now surrounded by war, I found Nimeshe in the North Continent. It is true that Nishimura has appeared on the battlefield for a while.

A little later, when the story of the southern continent to the point of being defeated in the war was over.

“…….”The face of the elders was very serious. The news of the war outside was not surprising, but it was a problem that Nimyue was found on the battlefield. Erwin opened his mouth once more while the elders were troubled.

“In this way, the southern continent is looking forward to the arc of our fairy in that it is mixed with Nimesu.”

At the end of the call for support, the elder appeared to smile or not know whether to cry. If that is true, I am glad to find the ending point of the fairy, but it is not very helpful to help human beings. More precisely, getting caught up in the continental war itself was unintended.


The elder who had been worried for a long time opened his mouth with his tongue.

“I do not know. I wonder why Nimyu is gone … . Anyway, leave the beads. I’ll find out for myself. ”

Speaking with a decisive voice, Erwin steadily handled the beads. The elders said that they knew, but there was nothing to worry about. If the head is a clever melinus, if it is no bellial, I will adjust it well. Of course I needed to touch more.

Erwin, thinking so, was quietly speaking.

“Elder. The situation is urgent. You have to seriously consider the demands of the southern continent that formally allied with us. Moreover, although it failed, I was told that El Doro was reported to have discovered Nimuie and had carried out a direct rescue mission. ”

“Erwin? I understand your predicament with your enemies on the knights of the Round Table. And I did not say the request of the southern continent was wrong. ”

“I am sorry if you have a topic. I just worried about what happened later when I refused this request … ”

“After work?”

The elder’s eyes are tapered. It was because I guessed what I wanted to say after I had blurred my words.

However, it was not wrong to look cool. The reason why the people of the South Continent did not touch the forest of fairy till now is that the first one was due to the alliance that Eldora signed, and the second was to not make the enemy of the rear in attacking the orc castle.

However, since Orcs have been attacked, it is only an alliance that has been made in the past. But if you refuse this request, it is likely that you will question the need for an alliance after the return of the southern continent. If it does not help, there is no reason to leave it alone. I do not think that the edge of the sword that pointed to Orc Castle should not go to the fairy forest.

Human beings, especially users, are the same. Erwin was pinching the point.

The elder closed his eyes and sighed, and Erwin once more spoke.

“And it is work. Anyhow, Nimyue is the one who tried to be our queen.”
“And the thorn bushes disappeared.”
“Are you going to forsake the only thing that you have with Nymphae, who you have used as a fairy in your life?”
“If this is the future of the fairy … ”

These four words were determined. Above all, for the fairy, the thorns are the sacred relics that should be redeemed at any cost. It is a fairy with the qualities of a queen. It is possible to be born at any time, but if there is no thorn, it is because the birth of the queen is originally blocked. That is to say, giving up the future of the race.

“I did not say that. Do you think Erwin will refuse the request? ”

When the elder so held the telecommunication bead tightly, the gentle blue light soon began to flow.

“I will call a meeting. While I contact you and check out the situation, Erwin wants you to call the head of each group. Get It Now!

As soon as the word came out, Erwin turned straight. And as soon as I was about to leave, “Erwin?”

One word of the elder seized the collar.

“I was concerned about it before … . Is your body okay? ”


“The eyes are a little red, so … . You can not sleep? ”

“…….”Erwin did not open his mouth. He does not say anything, he just smiles softly and leaves the door. The Elder walked so slowly that Eldin looked at his awkward eyes for a long time.

* Five years tea. Player Status 1. Name: Kim Soo-hyun (5th year) Suddenly, when I opened the user information, the number next to the name was changed from four to five. There is one additional midterm year waiting for the expedition order.

Everyone is suffering, but it was a special thing for me.

When was it? I had planned to go home in the car for five years in the office terrace.

If it is unfair, it is a good thing. Of course, I just think it is funny, but I do not mean more than that.

It was just over six months since the first attack began. In the meantime, there has been considerable progress in exploiting the central continent.

No. It is not hard to see that progress has been made, unless you go to the area where the temple of the Promise is located. This is because there is a difference between heaven and earth before and after entering the law.

It is the same as the way of defeating an e, a fuze or a monster, but there is a huge difference in difficulty.

This is an unprecedented large-scale expedition close to 20,000 people across the North Continent, but I still can not be relieved. I just want to pass the zone and have the best possible loss of personnel. Anyway, our turn was approaching slowly as we entered the parking lot of the central continent.

