
Chapter 936

No win

A gigantic roar was pounding the eardrum unabashedly.

Erwin, who had thought that it was over, closed his eyes and turned away. The bangs fluttered in the late blast. The peach light shines on the cheek and the liquid that is in it sticks.


Erwin was finally aware of the situation.

The end of the sparkling spark is as if it touches the nose. And one of the demon monarchs in front of me was shattering. The black window through the chest is trembling.

The devil monarch under Satan instinctively detects the danger of the master and blocks the moment of Kim Soo-hyun’s surprise attack.

The sudden attack and the terrifying speed were amazing.

But there was one thing that no one expected.

Who would have known that a single strike, a stab at a different name. Especially, the Asmodians, who know what a demon monarch is, could not believe even if they saw it in front of them.

After a while, the straight stretched window was pulled back again and Kim ‘s knee bent.

“……!”Soon the two eyes shone with a sharp light, and the hair flew rapidly.

It was almost simultaneous that the flocking enemy gathering and Kim Soo-hyun flooded.

The moment we encountered each other, the swordsman, accompanied by a terrible aura, was swept across. A clear flame wobbled and rattled forward like a flamethrower, and dozens of Asmodians fell into the ashes and fell into the ashes in an instant.

However, the gap was briefly filled with new Asmodians. I was surrounded by layers, but the number of enemies rushing around was so immeasurable.


When Kim Soo-hyun got into a rage-filled voice and whipped it to Sura Mangchang, the pussy head caught on the sprung wall popped and blood and water rushed up.

However, the other fallen aside, the other Asmodians rushed and surrounded Kim Suhyun again. Aside from the front and rear, right and left, even the middle-class and more than the tribe took over the sky. It literally surrounds it like a steel wall.

If the room faces a degree of armed forces, it will be a shame to be hurt. But the Asmodians rushed to their feet as if they were their own missions, as if they were ready to die. Because of the nature of the creature, it was possible to protect the creator rather than the fear of the opponent.

On the other hand, Erwin, who stepped back with the assassination of the Asmodians, barely surprised. Although he dropped a certain distance, his opponent was rushing like a knife in the face of the sword. I was still nervous because of the window I stopped at just before.

But anyway this one became clear.

There are only two choices Kim Su-Hyun can do in a situation where only one word is said to send reinforcements. Give up, negotiate, or end up being the last. And Kim chooses the latter. If you had a zero code, you probably would not have acted like this. This is what one means.

‘You have passed.’

Erwin, who concluded this, immediately lifted his hand. Then, the southern continent who was pointing at the arrow, the fairies watching quietly, and so on, surrounded all the troops that were surrounded, catching the posture. I did not hesitate any longer since I found that there was no zero code.

The moment Erwin’s hand went down, the first thing he heard was the sound of the protest. Hundreds of arrows fingered the arrows were shot toward the iron bar. Despite the fact that the Asmodians are still around, the instructions of Erwin were unconcerned. It is a sort of self-destruction attack.

That’s it. Except for some hurting shields, the magicians fired magic in turn, and the spirits opened up various aura. In addition to the elaborateness of El Dorado, as well as the energy of the great devil and Tanatos.

All of these attacks flew all at once, sucked into a place where Kim Suhyeon was entangled.


The last blast.

Fuck you, Fuck, Fuck!

A colossal pillar of fire has risen in the area where Kim Suhyeon and the Asmodians were.

At the moment of the moment, the view of the people in the vicinity became fresh, their ears scratched, and the sky was lit by bright light. No, I should say that my senses are numb. I could not even feel the heat that melted my flesh.


The sound of Erwin’s mouth burst. Despite the fact that it was as far away as possible, the impact of the bombing could not ignore the whole body.

In the meantime, as I squeezed my eyes, a huge mushroom-shaped cloud was soaring high into the sky.

There is a huge crater in the water. There was no further notice there. It disappeared without a trace.

‘It’s over.’

For a while, Erwin turned his back without hesitation. As long as the end goal was a zero code, I had to move on to Warpgate in a hurry.

At that time, however, it is full of bustle everywhere.

Another thing I wanted to do was turn around and Erwin was suspicious of his eyes.

No way.

I do not know if it catches people.

Through the gradually moving smoke, a shadow of a dancing glow is gradually revealed.

Woong Woong!

However, he is showing his presence enough to distort the black and white space that was buried in the roar. Erwin’s breathing stopped a little.

“Sword of the extinct?”

One of the powers of the Chaos King is the extermination of destroying everything. It was unexpected that I used that ability for defense.

