
Chapter 930

Just beyond the threshold, Tung!

Suddenly there was a sound of a banging sound, and a flame of flame was rising inwardly. I stopped looking reflexively and looked ahead. As you look closer, a blue bonfire was burning in a bowl of pottery put on the end of a long stick.

Tung, Tung, Tung, Tung!

Soon a new blue flame once again appeared in the frontal direction. Looking at it, the flame flicked one by one, alternating between left and right. In the past, the darkness of the intestines was lifted by revealing the path between the firebugs, which were listed as zigzags.

The center revealed thus was a smaller, rounded space.

The overall atmosphere should be similar to the room of the summon. It seems that the diameter is less than about 40 meters, the height up to the ceiling is more than twenty meters, and as it goes up, it converges to a point with a gentle curve. The arch-shaped roof that I saw from the outside seems to be here.

Just a fire burning in front of the street spread light to everywhere, and the room was filled with a gentle blue light, and it was strange and delightful.

“How long will you have a frowned face?”

At that time, a little more voice came to my ears one more time. It was a voice that was close to nurturing, as if it were spoken at the side, rather than swaying the space.

I looked around and found an altar of the proper size at the end of the street opposite. The altar, rather than the glamor, was simple without any decoration or decoration, with only one cup of adult male palm sized.

“Do not you hear that?”

“…I have already forgotten. No matter how human beings are forgetful animals, I think they are really stupid. ”

I can not get rid of the awkward feeling. Because at first it was a voice like a messy girl, but it just sounded like an old lady talking. It also sounded like a thick, cool male voice. Apart from the fact that it is invisible, it was a sound that could not be caught.

I did not hear the voice until I crossed the fire.

However, when I climbed the altar and stood in front of the big cup, I felt the feeling of being surrounded by a strange sensation.

It was then.

“Hmm. But it’s a little different. ”

“?””I do not know why. When I was about to turn around, the face that was so poisonous, eh? ”

“Well, wait.”

It was too suddenly exposed, and I covered my hand with my hand without even knowing it.

– Hey, man!

However, the loud voice shouted in a surprised voice, “It is majestic. this guy.”

I rushed to say it in a slightly angry voice.

“…Do not worry if you care about the back. I can not hear you and me now. ”

Oh, is it because of the feeling I had before? Well, fortunately, there is still one thing to be afraid of yet. I tried to calm down and slowly glanced at the cup on the altar.

At first glance, it is nothing but a slightly broad cup. Of course, I got a zero code on this altar at one turn. More precisely, it was in the cup in front of me.

But now I do not see zero code for any reason, and no matter how I think, I do not hear the voice at the time. Just as soon as I saw it, I grabbed the Zero code and I was out of my way. .

“Certainly. Before I put on my horse. It was the first time I was so rude. ”

Heo Did you read my heart?

“That’s it. Anyway, how do you get to the top again? I was on top in the past that was not long ago. ”

It was a strange moment. At the same time, the feeling of closure was suddenly uttered.

How are you? Well

I do not even know the intent of the question, so I do not know how to answer it.

just… Good. I’m a little surprised. ”

Rather than pretend to be something, I just told the truth. I never really imagined that it would be so easy to come up with zero code.

“I do not ask your feelings. Say it again. ”

But again, the focus seems to be wrong.

– Yes. It is not my current feeling, but telling me about what has happened since the return.

‘Yes?’ – First of all, do not think of anything but focus on the question. Do not turn around without saying anything. It is still impure enough.

‘…okay . . . Copy that.

I do not know what is impure, but I know at least one. It seems that this is not the object to be treated as an abuse. Maybe a new map associated with the zero code. Or the zero code itself is new.

Anyway, with the advice of Hwajeong, I was back in my mind. And after arranging his thoughts, he opened his mouth quietly.

“It changed … . But it did not change. ”

“Get rid of the vague words.”

I told him what he felt, but his answer was still decisive. Complaints arose because I did not know what was on the subject of asking, but soon I changed my mind.

When I thought about it, the promised temple was not over yet. There was a test zone left. In other words, it may be the place to be tested.

“I did not say anything, but I did.”

“I’ve never said anything. I just told him not to speak bluntly. It meant to say clearly and accurately. “…You’re right to hear it. I can not dispute logically.

“To sum it up, this turn was certainly not the same as the turn. The process has changed and the results have changed. ”

“That must have changed. But still, did not it change? ”


“why? In fact, compared to what we have experienced in this place, many things have not changed. ”

“Well, that’s right.”