The time allocated for each expedition is this week.

The former Northern Union expedition, which broke off for the first time, was able to complete the attacking period, succeeding in constructing the supply fortress and activating Warp Gate.

After that, the second time the Isantelourous expedition was resumed, the same week was completed without incident or accident.

The same was true for the third hitter, the Hamilton expedition.

I communicated with my brother more than once a day, but I could not see anything except for the appearance of monsters.

As I looked at the enemies who were silent for almost forty days, I became more and more convinced.

It seems that I would have made the same choice even though I was in the position of Satan. Since I have no reason to believe that Tanatos is useless, I did not think there was a winner in a full-time war.

In the end, we are expecting our power to be sharply cut off from the promise of the temple. We will try the last attack on our way back to the end of the expedition.

Well, as soon as I hit the Zero code, I can get into Warpgate, but I’m sure it’s really annoying. There is no guarantee that you will not be attacked until the end of the expedition.

With that in mind, we have already completed all preparations. At present, the Hamilton expedition is stopping the attack, building a supply fortress, and ending the warp gate activity.

If nothing else happens, maybe two days later, we will take turns with the expedition, including the Shin Koran Confederacy, the Magic Tower, Rivers, Han, and our mansion.

First, the first goal is to get to the area where the judge is struck. And when it is discovered, it immediately calls the main force of each expedition, and it organizes a new elite expedition and starts the attack. It depends on the border situation, but this was the main policy.

So while I was waiting for the waiting orders and waiting for your brother’s communication, I was a little bit surprised to receive an unexpected message.

Nimyue came to say goodbye.

“Would you leave?”

“Yeah. I want to go back to the forest of the fairy. ”

Hum… I can not afford to go alone. It does not matter if you just keep going. ”

No. I am grateful for my worry, but I am confident in my ability, and I do not mind the direction. Above all, I can not be alone with the Queen. ”

It is difficult to call it alone because you can summon an elementary spirit, and it does not matter whether you are a fairy or a gifted. Besides, it is also reasonable to leave. As the original fairy tribe itself dies and lived in the queen, it may have been a rage by now. I am a little disappointed though. I think I can expect a lot of work on my expedition to Niumi.

“Oh, and … . I’m afraid I’m in a hurry, but can I ask a hard one? ”


“Marnim would be better off if you could come along … . I guess you did not want to leave this place. I do not think you’ll be able to do that again. ”

“That’s right.”

“So I’m going to suggest a move. If the Queen is here, it is a matter of course for us to come here. ”

“…Well? So you are going to leave the fairy forest and come? ”

“I can not guarantee that it will not. We have to get a new seed of Wigdrasil and ask for the whole race … . But if Mr. Suhyeon can actively help us with our migration plan. ”

the filtering element.

When I heard the request to Niumi, I was able to get rid of it immediately.

“During the meeting, I actively … . …You can speak Korean

“I can do it, no. I will do my best to help you further. ”

I asked for your understanding with Nimu’s face, but it was a welcome thing for me.

I know how strong the fairy is when I go through it. If it really comes down to Niumi, we have another powerful ally.

When I came out to help him, I was gladly pleased with Nymus. And on that day I packed up my luggage and headed for the fairy forest.

Of course, I can not guarantee to Niumi, and even if it succeeds, it will take a considerable amount of time to get to what I want.

But it was not easy, but I was worried that the southern continent would be dragged into the fairy.

Therefore, at this time, the desire of Niumiu could be regarded as a definite favor to the North Continent.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== “Memory Room” Satan: Yes! Of course it should.
By Eugene 😕
Satan: Dude, I honestly have been a little too long. I still have a demon Gao, I knew I was going to make a situation that I could not win.
Eugene: No … . That’s because the concept is the opposite of this one and the other. .
Satan: No, that’s a loser. This novel background is this time around.
By Eugene: … … .
Satan: Well, this time, well done. right. If you go to the fairy, you can do it. But if the name is novel, and the main character does not have a crisis at all? Then it’s not funny.
Lee, Eun – Jin; Satan: Huh? Why do you sweat suddenly?
Eugene: No … . What okay . . . About once … .
Satan: Anyway, we can do some more! Uhehehehe.
Eugene: Ah, well ;;;;;;;; (Eugene has left.)

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