The glory of Victoria, which was then inserted into the air, crashed down to the top of her hand, and at the same time the bracelet that was wrapped around her wrist was torn apart and fell to the ground.

The shirts in the armor are more brilliant than ever, and the red cloak, which has absorbed the magic, can not be torn and is turning into rags.

Also, the shape of the black used was up to the top of Lee Hyung – hwan.

okay . . . Kim survived.

Although the blood flowing down from his head was wetting his whole body and his whole body was falling asleep, he survived by all means he could.

Before long, both feet slipped and fell to the ground. Suddenly, nose and mouth have been sprayed with blood, but I do not even think about wiping the bloody face. Kim Soo-hyun was alive.

Nola Ha! How did you endure it? ”

Satan was not returning to Erwin’s voice, but returning to his original tone. It was a sign that he was upset.

“…….”But Kim did not answer. Even if it was standing, I chose to breathe as if it was hard, and I blew it once again. It was truly a foolish feeling, but Erwin held his hand slowly. I do not think a troop of continental troops will miss at least two hundred people, but I do not know what variables are involved. If you miss one zero code in the Gulf, everything you’ve done will be in vain.

It was then.

“You are … ”

Suddenly, Kim Soo-hyun opened his mouth.


His voice was small, but he could not dare to drown like an extreme anger. Every single word was a feeling of bristling hair.

Did he feel the strange kind of strangeness. Erwin fell down as though he was being dragged by something.

However, the attack did not last. I could not even imagine that I would survive, so I was staring at him all the time. “me.”

At that very moment, “You are disturbing to the end.”

Kim Soo-hyun raised his face, which was distorted by the rage.

The two pupils who were clinging to it flashed a clearer flame than ever before. At the same time, like a flood that breaks and floods the river bank, the outburst of life begins to swallow up all over the place.

When it was reflexive, it was already started.


Kim Soo-hyun is covered with explosive flames in a moment.

Player Status 1. Name: Kim Soo-hyun (5th grade) 2. Class: Arousal Secret, Sovereign Of Sword, Master 3. Nation: Free) 4. Affiliation (Clan): Mercenary (Clan Rank: S Zero) 5. Accident • Nationality: 1. Top (top) 2. Master of the sword 3. 대한민국 • • • • • • • • • 구 구 구 구 구 구 구 구 구 구 구 구 구 구 구 구 구 구 구 구 구 구 구 구 구 구 구 구 구 구 구 구 구 구 구 구 구 구 구 구 95 (+2)] [Dexterity 101] [Stamina 101 (+2)] [Mag 96] [Fortune 90 (+2)] (The remaining stats are 0 points.)

1. I have a lantern in my heart. (We are currently in the third state of awakening.)
2. An engraver of an ancient marquis was engraved in her heart.The horsepower circuit is greatly stabilized and the efficiency is increased.)
3. We can not find waste in the body. (The speed of magical power doubles.)
4. ‘Lord, be merciful.’The effect of charisma S Zero rank at all times.
5. You are in the state of using a longing. (Physical defense and magic resistance increases greatly, making it possible to fly.)
6. Unknown ability ‘Fire (fire)’ has been triggered.

Eventually, it triggered the last bulb, the chlorine.

So far, Kim has only used chlorine twice. The duration is not long, and it is the strongest and the worst ability to secure life.

However, this one is certain.

At this moment, Kim Soo-hyun can fight the whistle with the strongest Hall Plane Gehenna. Even if it is only five minutes.

The first reaction was Tanatos.

“What, what, what, what … ? ”

Moorra can not pronounce it, but it can not crush the whole body, as if it were squeezing, terrible pressure came on. Even the power of Tanazu is beyond measure. Even if it combines the power of all beings here, it was a powerful and enormous force that I could not dare to.

At that time, I suddenly felt a heavy feeling of body without anyone doing anything.

Soon the head of Thanatos looked up at the top of his head.

There was an enormous amount of horsepower in the sky that was visible to the naked eye. And after a while, the surface is covered with flames and begins to burn.

“That one! Yes, how are you! ”

Thanatos hesitantly stood up to himself, but his feet were staggered. The face of the face is pale, it flies, and the two eyes that are struck at it are tired of a complete fear.

How can I forget? It is her ability to defeat herself in the war of the gods thousands of years ago.

The next moment, “Run away!”

Despite the confidence of death, the scream of terrifying Thanatos rang the king over the whole area.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Episode 2 also … . It’s just the end … . ㅇ – I’m finally going to episode one. ㅜ. ㅠ.

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