“But, you know … . The twigs are different, but should the trees themselves be the same? Oh, of course not exactly the same. But the big things I’ve been through in the past are things that seem to happen in some way or another. No matter how hard I get, I finally turn it back to the origin … . I meant this. ”

“…….”The words became longer than I thought. The cup was silent quietly after spilling a short pause. Like I said I chew.

But that’s also for a while.

“Then, do you regret?”


“I asked if I regret it. It is because I felt the return from your words. ”

“…….”This time, on the contrary, I asked my mouth. At first, I felt like I had no idea, but when I thought about it, I did not have the feeling of following the previous question.



Because I could not answer easily, I slowly looked up at the top of my chin. Suddenly there was a long sigh, regardless of my will. My head got complicated. It seems that the ceiling was suddenly turning round and round.


Strictly speaking, I do not regret. After all, I achieved the purpose of not letting my brother and Han Young die.

Just, just … .

“You have not been able to catch it. I can not even do this or that. ”

I closed my eyes. Why was it that the words of the cup stuck deep into the heart.

“Let me tell you. Five years ago, you were hoping for and wanting only one. If it was you at that time, I would have thought it was not even thought. ”

“…….””But the things you said about twigs affected you and your goals. As always the most user-down existence in the presence of only dense. The surroundings filled with treachery and pain were filled with trustworthy colleagues. In addition to this, various changes have begun to shake little by little. From a certain moment, this thought would have been heard. ”

“…….””I do not want to go back.”

“…….””But you did not want to accept it in your heart? Cause when you admit it, your choice to go back will be in vain. I’d rather hear Seraf’s advice. I believe that the only meaning that has ever sustained you is belief, purpose, goal. ”

“What do you want to say?”

I could not resist the feeling of boiling inside and I screamed. Then the horse was cut off for a while, but the stillness did not last long.

“Finally, I’ll ask again. User Kim Soo-hyun. ”

Wait a minute Did you know my name?

“After the change, how about you standing right now?”

At that moment, I was saddened by uncertainty. …Indeed The previous question meant this. I was wrongly pointing out the context at first.

But apart from that, I still have not found a word to say.

No, I want to, no no. Goddamn it.

There are many words that can be done. If it had been a while, there would not have been any colleagues around now, and that Gehenna and Sue would not have met. Several words came together to the end of the throat.


However, I could not get it out of my mouth.

Because the moment I’m talking, the only wind I’ve ever had in Zero code is lost.

And I did not want to admit it.


In the end, the cup is right. The answer came out soon. It was according to the words of the cup. I still can not catch it, and I can not even do it.

I thought, “I do not know … ”

Eventually, I dropped my head.

“…Or is it?

The tone of the cup is still pretty. It sounded like a private message without reason.

“Is it the outcome of the unknown? I am afraid you have felt the fear of the future in the future. ”

“……?””Even though I’ve been waiting for fifteen years for the moment … . Well, if the poison that keeps hitting me is missing, it may be worn out. If so, then you’re already breaking beautifully … ”


The spirit flashed at the horse.

May I’ll finish the exam. Now, put your hand on it. ”

I wanted to ask what it meant to say.

“Whether to celebrate or mourn. Anyway, I was wondering about your end. ”

But before I left my mouth, my hands were already pulled into an intangible energy and covered the cup.

“Go, come on, hit me. And…

And that was the moment.

Woong Woong Woong Woong Woong!

“Show me your end.”

With the end of the horse, a huge magical power suddenly began to flow into the intestines.

“Sets the user Kim Soo-hyun as the first successor and executes Code Name Zero at the current time.”

Stop it!

Then the sound of the rusty machine moving somewhere was heard, and the blue torch rose from the cup covered in my hand. It was so intense that there was a flock of light leaking from the stem of the hand to fill the intestine.

The view is bluish gradually in blue and white. The hair was blown away by the strong wind blowing somewhere. There is still a rusty mechanical sound in the ears, and Moorea is an eloquent spirit that can not be described.

A sense of unfamiliarity.

I was stunned by instincts and clutched the hand holding the cup.

The next moment, “!”

I felt a hard texture while dongle dongle with my hands.

At the same time.


Multiple messages occupied the field of vision in a moment.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== I thought it was inconvenient to plant your readers yesterday .
From yesterday afternoon to today, there was no one to be true. ^^; It seems like three or four times a year.
Fuyu Yuyu.

And, to Mungu Hunter.

Q. I do not think that the real demons succeeded, and after the success of the North Continents, Kim Soo-hyun would see that and turn back time for Anzol in the Zero Code.

The answer to this question is, ‘No matter who is dead or what happens, there is never a third time.’ I will tell you. 🙂

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